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So viewing figures down so let's stick a cute baby in our vlog as a 'selling point'....pimping their kids out, disgraceful parents, do they think we are stupid 🤦
We haven’t seen this much of Halo since she was born. Babies sit up this is what they do. Tim interaction with any of these kids is so fake. They don’t even have the same interaction with him because they’re not used to it and look at him crazy.
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Ella: What have you been up to today?

Kids: learning tiktok dances, changing nappies, kicking a ball and looking at the cover of a book

you can tell by the way these kids speak, that they do not read.

the way hosanna never speaks with conviction is also alarming - always looking at Ella or Tim to confirm that what she is saying is correct. sigh.
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The family that does everything together has been doing alot of things apart lately. 🙄

Didn't they do a video while back about dressing modestly? Why is ella on YouTube and out in about with her breasts hanging out?

Oh and ella goes out partying alot for a mother of 7. Anyone else and those dense fans of those would have called them all kinds of bad mothers and would be eating her a living for leaving 7 kids with her mother over night so she can go hang out at something she didn't have to go too.

Oh and if Tim ass was black they would for sure be questioning why he's not the one watching HIS 7 children. Calling him all kinds of lazy and no good.

The fetisization and romantizing of interracial couples is sick. Those relationships have their good people and bad people like any other relationships. Their can be useless negligent husband's. Abuse. Cheating.

Stop over looking shit plain in your face just because you've let social media sell you a lie that interracial relationships are some how better than the rest!

Guys, this just frustrates me so bad. Tim is clearly a shit husband and father and ella is clearly chasing the fame she wanted while younger and didn't get. But their fans overlook it because they mention God when it suites them and are mixed raced.

I feel like it's dangerous and harmful. And how abuse is ignored in real life.
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There’s nothing worse than IG “influencers” peddling stuff to their followers that they themselves would NEVER use. At least stick to stuff that is genuinely in line with your family values and beliefs

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Yes it’s an act of desperation,she just said the other day That the kids don’t watch tv, now she’s doing an ad for paramount plus. No one believes you Ella it might just be easier to encourage your husband to get a job or two.
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when heze said i probably won’t play the playstation much? what child says that, what else do u even do ? hug the ball

& no windows were open the whole time. so bad
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I think Tim might be over working Rue. I was thinking that it wasn't Rue who wanted to go out and practice more, not really anyway, but Tim who wanted him to because he possibly didn't do that well at practice. Don't they have him on the team with 7 year Olds? That would explain why always looks so tired and in pain now. Tim and his ambition to have at least one pro footballer.
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Chatty Member
The boys just want some colour and a picture in their room and Tim is too bothered about the kids bedroom looking luxury and like a hotel. SMH
Exactly, don't tell me they're gonna leave the boys bedroom like that, completely colourless, not very child friendly
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I R.E.M. all this too so when he started talking about lockdown clearly as Ella told him to I was confused. That’s all news now lol. I think they just didn’t want to spend the money tbh

Another ad. Asda George. I’m sure Ella is going to all these companies hoping for work. What’s new about seeing them all play footy in the house. It’s old boring rubbish lol. They are laughable now
She’s definitely doing all the footwork for ads or anything they can get. Tim, is just sitting back Ella is doing all the work. He’s always at the gym. I won’t be surprised if next they lose the house due to none payment.
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Chatty Member
Heze probably couldn't go to the barbers as he's likely suffering from anxiety, doesn't seem to go anywhere except football training...always carrying that ball around, not homeschooled, hardly ever with kids his own age group hanging about..,.. responsible for his 3 year old brother to play football with...defo anxious traits
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No sign of Tim again playing footy manager lol. What a twat. All the kids and buggies look so stupid I’m sorry. Don’t they ever do any schooo work always playing dress uo. What awful parents. Reu in the buggy looked stupid when he does bad man hand signs in pics. What a fake family
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They for sure know the majority of their fans are Christan so they sprinkle the name Jesus here and there on vlogs and instagram. They know they will eat that up.

What annoys me is that they don't do anything that suggests they are actually Christian besides a little lip service here and there. They don't volunteer, they don't go to church, and they don't even do that Bible study they claim to do all the time in earlier vlogs.

Ella's mom is clearly religious and honestly I feel like ella hardly ever mentions God. In her whole Instagram post about winning she didnt mention God. Her mom had to jump on and leave a long sort of confusing post where she mentioned God like five times. I felt she was trying to remind her daughter to give thanks to God.

