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Heze is literally 12 and small for his age. Neither of his parents have athletic builds. Not sure why anyone would put much faith in that. He has a long way to go. I feel like Tim is doing heze a major disservice by pretending the kid has already signed a pro contract and he's the best footballer in his age range. It'll make heze arrogant. I'm pretty sure football is a team sport, and no one likes an arrogant know it all. So that could effect him negatively with teammates. Especially if he's not actually the best on his team like Tim suggests.
I think the kid is already arrogant. He just gives off the same energy that his parents even all the playing with the football in inappropriate places screams 'look at me look at me'...I know this platform isn't for bashing kids but just an observation and it's not his fault.. he's been made that way
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Where is Tim? If Tim is still in the picture...Why did ALL the kids have to stay overnight at Ella's parents home, instead of at home with Tim, while Ella stayed overnight at a hotel to attend the Black Creators event???? Why is Ella's Mother taking Reu and Haper to soccer practice, if Tim is still around? SOMETHING HAS GONE WRONG.

Is it possible that Tim and Ella are separated??? Tim posts an IG reel every morning at the gym, with the same unknown guy. Could be possible that they've separated and Tim is staying with THAT guy, we see him with on IG reel at the gym each morning??

The other possibility is that Tim got a job! A regular 9-5 working class job. Maybe he gets up, goes off to the gym, and now, HAS TO go to work.
Because they underestimated how much money they would need to survive monthly with that new mortgage, on that house. They didn't have a mortgage before, so this is new territory for them, and its clear they squandered some of their resources with the travel and designer purchases earlier this year. They've got too much pride to admit, they messed up their finances. Notice, they still don't have a dining table!

Definitely SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED... There's been a total shift away from presenting themselves as parents,or even husband and wife. It seems "Team Work DOES'NT make the Dream Work" anymore. Prior to June 2022, Tim and Ella were together in ALL the vlogs or on IG. On Youtube they always filmed together prattling on about nonsense, interrupting and talking over each other. As annoying as it was, they were there together, even if it was staged.

But now, Tim has strangely been missing from the last 6 vlogs. When and if he does appear in the vlog now, he is only interacting briefly with the kids, but not so much with Ella. And Ella appears to be doing all filming in order to have content to post for the vlog.

And it is sooo strange that Ella seems to NOW be presenting herself like she is a "Single Mother" Almost portraying herself as a woman who can do it all...juggling caring for 7 children. YET Ella, STILL seems to want to live like she is a single woman; a party girl, going out with her "besties." Prioritizing going to events where she can be ON DISPLAY, while literally "dumping" her kids off with her parents, so she can go off and pursue her own dreams for celebrity! Look how much time and planning went into this last event. Her need for attention and validation is so strong, that she has cast off all modesty as she parades around in outfits that put her body,(breasts) on full display.

Something is definitely going on behind the scenes....
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It's not normal for all the children to have the same interests and the same taste in everything.

Halle and Hosanna in that little chicken coop!

OMG. Why did they buy this house?

It is not suitable for them at all.

Unbelievable they really took that interior decorators ideas. Where was Tim when all the work needs to be done? Then he comes in with his opinions, and talking over Ella. The both of them are so annoying. The room Houzanna and Halle are in is ridiculous. The whole dressing alike, the room and bedding alike I have no words. I don’t know how anyone on their blogs can not see this is not normal behavior. They’re content is slowly going no where And the views are going down.

Down to the colour scheme. It's really disrespectful. I hope they at least gave her a hefty consultation fee and not just "exposure".
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Lmao! I came here to say the same thing, people have been saying that Hosanna has been looking exhausted and unhappy, so suddenly they remembered that they bought her a sewing machine over a year ago,so let’s drag that out and give her some attention. Omg these people are so predictable, we knew she was going to get the spotlight this week lol. So now we find out that the machine hasn’t been working for months, so basically she got it probably used it a couple times them stopped using it, because if it hasn’t been working for months why did they take so long to get it fixed if she was so obsessed with sewing. Also she’s into sewing but doesn’t have a fabric scissors so what has she been using a knife? And if there’s a place for her to learn to sew why wouldn’t she want to? I’ll tell you why, because after she said she’d love too,the mom asked did you say that to be polite? which really means they’re not willing to pay for her to take those lessons, I mean why buy a child an expensive machine if she needs to teach herself to use it? If she’s that into sewing she should have already be taking lessons, no? Anything to keep her away from other kids because the guy did mention it’s a class for teenagers. Ella we’re not buying it,we still think you guys are horrible parents who burden your 10 year old child with too much responsibilities. Let her take the lessons,in the very least maybe she can become a seamstress or something. She deserves the chance to do something just like her brother gets to leave the house every day to purse his dreams.
Yeah it’s strange. Home schooling is one thing but to not put them kids in extra curricular classes is fucking criminal imo! In that house everyday not even learning social etiquette, conflict resolution or building confidence.

