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I don’t think she can come back now. I feel like people are so over her in the industry that she will will struggle. It’s her own doing though 🤷🏻‍♀️
yeh also the influencer market is SO saturated now taking a few months off then coming back with mediocre content is hardly a recipe for success is it
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And you see that this talented, eloquent and quite good at photos instagrammer has less than 1k followers! This is what frustrates me about influencers, it’s all the “cool kids” when there are so many talented people out there hidden away because they don’t have mates with huge followings that’ll drop them in their stories, or they haven’t written a post that’s gone viral because nobody gives them a second look. It’s a crying shame.
Was going to say the same. The fact they even got that number of followers on The Leopard with the poor quality of the content insane. As you say, much more talented people who don't make it near to that number of followers.
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Long time lurker here... I genuinely cannot believe how half arsed that apology is. It’s PAINFULLY obvious that she’s only posting it because she feels she has to - not exactly the mark of a genuine apology. I’d say she must be mortified but don’t think she’s got the self awareness for that kind of thing
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I kinda think it's the right thing to do, step away from this business project. Cos now they can have a proper think and learn about it. And that's what we all want, right? Accountability and for her to do better? And there's no way you can do that authentically while also trying to grow a business?

Cos like realistically, she didn't do anything while she was away the first time. So she's got to spend now actually understanding, you know?

EDITED - nah I've changed my mind, it's nonsense to remove herself from the narrative without addressing all the white women still defending her, who will be crying 'cancel culture' now.
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glad to see old lazy bitch Hannah hasn’t changed her ways one bit for this ‘new’ venture. Same old regurgitated press release’s for her ‘need to know’ item.
Also interestingly if you hover over it in the blog it shows the date as April 2020, so she is just copying over the old stuff and putting a new date in it
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I’ve followed Hannah for longer than I care to admit, too. I just disagree with people saying that calling your kids kids is uncaring or saying she turns the music up in the car loud enough to not hear them yelling is poor parenting.

she does show disdain towards her kids, that much is true but my original post was don’t come here to say she’s the worlds worst parent because she called them “kids”. I’m sure she doesn’t actually think her kids are Billy goats ffs.
I think that the whole ‘kid’ thing is just someone disliking the word, I don’t think they actually were suggesting she thinks her kids are goats...
I personally think turning up music to drown out your kids is really poor parenting. I’m certainly not the perfect mother, but I certainly make sure that I can hear and respond to my child- especially in a small space like the car when I can’t see them face on. What if the littlest one was having trouble breathing? Or the older one was eating something and started to choke?
I also think that the way Hannah writes about her children is incredibly insensitive to people with fertility issues- which she once claimed to be, let’s not forget. My friend just lost a premmie at a few weeks- I’m sure she would love to be having sleepless nights etc, rather than grieving. If Hannah wants to reinvent herself as a sassy woke boss babe hun, she needs to make those kinds of considerations too
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I like that she admitted she was wrong to hide. I’m aware that a publicist probably helped her draft the statement but I am glad to see her try to take some accountability for what she has said and done.

That being said, I don’t know why she is leaving again. Now is the time she could post some raw, honest content about her own privilege and how she was forced to confront her inner prejudices. Running away now in the hope that when she comes back again it will all be forgotten is not the solution.
Thing is, she's just not that smart is she? And not prepared to get out of her comfort zone and challenge herself to think about it.

I was thinking about that personal post saying how much validation she gets from her 'work'. I thought that was very telling. It's an escape from the non-glam, no-freebie, 'put someone else first' work of parenting.

She returned for the wrong reasons: for money, for likes and to roleplay being a girl boss. Not because she had learned anything or wanted to use her platform for anyone else's benefit. She hasn't got it in her to use her platform for good - she even tore down her pregnant friend's career prospects to use her as a human shield. She can't even call out her racist followers.
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She's never done any. Even at the height of her 'fame', her list posts were relatable because they were her own experiences and the experience of every girl her age... It wasn't research was it?
She's been rehashing press releases, reviewing sandwiches... I mean, the sandwich post - she mentioned two sandwiches and then write 'prices start from £2'... Just tell us the actual prices of these two items, make an effort to find out!
yeh i agree, she doesn't seem to get (like so many people here have said) that blogging is not what it once was. Relatively few peoople had them when she started so you could basically get away with very basic content, which is not the case now. She is the epitome of so many infleucners etc who were just in the right place at the right time but would never be successful now
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Ok so I visited here back when she left months ago and I remembered her yesterday and wondered whatever happened with all that, and found all THIS

I actually liked her blog, I didnt read every post but I'd check in every few months. I was quite sympathetic to her when this all happened because growing up lots of people I know used the word she used so I can see how you might not realise how offensive it was, but I thought her just leaving wasn't a great move

But to come back with a new project and not even mention it? Honestly appalled. She should've come back and showed us the work she'd been doing - what books has she read, podcasts, what activists and writers is she following, what diverse children's books has she bought to make sure she educates her own children on this topic.

