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I have just read the latest Harry Markle that was quoted upthread and she makes a fabulous reference to Line of Duty. I know its very early but at some point we must have a thread title along the AC12 lines of
"Harry, stop making a tit of yourself and piss off!"
"Lizzie, Chaz, Wills & The Wee Ginger Donkey"
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Totally agree with this.
Im absolutely gobsmacked that he keeps giving these interviews attacking the family. First it was the racist British press now his upbringing.

I feel he is playing into the wife's hands, she can claim he is unstable and aggressive in the divorce.

Also think that nothing will be done about titles until she has the baby. I'm wondering why they are letting this go on and as well as her being pregnant I wonder if Harry is threatening more revelations? Could be why they are being so careful?
I think they're just letting them dig their own graves. Every time they open their mouths they make themselves more unpopular.

With all this though, and if they DO split in the future, it makes you wonder what venom he'll spit about Meghan.
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It still makes no sense to me that he's constantly using his Royal title/status for personal gain when he no longer wants to be Royal because it equals being trapped.

And he's OBSESSED with having Security.

FFS if he'd sod off and live privately somewhere without bleating psychobabble every day, he wouldn't need protection officers because nobody would know [or care] where he was.
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You should see the overwhelming posts to the twitter from some suger saying now Megabitch will be Meg Princess of Wales or Princess Meg. They are bombing that twitter saying how stupid the sugers are etc etc. That is why I could care less what the sugers call her, it seems they will not get away with their ignorant nonsence. Too many people are defending the RF now and it makes my heart sing. Thanks Haznot and Megabitch you have really done the monachy a favour.
Yeah. If Poor Hawwy and Smeg wanted to topple the monarchy (which, let’s face it, was a stupendously arrogant plan to begin with, and gives an insight into just how up their own arses they are) their plan has backfired spectacularly. All they’ve succeeded in doing is making us feel protective of the RF and outraged on their behalf. We all grieved with our queen recently and we all saw how broken Charles was so for him to kick them when they were down was bound to backfire. It just goes to show that the British people are just one more thing Hawwy doesn’t understand. His anti monarchy stance may or may not get him traction in the US, but the US doesn’t get any say in our monarchy.

I also think Hawwy was aware of his popularity a few years ago, saw the welcome Smeg was given (even though he later tried to claim we’re all racist) and thought we’d all side with him over the RF. The arrogance is mind blowing.
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Thread title suggestion:
Harry and Meghan #104: Genetic resentment, verbose discontentment and bashing the First Amendment!
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Just because somebody is well off and has led a privileged life does not mean they cannot be mentally ill. Harry is very much his Mother’s son and there is little doubt that Diana had a number of mental health issues. Yes Harry is being tone deaf and oblivious to the problems of those less fortunate than himself. But those suffering with psychiatric conditions do become very inward looking and only able to see the world through their perception of it. I honestly think we are seeing a man in the grip of a mental health crisis and, now that he has effectively isolated himself from most of his family, he is becoming ever more entrenched in his neuroses. I feel sorry for him as I would for anyone suffering with mental health issues and I really think things are not going to end well for him.
Yeah yeah. :)Don't care. He's a cunt.
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Now he’s critiquing Americans first amendment rights which they have been raised on and a way of life .He’s finished now they are all gonna turn ! Self destruction at its finest
The same first amendment that let him and his wife accuse his family of racism without a shred of proof. The same first amendment that let him and his wife say the firm didn’t care she was suicidal, without a shred of proof.
He seems to have been completely reprogrammed. She's convinced him that turning his own family into a trainwreck is their USP and brand while stories about her family dramas are bad for the brand and need to be suppressed by legal action if necessary.
Crazy to think this is the same woman who pleaded with her dad to 'stop talking to the press and we will protect you'.

If they were allowed to keep their HRH titles, their patronages, their security, all their perks then we would hear absolutely nothing from them except their promotions of the services and products that are making them multi-millionaires and they would be just clever enough to understand that it would be absolutely stupid of them to bite the supposedly “trapped” Royal hands back in the UK that are propping them up.

Why doesn’t she speak about her family and her pain more often? Because she knows they will fight back.
Why does Harry speak about his family and his pain so often?
Because he knows they won’t.

Two absolutely bitter and petulant twats.
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Chatty Member
Just because somebody is well off and has led a privileged life does not mean they cannot be mentally ill. Harry is very much his Mother’s son and there is little doubt that Diana had a number of mental health issues. Yes Harry is being tone deaf and oblivious to the problems of those less fortunate than himself. But those suffering with psychiatric conditions do become very inward looking and only able to see the world through their perception of it. I honestly think we are seeing a man in the grip of a mental health crisis and, now that he has effectively isolated himself from most of his family, he is becoming ever more entrenched in his neuroses. I feel sorry for him as I would for anyone suffering with mental health issues and I really think things are not going to end well for him.
Totally agree with this.
Im absolutely gobsmacked that he keeps giving these interviews attacking the family. First it was the racist British press now his upbringing.

