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VIP Member
Ooo, I definitely read it somewhere or on one of the videos, was at same time that we heard about smeg treating staff appallingly and thew a housekeeper in the pool. Maybe it was another female member of Tyler Perry
Surely they had staff to clean the place though? Or was it mucky because staff wouldn’t work for them after being pushed in the pool?

Makes me wonder what Hawwy is thinking when he sees his missus throwing tea at people or pushing staff in the pool. He certainly wasn’t raised like that.

I’m heading out to interview for a promotion right now - wish me luck Tattlers!
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the musician

Chatty Member
So Harry wants his wife involved at the statute unveiling. Why am I not surprised?

“Harry is demanding the Meghan be part of the official ceremony. She will not be able to attend in person because of the couple's second child, but Harry is pushing to have comments prepared by Meghan included in the event or a video message featuring his wife released to the media the same day the brothers unveil the statue,” sources tell Radar.
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Chatty Member
Hello, I don't follow this thread or anything but I just noticed the title and I think it's hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Kudos to whoever came up with it 👏👏👏

That's all! 🙂
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Churchill's Ghost

VIP Member
I think that is a photoshopped photo

On the other thread, someone posted about the weirdness of Merchie Mansion, who owns it, who lives there, why it appears empty,

PWB told Dax that Archie was papped on his first day of school...less than two years old....on a LA. LA is an hour from Montecito, which means that they are probably in living in LA. There was little chance they could afford Montecito anyway.

I wonder if she convinced him to stop taking his meds because the boy is spiraling. I’m convinced that she made every move, thinking he would put his foot down and say no and she would have an excuse to divorce him (claiming he left her) . She underestimated the depths to which he is willing to be humiliated and humiliate his family. She keeps amping things up, and he goes right along. Since she can’t get him to leave her, she is setting up the narrative for her to be forced to leave for safety. However, that would cut her out of the big money in the long term.

It’s harsh, but she would probably really love for him to commit suicide. It’s sick but his devolution is frightening. She would be the noble and forever victim (I tried to save him when the family wouldn’t) The family would be forced to include her and the children in everything and fund them on her terms forevermore.
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Quite true, Hazzno has managed to damage his mother's reputation which until now had been left more or less quietly in peace. How gross for Smeg to try and muscle in on the statue event, making it all about her and diverting the focus from where it should be. She'll be there in a black net veil zooming in like a bluebottle, drone, buzz, zzzz, pouting sluttishly as the angry ginger dimwit reads the speech she wrote for him about a woman she never met.
ETA Meghan's Mirror. Cute net veil with sexy front fine drift of chiffon, suitable for wear at Veterans Graveyards or Remembrance Sunday. Any mourning event!!! Buy it now! Meghan here wears Dolce & Gabbana "So Lonely" fascinator, only $811. 00 Inc p&p.
Mystery woman arriving for the unveiling. Who can it be? :unsure:

Anyway I don't like the look of her, so please all feel free to chuck rotten tomatoes at her image.
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One of the really sad things about this situation is that Harry only had to look at his brother to see an example of someone who is able to have privacy and a family life while also fulfilling royal duties. It wasn't easy for Catherine at first with the tabloids going after her, but they ignored it. It's clear that their 3 children are all happy and well adjusted. Harry could have had all that if he hadn't been so stupid and deluded. No doubt Meghan convinced him that he couldn't, because of her race. She has RETRAUMATISED him and brought out the worst parts of him. Ironically he's now more distant from his family than ever before, his wife does pap walks and merches their son, and he's had to resort to chasing headlines to earn his keep.
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With the P&G - I’m sure PWBFW was partaking in a bit of skin whitening herself - I only think this as having a black Nan my mum is very brown (sorry if I offend anyone I’m not sure how to phrase things anymore) I am darker than HFW and embrace my heritage and embrace my natural curly hair and I have darker skin than HFW - I’m baffled - my freckles were always told to me I was kissed by the sun - and I love my freckles they make who I am.
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I'm watching the son and father divided and I just cannot for the life of me understand him attacking his father so brutally. Especially while he is grieving for his own father.
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Murphy Brown

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I would really like to think he didn't have an affair. I really am a fan of Kate and Wills. And I do think they are in it for the long term and good for each other. But. I can't say I fully think he didn't.

