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I don't want to speculate about Heze's relationship with food, but perhaps it is the only aspect of his life that he feels he has control

I’ve felt uncomfortable addressing this as well, but from what we’ve seen I’d say he does seem to have issues with food. He seems to think you have to eat ‘healthy’ to be an athlete, but he clearly doesn’t know what a truly healthy diet is. He just eats things he assumes are healthy and has small portions, and his parents clearly haven’t noticed or don’t care as they show some of his behaviours towards food online and weirdly seem proud of it, like Ella saying what a great idea it was that Heze wanted a watermelon instead of a birthday cake, they need to teach him that one slice of cake isn’t unhealthy. He would benefit from some proper education surrounding food and nutrients, hopefully if he’s still doing schooling with his football academy they’ll cover appropriate diets for athletes, he doesn’t eat enough or enough of the right things to fuel his body to become a professional footballer like he wants, (or his parents want 🥴).
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Both parents don’t work, two car family and the 3 eldest children have to hang around all day watching younger siblings enjoy a football day camp! 🤷🏾‍♀️ Why didn’t Ella sign big 3 into another holiday club/camp. Dancing, gymnastics, there’s sports ones. She Cosby be bothered to do actual homework schooling the least she can do is get them foreign language lessons, music lesson anything. She is setting them up for failure what are they going to do when they are 18?
Live off Heze’s money
If he doesn’t become pro then they’re screwed
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Anyone notice the strange comment form harper “thank you heze for sharing ur money” shouldn’t the money he’s making be put into savings for when he’s older not spent on the entire family
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I think Tim might be over working Rue. I was thinking that it wasn't Rue who wanted to go out and practice more, not really anyway, but Tim who wanted him to because he possibly didn't do that well at practice. Don't they have him on the team with 7 year Olds? That would explain why always looks so tired and in pain now. Tim and his ambition to have at least one pro footballer.
Wish they would put as much energy into teaching him how to read and write, the kid is 4 years old he’s not coming home from training asking to go back out to train, these parents are the worst I’ve ever seen. And why are they acting like they’re doing so much by providing the basics for these kids. They decided to have an army of kids providing them with a bed and a place to put their clothes is nothing special. These rooms will be like museums, they’re not allowed to play in there or sit on the beds, it’s all for show. I also hope they don’t put that baby to sleep in that room because if she falls between these beds she can get seriously hurt,the space or lack there off between these beds is ridiculous. Anyone noticed the difference between the girls and the boys room? The boys room has a monitor and a PlayStation, but as per usual Heze has to come across as the perfect kid talking about I’ll probably hardly play it, ok so why was it necessary to have in your room if you’ll hardly play it, that kid is so fake. So he can have a video game in his room but there’s not one toy spotted in the girls room. What kind of monsters are these people? Kids need stimulation, instead of having them perform on cue like animals in the circus give them educational toys, books, crayons and paper to draw and express themselves. Send them to school so that they can learn and socialize with kids that’s not their siblings. And why the dumb wife said I wanted crocs and Tim said no, wtf is wrong with this woman? And why does she talk so much ugh I can’t stand their asses!!

When they said Tim let the boys have the PlayStation, I feel that was only put in there for the video to make them seem somewhat normal young boys. Tim was defo taking it back once the video was done
Or he got the newer model! That’s all he does all day is play video game, it’s why he wanted a whole room to himself, he’s a lazy bum who should get fixed.
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Ella and Tim make it way too obvious they read here 🤣 everything that’s spoke about on here they immediately start including those things in videos like getting the kids toys and giving them food on camera and trying to prove the kids do have fun when it’s all just so fake and set up like how @Honestgirl said I agree completely their whole life is one fake act for the camera and social media.
Hosanna, Halle and Harper have such a toxic competitive relationship between them too which I can see getting worse as they get older.

