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Pippa M

VIP Member
I agree. It's now common knowledge that she leant heavily on a then 10 year old William, complaining to him about his father and all her various problems. He's turned into a remarkably well rounded man despite that, whilst Harry who didn't have it anywhere near as hard is spouting off to anyone who'll listen about his "dreadful" past.
Harry seems to be having childish tantrums,regrettable at 36 but he seems oblivious of the rights or wrongs of his behaviour. Possibly he never had a calm and mature older person to *quietly* confide in, whereas I think William found calm and safety with the normality of the Middleton family.
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I find H and Orlando Bloom having a friendship quite hilarious. Both dumb Brits married to Cali airheads. I wonder if they meet in secret to have a cuppa, say “Ta”, and eat scones with cream and jam.
“Megan doesn’t let me have dairy” “Oh Katy will kill me is she knew I have gluten”
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Saw this by Will Carling about Diana, even she admits it took two people for a relationship to go wrong.View attachment 576784
Well he would say that wouldn't he?

If my husband was talking to some gadabout psycho bitch about "his problems" for two years over intimate dinners and pub lunches while I did the shitty boring wifey stuff and reared his kids it would most certainly impact badly on our marriage. Better believe it.
If the Carlings had problems it was up to them to sort it out without interference from a birdbrain idiot whose own marriage was in the shitter.
No point in trying to excuse her, she was a home wrecker.
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I have a bit of catching up to do on this thread but I thought I would share my good news of two small victories today. So this person who goes on about being an intellectual wrote this post on Facebook a few hours ago (I hope I attached the pic properly) and there was such an influx of disagreement and PWBFW criticism that they took it down! I joined a revolt and we won.
The second thing is that my 7 year old daughter was bought a toy double buggie for her birthday around the time of the 'sham' Shite show I'll fitting dress wedding. She called the 2 dolls after whinge and cringe.
Well today I went to pick her up from her Nanas and she out of the blue informed me that they are now called Elizabeth Victoria and Henry the Eight. Coming on here is my guilty pleasure so she has no idea I hate them... Times are turning


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So Harry wants his wife involved at the statute unveiling. Why am I not surprised?

“Harry is demanding the Meghan be part of the official ceremony. She will not be able to attend in person because of the couple's second child, but Harry is pushing to have comments prepared by Meghan included in the event or a video message featuring his wife released to the media the same day the brothers unveil the statue,” sources tell Radar.
🤬 He is off his fuc@ing rocker - I am really starting to believe he is just poking and poking because he wants a reaction - does he honestly have no concept of what we think of them both - what has it got to do with her? Another bandwagon to jump on for attention / publicity - fuming
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I for one still want to know what happened to the £ 3 Million for the Disney Elephant film

Also, today on my IG thread it said the Clinton Foundation was being investigated by the US IRS for irregular use. Now this is good news as we now know these foundations set up by some of famous people can put all their running costs through the foundation and use it to pay salaries of endless staff and I think it said only have to pay 5% a year to charities. About time these scams were outed and it won't be long before they investigate the Harkles Fart-well foundation too I hope.
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Chatty Member
I reckon "I'm not coming if the wife doesn't come" translates as "I don't wanna you can't make me but I will blame you". The guy is such an arse
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Thank you @Mairag for the title and @cassandra for the recap
Articles in the D Express today about removing the titles and it's great that this is now in the open. It must have come from the Palace so I bet they're going to do it and are possibly testing the water, though they say "it is understood that no formal moves are planned to strip the couple of their titles ... the pressure for them to be relinquished demonstrates how deep the sense of betrayal has become in the Palace". Excellent news after all this time!
Only one pro-Smeg and Hazzno article, from the CEO of Republic who doesn't seem to realise he's fighting a losing battle against the British public.

Long article about pollution, and abuse and exploitation of workers by P&G contractors in Malaysia and deforestation in Canada. Smeg and Hazzno did not carry out due diligence before going into partnership with P&G. This deal has brought into focus the damage to the environment caused by palm-oil production and cutting trees down for toilet paper.

However, sod the pollution and exploitation of workers, Smeg and Hazzno drone that their partnership "will focus on gender equality and more inclusive online spaces". This inane and irrelevant comment from supposed wildlife lovers and environmentalists. P&G have been markled and exposed, and I'd not be surprised if this bad publicity forces a rethink. Bet they wish they'd never clapped eyes on Minge.
Also Olay sell whitening cream in India which is contraversial, surely Meglomaniac would know this
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When Harry had his latest whinge I read that he said that Meghan had noticed he was angry and told him to get therapy.. and I wondered if Meghan noticing he’s angry is in fact Meghan laying the groundwork to say he’s not been a very nice husband when she leaves him
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Wackie Jeaver

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I feel as if the Monteshitto mansion deceit is along the lines of "we got married 3 days earlier - no one knows that". Like it's all some kind of elaborate game they are playing in which the public - who are mostly pretty decent - are the victims of some big scam which enables the Snarkles to snigger. Not how decent people behave (why am I surprised?!)
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liar liar

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Some people take to victimhood and embrace it - that's Hazno imho. Glass half empty etc. Would you not think that with every possible kind of advantage behind you you could try and do something good rather than focus on the bad bits? Everyone has bad bits, most people grow out of the blame game.
Just think what normal people of his age of have done. Got jobs, gone on holidays, learned about financial products like mortgages, pensions and insurance, saved up for a first home, got married, thought about having kids and about schools. He has done none of this stuff ever. He is completely useless. Could he mend a tap, change a smoke alarm battery or a light bulb for that matter? No.

