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Many thanks to @Mairag for new thread title.

Quick recap of old thread:

We don't like Harry's wife
We're discovering that we like Harry even less.
There were lots of lovely photo's of Charles and his sons when they were younger
HW is very quiet, what is she plotting?
Suggestions that they're living in seperate spaces with no one at the house in Montecuntford.
Harry can't keep his mouth shut and every thing is Daddy's fault and his grandparents.
He doesn't like the genes he inherited because they cause him pain.
He's not going to allow his own children to inherit the painful genes.
He upset the US because he thinks the first amendment is bonkers.
Everyone in the world realised that he's bonkers.
Everyone thinks he should have the titles removed.
People are wondering why he hasn't given them up voluntarily.
Can't think of anything else, sorry, please add stuff if it's missing from here.

Old thread:
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Thanks for new thread guys! Great title.

When H was moaning that from age of 20 he hated his role well welcome to the real world. There are hundreds of people of all ages who hate their job but have to stick at it to pay the bills, put food on the table etc and just get on with it. That's life
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Just because somebody is well off and has led a privileged life does not mean they cannot be mentally ill. Harry is very much his Mother’s son and there is little doubt that Diana had a number of mental health issues. Yes Harry is being tone deaf and oblivious to the problems of those less fortunate than himself. But those suffering with psychiatric conditions do become very inward looking and only able to see the world through their perception of it. I honestly think we are seeing a man in the grip of a mental health crisis and, now that he has effectively isolated himself from most of his family, he is becoming ever more entrenched in his neuroses. I feel sorry for him as I would for anyone suffering with mental health issues and I really think things are not going to end well for him.
BIB - That's very true. However Harry has had access to the best mental health care available for his entire life. He doesn't appear to have worked on his own mental health recovery however.
Other people don't have that access but still manage to work on their own recovery. We don't need to listen to him feeling sorry for himself and blaming everyone except himself. That's offensive to those of us who have severe mental health problems but little in the way of help.
Harry has no one but himself to blame for making poor choices in the face of everyone who has offered him advice and help.
He needs to take responsibility for himself. He needs to work on his own mental health recovery and that doesn't involve slagging his family on TV and the internet. Nor does it include merching his title and position as a member of the RF.
Harry has achieved NOTHING on his own merit yet seems to be totally unaware of that. He would never have got into Eton on his own merit, he wouldn't have gone to Sandhurst. He certainly wouldn't have been allowed to train as a helicopter pilot and didn't actually pass the tests anyway. He wouldn't have travelled the world, seen the things he seen, met the people he's met.
He needs to wake up to his own limitations and his own behaviour and until he does that, he isn't going to get well.
He's the last person who should be lecturing on mental health issues and recovery. He shouldn't be lecturing on any subject.
I don't feel sorry for him at all. He has had every opportunity but failed at every point. Including his own mental health recovery.
I think he needs to grow up and realise that he's not very important at all. Then he can go away and start to get well in private.
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I have had a horrible day today my sweet little cat was put to sleep this morning, it was so sudden and I am still snivelling.

I love animals and intensely dislike most people, especially cunts 1 and 2 which makes my personal swearometer even worse than usual, hope I don't offend all you lovely people but I just really wish them all the bad luck in the world and wish I could put them down like my little 🐱🐱🐈🐈😢😢😢
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Thank you for the new thread! The title is excellent :love:

Thanks for new thread guys! Great title.

When H was moaning that from age of 20 he hated his role well welcome to the real world. There are hundreds of people of all ages who hate their job but have to stick at it to pay the bills, put food on the table etc and just get on with it. That's life
And if he had truly wanted out of the life, he could've asked to step down and be allowed to live quietly.

I've had a niggling thought bubble, I'll see if I can get it to make sense:
As British law dictates the monarch is the guardian of grandchildren, I wonder how that would work in the case of Haz and HFW?
Archie holds British citizenship, and while Doriana will be American she will hold dual citizenship through Haz.
If it gets to the point that Haz wants out, assuming by then Charles is king (I know, in this thought train I'm giving them both another good decade or so together 🙊🙈), there would be able to be intervention from the RF, no? As in, HFW wouldn't be able to keep the children away from Haz in the States if he were to return to the RF following a split. So if he did want out, there would come a point when he wouldn't have to stay with her for the children (which is a comment I've seen time and time again - even if they weren't happy, Haz would never leave because of the children).
Could this be when parentage/conception, if truly suspect, might be revealed in some fashion?
Also, would this not impact on HFW claiming royal funding to keep ankle biters in the manner to which the little sprogs are accustomed (and by extension, her)?
Not sure how coherent my thoughts are.

