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Chatty Member
Agreed! Feel sorry for the poor kids that are in that house 24/7 and their new maid Hosanna. In the last vlog when asked what’s she’s been up to so far for the day she said I’ve made breakfast and taken care of the little ones, the mom then caught on and said yes because I had a business call or something. So this child literally runs that household. It’s so sad to me that her childhood is being stolen from her because of her lazy good for nothing parents. And did anyone notice how the stupid mom was practically begging for people to subscribe? Then she mentioned something about halo being so cute that people should subscribe to see her more. They’re exploiting these kids without an ounce of shame, while the douche bag lazy ass husband is sitting there stuffing his face, send his lazy ass out to work and leave the damn kids alone. And why can’t these kids just sit down and be children, why are they always performing? It’s so exhausting! Send the damn kids to school or daycare and find jobs, this is so abusive.
Urgh...poor Hosanna. I dunno why women have multiple kids that they're too knackered/lazy to care for - whether your man is a wotless goat or not. Your older kids are not babysitters/housekeepers 🙄

I've only ever watched one video of theirs and that was a stretch for me tbh. It was a lot 'of nothing' and I was just checking out things that had been pointed out, in comments on here. I used to watch their TV show with my son when he was younger, hence my interest in the family at all.

Are there no checks on kids who are being supposedly home-schooled? What a flipping farce.

So when the sponsored vids and freebies dry up, then what? The world of influencing is fickle as fuck. You can be top of that PR list one day and deleted off it, the next. The next all singing-dancing family will come along, wanting a piece of the pie, and the Grimwade kids will be older and have no interest performing for the cameras anymore.
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Let me save you time!! Another vlog highlighting Tim being a LAZY BUM. Ella is a Single married woman. Tim also hired someone to help him put beds and cabinets together. Ella is no victim she is a volunteer at this point.
Why is she in this shop as they call it and she’s more worried about what he wants in he’s room then finishing the kids rooms. Haze keeps trying to tell her what lamps he wants and Rue is saying he’s hungry and she keeps saying I feed these kids like it’s a problem. This is what kids do. Keep some lite snacks with you and you won’t have that problem.
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Even Houston and Halos nails are long
I know but I meant the Shape of hers like she’s a brown woman

I know but I meant the Shape of hers like she’s a brown woman
Grown woman.

Real home schooling going on telling harper to get working with football in the garden. They are getting hobbies mixed up with professions. The girls 6 yrs old ffs.
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I wonder if they ever buy the kids McDonald’s?? 🤔

It’s sad if the only time they get toys and treats is when it’s an ad 🙁
View attachment 1557110
How on earth would anyone get an ad for McDonald’s. Did they go in there abde way can we have free food for an advert. Wtf. These people

How on earth would anyone get an ad for McDonald’s. Did they go in there abde way can we have free food for an advert. Wtf. These people
Also sainsburys was an advert. Are u telling me she didn’t pay for that home stuff?? Or sch bits lol. These people are tramps
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I was surprised those kids didn’t knock things over or run into someone when they were speeding down the aisle racing eachother. They really shouldn’t of been left unattended they’re too young.
I don’t understand why Tim has to be so lazy and selfish. He wasn’t helping out with the work at home it’s very obvious so he could of made himself useful and looked after the younger kids at least took them to the playground or something to keep them busy and made them lunch. Not only is he not capable of making food for his kids he’s also not interested which shows he should never of had kids.
He clearly didn’t want to go to the shop cause he doesn’t enjoy being around his wife with all the kids and normally I have empathy for people but I can’t have empathy for Ella when she not only signed up for this but she’s also allowed herself to be his servant and allowed him to always get his way and control her and the kids. She’s also a bad and selfish person in her own way too and even though nobody in the world is perfect that’s not an excuse for her to act the way she does. She also should never of had kids. I don’t think they should of had kids but they definitely should of stopped after they had Rue.
Also I saw some of that football academy show and a boy I think he was 16 he got dropped from academy because obviously it’s competitive and he wasn’t seen as strong a player as the other boys and he put a brave face on when he was told this news but when he got outside he broke down crying. You could see he was mentally destroyed in that moment especially as his dad was with him when he received the news and it was like his dads dream died too cause some of these dads live through their sons but Tim is on an extreme level. I can only imagine the pressure of trying to make your dad proud of you by becoming a footballer.
Ella and Tim need a wake up call cause there’s only a very small chance of Heze making it professionally with how competitive it is all over the world with young boys wanting to be footballers. I’m not saying Heze won’t achieve it cause I don’t know but I think any decent parent would be also encouraging him by allowing him to have a good education and talking about other careers or interests he might like to do if football doesn’t work out.
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Halle was bullying Harper the whole video!! Snatching toys out her hands it's so annoying. I hope Houston continues to rebel and raise hell.

