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Piers Morgan read their post out on the actual tele. Fucking hell. What have they got on the ITV producers...
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Yes, to an extent I agree but she was what, in her mid-20s using the slur? It's quite widely known to be a racist slur, and since she studied at Kingston so she must have had at least some contact with people from different backgrounds. Unless she existed in a vaccum there was really no excuse for her to have used that term.

Ignoring the issue and posting a half-baked apology only makes it worse imo.
Omg I totally agree with you, I don't want anyone to think I'm excusing her behavior it's DEPLORABLE. But I guess my point is while the action is undeniably shitty (ignorance never an excuse), the ensuing shitshow of her behavior has made it 1000000x worse.

Like if she'd a) addressed it at the time, b) apologised properly and c) made it explicit in what 'work' she was doing to be a better person, I highly doubt she'd be in the position she's in.

That follower defending her by saying it’s a word half the population uses should also have alarmed her. These are the kind of followers she has attracted. This is a chance to educate others. By shutting down the conversation she’s become the poster girl for ignorance.
This fucking hits the nail on the HEAD. Hannah the racism is coming FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE. How can you claim to be an inclusive platform when you're letting out and out racists post without any repercussions???
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Sorry it made me laugh ‘hannah FINALLY got around to watching pembrokeshire murders’!?

it was literally aired last week 🤣🤣
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I’m wondering exactly where they see this little project fitting in on the internet? As a sort of Stylist-esque online magazine? Because I can see absolutely nothing unique or interesting about it whatsoever. It looks cheap, it’s badly written, the content is far from riveting... what are they trying for?
As for that apology, it’s so pathetic I can’t even bother trying to dissect it. There’s nothing there, is there?
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Am fascinated by the dynamic with her and Gemma- the slur was used by Hannah, and yet she 100% drags her under the bus in the new post. Why is Gemma sticking with her?! Does she seriously think Hannah is so ace that she will let herself be tarnished just to stay with her?!
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Ok what planet did Hannah or that other woman ever think that this venture was going to be successful? Did Hannah expect to go “soz for the racist slur lads, here’s a pointless story about sainsburys new Christmas sandwich”
People don’t forget stuff like this
exactly this.

I think this just highlights not only her delusion but also her white privilege.

as a white woman, I have never felt the hurt or pain of a racial slur, neither has Hannah. She totally has misunderstood and minimised how hurtful this is to people of Asian heritage. She misread the room totally.

If you’re reading here Hannah, I’m not about giving you a load of personal hatred. What I am going to say is that there is scientific literature which suggests individuals who are exposed to microaggressions, racism and bias in the western world live stressful lives, affecting their bodies at A CELLULAR LEVEL. This is linked to chronic illness and shorter telomeres (genetic life span.) In short, racism hurts individuals in a way we as white women cannot understand personally, but in a way we can understand biologically, in the long term it damages physical health in a way scientists are only just starting to understand.

to be anti-racist, you must be curative to this problem. Trauma is just so powerful there is a ome emerging evidence it can be inherited.

It is so clear to me that there was no period of reflection and research into racism and being anti-Racist. While disappointed, I am not at all surprised either.
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I’m hoping that she posts a proper, decent, sincere apology that takes full responsibility, proves that she has truly worked to educate herself and then donates some of that ad revenue money to causes to help those impacted by racism. Also that she stops posting 20 midi skirts from Sainsbury’s as content and starts thinking about the ethics and sustainability of her output, I’ll be willing to move on. Can’t see much of this happening though. I used to love Hannah. Just sad it’s ended up like this. Very glad they’ve fixed the comments though. It’s a good start.

Also as a side note, the posts that have been published so far seem really “off the cuff, ooh let’s write about this”. A good content calendar, writing some solid evergreen content a week or two ahead of time so it’s already scheduled and then peppering in news and product launches will make life a helluva lot easier. It seems they’ve launched with no content lined up ahead of time. I say this because I was the worst for it and would end up posting random stuff just to “get something up” 😂
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Can't believe she's (they've) limited comments on insta. She knows people are pissed off, she's done nothing to suggest she's matured and owned her mistake. The absolute arrogance of coming back the way she has and thinking she doesn't have to acknowledge and apologise is mindblowing. Annoyingly she will read every tattle post and use it as advice/pointers for how to navigate this.
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Backlash aside, is this really what The Leopard was going to be? I don’t understand the timing of it when she’s still got a small baby, the country is in lockdown, the run up to Christmas, I mean, why couldn’t she wait for the new year? New year new start sort of thing? Would have given her more time to create more thoughtful content, invite more contributors? So odd.
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I can’t agree more that this has just been done as a money making scheme around Christmas. There’s no personality or originality at all, I could be reading any boring bland magazine. It’s shilling products she’s going to make money from but just using their own copy so it reads like insincere bollocks. Now she’s panicking that her easy money is going to be taken away instead of doing some hard work and uncomfortable reflection.

