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I had a look at their Instagram and saw they posted some video which is an AD so it’s just them with their terrible acting 😂 and pretending to have fun with their kids for 5 minutes.
The ending made me laugh when they’re advertising what tv shows and movies can be watched on the app and and Ella says “ at the end of the day the whole family can sit down and be entertained” while Tim is the one sitting down holding an iPad while all the kids stand around him 😂 we know those kids never watch tv shows or movies they’re not allowed to do it’s funny how fake they are to make a bit of money from an AD
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Harper playing football now and Houzanna in the kitchen cooking😳
What I don’t understand is they call heze an athlete. He isn’t. An athlete is someone who plays professionally. He’s a child. He only has the Nike deal due to the parents social media he doesn’t stand out as any different ro many other kids out their and they are not Nike athletes. They are just hoping for another deal for harper they are disgraceful
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I guess not everyone can do formal home schooling but they don’t even do educational activities, walks, art projects, playing instruments etc. even going to museums and then doing a project after wards. The resources are there 🤦🏾‍♀️ Hosanna should looking to start secondary school now, how will she pass GCSE’s, get a job? Her reading isn’t great also, it’s so sad 😢
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Who’s watching the other kids? Why can’t Tim watch the youngest instead of Ella taking them out? Or how about Tim do the shop??! 🤦🏾‍♀️ The dynamics of this marriage are so off 🥴
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Because he’s not about to change a diaper or worry about feeding them. He seems to be spending less and less time with Rue. Wonder what’s up with that. He’s pushed him to far with the football mess.
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I’ve noticed Halo naturally goes to Hosanna more than she does to Ella and Halo would crawl towards Hosanna more and smiles at her like she is used to her the most and feels that motherly bond from her. Hosanna didn’t even have to speak much and Halo was smiling up at her whereas with Ella sometimes Halo has a blank expression or sometimes she smiles but that’s usually after seeing Ella and the others kid smiling at her.

I think that shows how much time Hosanna gives Halo and I also can’t see much of a strong bond between Ella and the baby and I can’t see a bond between Tim and the baby. When they need some extra views on videos or doing an ad on Instagram then Halo is needed by them but other than that the poor baby doesn’t seem to be of much interest to them.
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Had to watch the new blog as curious about the room set up. Does Tim not feel embarrassed that his wife and daughters are lugging big boxes up the stairs? I feel embarrassed for Ella 🤦🏾‍♀️
He always seems to be absent when hard work is taking place then conveniently shows up after everything is done. That man can teach a class on how to be lazy and avoid doing hard work. I’m sure those boxes and packages were there before he left the house, why couldn’t he and Heze take them upstairs before they left? I feel sorry for the woman Heze marries when he grows up because he’s watching his father be a lazy bum. Unless he’s one of the coaches at the academy what does he do or where does he go all day while the kid is practicing?
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So viewing figures down so let's stick a cute baby in our vlog as a 'selling point'....pimping their kids out, disgraceful parents, do they think we are stupid 🤦
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I felt like being nosy and looked at their Instagram and went looking at Tim’s and Ella’s too and on Tim’s story he’s recording Harper playing football with Rue cause he obviously wants to get attention on his kids playing football to try get sponsorships etc but what’s with Harper and Rue being so aggressive with eachother? Rue look pissed off and angry at how Harper was pulling at him and she was pushing him so hard he nearly hit his head off the wall and the kitchen island. She wasn’t playing football she was more trying to tackle him and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if it physically hurt him a bit with how rough they were being. He then started being rough back pulling at her shirt and it just wasn’t nice to see them being like that. It wasn’t fun it was genuine anger and aggression between them. You can see both of them are just trying to impress Tim and get his attention which is sad.