At the 9:47 mark, Ella sees what Halle is doing to Harper and turns the camera. That is why I will never feel sorry for that witch.
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The fact hosannna is 10 and looks older than the oldest child is frightening. The think the way they allow her to dress is even worse because it makes her look even more older.

I matured a lot quicker than others my age and developed faster, but there was no way at 10 years old I would be wearing low cut tops like she does and hoop earrings
Don’t the kids have any belongings I’m confused. Where are all the toys dolls cars books. Houston wtf does she do all day. I hate these parents. As for hosanna she’s primary school age nowhere near no pressure teen lool
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Not looking good.

The Grimwade Family has a net worth of $68,000 dollars as of September 2022.

The following earnings are estimations of YouTube advertising revenue, based on this channel's audience. Today so far $15, yesterday $21, last 7 days $228, last month $1,105 dollars.

20.7k video views every day 0 new subscribers. The Grimwade Family's audience has been steadily shrinking from 24.3k daily viewers back in June to 20.7k nowadays. A decrease of 15% in the last 3 months.

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Seeing reu singing it was so fake set up for the post. Now Tim trying to get a record deal for him seeing as no sponsorship happening lol. I just don’t even see reu acting like that as he’s v quiet now and as he’s made to carry a ball evrywhere he would be holding that not moving his hands to the music. One big act to get the kids earning for them
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It’s exactly spot on what we have both said. I know it’s deep how you have to look into it but there are men like this out there and you have to try and get into their head to see how they think and what they feel they are excused to do. It’s like reverse physcology you have to see how they think. Tim isn’t mature so this will be his way of thinking.
He def isn’t innocent and doesn’t want to be this way ellas hair will allow his warped mind for him do what he likes.
what I find unfair is the whole family wear these expensive clothes from Nike and they aren’t cheap. I thought it was just heze and now it’s all of them constantly. People work hard and still struggle to afford all they wear and they do absolutely nothing just wear it
I can see Tim looking smug in his 200 pounds Nike tech tracksuit when he can’t even lift a finger to work or help his wife
Yeah I understand it can be looked as we’re looking to deep into it but like you said there are men out there like this who act this way and it’s a form of abuse and cruel at times. He could see there was no hair left on that side of her head to take off and he kept going and going didn’t even stop to see if she wanted to check her hair every few seconds if she was happy with it or wanted more off. As soon as he said something like I know you so well this is exactly what you what and she awkwardly said yeah , I think she felt she nervous to tell him stop and that she doesn’t like it.

You’re right cause you have to get inside the mind of men who do this and figure out their way of thinking and why they get joy from it. Tim is very immature and I’m assuming his parents must of done everything for him cause he was probably spoilt growing up and so therefore he expects Ella to do everything for him too.

Ella probably thinks in her mind Tim loves her hair like that so she’ll keep in that way when really all anyone has to do is look at the girls pictures he’s liking on social media to see what exactly he’s into. It’s a miserable life in a way to be in a marriage like that. Yeah every relationship/marriage has it’s good times and times when things are not going as well or easy but there’s a lot of things very off about Ella and Tim and the worst part is those kids grow up thinking it’s normal.

