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D. A.

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I notice that it says:

'she is entitled to become a princess upon the accession of her grandfather'

I really don't want Smeggy's kuds to have titles 😒
Already laying the groundwork to stamp her feet & scream unfairness / racism if the titles are not given 😔
I do not want them to be part of the British Monarchy. They are being raised in another country by parents who will teach them that the BRF is a hateful institution & that doesn't sit well with me.
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I was at an outdoor performance of The Mikado today and in the song 'I have a little list' sung by KoKo The Lord High Exectioner, after the traditional first verse when it leads onto topical 'people' who would 'not be missed' Harry and Meghan were indeed top of the list. The crowd cheered loudly 😂
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the musician

Chatty Member
I still find it hilarious that in the Oprah interview HW was saying "it's not their right to take away" the Prince and Princess titles from their kids🤦‍♀️ Well if it's not the RF's right then who the fuck does have that right? She married into the family and thinks she can call all the shots. Your kids will never be working members of the RF and probably won't ever know anything about the UK's culture. Why should a Prince or Princess of the UK have an American accent anyway?

Then again, this is the same idiot who said we should be "linked, not ranked". It must annoy her massively that she married the 6th in line and that 3 children are ranked higher than her husband 😂
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I am loving that Times article from the book, loving it!

I want the reputation of No 6 and his Wife to be shredded by a thousand tiny cuts and it to be known there’s no way back for either of them.

Back for the Jubilee 😂😂😂, fuck right off you odious pair.
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Interesting evening at work...the conversation came round to the royal family. It turns out they all think No 6 is a cunt with serious mental health issues, and Smegatron is a psychopath. It seems to be a common opinion of the gruesome twosome.
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I'm another person who doesn't get the whole taking the knee. Glorifying the action used to kill another human, I actually find it quite grim.

I agree that it is virtue signalling and that there are more productive ways of tackling racism. How many people in the public eye who have taken the knee have done any other single thing to fight racism? Very few. Just another bandwagon to jump on.
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the musician

Chatty Member
Prince Charles' plans for a slimmed down monarchy have been known for decades so I don't get what all the fuss was about with the disastrous duo back in March. So since it's in the papers now, is Harry's wife going to go cry to Oprah again? I'd much rather if she starts blaming Harry now and says that he never explained anything to her properly.
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She really is full of her self isn't she?!
It’s also bollocks. All those thousands of copies she ‘donated?’ They would’ve been bought on a massive author discount, but she would’ve paid for them herself because publishers only let ‘authors’ have a finite number of freebies. So, the thousands copies she bought to ‘donate’ would’ve been tracked as sales by NPD Book Scan in the US (who crunch book sale numbers in the US, and who the NY Times compile their lists from) and therefore propelled her up to the number one spot on the picture books’ chart. It’s such an old publishing trick and used a lot by celebs and their PR gollums to get momentum going behind a book to trick us scrotes into believing a book is a must read and then drive sales. It’s pissed me off that nobody is being honest about this but making me laugh that Bunion McBunionface is really so lacking in self-awareness that she probably believes all the shit she spewed on Farchewell. 🤮
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I believe this latest accusation of racism against TRM is more blackmail re Titles being taken away ,
It does make me wonder what they hope to achieve with all this bullshit it aint gunna make TRF change their minds just reinforce the fact they are a pair of C##ts .

And as for attending next years Jubilee ( if it happens & at this rate I am doubtful I am sorry to say ) Why the hell do they think they would be welcome Dumbasses
I cannot stand a year of will they won’t they TBH. i cannot bear to see photos of her but evenmorenso on the balcony anywhere near our Queen.

just changing the subject for a min
I went to Sainsbury’s
Bad news: I forgot my flipping phone
Good news: not one copy of that book anywhere (I even checked behind other large books in case another Tattler had got there before me 🤪)
Bad news: Found magazines with their faces on
Good news: I covered them all up with the mags that had PW and Kate (was ready to have a tantrum if a member of staff said anything too 🥊🥊)
walked around the shop like a naughty schoolgirl with a massive smile on my face - and no one could see me cos of my stupid mask - all in all a very satisfying trip 👍🏻
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sorry so is the gist that M will claim ‘ 3 of us in the marriage’ as H has had an affair W Cressy Bonas?

and Will is going to unleash hell?