Tim on the other hand seems to bring up God more than the woman who grew up in a big religious upbringing.
She didn’t mention god but she made sure she gave Tim credit for making her the person that she is. She literally said this win was all thanks to him. She is always praising that no good lazy man of hers. I guess I’m her eyes, he is her god.
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The thing that upsets me about Ella winning that award is that it really sends the message to the kids that she is the pinnacle of motherhood, and that there's nothing wrong with the expectations, responsibilities and restrictions placed upon them. They really have no idea how much of a shit situation they're in - even if a couple of them can sense something isn't quite right and things feel unfair sometimes, they have nothing to compare it to because they aren't allowed to have friends. Doesn't help that they're now being gaslit into believing they have THE best mum of all time by bloody Blogosphere!
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Those idiots in the comment section are something else. 'OH the children are so well behaved and respectful!' A comment points out the kids kicking balls in a store which is for sure disrespectful to the store and other shoppers and it's 'you're just bitter!'

The kids aren't well-behaved theyre fake for the camera. Grandma brown all but admitted the kids are a trouble when she has to babysit them.
Can't say that I feel sorry for Grandma Brown because she is an enabler to Ella and Tim's selfish parenting style... She should have told Ella the truth,
to get her children educated for their own good, for their futures.
On that very last video when Ella dropped the kids off, Ma Brown mentioned that when she was growing up, her own father use to help with taking the children to school. Yet she homeschooled Ella and her siblings...
Too bad she encourages Ella's foolishness, especially when it comes to the amount of responsibility Hosanna is expected to render..

Those are not Hosanna's kids!!!

Those poor children love to come to grandma's, for good Food and plenty of it, and for some outlet from their money grubbing so called jet setting, drinking grown teenage parents...
Instead of Tim working out in the gym, he ought to be working at a job to feed his wife and kids! His work outs are just as lack luster as his build!
He only goes to get away from the kids and Ella... What a scammer!!!
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All the hugs between the girls are so fake and forced and being asked to list off things they like about eachother it’s very forced the answers they give. These girls don’t have healthy normal sister relationships they are jealous of each other and can’t handle when one of them has the spotlight or more camera time.
The whole new video was cringe the acting was awful from Ella she sounded like she really didn’t want to film the video cause it meant having to spend time with her children that she tries to avoid spending time with plus Ella didn’t have a clue about how toys work or how to play with them when any parent with that many kids will of at some point played dolls or something with their children.

Those kids didn’t know how to actually get excited about toys or how to play with them they seemed very awkward. They don’t know how to use their imagination or just play like a normal child would. It’s obvious they were told beforehand that they had to come into the room and act interested in the toys like they’re doing an audition. As soon as they opened the door they all knew exactly which corner of the room to look at so it shows how staged the whole thing is. They won’t be playing with those toys again they’ll be back to filming videos for Instagram so their parents can gain more followers off those kids , make more money from brand deals and try get more attention on their kids.
Harper gets bullied and left out by Hosanna and Halle but especially by Halle the most but Ella and Tim don’t put a stop to it and shame on them!
Also putting Harper in a bedroom with a two year old and a baby under the age of 1 just so if they cry during the night she’s left to look after them cause Ella and Tim can’t be bothered.
Tim is very lazy so I’m guessing he uses the “excuse” of having to take Heze to football matches and training as a way to not have to be a part of filming a video. He acts like driving his son to training is hard work and acts like he has to be there waiting the whole time Heze trains but that’s just an excuse for Tim to not have to be at home taking responsibility for his children. He acts like he works so hard and is so tired so has probably manipulated Ella into having to be responsible for filming Ads and content cause he leaves it all on her or other people whether it’s things that need to be done in the house or taking care of the kids.
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I thought that as they all say to them hi how are u when they all live together lol
Yes it’s so fake, they’re literally together 24/7 then the camera turns on and the morons ask the kids are you ok? Now Harper is kicking around a ball as she walks, it’s just sad that the indoctrination into the cult of football is beginning for her. The lazy father is the architect behind all of this obsession with football and for someone who was probably too lazy to play he’s now living obsessively through his children.
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i don’t understand why harper isn’t sharing with the oldest two, sharing with babies so ridiculous
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