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Et tu Brute?

VIP Member
Hannah needed to come back with a proper apology, absolute minimum. She then should have shown how she’s educated herself in respect of racism, racist language, diversity etc but no - sure just pretend like nothing happened Hannah!!!! If I didn’t like her before I cannot stand her now. She expects the public and her followers to pay her wages yet shows them such disregard 😡
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I think for some people she won't be able to get it right and she'll just have to live with that. I don't want to give you tips (Hi Hannah) but maybe start by saying how ashamed you are of ignoring the many comments and messages that asked you to address it long before the BLM movement went nuclear and perhaps the reasons why you did this? Laziness? Privilege? I can't imagine what actually made her ignore it all.
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Ok guys, I just followed and commented asking politely for the racism to be addressed fully in a blog post and the comment was there. Then I looked on my other IG account and it’s gone. Look back with the original account and it’s showing up fine. How are they able to hide certain comments without deleting them like that?!

Ok guys, I just followed and commented asking politely for the racism to be addressed fully in a blog post and the comment was there. Then I looked on my other IG account and it’s gone. Look back with the original account and it’s showing up fine. How are they able to hide certain comments without deleting them like that?!
They're doing this, with words such as racism, BLM....

"How do I filter out comments I don't want to appear on my posts on Instagram?
Comments that may be inappropriate, offensive or bullying are automatically filtered out from your posts, stories and live videos. Comments are filtered automatically by default, but you can always change this setting."

She just gets WORSE and WORSE. UGHHHHH.
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I mean its friday today which is technically the weekend for Hannah, so there won’t be any posts as we know she works so hard during the week, she needs weekends off
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They're getting ripped on that thread but they deserve it. It was written by a woman who hasn't had to enter the real world during this pandemic. Reeks of middle class privilege.
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Chatty Member
I'm still astonished at her original racism. I grew up in the 80s and knew that word was a deliberate slur. I'm interested what family and community dynamics she experienced that left her unaware of this to the point she used it casually as an adult woman in her JOB. This kind of exploration might have went some way to making amends.
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Omfg she just needs to give up. She’s like a cockroach. Seems to come back from whatever happened and just carries on like normal. Go away ffs.
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New member
I have been following this with interest as I previously really enjoyed Hannah’s content. I was, like many of us, appalled when the word surfaced and even more so at her reaction to being called out and the nonsense that followed. She handled the whole situation incorrectly. I get it’s embarrassing but in my opinion it’s part and parcel of being someone with a public persona and she needs to take accountability for that. That being said, I don’t think the post on the blog is sufficient. There STILL seems to be lots of caveats and excuses - it just rubs me up the wrong way. To me it seems to be a bit of tokenism - she is only doing this because she’s been called out, not because she WANTS to.
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Alex Steadman still following though...

In all seriousness, if anyone would be willing to share a template message to send to brands, I would really appreciate it - I've just written one on Instagram to Joanie clothing but not sure if I worded it well or got my point across clearly.
Sure! This is what I’ve been sending to brands...

Hey there! As a brand I love and have purchased from many times in the past, I just wanted to highlight that a new blog/account has popped up called @theleoparduk with ex-influencer Hannah Gale at the front of it. You may recall that before she took a break from the internet, Hannah was asked to apologise for racist slurs she had made in previous blog posts. With her new venture, it seems she’s not actively addressing what she learned from being held accountable, or properly apologised for what she did and people in minority communities are still very upset about it. It has now also come to light that rather than address this issue and open up a dialogue, she’s using instagram’s filters to block keywords such as “racism” “BLM” and “apology” on her posts. Therefore, I hope that your brand will not be working with her in future or offering her any gifted or discounted products. I would very much appreciate a response to this message. Best wishes.
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Does anyone else find it weird Hannah still posts on the leopard stories in the exact same style/ aesthetic as she did when she had her old account? Actually, of course she would, she’s never had an original, organic thought of her own. I don’t even mind that’s she back and I did used to like her but it feels like we’ve gone back in time 2 years and nothing about her has changed except she has another child for her boyfriend to babysit.
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She doesn’t need to flounce off again. She needs to use her voice to educate all the people who follow her and seemingly think this isn’t a big deal? Might give her a bit of get up and go to blog about something other than midi skirts and chocolate. She could really turn this into something but I get the impression she doesn’t like hard work.
She's never done any. Even at the height of her 'fame', her list posts were relatable because they were her own experiences and the experience of every girl her age... It wasn't research was it?
She's been rehashing press releases, reviewing sandwiches... I mean, the sandwich post - she mentioned two sandwiches and then write 'prices start from £2'... Just tell us the actual prices of these two items, make an effort to find out!
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She got into bed with someone who was asked to face their behaviour; didn’t. Yes it’s not her actions directly but surely in 2020 if she has learnt anything she should have told Hannah that she couldn’t work with her till she had created a properly drafted apology and several blog posts on what she was using to educate herself
In a way though, her jumping into bed with someone who behaves like that is exactly her actions. Staying quiet and not calling it out I think makes you just as bad. Gemma clearly thought it would “all just go away” and isn’t that part of the problem?
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Hannah needs to come back with a decent blog post on what work she’s done on racial slurs and how she’s continued to educate herself! It’s all run, rinse and repeat
And also calling out the racists on her own posts!!! It won't be worth a damn thing unless she puts her money where her mouth is and tells her white women army 'lads we all fucked up and you were wrong to accept my apology on behalf of the people I hurt'.