Honestly I think that an influencer has a responsibility to do this kind of work. This is why people are talking about anti racism, because words can be offensive in ways you may never have realised, so I think if your work is going to be read by thousands of people it is your responsibility to do this work to avoid this happening in the future

Plus this has really showed so many of her followers are white women who think her behaviour is totally fine. So she has a real opportunity to let them learn along with her. Deborah who hosts the Guilty Feminist podcast had this years also, she was called out for mostly having white/straight/cis/able guests and she was open about the whole thing and shared how she was trying to unpick her hidden biases, learn, and make an effort to be inclusive. Hannah has an opportunity here to do the same and I really hope she's up to it
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Caffeine Fiend

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I have no sympathy for her. She has been messaged many times prior to last year about the slur. Had she removed it when messaged then none of this would have blown up in her face. The majority of the internet would have been none the wiser.

Probably better that it has happened though and her true colours have shone through.

Someone who had used that word and was embarrassed about it would have removed it and addressed it. The fact she was happy to keep it there when alerted shows shes a casual racist with no remorse.

Openly calling out for WOC to write a blog piece for her to me screams ' I want to continue being a lazy wotsit and earn a living from it, dont cancel me' it doesnt say I have researched and educated myself.
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Imagine seeing all the comments on your insta from people being genuinely upset, deleting them and then going to settings and blocking the words racist, apology and BLM. I mean the thought process behind this is absolutely mind boggling. Literally LALALA I CANT HEAR YOU, NOW GIVE ME MONEY.
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That little joys of lockdown post is one of the most fucking annoying things I have ever read. The fact it is getting so much attention genuinely baffles me
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Her story is basically: I've already apologised, I'm not going to be doing anything more about it, so from tomorrow it's business as usual
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The thing about how many years you've not had to think about racism... And for them two it's a combined 65... Does that make Gemma 34?! Never!!!
Hang on, so they're basically admitting that they have never even thought or talked about racism up until now??? This is just mind-boggling. It's either another performative posting so that they can keep churning out their shit inbetween discussion/thought provoking posts or they really are just terribly ignorant people. How do you not even THINK about racism until you are 31.
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Long time lurker first time poster on this thread!
I did used to enjoy Hannah's content a while ago...was completely appalled by the way she handled things last year.
I genuinely had an interest in the blog she put up as like we have all said it's her chance to start righting the wrongs. First sentence undoes any good in the blog 'brought to her attention last year' that is an out and out lie. Lots of people brought the use of that word to her attention months / years before she actually says she noticed.
The blog is all me me me and then we we we when its talking about running away - it was her decision, Gemma just got dragged down for association!
I am not from an ethnic minority so I cant comment on what she says she has done is 'enough' but I do think it's a start. Like people have said I think its just too little too late for most!
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It’s the fact that she keeps saying how tattle is so horrible to her etc. when all of us are just speaking facts. So many of us wish her well but just won’t stand for crappy writing and racism that she gets to put out into the world thanks to us consumers and make money from.
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I'm still on follower count. Dropping still. I think I saw it up to 7297 at one point and now it's at 7261. Come on everybody, have some balls and unfollow. Then do what I do, search her 13 times a day to check the follower count 😂

Someone else has asked for a life update because they've missed her...

'I had a baby and haven't stopped moaning about it since. One day, I went to Aldi and they were out of pretzel chocolate so I came home and let Chris 'do childcare' because I needed to take care of my mental health. And that brings us up to date, lads'

The brown nosers are out in force since her 'apology' last night. Someone actually called a girl suggesting Hannah apologise 'preachy' and accused her and 'many others' of being 'on their high horses.

Lots of people suggesting if you don't like Hannah, unfollow. This is how to combat deep-seated racism! Why did none of us think of this before? 'If you don't like it, don't look'. Problem solved...


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Do you reckon she thinks that's sorted now and they can go back to reviewing Christmas sandwiches tomorrow? Can't hide from the grid forever
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