I can see their sibling relationship being damaged by being compared. That’s not how to play football whether you’re playing for fun or professionally. I grew up with an older brother close in age to me and anytime I’d play football with him or see him playing with his friends they were not aggressive like that and boys can be aggressive and rough with eachother but the way Harper and Rue were acting was odd in my opinion like there was tension and too competitive. Also the fact they easily could of slipped on the floor they shouldn’t be playing football there.
It was very sad to watch and the adults sat there and watched it like it was the thing to do. Harper will be more aggressive as time goes on. That sweet child will be no more.
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Heze went for a bit but apparently he said the kids were very rude 🙄
IIRC, Heze went to school in Foundation Stage/Reception/whatever it is called in your area. He would have been four. From what I recall Ella or Tim saying, he was there for a few weeks at most. In no way would he remember other kids being rude! Yet another example of brainwashing from his parents - and actually, quite a dangerous one as it paints other children as 'bad' or something to avoid. No wonder the children just stop and stare when they see other kids out and about; they must be a bit scared of them. I worry that at least one of them will develop some form of social anxiety or agoraphobia as they grow older.

Tim and Ella clearly aren't budging on the home-school situation, but it pisses me off that they make the school system or other children out to be the problem. They simply realised they wouldn't be the sole factor influencing their children, and they might dare to develop their own interests, beliefs and personalities without being watched over 24/7.
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Ella said the only paper in the house was that giant piece of paper. What? You homeschooling five children and the only paper you have is an oversized piece that likely came in an online order box. Geez Ella, tell on yourself some more. No shame.
Didn’t they do a back to school supply shopping trip? Now she can’t find a piece of paper. Lol
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Now all of a sudden Houston has a doll to play with. 😳 anything they read here they try and justify it or do the opposite of what we see. Loo
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I cant be the only one to not understand why the kids are dumped at Grandmas again while they food shop. We have 1 child and very willing grandparents but have never once thought oh lets take her to mums while we take the piss and go shopping. We plan when we will do it and one person goes the other stays home and parents our child. They dump on Grandma because Ella knows what food is needed so she has to go but Tim won't/cant look after his off spring so they drop at Grandmas. X
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I think Ella has seen messages in his phone and that’s why she keeps stating HER HUSBAND
Omg yeah that would make sense as to why she keeps making a point of saying Tim is her husband. Especially since the end of her pregnancy with Halo and since Halo has been born she’s been saying it even more “my husband , my beautiful husband, my wonderful husband” it’s cringe but I can tell she’s saying it cause she’s insecure. If he has done something like that then shame on him.
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Tim, showed a video of Haze and Rue out in the rain practicing. Tim told Rue he couldn’t go with him to watch Haze practice because it was raining. What’s the difference and he looked really disappointed he had to be at the shop watching Houzanna try on clothes to go absolutely no place.

Not to mention had them put outside in the rain. He believes he’s a whole coach or something. I’m surprised Harper wasn’t out there with them.
He won’t take Rue because while Heze is practicing the lazy father is probably meeting up with his “side piece”,he’s not fooling anyone. What do you think he does for hours while the son is practicing? He’s certainly not seating there twiddling his thumbs. Six other kids at home but he stay gone from that household. That wife is an idiot all she does is grin and bare it.
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Tim in the gym again evry day. The gym he doesn’t even pay for and he thinks he’s some big man
It’s someone at that gym he’s running up there for. He’s never worked out as long as this YT channel has been going. He didn’t help Ella walk around the block when she was trying to exercise. When he made the kids run around the field he never ran with them he sat on the side line and watched.
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He said he's the best in the country? The whole country? Wow. Really? Lol. I'm sure that's going to go over great with his teammates, the other parents, and his actual coaches. Tim is setting heze up for a big fall.
The guy interviewing Tim said this is Tim whose son heze plays for under 13 Chelsea academy and is the Best in the country for his age. Clearly tim had told him that. It’s a joke lol. Later when they were saying things Tim you could see getting awkward as his kids don’t go school. They don’t mingle. They don’t play out as to say they are under the watchful eye of him and Ella. He was so trying to get up the scouts ass. They were from two diff teams. They said heze wou still have to be the best int he country in three yrs way and if he isn’t there no chance as they’re limited places. He said kids think just cos they in academy they have made it and will be pro. He said that means. It’s at all it’s vvvv hard to get through to as london is full of the kids. U shou have seen Tim’s face. Tim’s been telling lies here

He said kids and parents just because the kids are in an academy they have made it big lol. It’s disgusting how Tim is not allowing heze to have anything else in his life at all. The big will have a breakdown
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