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The c-section story is her birth story, that’s all. Every blogger writes one. Not really from a covid angle, as the headline implied, and really all. about. herself. Oh I sobbed because the lady told me to step back from the desk. What the fuck?

Atti is only mentioned to be complained about. As usual.
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The comment on their post from 'Fran' who is defending Hannah. She says she feels sorry for Hannah because she thinks what she did was not meant to cause harm. It's not up to her to decide that. 🙄
Fran is a dick. She thinks we're meant to just scroll on by if someone doesn't fit our "ideals" of no racism. Just unfollow and curate your feeds with non racists and the problem goes away. MORON.
Calling someone out for using oppressive racist language and basic bitch Fran's telling you to "#bekind" - the privilege of this is unbelievable
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Just read there valentines meal deal post, their prices for m&s are wrong and also why bother if they're not going to bother listing all the items. Theirs a note at the bottom saying the post will be updated when all items are known. Nobody has bothered to update. Honestly the laziest bloggers
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Jesus Christ. If her “work” (selfies, aldi hauls, period oversharing, hastily written “5 min read” paragraphs on body positivity and mental health, freebie hunting) is what gives her purpose... then I feel really sorry for her, not even being ironic here.
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Totally agree and hope she's been really well paid for this piece. She had a lot to say about how to change racists' minds on her own insta, and it seemed like she got a few people to admit they were wrong to defend Hannah.
yeah exactly, she is a very good writer and clearly very intelligent. I almost don't get why they are having guest writers as it just makes their content look even more shit by comparison.
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Chatty Member
I just don’t like the way they talk to their audience ‘we’ve uploaded another story for you guys’, ‘final story uploaded everyone’. It’s weird and doesn’t give an impression of it being a current, fast paced news/magazine site or whatever it’s supposed to be. Just seems like that’s the sort of thing they’d say to each other but not quite the right wording for the audience. At least try to make it sound like you haven’t just planned uploads of press releases sent throughout the week. We can all copy and paste.
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I think the thing that gets me is the so called apology is then followed by we will be back tomorrow sharing the biggest stories so see you then!! It literally is like right so I’ve got that inconvenience is out the way now on with business!!! She sees us "trolls" as nothing more than annoying as we are getting in her way of freebies!!! She really is just the most self obsessed person ever!!!
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Does anyone else hate her constant posts about the work week, like "Fri-yay" or today "wednesday, halfway through the working week" I would hazard a guess that at least 1/4, or way moreof the population? work at weekends (I know I do) and especially now when so many people still working regularly are key workers
Yes! And also, it’s hardly as if they are putting in a solid 40 hour working week anyway is it?! A few recycled Insta stories and blog posts, with just the date and some words changed - they don’t know the meaning of hard work and it’s so patronising!
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I can’t believe she has just relaunched her blog, with a godawful name and a second person to take the heat off 🤣 it’s just classic Hannah- painfully lazy and lacking any kind of originality or creativity
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Nandos, Aldi, midi skirt, track suit bottoms.. She really doesn’t like to deviate much from her life script, does she? 😁 What are your bets for the next riveting Hannah Gale Signature blog post?
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This whole conversation has actually been really interesting, I had never thought about it, ,but I am from London and I never heard the c word in "real life" (maybe in like a documentary about racism in the past or something) but (and I had totally forgotten this until now) at high school in the early 00s lots of people did use the P word as standard. I had just moved back to the UK at the time and had no idea what it meant for ages, but I cannot ever remember using it myself as it is something my parents would have def called me out on. However, what I do remember (mid 00s) at uni is the prevalence of people (myself included) using the phrase "half cast" as it it meant mixed race. I had no idea of the highly derogatory reason for it until a flatmate in first year explained it to me and haven't used it since (obviously), it is interesting how much things have changed, thankfully.
Saw this on Cigarettes and Calpols stories. Very interesting
I cannot stand Cigarettes and Calpol, she is a monumental hypocrite and such a twat. I’m pretty sure she is still friends with Susie Racist Verill and she has a close friend who supports her too (Flen something?). They’re like bitchy mean girl group at school, can’t stand them. The fact she’s calling Hannah out is beyond half arsed (as she would have known all about this the first time!) and she should really start with people closer to home if she wants to start virtue signalling, not one single word was said about SV. Not a nice person at all.
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I just read her ‘things to take into hospital when you have an emergency c section’ post. I found it so try-hard lighthearted and breezing over all the difficulties that people may have, emotionally and physically. I had a c section (granted, emergency) and even just reading this post make me feel all hot and horrible.. on thr list of things I cared about smoked almonds and lemon chocolate biscuits were smack at the bottom. Fine, try to make people feel less scared but it all just came across as know it ally and not actually honest or helpful. Like *those* sorts of friends who make you feel about five cm tall as they breezily bang on about something and you’re internally going What the hell... Oh all I needed was my Nintendo switch and some beauty pie perfume samples. Literally all I gave a F about was the baby... cheers Hannah.
I've found Hannah's birth posts incredibly insensitive and triggering in the past. She even once tweeted to someone dismissing the existence of traumatic birth experiences. She literally has no idea how lucky she is.
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Overall, the people supporting her care more about a guide to fucking hideous midi skirts and Hannah's bullshit style of writing than racial equality and that just makes me pity them. How blind, how ignorant. 'JuSt DoN't FoLlOw' oh ok. That will undo all the casual racism. Out of sight, out of mind.
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So interesting to see Hannah write a post about her own white fragility, while Gemma has written the piece which actually involves research. Love that the dynamic hasn't changed. Feels pretty grim that they'll earn 90% off affiliate links in that post.

And their 'anti racism' pledges are mostly just 'non racist' pledges aren't they. If you word them differently they just mean 'we won't exclude', 'we won't block key words from comments' etc. Not good enough but progress from their low bar
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