If she doesn't address the behavior of people on her posts, and 'work' she does is PURELY performative and she can keep it.
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Active member
I like that she admitted she was wrong to hide. I’m aware that a publicist probably helped her draft the statement but I am glad to see her try to take some accountability for what she has said and done.

That being said, I don’t know why she is leaving again. Now is the time she could post some raw, honest content about her own privilege and how she was forced to confront her inner prejudices. Running away now in the hope that when she comes back again it will all be forgotten is not the solution.
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I do hope she is, like really do. I used to like Hannah’s posts back in the day and it’s such a shame to watch her create her own demise by just being absolutely despicably lazy and ignorant. As above, with those poor people having anxious thoughts well into adulthood as a result of being racially bullied, I do also feel like it would be hypocritical not to mention that this could also be seriously harmful for Hannah and her anxiety levels too and this could have an effect on her kids - literally a huge group of people are watching her every move. While she has absolutely NOT done the right thing at all and I don’t think she could have done less at this point and the whole thing is just such a tremendous shit show, I think it’s important to be mindful of PND/anxiety and what effects this situation could have on her long term too. It’s very easy to turn off the noise when you feel anxious and burry your head in the sand when you are being backed into a corner (as I’m sure a lot of people will understand) and I can imagine she is feeling the heat a lot right now - understandably and rightly so, but there is definitely a line. We do have to remember she used an abhorrent racial slur when referring to a take away, at no point did she bully or racially abuse anyone. I think I’m more playing devils advocate here more than anything but just some food for thought. She really just needs to move on with her life and find another venture if she can’t handle the heat and stand up and take responsibility for her actions and words, especially when her WORDS are are JOB. People are more than welcome to correct me if they think I’m wrong but please don’t jump on me for attempting to see the other side of the story!
I agree in the sense that there's no need to make it personal, or bring her family into it - but I think people have really spelt out for her what they want her to do, given her examples and if her ignoring them is making her feel bullied I think that's on her.

I get your point that she didn't actively racially absue anyone, but using a slur, excusing it, using it in her original 'apology' (I mean come on Hannah) still contributes to racism, and getting called out it just the consequences of her actions imo
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God all the insta huns are all doing these cringe lockdown posts....nauseating
I know... like, all these things are lovely even when there isn’t the threat of catching a potentially lethal respiratory virus. Lockdown is a gift to those more vulnerable within our communities, not some ‘sexy, sassy, babein’ ‘gram opportunity. Fuck off Hannah, properly this time
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God I re-read her 'apology' from the summer and it's so bad, the first two pages are her kinda apologising but mostly avoiding responsibility, the rest of it is 'wah I'm not cut out for this' with no mention of what she was going to do differently or how she would fix it (if it doesn't contain any actions that would amend the behavior that made the issue, it's not an apology!) and she re-uses the slur TWICE. HANNAH. IT'S A SLUR. If you got called out for using the n word, SURELY you wouldn't put it in your apology as the full word?? Cos that's the fucking issue??? I seriously can't even.
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