It’s just so strange if I had money for designer gear (and didn’t work full time) I would be putting my children in multiple classes a week.
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If you’re going to record your life at least do something interesting, a video about getting new car seats 😂
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There 2 bedrooms on the 1st floor and 2 on the top floor. Tim and Ella have decided to have an additional room (to those master bedroom) each from the ground floor which could have easily been an additional bedroom or classroom 🤷🏾‍♀️
That are still empty lol apart from Tim’s playroom. I’ve never seen such a deluded family. Kids are gorgeous but they need saving. Even doing the beds was a family thing as they have fuck all else to do. Other kids are out playing with their friends while mum does the beds
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I don't get the set up, they are having 3 beds in one room for Harper, Houston & Halo who isn't gonna sleep in a full grown bed until I least 2/3 I would've many rooms do they have, I can't be bothered to look thru past videos, could Hosanna not have her own room, Heze his own room, Halle & Harper together, Reu & Houston together, & baby in with them for a little while until house is sorted, would that work?
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Yeah at the end of the day tattle is not a gossip site..rather it's a mirror for all the self centered influencers who can't stand even constructive criticism in their own comment section. We even give them content ideas. Your welcome 😍

Whatever beds those are, the gap between the two is like 10 cms..looks so cramped for such an expensive house. Priorities right?
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Her eyebrows look terrible, she said it’s her first time getting her lips done?? Sure few months ago she had them done

Eewwwwww, why can’t he just say this in person to her?? You live together lol, always trying to prove themselves
Paid for by heze
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I can tell they are rewarding Hosanna for babysitting the kids. Halle has caught on and is trying to help out more with Houston and Halo. The party tonight both Tim and Ella were there no kids. Some lady from the America, commented that Hosanna is filling out nice and she can't wait to see her shape as she gets old. I'm so embarrassed, we are so obsessed with skin color and shapes over here in America. Tim and Ella never thought about over exposing their kids.
That was probably a man commenting under a guise. Urgh disgusting.
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That story with Houston and the doll isn't cute. It just shows how trained she is. A camera is on her so she smiles, poses, and tries to get Halo into position and 'hug' her. She's just copying what she sees and how she's been taught to behave. Sad.
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I wonder what the Grimwade kids feel like when they visit family? Do they think the way they live is weird. Rochelle and Marvin’s kids have loads of toys, I wonder how Dim and Ella explain that
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They need to take that video down NOW as a matter of URGENCY. (The bedtime routine)
They are dirty men on there commenting love heart emoji’s and one saying beautiful Grimwade Girls. They profiles are open so please take a look for yourself. Weird dirty men. I’m sorry but that is bloody creepy AF. If my man was commenting on little girls posts, let’s just say he wouldn’t be my man. That video has been played 15.8K times, and I can bet a million pounds it wasn’t watched by children of the same age as the girls. All the comments are from big grown adults, some of whom I can guarantee they a Pedophiles. The other video with just Halle and Housanna has been played 27.9K times. This whole thing makes me feel sick that their own parents probably know this but still put this video out there, knowing sick people could view it in an inappropriate way. It can be screen recorded or screen shoots. SICK SICK PARENTS TIM & ELLA



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It’s mad how two people who have been able to have all these kids don’t even enjoy their own kids. If you walked around their house you wouldn’t even know kids lived there. No drawings or any artwork of the kids anywhere besides the football goal, tiny paddling pool and some of the kids bikes in the garden but that’s literally it. Their rooms make me sad to look at there’s no love or personality in them. They’re not even allowed sit on their beds everything is so controlled they can’t ever relax and enjoy themselves and play. This is why some people like Ella and Tim don’t deserve kids cause you shouldn’t have kids if you’re so selfish and don’t even enjoy having your kids around and want to spend time with them.
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WTH is going on with Ella? now she’s getting Botox or something with needles in her eyebrows and lips. She’s a piece of work for sure. How much money this cost?
That's how insecure she is. All the time it's about her (fake) hair, fake lashes, fake long nails, and now this totally pointless procedures on her face..Ella, Tim will not love you ll never be good enough for him, because he's a narcissistic bully. Time to wake up.
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Where are Tim's parents? Do they watch the children or is just the "Browns"? Or maybe Tim won't allow HIS parents to be inconvenienced without any notice. As much as Ella's Mom & Dad seem to love and want to see their grandchildren, it is disrespectful to constantly expect them to simply be at Tim and Ella's beck and call. It even seems, Ella's Mom feels she can't say no because they wait till the last moment to call, so she has to drop whatever she is doing and drive almost one hour to come and watch the children, because they failed to make arrangements in advance. Mr & Mrs. Brown deserve better, Tim and Ella need to be more considerate.
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Ella is definitely reading here or possibly somewhere else where they see through their shit.

Send your children to school Ella.
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The whole thing is a big circus ! The fact she’s allowing a 10yr old to use as sewing machine with no formal basic lessons is actually so dangerous . The poor kid is having to learn off YouTube . She Had no material , no pins , no table space .no sketch book to draw out the design !
why are you lugging all the kids to the shop ! Where is your pathetic husband . He’s literally out the house all day everyday !
and for the love of god get a decent rug down in that house.You have the kids carrying halo around the kitchen if they trip her head is smashing on that hard floor !
No priorites in this family . Instead of focusing on making a vlog. Get your house in order !

School holidays are nearly over as still no mention on school curriculum for the year ahead ! Nearly all home school family do a full overview on what curriculum they will be using , what new books they have for subjects , and just a nice overview of the learning experience. even if it’s ‘unschooling’ there’s trips planned and lots of projects . These kids are nothing but a cash machine!
On 1st September Ella will do a quick dash to Poundland and pick up some more Maths, spelling and writing books 😁 not sure what she will get for Heze as they only go up to 11 years old.
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Don’t the kids have any belongings I’m confused. Where are all the toys dolls cars books. Houston wtf does she do all day. I hate these parents. As for hosanna she’s primary school age nowhere near no pressure teen lool
It’s like they don’t want the kids to have any kind of personality or imagination with anything- including toys.
Harper got toys on her birthday never to be seen again.
I’ll never get over one of the kids presents for Christmas was a single mango. If you’re new to this thread, I’m not joking
Harper also made an innocent comment a few months ago about looking like a Disney princess when she got her hair done I think and she got a massive lecture
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