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Do you guys actually watch her london stuff? And if so why? I follow her for her Disney world content, but really not interested in her new videos so really surprised how she gets the views!
She did just treat herself to some big diamond earrings so guessing that was from YouTube!
I imagine most of her viewers are foreign. From the comments i've seen, it seems to be mostly Aussies, Americans, Canadians etc, then a mix of other countries including the UK.
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I did meet a lot like her in uni. Solid upper middle class background, came from a lovely posh area, parents helping out financially but not so loaded that they’ll never have to work. They are absolutely expected to get a good job and earn their own salary. A lot of them were completely sound and down to earth and not at all snobby. It was a complete culture shock for me to meet people like that but they seemed very aware that people like me existed if that makes sense lol! The other type of “posh” person the “posh t**t” didn’t do a tap and expected daddy to get them a job in politics or finance based on his connections and many of us are now represented by these people who have never done a days work! And then you had the snobby ahole who wasn’t even that rich, more middle class but got everything from daddy and looked down their nose at every job. They wouldn’t even take a highly paid job that they were unqualified for because they and their parents thought they were too good for work!

You meet all kinds but I try to take people are face value and not judge them based on where they come from. Some well off people are lovely and some working class people are complete snobby plonkers!!
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I don’t buy her reason for deleting her Florida vlogs either. She says it’s to do with her job but Charlotte Ruff works for Disney, in a higher up position than Hannah, and all her Disney vlogs are still on her channel
I thought it strange too as she's worked for Disney for a while, why now.
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Chatty Member
I know she's got to film the afternoon tea in the Ritz video as otherwise it's a pointless upload, but does anyone find it a bit awkward filming while sitting there eating? I noticed one of the people on the table behind them eyeing the camera. Probably thinking "why are you filming?" lol
Also, hasn't she already done these afternoon tea type videos about 100 times already. She's out of ideas and it's plainly obvious to see that she is just doing things to pump out volume content now that she's sold out.
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She doesn't bother me, although I haven't seen a lot of her content. Her shopping vlogs are snooze worthy. Also attempting to shop at Harrods/Liberty on a £10 budget is ridiculous. Most people going into high end stores typically know the outrageous price point. They aren't seeing how far they can stretch a tiny budget. So it's nonsensical imo. With all there is to see & do, she'd be better off focusing on showing quaint areas (not necessarily touristy) in & around London. Maybe off the beaten path.
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I looked at the views for her Harrod's vlog and they stand at 400k+. Not sure why her Harrod's vlog is so popular this year. I think last year's one has far less views. Maybe just an increase in followers explains it?
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Never heard of her and from a quick look on her youtube I don't want to haha
Lydia Millen is an absolute nightmare. She has a bad reputation for bullying - a Youtuber by the name of Hadassah Cordoba, her hairdresser (tried to ruin the hairdresser's business with a few of her influencer friends) and another influencer (can't remember her name).
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I'm not sure I believe she has friends on here. I've heard so many influencers say similar, it's a standard way to say 'I know what's being said' but also give distance and seem like they're not bothered. When in reality it's them checking the site
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Definitely not her first time breaking rules either! I remember a year or so ago when I still liked her vlogs , she was outside Liberty I think and said security told her not to film but that she was going to do it secretly anyway! This was way before she’d scooped down to her current fame hungry level she’s at now! Should’ve seen the signs
Does anybody know what her relationship status is? Just quite literally me being nosey. But she’s never mentioned so assuming she’s single. But she does mention she had a sister with children. If she’s in her late 30’s I wonder why she hasn’t got children. Not hate at all. I really like her. Just curious.

She mentioned she went to get the covid jab due to a heart condition, im surprised surely someone who has a heart condition would be a little more careful about wearing masks etc
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Could anyone read the tiny ass white font on her Instagram Stories that she won't have new videos for weeks? It was like 2px small.
That's a real annoyance of mine. She's not the only one to do it to be fair, but it's super annoying and I just ignore and click on or out of stories when someone does that.

It's also not super inclusive for anyone with even slight sight issues
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Barnes Wallace

VIP Member
I like Hannah a lot, been watching for a long time.
At first, I wasn't sure how to take her, but the more I watched her the more I liked her.
She's got some good content... and does some great videos around London.
Just my two cents, good to see she has a thread on here, discussion is always a good thing.
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Chatty Member
What could they be possibly saying?! Hannah doesn't really give anything away about her private life on YouTube anyway - unless she does on Instagram?
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I screenshot this one to read the text. The other one was something similar but less text obviously 😆
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Also are harrods asking people to wear them? If not then I don't really see that she did anything wrong.
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I went looking for the one where she saw Tim Tracker and I was sad to see it was gone. I'm so sad she deleted her Disney Vlogs, has she addressed why she's deleted them? Will she ever go back to Disney? :(
I'm sad she deleted them too. I really enjoy watching solo vloggers and her videos were really chill and pleasant to watch.
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I thought it was the norm for companies to never mention salaries in ads anymore. Especialy in house since it causes all kinds of hr issues. Haven’t seen it happen at the London based company I work for in decades!
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