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Yesterday at 3pm I took a screenshot of the profile, 7,277 followers. Today that’s only gone down by 10. The number of accounts they were following yesterday was only 36, all brand and PR.

I almost feel bad for Gem for being so naive. She must have thought HG would bring in credibility and this would be her quick buck on SM. Gem should have insisted on Hannah making amends as a condition of her getting involved because she’s sullied her name now. Who enters into a business partnership without thinking about public perception? No sympathy.
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Long-time lurker here but just felt the need to say something. I’m baffled that they’re limiting comments. Went on their most recent post like ten mins ago and there were three comments (rightfully) calling her out. Just checked and they are already gone. It’s mad... how long can they keep doing this? Also annoys the sh1t out of me that all the people defending her are white... who IMO have no right to comment on the situation and say all is forgiven.
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I actually liked her blog, I didnt read every post but I'd check in every few months. I was quite sympathetic to her when this all happened because growing up lots of people I know used the word she used so I can see how you might not realise how offensive it was, but I thought her just leaving wasn't a great move
Tbh she doesn’t deserve any sympathy because people commented on her blog, her IG posts and sent her messages telling her she shouldn’t be using that word for literally years (evidence on previous threads) before all this and she just ignored/ deleted everything. She knew she was in the wrong but didn’t give a crap until the BLM stuff kicked off and she had to pretend she was sorry.
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I literally just found this thread 2 hours ago and seen they were following 38 people, and now they’re following 179. Seems like they’ve googled BAME bloggers and been on a following spree 🙄
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Yeah... I’m not sure how they think this is going to take off? Aren’t blogs pretty much a dying medium, I know I never really click through to someone’s blog, I consume more on insta
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That didn’t last long! I really, truly think she just needs to do something that is totally removed from social media. She needs to look at herself and work out why she feels the need to try and grow a following and be so public, and see how she can fill that need within her life. Maybe then she could actually be happy and content!
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Wonder if they will delete this accurate comment??
I rolled my eyes at the list too, but not everything on it is going to be for everyone.

I don't think readers not being able to relate to everything is the worst thing about that list 😂 and I thought that comment was a massive reach to be fair, despite how much I despise HG and the regurgitated drivel she's peddling right now.
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Well-known member
There is a bye, but there won’t be a “see ya later”.
By doing this now, she’s burying her brand forever. She’s flounced twice, she has ZERO credibility now. People were willing to give her a chance had she done it right, but she fucked it up massively. If she comes back in two months it’ll be the same backlash. If she comes back in two years, nobody will even remember her.

That’s it, go be a normal, actually useful person.
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On the grid post with the flowers it said they will be back today - it’s almost midday and nothing so far. Whatever they post next will make or break them
Hannah isn't up yet and Gemma can't do it without her because she knows no one gives a shit if it isn't Hannah-based.

I know I'm obsessed with the follower count but it's dwindling! That's not good news for something newly launched with someone who believes they're a big name. Bet that champagne tasted sour AF on Friday....
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yeh way too late IMO, her writing a post "I should have listened"... when she claims she didn't get the messages calling her out on racism. Ridiculous
And the fact she claimed in her original departure from the internet that she was going to take time to learn and reflect, then basically admits “I did fuck all lads, thought you’d forget about it whoopsie daisy”
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All of this furore would have been avoided if she had only written a grid post explaining what she’s done since that original post AND inviting BAME contributors to write on the site or feature products from BAME creators. By not doing so, she’s now come across as tone deaf and no credible influencer or brand wants to be associated with it. A highlight on Stories that will eventually be pushed down to the bottom as more Highlights are added is not good enough. The tone of her story was just 🤷🏻‍♀️ The website feels cobbled together, what was the hurry? Why couldn’t she have waited until the New Year to gather decent content and not rehashed garble? It’s been a disaster.
Her apology had a Kevin the Teenager (showing my age) element to it. Imagine her huffing and sulking all the way through writing it.
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I have a feeling she is working on a blog post about all this.

great if she is, but also what’s effing point of doing it when its been asked of you. It should have been the first come back post she did.
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Chatty Member
‘The Leopard’ is the most embarrassing site of all time. Vacuous food post, vacuous food post, racism post to be able to be allowed to exist on the internet, vacuous food post. It’s a complete waste of time - there in no cohesion.
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So many people playing the holier than thou here. Most parents call their kids little shits - and for that matter, calling them kids is not referring to them as goats. It’s all well and good insulting Hannah here (after all THATS why we’re all here) but don’t act like you’re the worlds number one mummy/daddy and have never just sat and thought “goodness me you’re annoying” to a toddler.
but would you basically broadcast to a huge number of people constant complaints about them? imagine her children see this in the future? I get that it must be really difficult being a parent but I cannot recall ever hearing her say anything positive about them either
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