Thanks. Reading this reminded me of something my (English) husband says. He's been involved in a lot of legal conflicts (due to his job) and says that no-matter-what, going 'to law' (court) must be the last option. One must always be seen to have been reasonable and given the other party every opportunity to come clean, settle, negotiate whatever. That can mean swallowing a huge amount of pride along the way, as one's attackers get more and more vitriolic - but so far, for him, its been the correct course.
It is - no-one wants a reputation as a person who endlessly sues people - you don't end up with friends that way. They have no real friends; just a few sychophants who are finding that there is no nectar left in the dying flowers.
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Am I the only not not entirely buying this friendship between Orlando and H? Remember Katy Perry said Smegs wedding dress “needed one more fitting”. She was absolutely right and Smeg will be seething over it. Over her dead body will she allow her hubs to be mates with Katy’s hubby
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
Well well well. I was wondering what PWB was scowling at in this pic.
All is revealed - Prince of Wales investiture regalia on display. Everyone wanders past nosing at it, but PWB & PWBFW go past in the background.
Now to be fair, PWBFW seems happy enough, it’s PWB who is scowling. So what’s his problem?

View attachment 577129
View attachment 577130View attachment 577131
Pure jealously is Hazno's problem. Of course Charles and William are interested in the Prince or Wales stuff, but Hazno's not interested because he will never be the Prince of Wales.

Smeggy thinks she's acting in a Hallmark movie, smiling charmingly and trying to make it look like she knows what's going on. She really couldn't care less because the only thing she's thinking is 'How do I LOOK on camera'.
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VIP Member
Thank you @Mairag for the title and @cassandra for the recap.

Articles in the D Express today about removing the titles and it's great that this is now in the open. It must have come from the Palace so I bet they've made the decision and are possibly testing the water, though they say "it is understood that no formal moves are planned to strip the couple of their titles ... the pressure for them to be relinquished demonstrates how deep the sense of betrayal has become in the Palace". Excellent news after all this time!
Only one pro-Smeg and Hazzno article, from the CEO of Republic who doesn't seem to realise he's fighting a losing battle against the British public.

Long article about pollution, and abuse and exploitation of workers by P&G contractors in Malaysia and deforestation in Canada. Smeg and Hazzno did not carry out due diligence before going into partnership with P&G. This deal has brought into focus the damage to the environment caused by palm-oil production and cutting trees down for toilet paper.

However, sod the pollution and exploitation of workers! Smeg and Hazzno drone that their partnership "will focus on gender equality and more inclusive online spaces". Try telling that to workers in Malaysia with their polluted rivers, who aren't online and have few issues with "gender" let alone inclusivity. This inane and irrelevant comment from supposed wildlife lovers and environmentalists.
P&G have been markled and exposed, and I hope this bad publicity forces a rethink. Bet they wish they'd never clapped eyes on Minge. This is going to cost them one way or another.
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VIP Member
Harry seems to be having childish tantrums,regrettable at 36 but he seems oblivious of the rights or wrongs of his behaviour. Possibly he never had a calm and mature older person to *quietly* confide in, whereas I think William found calm and safety with the normality of the Middleton family.
Harry really reminds me of an infamous Digital Spy poster, 'samthefootball'. He was either autistic or dyspraxic, and all he ever wanted in life was a job and a nice girlfriend just like his brother (who he was insanely jealous of). He was the neediest, most attention-seeking poster ever, always moaning about his father and stepmother. He was banned from multiple sites for constantly whining about his lot in life and generally being a prick. It obviously wasn't Harry, but I like to think it was.
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the musician

Chatty Member
Saw this on Twitter. So his own mother even said that Charles was a good father. Is Harry going to accept that?
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This sums him up for me. The cars/drivers would not know who he was driving down the road so some poor bodyguard would probably have had to jump in to save him maybe being hurt/killed in the process and traumatising the driver.

Nothing that comes out makes him sound any better.

Selfish little prick from a young age.
I think he is now doing the virtual equivalent of standing in the middle of a busy road. A major accident waiting to happen. What form it will take I don’t know but I suspect the crash is imminent.
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Happy Lady

VIP Member
Totally agree with this.
Im absolutely gobsmacked that he keeps giving these interviews attacking the family. First it was the racist British press now his upbringing.

I feel he is playing into the wife's hands, she can claim he is unstable and aggressive in the divorce.

Also think that nothing will be done about titles until she has the baby. I'm wondering why they are letting this go on and as well as her being pregnant I wonder if Harry is threatening more revelations? Could be why they are being so careful?

I think she thought it would be great if her kids were a Prince and Princess. So she had to bag a Prince to be their father in the first place. So she'll have one of each any day now and kick Hazno out if her life cause he's served his purpose.

She's gone all cocky because the Americans think she's a Princess 🙄 and a Duchess - even though she hadn't got an ounce of royalty in her bones.

She now thinks her kids will automatically become Prince & Princess when Charles becomes king, and if he won't allow it then she'll play the racist card - even though she's white.

And ... Harry can't see it. He's going off the rails and if he isn't rescued soon it will be far too late.
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