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VIP Member
it's a dangerous game when people get invested in your life because they'll dig and dig until they find out why you're missing. the last time someone stopped vlogmas and dropped off the face of the earth was elle darby, people got so nosy they found racist tweets and she was (rightly) shunned for the best part of a year!
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Active member
I had a weird involved dream about staying with Grace and her family (I’ll spare you the details lol).

Watching the Amsterdam vlog - it’s infuriating that Grace will get a stroopwaffle, complain about it, then comment that she ate the entire thing. I don’t know why that bothered me so much. But who whines about a treat like that?!

legit disappointed they didn’t actually give any real reviews or even the names of most of the places they went. What a pointless video.
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VIP Member
I think she definitely has issues around food, it's difficult to say how far of an ED she has, but she definitely has a disordered way of eating. How far she's gone that's up to herself only to know. I do see a lot of things that are very similar to how i acted around food when i was deep into my ED. It's not without reasons loads of ED people/recovering are watching her. Like how incredibly food-focussed her life is. When I had an ED all I could think about was food. Not just browsing online webshops, but also looking at foods, food videos, food tv shows/series. Anything food.
Certain people attrack such an audience with reason and you guys know why. It just screams Grace.
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VIP Member
Another video where footage accidentally got deleted. Come on it’s literally your job! 🤦🏼‍♀️

Also I wish she would invest in better equipment for doing voiceovers cause they always sound so muffled and it’s just not nice to listen to.
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VIP Member
So she did the classic something happened but can't possibly say. :rolleyes:
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Well-known member
Why is she incapable of seeing when places are open BEFORE she goes there
I really don’t get this, because I assume uses a map on her phone to find the places.. usually that says whether the place is open or not 😭
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VIP Member
I feel like Grace is too attached to her family to move out immediately, although they can afford a house what with her youtube earnings and his salary which may not be much now but will be a lot in the next year or two. Although their wedding is still a few months out, maybe she'll feel differently in months but I don't see it happening anytime soon.
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This might sound harsh…..but I’m not sure I’d believe any excuse for the absence. Didn’t she miss a few days over Xmas and said she’d accidentally deleted a vlog? Rubbish. Someone who does this for a living wouldn’t be doing that after so many years.

Listen, I hope nothing bad has happened because I wouldn’t wish bad luck on anyone, least of all Grackle, but I honestly feel so let down by her pathetic attempt at this years Xmas vlogs it just seems she can’t be arsed.
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Chatty Member
To put it in to perspective, we had a recent spate of car break ins. I think being a new built estate we're quite a nice target.

Anyway, they got in to our neighbours car and stole some crap. Obviously police came round, they looked at the security footage which proved someone walked up the street, broke in to the car and walked off with something.

Everyone sent their footage in under a reference number and the police issued a crime number for an insurance report but basically said they'll never catch them so they won't investigate.

This is a long winded way of saying our police our massively stretched and underfunded. There's no way they're sincerely involved in Grace's partner and if she genuinely thinks they would be she's even more pathetic than I thought 😂
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Well-known member
She might just not want to spend loads of money on one aspect of the wedding, I think having a wedding dress budget is one of the more sensible things she’s said recently!
True but a bit unexpected when she spends about £100 at least every week on pastry
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VIP Member
Sorry but imo there is a lot of projection going on in this thread regarding Grace having an ED…
I agree. If you look hard enough for something you will find it!
We are all different with different bodies and appetites. There are loads of YouTubers who do those food challenges like the eating Easter food one who don’t get accused/branded (not sure which word I’m looking for) as having an ED. I don’t think it’s something that we will ever know either way.
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VIP Member
Agree about the church, it has been discussed here before but I am pretty sure I broadly know which it is from their old area and it is very much fundamentalist. I assume he knows better than to reveal more about it than necessary
Makes sense as well with how quick the kids have all been married off. Not suggesting it's arranged or anything but very much within their 'circle' and brought up to believe it's the family way.
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New member
what surprises me is that she didn't give us an explanation on why she didn't post the last vlogmas. if your going to do vlogmas at least be committed in posting throughout the month and if not at least give your fans an explanation and not going silent without giving an explanation. This leaves me to believe she really doesn't appreciate her subscribers as there isn't any communication between her and her followers.
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VIP Member
Completely agree with this, I also think you don't really know someone until you've been with them a couple of years, when the eating out every weekend honeymoon period ends. She's in for a huge surprise when she'll be clearing up piss off the toilet seat and picking up wet towels off the bathroom floor, bickering about who's turn it is to wash up and putting up with the smell of lingering man turds in the toilet 😂
Not even just them living together but she has never lived with anyone other than family which is totally different from living in a house share/with a boyfriend /husband etc it's going to be a steep learning curve
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It was an utterly bizarre hen. When has she ever expressed any interest in sports? It’s about the last thing on earth I would have associated with her tbh
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Well-known member
I think if she’s in it for the long term she could do with doing a course to try and make her content and videos a bit more professional. Her filming isn’t always very good, especially when out and about, her transitions are poor and jarring with that same royalty free jingle that’s 10 times louder than her previous clip, and they’re very poorly planned out much of the time. They’d be no bother for someone still doing this as a teenage hobby alongside uni/a job but for full time with the money she’s making it would be nice to see both her and her video style mature.
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VIP Member
I just ultimately don't believe a church as strict as hers would permit it. I also don't believe you'd be friends with someone who holds opinions like Honor if you don't hold them yourself. I know that doesn't apply to everything, you are never going to be identical to your friends, but with something as big as this? I don't think you can get on with someone that different.
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