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I do enjoy watching Hannah’s vlogs, but it annoyed me when Hannah mentioned at the beginning of the F&M video that she thinks filming inside isn’t allowed or it’s discouraged, but proceeds to film anyway, resulting in the short shots. I LOVE F&M and especially miss it during the holidays, but if she knows that filming is frowned upon, why does she keep doing it? I know it’s for the YT $$, but why risk getting kicked out? It’s probably why there aren’t many video tours of F&M on YT.

She did mention running into a security guard, I think, who didn’t say any to her, so it’s also F&M’s fault for not enforcing their own rules (if indeed they have any regarding filming in their shop).
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Not being funny but that film came out months ago now. I think if you haven’t seen it yet, you probably aren’t a Bond fan. It’s even on Prime now.

We loved the F&m vlog, felt the same amount of talking as usually. I love her chat. Will have to disagree with that negative comment about her. The filming was very clear and you can’t expect a longer vlog than that, probably took ages to film. I can’t imagine how hard it is to film in these places and it was 3 floors (hence why not many people do)

When you search F&m you get no other tours by anyone. I think moaning about her is quite unfair based on how good this videos are. It’s not even her job remember
I'm a fan, just not a fan of the cinema experience and as its out to own in a matter of weeks I'm not renting it for more than the dvd will cost. There really is no need to spoil a major recent movie in a vlog about Christmas lights, it almost seemed deliberate to encourage engagement.

I do really like hannah but no one is perfect or above criticism and sure its not her job but that doesn't change anything, she is still making money off views and wants to increase her views and subscribers so people are entitled to have an opinion on what's put out there.

I enjoyed the fortnam one but I do agree with previous poster that some of the shots were very quick compared to her other vlogs...but that could be because she didn't feel as comfortable vlogging in there as she said its not allowed.
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I just want to see something different. I don't need to see her in a supermarket again. Her Disney vlogs aren't great, but it's something she said she loves.
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The Princess Diana & Buckingham Palace tour video? I liked it too but apparently she didn't. According to her ig story today she felt the need to apologize because it was so "bloody boring".
I saw that. She said it had good views, but poor stats. She should have used a more accurate title.

It looks like she also deleted all of her Florida vlogs.

If she goes all in on those clickbaity thumbnails she was testing in her ig stories, I will probably stop watching.
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I might not be able to relate to her life in terms of finances...but I do very occasionally live element of it (e.g. going in a luxury food shop or having an afternoon tea). More importantly for me though is I relate to her as a person. Her attitude to life, ethics etc.
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If you want to declare "THE BEST IN THE WORLD", you kinda need to have experienced and traveled a fair bit of the world to declare such? If she had said it was the "BEST IN LONDON", or maybe I'll stretch to the UK, but the world? :rolleyes: 😂 It's not about me agreeing. It's about basic facts. I agree it's probably her favourite food market since she doesn't go every far, but the click-bait title is trashy, and she could do better. 🤷‍♀️

To keep myself in the rave, I do like her shopping vlogs, but it annoys me when she starts acting like other vloggers with clickbaits and ignorant comments. It's lazy and letting herself down.
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whatsever you

VIP Member
She definitely acts single. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hannah definitely strikes me as a person who doesn’t want kids. And that’s okay.
She kinda strikes me as asexual. But maybe it’s because she doesn’t really talk about her life at all.
If she wants to a be a big YouTuber she’ll have to start opening up more I think.
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There's nothing wrong with wanting to succeed and do well on You Tube. But she's been telling us this whole time she's not in it for the views or she doesn't want to do this full time. Her words and actions tell us otherwise.
Only putting up a travel day vlog, they are the ones that always do the best in views is telling.
For most Disney viewers, well me, don't want these top tier videos with great editing, and perfect music. We just want to see the holiday, what you eat, what you do, the magic. She says she's so embarrassed by her Disney vlogs, so she privates them. I watched them, they were fine for Disney holiday vlogs, she criticised Universal a lot😂, she was solo most of the time so that's a different perspective.
I can't watch any more of her London vlogs, they're all the same now. Her Christmas vlogs are getting repetitive. She should go to Europe on weekends to visit different Christmas markets, that would be fun and interesting.
Yeah I agree, I don't have an issue with her wanting to do well at youtube. But saying one thing but doing another I have no time for.

