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I can sort of see why he would get upset by that. All the time before he was treated as part of the team with William and Catherine suddenly it's fuck off you are not part of this now.
But he WAS part of it. He just had to wait until the more senior royals had entered and then follow them. Tail end Charlie behind the important persons. It's not rocket surgery or brain science ... but this is hazza.
It's a perfect example of his inability to follow simple rules he's seen in action all his life. Like his childhood comment re not walking in front of moving cars. Doesn't apply to him, he is too speshul.
Bear in mind that the press was there to record the event, so Chas will have been ultra keen on protocol in front of them and he wasn't having it. I think also that by then their patience with this pair was stretched to breaking point and the veneer of cutesy americana had been shattered to reveal the schemer and trouble maker underneath it.
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Now he’s critiquing Americans first amendment rights which they have been raised on and a way of life .He’s finished now they are all gonna turn ! Self destruction at its finest
Yes Harry. Freedom of speech is a horrible thing. So maybe you should just shut the fuck up. And gathering with celebriy friends to raise money from us people who have worked everyday since we were 15 with no trust fund or security also falls in that first amendment. Want to form a religion to worship to your crazy wife ? Go ahead 1st amendment says you can. Actually you can google to find out and understand the first amendment Ask Megs for help, she knows how to google to find out the words to sing to Granny.

as you can probably tell I am in a foul mood as I am sick of working non stop in a stressful environment . And can’t sleep due to stress while listening to my husband snore like a baby rhino. So this rant helped.
and my opinion of the Royaless couple has always been low
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Am I the only not not entirely buying this friendship between Orlando and H? Remember Katy Perry said Smegs wedding dress “needed one more fitting”. She was absolutely right and Smeg will be seething over it. Over her dead body will she allow her hubs to be mates with Katy’s hubby
Harry: I have friends! Real friends! Me and Orlando, we text all the time!

Also Harry: I live in Montecito! Honest I do. And my mate Orlando is just up the road! Did I mention the paparazzi yet? They are stalking us all the time.....

Also Harry: Never been pictured in Montecito doing stuff. Apparently doesn't buy coffee, shop or eat out. Never been pictured with Orlando Bloom. Or Katy Perry. Or with a credible picture of his own son Archie. Never explained why Archie is 'going to school' 100 miles away in Los Angeles, in April, in a pandemic, when he wasn't yet 2 years old.
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What does more inclusive online spaces mean?
Tattle?:m I mean, everyone's welcome and varying recollections appreciated, there's for and against threads so you can choose your side freely. I'm guessing this is not what the Harkles mean, though :LOL:
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None. She is relying on the RF mantra of keeping quiet and assumes he will crawl back to rhe family because he has literally nowhere else to go. And he won't. It is isn't like he can go back to any job as he shat all over his previous gigs (patron, ex military, accepted brother of future king, established memeber of the RF), nor does he have any qualifications. At all. None. Zero. Oh wait.... as a Power Whinger, maybe. Even that he cannot get right.
So he will return to the cradle he left as he won't have a choice. And she will revela all the photos, recordings, video footage and he will be toeing the line not replying.
Ans that is what they are using now and that is what she banked on before targeting him and that is what she's/they've been using from the get go of their absurd relationship and that is what she is going to use forever more.
Just catching up and a couple of things caught my eye in that article about H's childhood issues someone posted:

Prince Harry: Fascinating psychological insight into the forces that shaped the playboy Prince | Daily Mail Online

.... this really doesn't speak well to his intelligence, even as an under-10.

This says an awful lot about Diana, some of it really quite disturbing. Her young sons being the 'men in her life' ... admitting your own children being male, are fulfilling a need for male companionship. Male children being a sort of psycho-sexual substitute for a husband or reliable male companion. Ugh. Seriously. I do wonder if Diana had ever had a daughter, if she would have treated her as lesser in some way, even unconsciously. because this woman was obsessed with sucking up attention from males to fill some deep void within. She was really a highly dysfunctional individual on many levels, and it doesn't shock me then one of her sons at least has psychological issues.
I agree. It's now common knowledge that she leant heavily on a then 10 year old William, complaining to him about his father and all her various problems. He's turned into a remarkably well rounded man despite that, whilst Harry who didn't have it anywhere near as hard is spouting off to anyone who'll listen about his "dreadful" past.
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Just seen this in the Express ....

Royal commentator and GB News presenter Dan Wootton tweeted: "The First Amendment is one of the biggest reasons why the USA is a bastion of free speech and freedom of expression.

"The fact Prince Harry doesn’t like it because he thinks rich privileged folk deserve more rights than everyone else says a lot!"

Fox News host Laura Ingraham added: "Don’t let the doorknob hit you, Windsor."