I’ll never understand how people who exploit their kids online and don’t even care about their kids safety and privacy , are the same people who get expensive clothes thrown at them for free through brand deals and ads or they get paid to promote all these things when there’s good , honest , hardworking people who will never get to have those things. I hate when influencers/ youtubers say “well if you want all this you should of started a family channel or become an influencer” they don’t seem to understand a lot of people don’t want to exploit their children to make money cause it’s disgusting and any decent parent should have a guilty conscious using their children to make money and then not even spending the money on the kids.
People have shared on here the quotes Tim posts on Instagram about how you have to be on your grind at all times and working hard gets you what you want......he doesn’t work hard at all he has his wife , mother in law and eldest daughter doing everything and like you said he stands there with his car and designer clothes that he doesn’t deserve he hasn’t earned it. I believe in karma though I don’t think people can use their kids like this and get away with it forever.
Sorry that’s long to read!
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The kids are all lovely but the parents are absolute ego monsters
the dad is a self centred big ego lazy show off who knows nothing but try’s to act / sound like a rap star/celebrity he’s so cringe to watch and listen to .
I really feel bad saying this because I like heze and think he deserves to make it big in football but just because of the dad I hope he fails. Can u imagine Tim if heze went pro and had lots of fame and money ! it’s not worth thinking about
Ella isn’t as annoying as Tim and does a bit more but my god she’s a show off aswell
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Anyone voting for Ella for parent of something? She’s been nominated by whom I have no idea. They are also begging for likes and views to be shared for the girls IG. People are slowly going away.
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Chatty Member
Their videos are so pointless, they are the laziest YouTubers ever. They don’t have any jobs, kids don’t go to school and this is the best they can produce?
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I cant be the only one to not understand why the kids are dumped at Grandmas again while they food shop. We have 1 child and very willing grandparents but have never once thought oh lets take her to mums while we take the piss and go shopping. We plan when we will do it and one person goes the other stays home and parents our child. They dump on Grandma because Ella knows what food is needed so she has to go but Tim won't/cant look after his off spring so they drop at Grandmas. X
He is useless and doesn’t know what he’s doing at all when it comes to looking after those kids. He has seven children and he’s never changed one nappy , struggles to put a baby grow on a baby and can’t even hold a baby’s bottle properly. That video when Ella had bad morning sickness and Tim was left in charge he didn’t know what to do , didn’t even do anything to really help as it was all left to Hosanna to look after her siblings and a new puppy they had at the time and he left those kids home alone for quite some time. Hosanna made her siblings their dinner and had to tell Tim all they had done that day cause he wasn’t around taking care of them so he didn’t know. He doesn’t like being a dad cause of all the responsibility that comes with it even though he doesn’t take any responsibility as everything is left to Hosanna, Ella’s mum and Ella.
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Now they just need to make the office into a home learning space for the children to actually do some schooling 😂
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I believe you pay a one time fee for fake subs this is also the case with Instagram. I think it worked for them at the beginning because it was drawing real life people to their channel and they were getting noticed and getting the sponsor deals. Now I believe the real life people have fallen off because this family have changed a lot, from being a Christian family. Back then when they valued god and being a Christian their comment section was from real life Christians. Now you hardly see any of those comments, just the same robotic ones such as, “The kids are so well behaved, Halo looks like Tim, Ella’s such a good mum etc. these comments I don’t believe are from real people. The only ones which are real are from us Tattles. That’s what I believe anyway. That’s why they are doing Ads for anyone because their money is slowing drying up. I mean if I brought a house like they did I would be designing my home with items such as John Lewis, Selfridges and all that jazz. But no, we have been seeing them in shops that most people on the bread line shop in. I’m not knocking those shops at all because I go in there, but I’m a council tenant not a home owner of a 5 bedroom house in Surrey. The Grimwades are broke and it’s starting to show. They should of stayed humble and lived within their means. I also think they are working hard to get Blue tick verified on Instagram, because that would generate more income. Strange they are not verified already, maybe because half their followers are BOTS.
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