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Oh my god these people in the comments... such an ‘informative project?’ You can see ‘all the work that’s been put in?!’ What are they looking at?!?!
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Chatty Member
And she has two kids, how could anyone expect her to work with two children?! It’s just not feasible, people don’t do that
Maybe she'll have to get a job in Aldi or somewhere like that. Seriously though if she can't work online, she will be restricted to her local area and what is available there. Then start factoring in the cost of childcare and she will soon start to see how difficult life is for most of us trying to juggle family & jobs. It would be a good reality check for a lot of influencers to see what actual normal life is like when they are constantly whinging about being busy and stressed.
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Without sounding disrespectful to mamas who have had to give birth during the pandemic (forever grateful my little boy was born in feb!), her “elective c-section during a pandemic” sounds exactly like a normal elective c-section..just with a covid swab? I had to have an MRSA swab tbf which is fairly similar? Like literally could have written that word for word? Don’t really understand what she was trying to make a meal out of? She really is so me me me isn’t she.
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Atticus and Ziggy?? Is she taking the piss? Ziggy is a cat's name ,imagine a 40 year old man called Ziggy?
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The articles read like if you set a Year 10 group the task of writing a magazine. It's so infantile and insulting of them to think grown women with responsibilities, hobbies and just even a basic interest in the issues of society would be interested in this badly written fluff. Give me candles, but give me emerging black owned candle businesses. Give me midi skirts, but give me how ethical retailers exclude plus size. Putting a grown up angle on her overplayed topics isnt hard.
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My prediction is coming true. Relaunch in the new year, lots of diverse content to start with to gain the followers back and then it will gradually revert back to a superficial hubba hubba ding dong blog about where to find the most middle class bog brush.
It’s Joseph and Joseph, right?
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Omg I totally agree with you, I don't want anyone to think I'm excusing her behavior it's DEPLORABLE. But I guess my point is while the action is undeniably shitty (ignorance never an excuse), the ensuing shitshow of her behavior has made it 1000000x worse.

Like if she'd a) addressed it at the time, b) apologised properly and c) made it explicit in what 'work' she was doing to be a better person, I highly doubt she'd be in the position she's in.

This fucking hits the nail on the HEAD. Hannah the racism is coming FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE. How can you claim to be an inclusive platform when you're letting out and out racists post without any repercussions???
Absolutely agree. The slur itself is one thing but stay and address it! Don’t just flounce off the internet when you get called out on it. Even if she’d just said “I acknowledge the slur, I’m mortified that the blog was up so long so I’m going to take a break from posting online whilst I work on anti-racism/educating myself/have another baby and when I’m ready to come back I will make an effort to x, y and z”
Rather than waiting until she has perceived the moment has passed (at least with other white influencers) and sneaking back in as if nothing happened.

Don’t even get me started on getting called out, stating you are going to be more diverse and inclusive so you start following Lizzo and blocking words in your comments.
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Oh bless Hannah, she’s been reading our comments and seen we know Ziggy’s name so has gone and had a clear out of followers on her personal account!! Looks like you deleted the wrong people!! Not everyone thinks you’re a top lad hun!!!

This is why she missed work lads
Oh poor Hannah. Must've been so, so hard to be the only woman on earth pregnant during a global pandemic. Oh, wait...
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Hannah Gale #5 Rehashing M&S doesn't make you less of a tone-deaf mess

Guys, I need a thread title with Hubba Hubba in, someone deliver the goods, my brain doesn't work.
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All this “Hannah bought this” “Gemma did that” shit, do they realise they sound like pantronising twats talking to children??
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I think the right thing to do on her part in terms of the comments defending her or saying ‘but she was pregnant’ would actually be for her to reply saying something along the lines of

‘it’s kind of you to weigh in for me however my behaviour in this instance was out of line and can’t be excused due to my pregnancy, I take full responsibility ... blah blah blah’

leaving them up and not responding makes it look like she agrees with it and shouldn’t be held accountable!
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Active member
Oh bless Hannah, she’s been reading our comments and seen we know Ziggy’s name so has gone and had a clear out of followers on her personal account!! Looks like you deleted the wrong people!! Not everyone thinks you’re a top lad hun!!!

This is why she missed work lads

Amazing 👏🏻🙌🏻👀 we love you. Please more tea!


Grieving the pregnancy she thought she'd have. She's so dramatic. Her writing is always the same, it reminds me of the "sob stories" on x factor. This big woe is me, tears, life is so hard.... Then the music comes.... BUT I know I'll be ok, I'm stronger than I think.... Music crescendo....I GOT THIS ❤..... Music fades.... everything is going to be ok/I wouldn't want it any other way/then I look around and realise life isn't so bad. The end.
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I think whatever she does now isn't going to be good enough really. She's left it far too late and whatever online venture she attempts is going to be tainted by both her original attitude and the actions she's taken since. Her blog and Instagram (I say her, because it's clear Gemma has no influence here) are both superficial and materialistic, and all she can seemingly write are puff pieces. She needs to just call it a day and find something else to do.

The blogging world has moved on since she was in her prime, and we expect something much deeper and considered from social media now (at least I know I do). I want to read about a POC designer that I can support, or a post about how white allies can keep the momentum moving. I've bought several books about inclusivity for my child based on what other influencers have showcased, and this is the kind of content we need, not a badly worded press release on the new sainsburys sandwich.
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When she made her “goodbye cruel Instagram world” speech before she left she said that her “skin was never thick enough for the influencer world”. Are we supposed to believe that within 5 months and having a baby has made her any better? This is why she’s coupled up with this random Gemma Yates woman. So she can deal with any of the negative nitty gritty stuff and Hannah can just post about midi skirts
She also said that the decision to leave was one she had been sitting on for over a year and had lost the love for it. Full of shit. She just didn't want to face up to what she did.
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Morning lads! This thread is giving me life right now. My toddler has just shat on the floor but I’m fine about it’s coz I’ve just read ‘HUBBA HUBBA’ on their latest story 😂
God give me strength.
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