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Tim Is the type of man that will keep the grandkids from the grandparents if she didn’t say what they wanted her to say. The whole thing was staged,they are so desperate for content and like someone said they want to win that award so badly they’re doing all these crazy stuff, but none of it is impromptu. The grandmother looks like she was terrified to say the wrong thing. I’ve said it before and will say it again they act like grifters who will do anything except find jobs to support their family.

I just know Ella's dad hates Tim.

What father wouldn't?
Any father would hate a man who refuses to work a proper job but continues to procreate. All those kids but he’s never worked a real job to take care of them, I would imagine they lean heavily on the grandparents for monetary help.
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Ella making out the football camp for special people lol. My son does these lots of kids at school so this. You pay and they go. She making out her kids so food and are exceptional to do these. What annoyed me is parents do not go to these so her being there wasn’t giving reu and harper a chance to meet new friends. It’s like she doesn’t allow them to not giving them any space. This is what kids do all day when at school ella. They don’t have parents following them wirh their own footballs and a hoad of kids
She kept saying that the kids parents drop them off and left them there and that she was the only parent there, yes dumbass, parents have jobs and don’t exploit their kids to pay their mortgages plus they’re not obsessed with their kids. They’re not forcing their children to play a sport to become professional so they can live off of them. Her voice is so annoying and fake and what mother always has a face full of makeup every damn day, those eyelashes look ridiculous. I bet those coaches hate their asses, they’re always around being annoying with their stupid camera and a boatload of kids. No individual personalities and they repeat everything they’re told like parrots. The girl is in the camp with all boys again, are there no girls camps? What the hell are they afraid of, that she might find a friend? Lord I can’t stand them! And the lazy husband was probably home playing his new video game, couldn’t even be bothered to come out. Send those kids to school, it’s weird being in that house all damn day and only coming out to see football related stuff.
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They keep saying “it takes a family to help make a member of the family an athlete and successful” cause they want to constantly get it into Heze’s head that any money he makes now and any money he may make in the future he must give to his parents cause Ella and Tim want that money too. Heze is the one putting in the work playing matches and training , his parents do nothing.

It disgusts me how money hungry and desperate for fame they are that all this pressure is put on his son to keep making money. Bringing your child to football training is something many people have to do it’s a normal part of life bringing your child to whatever activity they’re doing. Ella and Tim trying to manipulate and guilt trip Heze by saying we bring you to training therefore we put in more hard work than you do so your money is equally ours.Heze doesn’t realise how his parents are using him!

Ella and Tim are both two of the least hard working people to exist and I hope when Heze gets older he cuts them off financially.
I take my son to training and school lol. I don’t want anything for it. They are narcissists
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The views have been low. Wouldn't be surprised if he blamed her for that behind the scenes
I agree with that statement. Something definitely changed. The main reason also is everyone is pointing out what a lazy ass he is and never helps out. He definitely doesn’t like to be criticized. Get a job and get your family off of social media.
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The only time Tim has anything good or exciting to say about the kids is when it has something to do with football. Ella, sure makes it to nail and hair appointments. Out to dinner date and party but can’t home school the kids.
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Now they just need to make the office into a home learning space for the children to actually do some schooling 😂
Watch they will probably now make a video about homeschool pretending the kids do schoolwork when it’s very obvious they don’t or cause we know they read here 😂 they’ll see what you said and now they’ll make a video with a homeschool room or something like that and have the kids with their terrible acting trying to act they can’t wait to use the room and learn , when really they’ll never use it cause their parents are too lazy and uninterested in their own children which is sad to say.
If those kids were made to go to school I honestly think a lot of them if not all the kids would suffer with severe anxiety and lack so many social skills. Tim said before whenever they see other kids out in a public place the e Grimwade kids just freeze and stare at the other kids cause they’re not used to seeing other children. If they went to school they all would freak out having to be separated into different classes when they’re so used to being isolated at home together 24/7 and they don’t know how to make friends cause all those kids have is eachother that’s all they know.
Heze has his friends at football so he’s the only one out of the kids with that experience of being around other kids like that often and obviously Rue has his friend from football too but if those two weren’t playing football they wouldn’t have any friends just like their sisters.
I do think some of the grimwade kids would do better academically than others if they had been given the chance to a good well structured education from the start but each
of the kids is entitled to an education. Ella is the last person who should be homeschooling kids reading things off Wikipedia with words the kids didn’t understand and weren’t taking in anything she was saying.
I feel sorry for those kids the way they’re used for content is disgusting cause when they’re not needed for content they are just an inconvenience to their parents. I hope as the kids get older they start to see right through their parents cause right now they’re all still so young that they haven’t full questioned why their life is the way it is and they don’t seem to realise their parents are making money off of them.
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I have no words for tonight’s vlog, there’s a dog tent between giving your children responsibilities and fully expecting your kids to look after one another. Deluded family man! I can’t believe I once enjoyed watching their nonsense.
Did anyone notice the look in Hosanna’s eyes? That child is exhausted and unhappy. Why does it fall on her to have so much responsibilities? She’s not the oldest child. The oldest boy is treated as a king whilst she’s treated as the ugly stepsister. The parents are lazy, they don’t work so there should be no need for a 10 year old child to be burdened with so much responsibilities. Stop having kids if you can’t take care of them. I would also make a bet that there was no “meeting”, they probably felt bad for dropping off the kids again to the mom, hungry as per usual which is why as soon as they got there Houston asked for food. So they show up camera ready pretending that they’re doing a vlog about family, they are just so fake it’s shameful that they think people are stupid. And who walks through a crowded London street talking all these gibberish? No one cares to hear what you have to say about family, we have eyes and we know you guys lie all day every day and twice on Sundays.
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This guy is an emotional abuser, I wouldn't be surprised if he suggested to horse nostrils to shave her head like some butch cell block H prisoner.....he's a total control freak, all of her bullshit about I don't have time in the morning & it takes to long etc....her hair was hardly long enough that it would've taken too long in the morning to do anyway, it's like he's trying to make her unattractive, the girls hair takes way longer would he shave their heads?
I agree and part of me wonders does he not want her to look good at all cause he doesn’t want her to feel good about herself or have even a little attention. I can’t remember what it’s called but isn’t there something were a man will keep getting his wife pregnant to have some control over her and trap her so she won’t get attention from anyone else even if he himself doesn’t love her or find her that attractive he still doesn’t want her to be seen as looking good cause he wants to be the one that people fancy.