The trip this blind refers to is Williams solo trip to NZ, followed by the Trump state dinner five weeks later which Rose attended.
I don't buy this for a second. If William wanted to sleep with Rose, plenty of opportunity to go under the radar in Norfolk. No way would a future king bring a date on a heavily orchestrated, heavily staffed, highly photographed diplomatic trip.
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Chatty Member
Bit confused by the slut shaming rage, this is tattle we come here to bitch about who shagged who. Why should Diana escape it? She's dead so isn't at risk of suicide or breakdown. Secrets come out when a person dies, tis life.
Also she had a bit of the batty about her and she caused no end of actual misery to wives and girlfriends while whining about the Three of us in this marriage that she used to get her own adulation and money from..she didn't die a sainted teen, she fucked her kids lives up by doing that interview and no amount of us discussing her shagging around will change her life story
Even more also the idea of wearing seatbelts was universal in 1996, that bit of her story winds me right up
The press, the driver AND the RF took blame for her death. She would have lived if she'd done her seat belt up but no one said that for over a decade cause poor Diana.
Rant over
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I would love my own bathroom too. I share 1 with my husband and 3 sons and they all take longer than me.
We have two bathrooms, one upstairs and one down.
Call me picky but I have a strict rule of no hubby-shitting at night in the upstairs one. Kids fine ... but hubby-shits are toxic and the aroma certainly shouldn't be wafting around the bedrooms. :sick::sick::sick:.I'm surprised he doesn't trigger the smoke alarms sometimes. So he has to trek downstairs for late night poos.:m
My shit smells of roses obviously.😇
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Her active(I'm being polite)sexual history comes into play for discussion because hazza is determined to highlight her perfection and make sure we never EVER forget that he is the son of the woman who was elevated to sainthood by half the world. He has shone his spotlight on her and the thing with spotlights is that they reveal dirty corners best left alone. It's like when teens get mudered, or indeed George Floyd ... suddenly "he was a wonderful person, went to church, was a promising footballer, loved everyone " ... then as time goes on we find that the kid(not them all) was in a gang, had burglary convictions, had three different baby mommas, terrorised his neighbours and was a hateful cunt. And I'm not even going there with George Floyd and his history of DV, drugs, scamming, kiting cheques, theft, burglary etc etc. Shining a light rarely displays anything even close to perfection.
So yes, her spotty reputation is relevant when so many people, as evidenced by the shock of some posters on here at our revelations, still think she was a pure virgin sacrificed to the bad man who got her knocked up twice for heirs while still seeing his fancy piece. FFS her age has been lowered in posts to as low as 17 to emphasise her youth:rolleyes:. She was 20 and no innocent. Just a flawed human like the rest of us.
Hazza needs to find a new hook to hang his angst on because his mummy obsession is markling her reputation and unearthing stuff best left buried about her.
I'm truly sorry if it triggers you, or anyone else, but hazza brings it into the light so it's still on topic.
I love you for this whole thing, *especially* the George Floyd stuff, which as an American I've had to listen to his sainthood discussed ad nauseam. I even heard that there was talk of renaming a school after this man. :sick: A drug abusing criminal who once broke into a woman's house and held a gun to her pregnant stomach. Yeah, a real pillar of the community.
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Why does he say the things he says? He called the UK racist and now criticises the constitution of the US.
Us Americans love our constitution, L-O-V-E. We don’t take kindly to especially foreigners telling us it’s “bonkers”, when he has no reason to criticize it. He came to the US, he is making more money then he should, so what exactly are his grievances?
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Just catching up and a couple of things caught my eye in that article about H's childhood issues someone posted:

Prince Harry: Fascinating psychological insight into the forces that shaped the playboy Prince | Daily Mail Online

"‘We worried about him a little,’ says a former teacher at his pre-prep school, Wetherby, in West London.

‘He always did what he wanted, with no fear of the consequences. When I warned him about walking in front of oncoming cars, he simply sniffed and said he wasn’t bothered because they weren’t allowed to knock him down.’"
.... this really doesn't speak well to his intelligence, even as an under-10.

Diana’s one-time lover James Hewitt — who was, as I will reveal next week, a profound early influence on Prince Harry — claims she once told him she would never be able to live with the thought of her sons being sent away to war.

‘She said it wouldn’t be fair to her as a mother,’ he records.

‘I pointed out that all soldiers had mothers. She was silent for a bit, and then said that her sons were special because they were the only men in her life.’
This says an awful lot about Diana, some of it really quite disturbing. Her young sons being the 'men in her life' ... admitting your own children being male, are fulfilling a need for male companionship. Male children being a sort of psycho-sexual substitute for a husband or reliable male companion. Ugh. Seriously. I do wonder if Diana had ever had a daughter, if she would have treated her as lesser in some way, even unconsciously. because this woman was obsessed with sucking up attention from males to fill some deep void within. She was really a highly dysfunctional individual on many levels, and it doesn't shock me then one of her sons at least has psychological issues.
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the musician

Chatty Member
How far does the appeal to emotion go?
How far does the MH excuse go?
Exzibit A
Diana in the Bashir interview tells that she had problems, was in a bad place, got help and is fine now.
Continues the slander of RF in the interview.
Fans defend her with poor MH, poor MH made her do the interview. Logic?
Exzibit B
Harry, pretty much everywhere now claims that he had problems, that he struggled and that his wife got him help, previously it was William.He looked perfectly normal, spent 10 years in the military etc.
People defend his actions, with MH.

Both cases demonstrate the following: Diana and Harry are the only two people whose worse behavior after getting help is somehow justified and explained away.

Other people with MH issues after getting help usually feel regret or shame over their words and actions and are absolutely aware of the things they did.

Could it be that some people are just envious, entitled, arrogant or simply put that their personality is a bit shit?

If not maybe the rehabilitation of criminals might be in order, or did those make a choice to commit a crime?
If they made a choice to commit a crime, chances are that Harry and Diana also made choices.

I completely agree, mental health is not an excuse for constant poor behaviour. If it was a one-off or a couple of times in public it's understandable, but then you receive help to deal with your problems. Constantly behaving unacceptably cannot be excused with mental health problems.

Harry, like Diana, is vengeful. Diana wanted to portray Charles and the rest of the RF in such a bad light and make out that she was a Saint. It's the same as how Harry is trying to show everyone how hard done by he feels and how the RF is a terrible institution. But in Harry's case I actually have no idea why. Does he think he's making his mother's dreams come true by behaving like this?

Ironically, Harry has ended up bringing all of Diana's problems into light now and everyone can see that she wasn't perfect.
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Iconic Member
What’s this little fucker up to today,
Giving his unsolicited opinion on gun control? Abortion?
blaming granny for his fling with Caroline Flack hitting the headlines?
did Princess anne leave her eyeliner in the bathroom and he accidentally hit off it and it left a swastika symbol...
Therefore it’s all his family’s fault?

what’s the plan today Harry? What has Meghan authorised and scripted for you 😐
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