I feel he is playing into the wife's hands, she can claim he is unstable and aggressive in the divorce.

Also think that nothing will be done about titles until she has the baby. I'm wondering why they are letting this go on and as well as her being pregnant I wonder if Harry is threatening more revelations? Could be why they are being so careful?
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Whatttt, I didn't know that, I'm very new to all of this.
There are other video clips of this event further back in the threads that make it a bit more clear.
The display table was for the Senior Royals only to inspect and those Seniors were meant to file through the door in order of status.
You see them make their way from the left of your screen and move along to the right.
Further to the right [where the Equerrys are trying to usher Harry & Meghan] are some doors to another room where everyone else is seated waiting for the senior Royals to enter and take their seats at the front.

Harry & Meghan were supposed to be sitting in there with everyone else waiting.
They took it upon themselves to stand at the first door and were going to come through to the display table without following the pecking order.

Charles knew what they were up to and told them to stand back because its 'senior Royals first,'

Harry knows the protocol. He just chooses to ignore it because he thinks it doesn't apply to him.

To be fair, I can understand why he might be confused, because in the past, ie, before Meghan limpeted herself onto him, he would have been at William and Kate's side.
I think that was because they didn't want him to feel left out because he was single, then when he was no longer single, none of them realised they had to spell it out to him that now he had a fiance/wife he was expected to be with the other minor Royals from now on.
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Scotch Mist

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Undercover with the Harkles.......... Smeggys due date is imminent but we're still waiting for the FEDEX dropoff..... Hazno is starting to get suspicious about the moonbump 😁
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Is anybody else laughing their heads off at the fiasco that the P&G tie up has turned into, with their dodgy skin whitening and other products?

I bet there have been a few angry phone calls to her minions at Sunshine Sucks now this has started to come out.

I honestly don't know how they do it? How is it that literally everything they touch or immerse themselves into, always turns to brown smelly poo within a few days? Clearly they do no proper research or due diligence into the organisations they hastily jump into bed with.

Most amusing of all is how "self styled royal reporter" Scooby isn't saying anything on this latest development despite it being in every "proper" news outlet.
It's fantastic, it's like the reverse Midas touch. The Markle Touch, where your dreams turn to shit.
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Barnstormer by Brendan O'Neil over at Spiked.

Prince Harry has drunk the woke Kool-Aid. He’s guzzled it down. This former squaddie with a penchant for playing naked billiards and dolling up as a Nazi for bantz has had a Damascene conversion to the cult of correct-thinking. He used to be the Loaded Prince, titillating the rah-rah set by sneaking into Glastonbury in a porkpie hat or drinking champagne from a prosthetic leg. Now he’s an acolyte of Oprah, boring the world rigid with blather about his ‘genetic pain’ and why we must all embrace the religion of critical race theory.

There’s a delicious irony to Harry’s latest self-regarding pronouncements. On the Armchair Expert podcast, hosted by actor Dax Shepard, Harry described life in the royal family as a constant gawp-fest. It was ‘a mix between The Truman Show and living in a zoo’, he said. So now he’s escaped the zoo by… moving to California. Celebville. The pap capital of the world. And by being emotionally incontinent on Oprah’s TV show. And by making podcast after podcast about his ups, his downs, his feelings, his therapy, his fallouts with his dad, his arguments with his brother… What next – Harry: My Struggle With Piles?

A couple of years ago all I knew about Prince Henry of Wales is that he was a privileged ponce who liked a pint; now I know everything. And that’s entirely his doing, not the evil media’s. He won’t leave us alone. He accuses us of barging into his life by continuing to buy tabloids that publish pics of him and his wife, but it’s him who’s barging into our lives. You can’t switch on the TV or open a newspaper without seeing Harry wanging on about his feelings. I half expect to see him on a street corner soon, megaphone in hand, yelling at passers-by: ‘WILLIAM WON’T TAKE MY CALLS.’ Get a therapist, mate.

This is what Harry ‘Leave Me Alone!’ Mountbatten-Windsor has really done: he’s turned the world media into his personal psychologist’s couch. ‘Privacy’ might be the banner under which Harry and Meghan have harangued and sued certain tabloid newspapers, but this therapeutically slutty pair have zero interest in living a private life. Not content with telling Oprah – and hundreds of millions of strangers – about his frosty relationship with Charles and Wills, now Harry has spilt yet more beans for Dax Shepard. He talks about feeling helpless, about his mum, his dad, what he watches on TV, who his neighbours are. Who needs a tabloid hack to go through Harry’s bins when he’s happy to empty them out on popular podcasts?

Harry’s latest chatter about his dad – what about Prince Charles’ privacy?! – is very striking. He talks about genetic pain, about how the suffering of the father has been transferred to the son. He believes he has ‘experienced some form of pain or suffering that perhaps my father or my parents had suffered’. ‘So that means that [Charles is] treating me the way he was treated’, he said, confirming how thoroughly he has imbibed the California cult of psychobabble.