Almost all these random girls he follows on Instagram have long hair and have similar bodies/features so it’s clear what he finds attractive. Makes me laugh how some of these girls don’t even follow him back.
It’s like he wants Ella to be insecure and I’m sure he emotionally abuses her or tells her she’s overreacting if she ever did bring up things that bother her.

I think you are probably very right he probably said something about preferring her with short hair and it’s why she wanted to change her hair but I think it’s obvious he prefers long hair on women.

She’s a very insecure woman constantly even needs reassurance from the kids that she looks good and I don’t know what happened when she was pregnant with Halo but clearly something happened between Ella and Tim. I really feel he said or did something that made her even more insecure cause ever since there’s even a big change in her she’s more insecure.
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Who’s watching the other kids? Why can’t Tim watch the youngest instead of Ella taking them out? Or how about Tim do the shop??! 🤦🏾‍♀️ The dynamics of this marriage are so off 🥴
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Chatty Member
That add is the shittiest ad ever....'after a fun packed day'....they do fuck all fun usually as a family- why be so fake, whole family need some acting lessons.
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what kind of lessons are they giving their kids teaching them to barber ella’s hair, why not teach them to read efficiently or socialise with other humans i think they’ll need those skills more later in life
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I feel like things are gonna go wrong for them real soon with Heze turning 13 next year and then the rest.
All those hormones, trying to be a teenager and learn who you are in a house where you can’t express an original thought or grow your own personality is a recipe for disaster
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Those kids are damaged mentally but they don’t know it yet. Yes they all pretty and cute but the live for a camera. Fake talking scenes set up kicking a ball and jumping to music not for their age. Same evry day their life has no interaction with peers their own age or anyone for that matter. Football is all they know so it’s all they can like.
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Omg yeah that would make sense as to why she keeps making a point of saying Tim is her husband. Especially since the end of her pregnancy with Halo and since Halo has been born she’s been saying it even more “my husband , my beautiful husband, my wonderful husband” it’s cringe but I can tell she’s saying it cause she’s insecure. If he has done something like that then shame on him.
Her saying that is aimed at a woman

Tim’s told her to cut her hair so he won’t be attracted to her and in a strange way thinks that ok to cheat on her without her knowing. I couldn’t believe the mess I was seeing the woman was belittling herself to letting him cut her hair like that. Wow

Now she has a wig on lol. Advertising the internet like her kids have the freedom to use it. Whatever fake
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Both parents don’t work, two car family and the 3 eldest children have to hang around all day watching younger siblings enjoy a football day camp! 🤷🏾‍♀️ Why didn’t Ella sign big 3 into another holiday club/camp. Dancing, gymnastics, there’s sports ones. She Cosby be bothered to do actual homework schooling the least she can do is get them foreign language lessons, music lesson anything. She is setting them up for failure what are they going to do when they are 18?
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Their story on Instagram. Kids playing football in the kitchen diner. Other kids just sit there and watching. No relaxing watching tv. Seeing friends. Doing anything. Ur playing footy ina house. And Tim thinks this is something to show off about lool
This is so annoying and shameful. Houzanna always in the kitchen and the rest running around and when she’s not in the kitchen she talking care of Halo. While Tim sits and does nothing and Ella in the kitchen on her phone. What’s next!!!
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The podcast he said heze is the best in the county of his age lol. Then when the guy said this can change as they get older Tim looked awkward. Also they said many dads live their dream through their kids again Tim looked awkward then they were saying how kids need to basically mingle with other kids which heze and the other kids do not. He was asked if he lets heze watch certain things on tv to do with the football but Tim switched his way around and didn’t answer the question directly.
He said he's the best in the country? The whole country? Wow. Really? Lol. I'm sure that's going to go over great with his teammates, the other parents, and his actual coaches. Tim is setting heze up for a big fall.
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Now we know its Ella doing the lions share of this DIY whilst Tim watches on! It should be Tim doing this on his own with Heze. I wouldn’t even contemplate helping with DIY if I had 7 kids including a 5 month old baby and I was solely responsible for cooking, cleaning 🙄. Ella thinks she’s being the best wife ever but she’s just playing herself cos she has the worst husband ever 😂
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WTH is going on with Ella? now she’s getting Botox or something with needles in her eyebrows and lips. She’s a piece of work for sure. How much money this cost?
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No way have they bought the kids these clothes out their own money. Ella says she ordered Thai and this size. Yes but she didn’t pay for it. Surprise I knew it would be h&m now they have blagged free clothes in order to advertise them. Tbh these kids don’t need any more clothes they have Nike non stop. Maybe kids that’s can’t afford them would be better suited it’s disgusting
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