I just wonder, if/when the implosion happens, whether it be Haz wanting out or the end of Haz's use in HFW's world domination plan, if there is a split (or indeed, Haz melts completely), the Crown would legally have a say on the who, what, when, where, how of Archie and Doriana...

Or maybe I'm just going a bit doolally myself...

As I post this, another thought, will be interesting to see what happens with the Christening for Doriana. If Haz no longer wants to be a princess, will Doriana be christened into the CoE? Will the Royale Couple still expect bowing and scraping as appropriate for a Blood Princess (merching op, right?) even though you bastards have stolen her birthright because you're racist bigots. OH and sexist. Don't forget sexist.

Edit: I'm really grateful for you all, I received some not-great news about a dear friend and colleague who is battling returned cancer a few hours ago on the other side of the world and to quieten my doom and gloom thoughts after a while of thinking hard, I came here. So thank you 😘
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Iconic Member
At this point Harry just needs to jog over here before July and dig Diana up,
it will make it easier to drag her around with him for sympathy If he has her dead body with him at all times.
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I feel like I've wandered into a Diana thread by accident :LOL: Do carry on though. The thread isn't titled 'Cassandra333 thread, only approved gossip allowed.' :LOL::LOL:
I think Diana is relevant when we're talking about how her mental health issues have influenced or been inherited by Hazbeen. I don't care how many people she slept with because she's dead and has been dead for years. But then again, perhaps we do need to consider that part of things. What do I know?
I do think there's something going on behind the scenes with Hazbeen and HW. She's far too quiet. Methinks there is plotting afoot. And the longer she's quiet, the more intrigued I am.
Still want to know if Doria is in the picture and especially want to know if she's on her way to prison. :devilish:
Her active(I'm being polite)sexual history comes into play for discussion because hazza is determined to highlight her perfection and make sure we never EVER forget that he is the son of the woman who was elevated to sainthood by half the world. He has shone his spotlight on her and the thing with spotlights is that they reveal dirty corners best left alone. It's like when teens get mudered, or indeed George Floyd ... suddenly "he was a wonderful person, went to church, was a promising footballer, loved everyone " ... then as time goes on we find that the kid(not them all) was in a gang, had burglary convictions, had three different baby mommas, terrorised his neighbours and was a hateful cunt. And I'm not even going there with George Floyd and his history of DV, drugs, scamming, kiting cheques, theft, burglary etc etc. Shining a light rarely displays anything even close to perfection.
So yes, her spotty reputation is relevant when so many people, as evidenced by the shock of some posters on here at our revelations, still think she was a pure virgin sacrificed to the bad man who got her knocked up twice for heirs while still seeing his fancy piece. FFS her age has been lowered in posts to as low as 17 to emphasise her youth:rolleyes:. She was 20 and no innocent. Just a flawed human like the rest of us.
Hazza needs to find a new hook to hang his angst on because his mummy obsession is markling her reputation and unearthing stuff best left buried about her.
I'm truly sorry if it triggers you, or anyone else, but hazza brings it into the light so it's still on topic.
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If they're letting old smeg say a few words, surely they should get each one of her married shags pop along for a quick 5 minutes each too. I'm sure the park could be cleared for the whole day and it would be lovely for Hazzno to meet up with family
But if she was too knocked up to attend the funeral, sure she is too knocked up to fky over at 14 months preggers with twin for said unveiling. Or will she pre-record her brief word salad about a woman she didn't know and beam it over during the televised stream, possibly only beamed on CBS and ABC channels, with GKing and Scoobie commentary to boot.
Looking back I still cannot think of anyone or anything that has managed to get in the news every single day of every single year since Farchie was born/the engagement interview... other than corona virus. So hey well done: they're 2-legged visible versions of a virus!
Other ways they will get in the news:

Private unveiling of their own Diana statue in Montecito - livestreamed and then televised with Harpo commentating - Diana as the statue of liberty, to welcome all the undocumented immigrants coming in from mexico (but not you, dad. Thomas Markle not welcome) and in homage to the Alma Tunnel in Paris where Saint Di was martyred by the Men in Grey.