Ps I would bet my cat that we will see pics of Lil on Diana’s statue unveiling or her birthday.
Nobody will care though. Too little too late.
She tried to be a smart arse withholding pictures of farchie doll (and now lilo) on the assumption that WHEN they got their titles the images would be worth much more to the highest bidders. Proper little Murican pwince and pwincess. Ker-ching! $$$$$$$. Much more merchable.
Had she released some nice images we could have related to the kids somehow, whether we wanted to or not. They would be real to us, not little fantasy crotch goblins. Little button noses and yes maybe a touch of bonk eye but lots of kids have that and are still cute as heck. Everyone likes a cute kid image. Lots of oohing and aahing and hearty-hearts in response. But no, she used them as pawns in a Where's Wally style game, hiding them. So we don't give a shit now, we can't relate to them as children because we know nothing of them, we on here mostly think of them like the Clooney kids ... they exist but not in our sphere. And some think they are actually dolls thanks to their parents game playing.
She played a game and is now the loser ... play silly games, win silly prizes.
She can now post as many images as she likes on whatever day she likes trying to overshadow whatever Royal occasion she wants to overshadow ... but we've seen it all before, we know the routine, it's become boring and WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT!

I’m so touched that someone remembered me! 🥰 Glad to be back, I had to take a break from those idiots, they were doing my head in!

Some personal stuff in the spoiler tag, feel free to skip.

Some might remember way back in February that I mentioned my mum’s cancer had spread, and the support and kindness I received was so lovely. I’m pleased to say that after having chemo, both of her tumours have shrunk by more than half, and are not currently ‘active’. The doctors are firmly optimistic that she will have “many years” to look forward to. She has also kept her hair, only having thinned out a bit. She will begin treatment soon, and will likely also have surgery as long as she stays healthy, which will also help to prolong her life. Compared to what we were thinking back then, we’re blessed. Obviously she will never be cured, but we are hopeful that we will have her with us for much, much longer than we thought. Just wanted to update you all and say thank you once again. 🥰
Oh bless you and her. That's great news. The relief must be enormous for you all. Thanks for the update🥰.
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Think we all knew this was coming!

Sounds like they knew she was trouble from the start. That must be awful to have to go along with it and see it play out over years. I really feel for William. To grow up thinking he'd have his brother by his side to support him on the throne only for him to waltz off into the sunset with a 2 bit slapper.

The article mentions a row after the Australia tour, would that be the tea throwing do we think?
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DM tonight...

“Charles won't let Archie be a prince: Prince of Wales's plan not to include grandson among slimmed-down lower cost frontline royals is revealed as row that ignited Oprah outburst”

  • Prince Charles made it clear Archie will have no place among frontline Royals
  • The move incensed the Sussexes and is thought to have prompted their outburst
  • A grandchild of the sovereign has long had the right to be a Prince
  • Charles wants to change legal documents in order to limit the number of Royals
I think the RF are being very clever here. I've always believed that they knew from day one that Minge's pregnancy with Farch was fake, but that they kept quiet about it. They have eyes and ears everywhere. Minge and No.6 demanded a title for Farch, who she did not bear so he was not entitled to one. Though they knew it was against the rules they asked for one anyway. And now one for the daughter.

I hope the RF have seen the ludicrous Wikipedia entries describing these phantom children of unknown parentage as being 7th and 8th in line to the Throne.

By saying he wants to slim down the Monarchy Charles is avoiding dealing with the deceit over the births by Smeg and No.6. He's not saying that Farch can't have a title because he wasn't born of Minge, and he's avoided a racial and skin-colour bear-trap by saying that the rules are going to be changed and the Monarchy slimmed down. Win-win all round.

So the issue of titles for Farch and his sister and the controversy surrounding them disappears. Neither of these children if they exist were ever eligible for titles anyway, but Minge and No.6 tried to get them with blackmail and I think the RF have totally cut the ground from under their feet with this move. 😂
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Scotch Mist

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So a 35 min podcast nearly 7 months ago. Now on leave for 5 months. 18mil for 35 mins a year? :D I want that job.
It's all fucking lies. Why would Spotify pay those 2 losers that much money 🙄

They probably wouldn't pay that much even if the Beatles reformed and Elvis got out of his coffin to sing with them.
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