I think she thinks she’s a huge corporation who can do a bullshit apology, remove comments and just carry on as normal and people will still give them money. She hasn’t realised that no one cares about her and her content isn’t anything I can’t find on instagram adverts, albeit with worse spelling.

I’m who she is apparently writing for - mid 30’s with a young child. This content is bland, insulting, patronising and irrelevant in the current climate. I don’t connect with anything this woman says or does. She’s so immature and lazy.

You’re not entitled to earn money from your shitty writing, ESPECIALLY if you’ve been called out for using racist language. Give it up, it’s not for you, go get a normal job.

Of course she reads here, she’s so insecure and unsure of herself that she needs to literally be told what to do and what to say. Unfortunately she is going to steal ideas from everyones intelligent and savvy points made here.
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You write with actual intelligence and depth. I'd read your blog/IG. 😚
Awww, shucks! 😚

I think the main takeaway I have is that the site has been repurposed created as a money-making scheme. And while I understand they need to make money to live, if she had relaunched with the intention of providing interesting, relatable content with a core purpose and addressed the huge thing (a video would have been better, out of her comfort zone shows growth) she *may* have had a fighting chance.
If she had pitched magazines and newspapers with her side of the story and how she had tried to address it, with some help from a good editor to get the messaging right, and not turned it into a “me, me, me” piece she may have had a fighting chance.

If she had launched The Leopard as a stand-alone title without highlighting WHO was running it, it could have had a chance.

This however seems like a corners cut way to boost the SEO, grow the DA quickly and maximise on the previous successes and audience she had. It’s a cut and shut.
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And you see that this talented, eloquent and quite good at photos instagrammer has less than 1k followers! This is what frustrates me about influencers, it’s all the “cool kids” when there are so many talented people out there hidden away because they don’t have mates with huge followings that’ll drop them in their stories, or they haven’t written a post that’s gone viral because nobody gives them a second look. It’s a crying shame.
I think it says a lot about supposed "cancel culture", too.
Hannah referred to her blog as "personal". She's upset because she can't make money from it, because she's finally being held accountable for her actions, and that's the crux of it, but here's an because you want to, and not for the money and "fame". No one is banning her from social media. She's just proved that she can't be trusted with such an influential platform, given both her views and how she handles being called out on them, so should dial it back a bit.
No one can "cancel" another person. If she has friends and family, then post to them, and keep it private from the greater public. No one needs 7000+ people to hear them...and very few deserve it.

The biggest issue I have is that with her apology she said that as soon as she was made aware of her racist comment she deleted it....but that's not what happened. She was told multiple times, over multiple months, by multiple people, in multiple ways, and just ignored, deleted and blocked. Until she explains why she didn't address it as soon as she was educated about the word (giving her a massive benefit of the doubt, as I actually can't see how she'd ever think it's an acceptable term) everything else is just noise and isn't good enough.
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The WE LOVE PEOPLE OF COLOUR, HONEST thing is so forced it's embarrassing. It's fine to just highlight accounts/people/events organically. As long as you DO it. Stop forcing yourselves to shoehorn them in.
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The response is woeful
yeah really is, "let it slip" she acts as if its not really a big deal. are influencers just incapable of following rules? and she was pregant then! why the hell wouldn't you be more careful
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Funny how they are quick to read tattle and know everything we say! If they disagree with such a place why are they here reading our comments!? 🤣🤣🤣 they love it really but try to act like they are above it.

again for the nosey people reading and not members: These forums would not exist if influencers had open conversations with people and not block and delete any comment they deem isn’t arse licking enough.

in your beloved Hannahs case she BLOCKED and DELETED comments about her racism in March before she took accountability.
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I suspect part of the reason they are 'stepping away from the venture' because I imagine Gemma wants absolutely no part in it. She turned her insta private last week didn't she, and then hasn't done any insta stories on the leopard. Gemma posted the statement on the site. Might have veered into fanfic here but the wording makes it seem like maybe there's no partnership anymore so there's no option.
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It annoys me more than it should how they refer to each other in the third person when they tell us what they’ve been up to at the weekend.
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It's the impression she puts across. Do I think she loves her kids? Obviously. But an impartial reader reading the stuff she wrote about parenting/having a child the first time round wouldn't have bet on her having another one, especially so soon. Because everything she wrote online about being a mother suggested she wasn't enjoying it and it was essentially 'ruining' her life.

Obviously it's tough parenting, I call my child a little shit all the time TO MY HUSBAND. Not to thousands of strangers, online, publicly, where anyone can see it. Especially the father, family members, other parents from nursery, teachers etc I'd be mortified if I was giving off that impression to people about my attitude to my kid(s). Ultimately the kids will be able to see it when they're older too.
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