Love the last line - can't stop laughing! 😂😂😂
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And apparently Diana said that it wasn't her fault that Will followed her "like a puppy". Julia was innocent and both Will and Di were completely wrong.
How could he "follow her like a puppy " when she lived in royal residences while in the UK and still had security at that point.
Talk about refusal to accept responsibility :rolleyes:
I suppose Oliver Hoare's wife was at fault too for having a phone line in the house. Silly Mrs Hoare.🥴
Diana had her good points, but they were buried in a mass of bad ones and bad choices and a hazza-like refusal to accept her own faults or her participation in bad scenarios. Unfortunately it ultimately led to her death. If she hadn't refused RPOs and wasn't so intent on showing her doctor lover what he was missing by flaunting her latest wealthy conquest then maybe she'd not have even been in Paris that night.
Honestly? I think that had she lived another 10 years she'd be a much better person, more accepting that you can't change the past and that she played a very negative part in a lot of dramas. I think she'd abhor smeggy.🤣
PWB is at the stage his mummy was at back then. Vengeful, shit stirring, never at fault and if he keeps mouthing off he'll go the same way she did. You cannot be a guest in America and start trashing the things they hold dear. He's setting himself up as a walking/bike riding target for every armed nutjob out there. Fool.
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I posted the tweets from Fawn regarding this earlier this morning. They're on the previous
thread. I also added the photos a local took a while ago showing the gates and guard hut where empty and vines growing over the guard house door.
Put those images in the wiki bubbles. Dated, for the record ;)
Interesting, especially the total lack of any security whatsoever.
Been thinking for a while that they just signed a rental agreement for that house and only use it for meetings, zooms and photo ops. Didn't someone post evidence that it is still on a site for renting for filming or whatever? Hence all the extra bathrooms? But then I felt a bit paranoid and set the idea aside. So it is very interesting that the farchie school walk was done in LA, not Monty Shit Hole. Why put him in a school so far from their 'home'?
Also, sorry to harp on about it, but I'm convinced that school walk image has been concocted from old images of farchie. None of my three kids had that chubby 3month old baby face at two years of age. They morph from babyhood to toddler features ... but farchie looks identical to his baby images. Plus the added beanie hat ... because as a baby his hair was fine and sparse and the recent beach video showed thicker darker hair.
It's all a big game of hide and seek and so pathetic. I can picture her wetting her knickers at pulling the wool over people's eyes. She's utterly obsessed with secrecy to the point of creepiness.
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#104 time for Harry's mouth to give it a rest, now even the Americans think he"s a pest.
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And another old photo has surfaced. She is just repulsive, who in there right mind would cuddle up to a middle aged man when she was probably a teen?
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If I may liken myself to HMQ for a moment, this all reminds me of dealing with my tantrummy toddler.

In this comparison daughter is Hazno (sorry daughter). She throws herself thrashing to the floor at my feet. I, as HMQ, step over her and carry on doing what I was doing. She jumps up, runs after me and does it again. And again. After that though, she learned it wouldn't work and didn't bother doing it anymore. Seems my then two-year old was brighter and more resourceful that 36-year old Hazno. No surprise there;)
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Loopylala101 (@loopylala101) Tweeted: @MarleyBoo1 @Lond0nCall1ng Here are some of @ Murky_Megs fake/paid-for troll accts. 😉:

‘Jealous and tormented by Meghan and Harry’...jealous of what, exactly? What do the Diarrhoeaic Duo have that W&K might be jealous of? Money? Status? God help me, looks?
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Just so pissed off with Harry and his pity party - you lost your Mum, tragic; I lost my Dad, tragic also. The thing is, most people just get on with it - and try to make things better. For instance I didn't want my eldest to be an only child, like me - so he has three siblings.
And I love every minute of it!
Harry's a spoilt petulant brat and, if he were mine, I'd disown him - my kids wouldn't treat me like that
This is the thing. Not all- but a lot- of families will have experienced difficult things down the generations. You can call this generational pain if you want but essentially this is life.
We all seize opportunities to try and improve things for our kids as we go along- of course we do! Just as an example- my great grandfathers were both in the war. One was away for 5 years so came home to a daughter he barely knew (my mum). Nobody’s fault but it meant they never had a great relationship. The other great-grandfather witnessed a lot of bombing in the Blitz because he came back and was employed as a police photographer. I think he probably had PTSD but of course they didn’t diagnose that then. He really struggled post war and took his own life when my father was 10. I don’t say this to be sensational and apologies if this upsets anyone. My point is that these things impact on the next generation. My dad resolved to be there for his kids- but he was never going to manage to be super warm or cuddly, his own experience had been too difficult. But he did his best. And so on and so on. Gradually trying to improve things as the generations carry on. I was the first in our family to go to university. I know this is a result of a more settled (if relatively poor) 70’s childhood. Hopefully my kids will build on this. We all set out to do our best. Whatever therapist Harry had had- he is either not listening to them properly or they are very bad at their job.
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Looks like our summer (UK) has been cancelled. She is going to be pregnant a loooong time.
There was a point in that interview when she said the baby was due 'in the summer' and Orca replied, 'This summer?' - as if it might be 2 or 3 years from now. What a strange remark, eh?
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Sorry if this has been posted already, but the daily mail has run a story about Meghan’s childhood sweetheart Joshua Silverstein who she met at camp when she was 13. Joshua Silverstein was born in 1977 making him 44. You’re telling me a 17/18 year old was kissing a 13 year old?
Either he’s admitting something a bit gross, or someone has been lying about her age...:unsure: :LOL:
Article also says ‘when THEY were thirteen’ so seems to be the latter! 🤭

LINK: Meghan Markle's childhood sweetheart praises 'courageous' Duchess

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