Also her older videos weren't all that different to her current ones. It did well but her Ritz vlog was pretty rough, worse than her older Disney ones. Plus her drawing attention to what isn't there anymore just screams 'praise me'
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I like Hannah a lot, been watching for a long time.
At first, I wasn't sure how to take her, but the more I watched her the more I liked her.
She's got some good content... and does some great videos around London.
Just my two cents, good to see she has a thread on here, discussion is always a good thing.
I thought she was going to be some posh stuck up woman tbh. I did find it took me a few vlogs to realise she’s extremely normal and very funny. I think her accent does put people off at first! (Where as I watch the lodge guys and they talk the extreme opposite and that put me off too!)
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But why do you care or keep watching if you don't enjoy it? It seems as though every rave thread eventually turns negative or splits off.

I still enjoy her content on YT and IG so I will keep watching.
I don't watch anymore, and it's called a discussion. The same as if your favourite tv show has got crap, or if any public figures behaviour is questionable. You discuss it.

It's someone I used to like and enjoy and it's a shame when you see them go downhill. She was like the 'anti vlogger', she avoided every vlogger cliche and called them out on it. Now she is doing everything she said she wouldn't do.

When you get up on your high horse judging others, you have to expect people to pass comment when you do what you have previously criticised.
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What the hell is a 'cracker c**t'? Sounds racist. Yeah it's abysmal that people send abuse. Her videos are some of the least controversial out there. It's literally her going to shows, walking tours of London, and Disney stuff.
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I've never had an issue with Hannah like some here, and think she is a nice enough person. But I have been tiring of her vlogs lately, I love a nose round shops now and again but thats all it is. I found her via her travel vlogs and yesterday's post pretty mu h confirms what I'd suspected, he whole channel had moved away from that. I'd already stopped watching every vlog, but now may unsubsribe as looks like its going to be a shopping channel

View attachment 2051925
What does she mean premier pro is average at best? Literal professionals use it 🤪
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whatsever you

VIP Member
I think she has mentioned before that clickbait titles and the posed shock faced thumbnails she does gets the most views so as much as she thinks they are cringe will keep doing them as they bring in the views.
Which is odd for someone who does this as a hobby, and has said she would never do this full time, take sponsors etc, why do you care if your videos do well or hit the algorithm?
That is my annoyance with her, she seems to say she doesn't care, and mocks other people who this is their full time job, but comes off looking just as desperate for views with clickbait and thumbnails.
Yes, completely agree with this. I don’t get why she’s doing these videos anymore, if you were vlogging your days or holidays fair enough as it’s a video diary, but she’s never gonna reminisce on these ‘cheapest food shop’ vlogs she does. That really isn’t a hobby….especially as you said, she’s begging for people to subscribe and like her videos on Instagram.
I liked her Disney videos, and understood why she was vlogging them but now I just don’t get it.
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I'm disappointed that she has hidden/deleted all her Disney vlogs. They were enjoyable to watch.
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I think she’d do well to try some day trips from central London ?on the train. It’d give her some more varied content and would appeal to the US tourist market.
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Chatty Member
I do notice she is starting to repeat some of the places she's visited like the battersea station shopping centre. The Chelsea display. But her channel seems to be continuing to grow, so must be doing something right. I still enjoy her videos, but I don't watch as much as I used to.

I think her videos are catered more to her US audience at this point. I'm a brit who doesn't live in or visit London so it's nice to see the places people go there, but I prefer watching the walking tour videos of London.
I'm from the US and I'm bored with her videos. I unsubscribed. I hate when YouTubers get samey. It drives me insaney.
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She is definitely catering for an overseas audience hitting up the designer stores etc
I'm impressed by her growth. I remember last year during the festive period (i think it was) she had less than 100k followers. Now she's approaching 200k followers. The number of views are also quite consistent with average views of about 80k+ (probably more) on each video.
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Shes a buyer or something for a high street brand.

I do really like her, although the ads in her videos are getting a bit excessive. I usually avoid skipping ads for vloggers I like but she has too many to do that. Her last thirty minute one had 4 ad breaks I think, maybe 5
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Also, hasn't she already done these afternoon tea type videos about 100 times already. She's out of ideas and it's plainly obvious to see that she is just doing things to pump out volume content now that she's sold out.
Yeah. She did one in February. She mentioned it in the video. She was comparing the service & food in the recent visit to her previous one in Feb. She said the recent visit was much improved. I think she's catering to the foreign audience as they seem to lap up the festive period videos from London.
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