Wedding vow renewal - officiated unofficially by AoCunterbury

Christening of Farcherella - officiated by AoCunterbury

Gary arrested Hugh Grant style on Sunset Blvd with a prozzie (MMs plan)

Gary arrest for DUI

Gary goes to rehab

"Poor smeggy" documentary 2.0

Farchie splits Atoms in his spare time: Big Bang Theory, toddler version (nickelodeon pays up front $45m in botcoin which smeggy renames "smegcoin")

Farcherella wants to be like her grandmother : a ballet dancer or marry the prince of Wales (1st cousins will be justified by MM "they let others in the RF do it. Why not Farcherella? Is it because she is mixed race?!" Taking two further swipes at the BRF)

Kidnapping attempt of Farchie/-ette (orchestrated by Smeg). Where was our security!

Smeg receiving handwritten threat letters (suspish cursive handwriting peppered with cut out letters, forensically proven to be from the local Mlntecito Gazette classified pages/want ads). Racism! Where is our security?!

Doria/smaghag/farchette menstrual flow and trans friendly female identifying empowerment baby, mommy and granny yoga mats and kegel exercise rings. Limited edition with smaghag scent and votive candles.

Smeg opens a recued dodo bird sanctuary on her estate. Donations accepted via paypal, amex and debit cards.

Smeg announces that mushroom latte saved her from covid. Exclusive recipe in People magazine.

Farcherella "give kids the vote!" Toddler empowerment livestream concert from their garden featuring Jlo, Bey, madonna, cher, and hosted by Chrissy Teigen: special guest MM reading from all her books, at the same time, in a suitably nonsensical word salad of her own word salads. Better yet: an epic word salad battle between MM and Hillary Clinton - gloria steinem as the ref. Harpo and her GString/King as judges.

MM collab with Ryan Seacrest : Wokesters Got Talent.

Farchette identifies as Elvis - world exclusive, US News.

Smeggy opens an art gallery: all works by Farchette and Farchie curating. Artnews exclusive, sponsored by Sothebys

Livestreamed "Where's Harry" competition. Gary wearing a hat to hide his (bald spot) identity. Youtube exclusive, Epic Games sponsored.

2 more children's book spin offs "where's Farchie/Farchette"

MM sues the RF for constructive dismissal on grounds of discrimination and sexual harassment

Smegs mystery series - on TLC - "Where's my passport/tiara". Sponsored by Pandora and Vanuatu ministry of Tourism.

Various Netflix Hallmark channel collabs about smeg and her life from birth onwards.

Smeggy starts her own fashion, jewellery, furniture, makeup, fragrance, swimwear and lingerie lines.

Smeggy's lines fail - a series on unconscious bias. Exclusive to CBS, sponsored by Bank of NY Mellon.

Smeggy hits the Latino scene and now identifies as Latino- executive producer to her own Royal Wives of Montecito Latino soap opera. Smeggy speaks Spanish, dontcha know. And does voice overs. Perfect.

Smeggy does an African version for French And English speaking African markets. Smeg speak French, dontcha know. And does voice overs. Perfect.
(Nigerian Prince scam emails go through the roof globally - unclear how the scammers got the email addresses of the entire RF. William leading the investigations)

Smeg Christmas special - aired at the same time as TQ christmas speech

Smeggy's Honours - televised and aired at the same time as TQs honours

Smeg starts her own church, like Kanye, MC Hammer and Jim / Tammy Faye Bakker : aired exclusively on World Harvet Television - up front payment of $200m for global rights.

Gary gets his HGV driving license, to make ends meet and get away from smegs - Nomadland, articulated lorry/16 wheeler style. Reality tv format

Gary becomes a bike courier to make ends meet Reality.

