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Anyone else noticing the changes in Harper, how she’s constantly seeking camera time? She used to be the one sitting quietly out of frame but not anymore which is in itself so sad, I thought she was going to be different in that regard but I guess not. Also it’s super cringey how Hosanna is always popping up in the camera unannounced, like the mother is blabbering on and on and suddenly her head just pops into the camera….so desperate for any camera time.and did the mom let it slip that Halle is in rehearsals or was that deliberately done? I know everything they do is so fake and on purpose so it was probably said deliberately so people will start asking. The way she said it casually in closing make me thinks it was no slippage. And what’s with Hosanna always being in the kitchen? Are they forgetting that that child is only 10 like wtf? Buy her some books turn her into an avid reader I’d be more impressed with that, no one wants to see a child slaving in no kitchen while the father spends all his time out of the house and the mother sits around running her mouth all day or going out to lunch with her loser husband and getting work done on her face, #freeHosanna.
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I can’t believe they were talking about careers and there was no mention of education. It was just jobs that are about money for the parents now not jobs that people get after exams as an adult. Awful parents
I don’t get why Ella said that she feels as parents they need to put the children in arenas where they can build on there goals. So Heze does football and he’s able to build on it but what are the girls doing?
They want to be actors and dancers but don’t do any classes or go to any schools where they can develop on this. She later says that the girls practice their dancing, I’m not sure how dancing to TikTok songs is actual practice. I’ve did it before and I’ll say it again but putting all your eggs into one basket is not a good idea. They need to educate the children properly as well!!!
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I felt like being nosy and looked at their Instagram and went looking at Tim’s and Ella’s too and on Tim’s story he’s recording Harper playing football with Rue cause he obviously wants to get attention on his kids playing football to try get sponsorships etc but what’s with Harper and Rue being so aggressive with eachother? Rue look pissed off and angry at how Harper was pulling at him and she was pushing him so hard he nearly hit his head off the wall and the kitchen island. She wasn’t playing football she was more trying to tackle him and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if it physically hurt him a bit with how rough they were being. He then started being rough back pulling at her shirt and it just wasn’t nice to see them being like that. It wasn’t fun it was genuine anger and aggression between them. You can see both of them are just trying to impress Tim and get his attention which is sad.

I can see their sibling relationship being damaged by being compared. That’s not how to play football whether you’re playing for fun or professionally. I grew up with an older brother close in age to me and anytime I’d play football with him or see him playing with his friends they were not aggressive like that and boys can be aggressive and rough with eachother but the way Harper and Rue were acting was odd in my opinion like there was tension and too competitive. Also the fact they easily could of slipped on the floor they shouldn’t be playing football there.
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A mango? These are young kids. What do they do all day. Don’t people think they are weird even their family if they have no toys or any possessions at all
Yes lol. A mango. They also got clothes but they get free clothes from Nike anyway and magazines. Nothing special. Tim and Ella get designer presents though
They’re awful.
I would like to know what their family think. I found Ella’s brother on instagram and his kids seems smiley and normal
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Is it me or did Tim take off to much and give her bald patches, he looked like he was enjoying it to. Towards the end when he went in for some more shaving Ella looked uncomfortable with him and was trying cover it with that exaggerated laugh
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The football documentary I’ve spoken about before- last night there was an episode with a really pushy dad. He had failed as a footballer and wanted his son to succeed.
He was undermining what the coaches wanted.
I bet Tim is like this!!
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Sorry, what on earth is a luxury colour and why would it concern a 12-year-old and 4-year-old's bedroom? They've become a parody of themselves.

Halle and Hosanna must be constantly fighting off camera, or at least be mean to each other secretly ( if Tim gets upset about it. ) how they compete for attention and camera time is crazy. I can't see any sisterhood there...I think of our relationship between me and my 2 sis, all the jokes , the fun , the staying up all night chitchatting etc...rooting for each other in everything. These girls seem to hate each other and only the parents should be blamed for that! I genuinely hope for their own sake they won't get any acting or modeling jobs as they are so jealous already and those kind of jobs will make them more braggy and self centered. In school is their place, to learn that not all life is about cameras, looks and shaking your butt to 18+ songs 😮💨
All of the children are pitted against one another, but Halle and Hosanna know that they're not in competition with Heze or Reu (thankfully, because they know it's a competition they would never win) because boys and girls are entirely separate species in the Grimwade household. Halle is praised for having 'good' hair and getting modelling jobs, Hosanna is praised for being Cinderella 2.0 responsible and motherly. They don't know who's 'winning' and it causes tension.