Also Ella when you read this can you ask your husband in the next video why he follows women he clearly doesn’t know on Instagram and a lot of these women don’t follow him back so why’s he liking their photos and giving them attention if he claims to only have eyes for his wife? Also can you and Tim explain why you exploit your children and why you’re comfortable with predators on the internet getting content of your children and being able to do whatever they want with it.
Also can you address why your 12 year old son carries a football around with him 24/7 and has some kind of separation anxiety whenever he isn’t holding it cause that’s not healthy and it’s very weird.
Ella, can you also ask him why he likes you with no hair on your head while his hair is always so coiffed with not one strand out of place? Also can you ask him why he’s so lazy and controlling or how he sleeps at night knowing he exploits his kids to pay the bills? Thanks girl! Anyone else has questions for Timmy?!
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Chatty Member
Lol we do more for those kids than the people who kiss the parents asses do for them pretending kids not have bed for over 5 months is normal.
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they definitely check in on the threads , yesterday someone posted the girls Insta was deleted and funny how the next post on the family Instagram is tagging the girls dancing page !
Show us the kids beds next or are they still on the floor.. haha
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I don't get the set up, they are having 3 beds in one room for Harper, Houston & Halo who isn't gonna sleep in a full grown bed until I least 2/3 I would've many rooms do they have, I can't be bothered to look thru past videos, could Hosanna not have her own room, Heze his own room, Halle & Harper together, Reu & Houston together, & baby in with them for a little while until house is sorted, would that work?
There 2 bedrooms on the 1st floor and 2 on the top floor. Tim and Ella have decided to have an additional room (to those master bedroom) each from the ground floor which could have easily been an additional bedroom or classroom 🤷🏾‍♀️
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In their new video poor Rue clearly bored of having to practice football all day he comes up to the room to see what the girls are doing and Ella asks him about football how many goals he scored and he sounds bored of talking about football and goals and then you see him in the background playing with Halos toys. My heart broke a little seeing that cause he’s only 4 years old and he has all this pressure put on him to be a footballer and be exactly like his brother when I honestly think Rue would be a million times happier if he was allowed to be a normal kid playing with toys and watching tv shows and Disney movies and getting to play with a football for fun when he feels like it rather than it just being his life all day. He’s a smart kid with the way he picks up on things and sees through his parents bs that I honestly think Rue would do great going to school learning and being around other kids but sadly he won’t ever get to have that experience.
Ella’s reaction at the end of the video when she mentions Rue is in the room with them too she sounds irritated and confused in my opinion almost like she’s thinking why are you here playing with toys aren’t you meant to be practicing football downstairs.
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Again they are out and about no home schooling going on. They should be embarrassed posting their shit during school hours
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Left a comment saying scrounging more goods....🤦 these people pay for anything themselves 😠
She knows damn well she didn’t purchase those car seats. And she had to go clean the van first. Where is the lazy husband at? He can’t even be bothered to clean the car out. Wouldn’t be me!!!!
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Chatty Member
Her mom literally said she watches the kids because if not her who else would? That sounds like ella guilt trips her mom into watching the kids.

Also, I'm sure Mrs. Brown loves her grandchildren but there is no way it's fair for her to have had to raise her younger siblings, than her own children, and now have to watch her grandchildren because no one else can do it.

That's messed up. She should not want that for hosanna.

Oh and I'm sure the key to being a great mother isn't having raised your siblings as a kid. Hosanna is ten. That makes no sense.

Oh and ella is responding to folks again on YouTube if anyone wants to do whatever.
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Chatty Member
Lol so they only care about having proper carseats when they can get them for free? This whole time with them driving around with the children not buckled up correctly now they want car seats. Also hosanna doesn't need a car seat and neither does halle and of course heze doesn't. Just ridiculous.

And for the company who sent them to them shame on them. They could be giving car seats out to families who really need and can't afford them. They are also wasting their money, the grimwades are not being followed by young expecting families who will see that and go buy from you. Most of the folks who watch them are older ladies with grown children who they probably don't even speak to them anymore because their mom compares their family to a fake YouTube one they just 'love' so much.
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Especially for growing boys! I think they decided long time ago to cut the food budget for other more "important" things. Too me they never feed the kids enough. Never!
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People are always saying how responsible and respectful these kids are and the parents just allow anything in public. Who lets there child kick a ball around in a store or restaurant. Someone must have said something bec when they showed him again he was sitting down. Why even bring a ball in there?
I think at first when you watch you think their kids are respectful and so polite but then you realise they’re like robots. No fun or personality
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Now Ella won’t have her own living room because she thinks it can go to other uses, more like she’s been reading here
Hopefully a bedroom for one of the kids, the three little girls are packed in like sardines in that room.

So what happened to the audition Halle had. Never to be mentioned again so as I said I take that she never got it and they would never say that as they are so open lol
Why does Ella have to over talk the kids and correct there words. This is the very reason they need education. They have a hard time explaining themselves due to lack of vocabulary. Halle, tried to take over Houzanna talking and bouncing around. They turned off the comments, but Ella said comment below. Lol
Every single time, both her and the douche bag father never let the children speak on their own. Their vocabulary is definitely limited because what do you know they need a freaking education, you can tell they don’t even read books. Yes the child can sew but she needs to be able to read and do mathematics not slaving away in the kitchen cooking for a family of 9 while the mother is out getting Botox and lip fillers and the lazy father is controlling everyone around him.
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