Smeg gets done for tax fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, mail fraud, wire fraud, securities fraud. 60 minutes/Panoroma exclusives. Sponsored by IRS and HMRC
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Chatty Member
My views (for what they're worth) on the RF are that they're playing things very cleverly. They're sitting tight and letting the two eeejits show everyone how money grabbing and vindictive they are to get what they want whilst at the same time gently reminding them that at any time they want to they can hand back their titles, all this will slowly seep into the psyche of the general population. Eventually the RF can say see we did everything we could to let them live their lives the way the wished but in the end we had no choice but to remove their titles and all association with them for the reputation of the RF and all it represents. I would just like to add that i would prefer them to say sod this and off with their heads but we can't have everything.
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Just because somebody is well off and has led a privileged life does not mean they cannot be mentally ill. Harry is very much his Mother’s son and there is little doubt that Diana had a number of mental health issues. Yes Harry is being tone deaf and oblivious to the problems of those less fortunate than himself. But those suffering with psychiatric conditions do become very inward looking and only able to see the world through their perception of it. I honestly think we are seeing a man in the grip of a mental health crisis and, now that he has effectively isolated himself from most of his family, he is becoming ever more entrenched in his neuroses. I feel sorry for him as I would for anyone suffering with mental health issues and I really think things are not going to end well for him.
His wife has been taking advantage of this since day 1,taking him off his medication and riling him up to ruin his relationship with his family
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VIP Member
Just because somebody is well off and has led a privileged life does not mean they cannot be mentally ill. Harry is very much his Mother’s son and there is little doubt that Diana had a number of mental health issues. Yes Harry is being tone deaf and oblivious to the problems of those less fortunate than himself. But those suffering with psychiatric conditions do become very inward looking and only able to see the world through their perception of it. I honestly think we are seeing a man in the grip of a mental health crisis and, now that he has effectively isolated himself from most of his family, he is becoming ever more entrenched in his neuroses. I feel sorry for him as I would for anyone suffering with mental health issues and I really think things are not going to end well for him.
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Mental health, he has no effing idea - when our younger son aged 13, at that time was commited to a facility, where we could only visit him, broke my heart.
Good news being that he was finally diagnosed as having Asperger's - made a lot of sense; not an excuse, just a reason.
He's doing fine, studying for a degree
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So Harry wants his wife involved at the statute unveiling. Why am I not surprised?

“Harry is demanding the Meghan be part of the official ceremony. She will not be able to attend in person because of the couple's second child, but Harry is pushing to have comments prepared by Meghan included in the event or a video message featuring his wife released to the media the same day the brothers unveil the statue,” sources tell Radar.
Perhaps PWB & PWBW should have their own secret unveiling, three days before.
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Is anybody else laughing their heads off at the fiasco that the P&G tie up has turned into, with their dodgy skin whitening and other products?

I bet there have been a few angry phone calls to her minions at Sunshine Sucks now this has started to come out.

I honestly don't know how they do it? How is it that literally everything they touch or immerse themselves into, always turns to brown smelly poo within a few days? Clearly they do no proper research or due diligence into the organisations they hastily jump into bed with.

Most amusing of all is how "self styled royal reporter" Scooby isn't saying anything on this latest development despite it being in every "proper" news outlet.
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It still makes no sense to me that he's constantly using his Royal title/status for personal gain when he no longer wants to be Royal because it equals being trapped.

And he's OBSESSED with having Security.

FFS if he'd sod off and live privately somewhere without bleating psychobabble every day, he wouldn't need protection officers because nobody would know [or care] where he was.
I said it all along, the security issue is not about protection, it's about being SEEN having the big cars and Brit RPOs. Many of the big names don't bother with personal security bods, they focus on home security, that's the important issue to them .... and yet, as we saw on the dated images upthread, there is no security at the monty shit hole abode. Nothing. The guard house is overgrown with vines, unused. They want to be seen as speshul and royal and in need of guys with brit accents clearing the peasants out of the way, but won't pay for basic home security for themselves. That's her dream, the little princess amid a group of big burly blokes, LOOK AT ME! Hazza claimed/claims to hate all that and in the past wilfully dodged his RPOs often, driving them bonkers, but his wifey wants it so what smeggy wants hazza will fight tooth and nail to get for her. If she could, she'd have the RPO's wearing London bobby uniforms so that they and she stand out. Pretentious cunt.
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