This idea of historical pain, or inherited pain, or father-to-son pain is classic millennial bullshit. It speaks to an urge to shirk responsibility for one’s life. ‘It’s not my fault I’m messed up – I got it from my dad.’ There ought to come a point in every young adult’s life when he or she realises that moral autonomy means taking responsibility for what we think and do and how we behave. But the cult of therapy discourages us from embracing such self-government in favour of telling us that some family member or traumatic event or historical crime is in the driving seat of our lives, shaping our personalities, moulding our emotions. This freezes people into a permanent state of childish bewilderment towards themselves and the world. Harry has entered into this state. It’s kind of sad.

Much of what Harry says now is just annoying. His claim that Covid-19 is Mother Earth’s way of reprimanding humankind reveals the misanthropy of the woke worldview. His chatter about white privilege – it’s like being lectured about obesity by Giant Haystacks – confirms that the trendy, dangerous fad for racialising every area of life has been fully embraced by the elites. His habit of private-jetting his way to climate-change shindigs to give barefoot lectures about environmental destruction reeks of aristocratic hypocrisy.

But leaving all that to one side, it’s worth pondering what Harry has lost. Like others in the woke set, he now looks upon the royal family as a cruel, gilded cage in which there is loads of privileged living but not much freedom or emotional honesty. But is his new life really the great stab for liberty he and others claim it is? It seems to me that he is locked into a pretty destructive relationship with the global media, where he must continually offer up more glimpses into his life for the approval and analysis of the self-styled awareness-raisers of the woke set. To stay on side with the new elites he has joined, he must keep giving himself away, presumably until there is nothing left to give. Is that freedom, or the subordination of the self to voracious cult of self-revelation?

This is the tragedy of Prince Harry. He left the royal family in the name of privacy, but he has far less privacy now than he did when he was a working royal. He struck out for freedom, but performative pain for the gawping woke media is a very phoney form of freedom. He said he wanted to be independent, yet, thanks to the therapeutic worldview, he lives in the shadow of his father and his allegedly corrosive influence more now than when he was in Clarence House. There’s a lesson here. Rejecting the ideals of duty, loyalty and family commitment doesn’t translate into instant liberty. Harry thinks he broke free from an individuality-crushing cult that punishes honesty and openness and that he is now getting in touch with his true self – I think the precise opposite has happened.
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This can indeed happen, I am a twin and our mum was told there was only one heartbeat, she was adament she was having twins, 'no only one baby' says the dr', lo and behold 2 babies born, this was before scans so difficult to be accurate.
I'm a twin and when my mum went for a scan, they said "it's got 2 heads"
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Congrats on the new thread again folks ❤ I couldn't keep up with the last one, finally caught up yesterday and now there's another new one 🤣🤣👍

All this nonsense and shit that's coming from him about his family now, and all his mental health troubles, well I am appalled then if it's all true why was he ever passed fit to join the army?

It's been discussed before but I'm afraid my view is if it is true and he is that bad and has had issues for years then it should never have been allowed & those who did allow it want investigating. 👍
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None. She is relying on the RF mantra of keeping quiet and assumes he will crawl back to rhe family because he has literally nowhere else to go. And he won't. It is isn't like he can go back to any job as he shat all over his previous gigs (patron, ex military, accepted brother of future king, established memeber of the RF), nor does he have any qualifications. At all. None. Zero. Oh wait.... as a Power Whinger, maybe. Even that he cannot get right.
So he will return to the cradle he left as he won't have a choice. And she will revela all the photos, recordings, video footage and he will be toeing the line not replying.
Ans that is what they are using now and that is what she banked on before targeting him and that is what she's/they've been using from the get go of their absurd relationship and that is what she is going to use forever more.

A power Whinger‘ s Moanin time

superpower = I can walk in front of cars and they are not allowed to hit me .
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Reading that article near the end of the previous thread, it very much sounds as if Poor Hawwy has had serious mental health issues from well before his mum died. He’s not wired right. Sméagol has made it worse because she’s weaponised his mental illness but I don’t think the underlying issue is his mum dying or an unfeeling family. I think he has inherited it from his mother so in a way he’s correctly identified ‘genetic pain’ but wrongly attributed it to outside causes. I think he’s Borderline Personality Disorder.
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I've had a thought - it's actually been brewing a while 😂 😂 😂

I think Harry will leave Megan. Whether is was a conscious or subconscious move on his part - she is his stepping stone to the life he wanted to lead. The second baby will be the catalyst (as second babies tend to be). Once he gains celeb status then he will be gone. He won't need her anymore.

Also, H is quite the party guy when it suits him and Meg's isn't (unless she is being paid of course); You know she is in bed by 9pm like the rest of the woke crowd in Hollywood, he will love that new found freedom and possibly start cheating on her or they will star to argue ALOT.

It's not rocket science, it's a story as old as time.
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