They also aren't given any space from each other (Ella, send your kids to school) and are expected to be best friends despite being in different places developmentally - none of the Year 6s at my school would be caught dead playing with a Year 4! Not because they're unkind, but because they cannot relate to them as equals. A sibling relationship should be different, as described above, but because they have no other social relationships it's unsurprising that they would clash. It must be extremely frustrating to have only one friend, who is on a completely different maturity level to you, and who you have to spend every single part of your day with.
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Also you can tell the parents are not a fan of Tim, her mum can never look at him when he is talking or in the same direction
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Theatre and Musical fanatic here....she may have got to the next round but Halle has never had any training, teaching, direction, singing or dancing tuition. She will be up against kids who are at drama schools or are in the local Am Dram groups. She genuinely doesn't stand a chance. I would rarely comment on a child but i really really dislike her. She isnt humble or gracious. Just a pumped up ego and attitude. "I love being a winner". I bet my savings shes kind of kid who turns round to a child who didnt make it and tell them "Loser" or " i beat you, i am great". I am all for a child being confident but she is precocious and sly. Great she made it to the next round but she needs to be taught to be humble and gracious not a precocious or fame hungry child.
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Shame them toys will never be seen again
What’s also sad is that those kids don’t know what it’s like to play with toys using their imagination and having fun being a kid. They would probably look at a toy like that and be a bit lost at how to have fun with it cause all those boys do is play football and the girls dancing for Instagram videos. I know when I was a kid if a toy like that came into my house I would of been so excited to play with it not only cause I didn’t have a lot of toys but also cause how could any kid not like toys. I would of had the time of my life playing for hours. There are times I actually miss being a kid because I have so many good memories looking forward to playing with my toys everyday which is why it’s such a shame those Grimwade kids will never experience that cause I can’t imagine a childhood like theirs it sounds awful.
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This man is so damn lazy it’s unbelievable, what kind of man needs another man to come into his house to put together something as simple as a wardrobe? And Tim you’re not fooling anyone sitting in your”office” with a draw and a screwdriver pretending to put it together. What a lazy ass man! You can tell he was holding that for show, and why does the wife needs his opinion on buying cutlery and dishes? You’re telling me after all these months they still don’t have these basic things? Were they expecting the designer lady to provide all these basic everyday things? Omg there are so many questions. One wardrobe for 3 girls? And that room is way too small for 3 kids. These two selfish parents have a room for themselves while the kids are packed in like sardines. And this kid kicking a ball in the store while pushing the buggy smfh, it’s just too much and when are they going to tell him to leave the blasted ball at home before he trips and breaks something or hurt someone else? Ugh this family is so freaking dysfunctional.
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So the boys get a tv and playstation??? Also the layout of the rooms are just how the interior decorator planned. They stole her ideas and jumped ship. I notice heze corrects Ella a lot. I wonder if Tim is teaching him how to make women submissive. The family is truly weird they give GET OUT vibes!! Fake fake fake!
I think Heze will struggle to find a girlfriend or wife tbh. He won’t realise what a normal marriage should be like
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I actually can’t believe they fully stole all the ideas from the interior designer.

I’m just laughing at the staged Louis Vuitton gift bags on top of the girls wardrobe 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ella wanting things to look luxury meanwhile she has the most chavy/tacky oversized Michael Kors watch hanging off her wrist 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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"Hopefully there will be less drama and tears this time as shes younger so she probably won't care" This is Ella talking about piercing Halo's ears.
She is human, she feels pain, she is a baby, she is not choosing to go and have metal fired through her skin of her own accord. I hope Halo causes that much of a scene, everyone turns round and looks at what her evil mother is doing to her. She talks about Halo like her feelings and pain are worthless, like her own child is a piece of rubbish. This woman sickens me.
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I wonder what the Grimwade kids feel like when they visit family? Do they think the way they live is weird. Rochelle and Marvin’s kids have loads of toys, I wonder how Dim and Ella explain that
I still can’t quite believe any of the grim kids have never been to school. It absolutely puzzles me!! So sad. They would have excelled so nicely if not for being exploited by their lazy and opportunistic parents. Never seen anything quite like it!
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They make it so obvious they read here. The way Hosanna said “thank you mum and dad” after she got all the sewing things in the shop when the poor child doesn’t realise she bought that stuff herself as she and her siblings have earned that money and made that money off the channel and social media ads so if anything their parents should be thanking Hosanna and her siblings for giving them the money to buy things.
Part of me also feels the video was an undisclosed ad just from the way Hosanna held the bag at the end looked very staged and also when they were going around the shop she was allowed get what she wanted no matter the price when usually they would be be constantly telling the kids to put things back or not letting them buy things in the first place so I would be shocked if Tim and Ella used the money the kids make them off YouTube etc to buy Hosanna those things cause we all know how tight and selfish they are.
I also found it sad when Halo was looking for attention and needing it as she’s a baby and Ella just picks back up the penguin toy puts it in front of Halo sounding so bored and disinterested in Halo like the child is an inconvenience that she’s not in the mood to look after. There’s never any genuine love in Ella or Tim’s voices towards the kids but especially Halo shes just this child that exists in their home who they spend as little time with as possible.
I thought exactly the same when she was picking up £15 scissors 🤣

Also regarding Halo, in the video on Sunday when Ella said to her mum that Halo is the favourite, I wouldn’t be surprised if that is true, probably feels so sad for that poor baby 😖
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