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Do you think smelling the Devil's Lettuce in Amsterdam will freak her out?

As soon as I stepped out of Schiphol Airport the smell was quite noticeable.

I'd say she's clutching pearls and her seal teddy very tightly.
It’s okay her teddy will protect her from the evils of the world. She’ll pray over the girls of the red light district and DEFINITELY wont be tasting any special brownies
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Chatty Member
I can't imagine telling your friends your future husband arranges your soft toys on your bed every night 🤣
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I’m not expecting anything that major, you’d have to be a serious dick to date someone you know has an online following for a year and then ditch them a few weeks after proposing over someone finding your name out when you literally had her in your profile pic.
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I refuse to believe this is a grown woman in her 20s, soon to be married. She's still ignoring her privileges in the name of "I'm a Youtuber, this is my job". Nobody has that much money or time Grace to behave like this. How has she not figured this out yet??


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Grace’s parents have a lot more patience than I do, imagine this is your 25 year old
I wonder if her fiancé ever gets the ick when he sees the way she behaves sometimes. I would 😂

I know as long as your children are happy with their partners it doesn’t matter etc etc but if my son got engaged to someone who behaves like that in their mid 20s and makes a living by doing so, ngl I would roll my eyes a bit and silently question his life choice 😂
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I think her skinniness is mainly genetics, her brother, sister and mom seem to be naturally on the skinny side! I always thought she had a pretty healthy relationship with food. When she is cooking she doesn’t seem to care about oils or sugars in her foods, and when she is only taking a few bites out of something I thought it was just because she is going to try and test a few other things. Of course I could be wrong but her being very very skinny I never thought of it as an ED since her family members are all tall and pretty slender.
I think her mother diets. There’s been a few clues in some videos where she’s made comments about things being too much (can’t remember specifically) and I’ve seen diet books in the background from time to time. I know this is really vague, but I’ve distinctly gotten that impression before.
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Chatty Member
I cant see their wedding being very expensive to be honest. I picture buffet in the local church hall type 🙈😂

All jokes aside she'll be minted, she has no living expenses and beyond spaffing money in supermarkets she isn't a big spender on makeup, clothes, bags, etc plus his actual salary (and the fact he probably lives at home with very subsidized living costs) and £500k probably isn't out of their reach BUT...

I just don't think she will move out. It's SCARY moving out of your comfort zone and then suddenly to a very empty house while he's at work, being fully responsible for all the cleaning and maintenance and on top of that navigating your relationship. I think they'll be at the Booths til it's baby time personally.
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whether she has an ED or not she must be aware she has a lot of followers who do so I really hope she ignores those who I saw in the comments asking her to do a video trying a fast!
yeah I remember ages ago she said a lot of ppl in ed recovery have commented that her videos are really helpful to them because she appears to have a healthy relationship with food. When I was in ed recovery I watched her as well but honestly only did it cause she’s skinny and ate food with no restraints so I was trying to tell myself food is ok because you can stay skinny while eating it.. defo not the healthiest mindset…I guess if she’s naturally skinny due to genetics etc she can’t really help it lol but I don’t really see her as hyperactive, going to the shops and for a small walk after a meal is the bare minimum for those who have the time isn’t it?
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Chatty Member
I think all I'd consider either way with regards to an eating disorder is that they can look different on everyone.

Not everyone who has an eating disorder starves themselves or is massively underweight. It can be bingeing but not always purging, avoiding certain food groups, even just a preoccupation with food.

I won't claim to be an expert, trained in or have experience with but I did used to work in education there was lots of warning signs we had to look out for.

I don't want to assume either way with Grace and I'm sure to some people she has a really healthy attitude to food, just like to some others she has an unhealthy attitude. It's so subjective. But she is very slim, gives the impression of eating a lot and is starting to get to the age where metabolism slows.
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Influencers to a tee though isn't it. Make money off publicising their lives then are super evasive about certain elements and get annoyed when people are curious. It's not like anyone is asking when her periods are FFS, just human nature isn't it to have curiosity about something as basic as what the person looks like and their job when out of nowhere she's declared she's engaged. The general consensus is "I AM ALLOWED A PRIVATE LIFE!" yeah you are, stop selling it then. Pretty simple really.
Yeah, growing weary of influencers becoming all surprised pikachu when someone finds out literally anything about them outside of youtube (despite it being publicly available) and get weirdly defensive about it. Though if she wasn't willing to explain something as insignificant as her disappearing dairy intolerance I imagine her head must be exploding with all the secret knowledge a handful of internet nobodies have managed to uncover :LOL:
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one of the 'subscription boxes' isn't even a subscription box, it's just a monthly rolling payment to have the same overpriced Hotel Chocolat hot chocolate sachets delivered every month and she didn't realise until she opens it 💀 How is this girl real and how is this a job that she gets paid for ?!
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I think she’s really fussy and probably eats a very limited set of food “off camera”. She never seems to really like anything she tries and has difficulty with so many things. Whether it’s far enough to be an ED, I’m not sure but the vibe I get is that it’s not weight focused if it is, it’s aversion based.
Her latest easter food video had a lot of ED red flags - loads of the stuff she bought she didn't even bother trying / opening and then she did the old 'lost the footage' as a way of showing her not eating mr kipling cakes shown at the end - she has done this a few times before.

On her TikTok she seems to have got a campaign with pizza hut for the new folded pizza - she did her usual have a single bite and cuts when she is mid way through her second :/ I do find it a bit troublesome when she seems to get campaigns with Sainsburys / Pizza Hut / gets sent loads of free food when her behaviour / habits can massively influence a younger audience who see her behaviour of overcompensating (buying and cooking tons more than her household could possibly eat) as normalised.
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View attachment 2123349
Nahhh is she actually ok in the head? We’ve just come out of an extremely hard winter (not even gonna mention the energy crisis and mental health issues ppl have to deal with during the winter months) and she can’t wait for it to come back? Is she 8 years old
This is when you know that someone has absolutely zero personality
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Honestly, even though I’ve felt she needed to grow up for quite a while, I’m way less into the idea of watching the blogs of a married 24 year old. Her bling lifestyle hasn’t felt relatable for quite sometime but at least there was still the occasional homey, comfy vibe going on. I’m older than her, not married, and will no longer find it relatable.
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I swear she started the video saying she knew who was making her cake. But then acted the whole way through like it was such a tough decision and she doesn’t know what she’ll do. When she flat out told us she already decided
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I agree with this! I’m not religious at all and while I’d be interested to hear about some of her views (particularly about the LGBTQ+ community seeing as the church is very clearly against any rights for anyone who isn’t heterosexual but what are the chances she’d say what she really thinks and wouldn’t try to cater to her audience + with Honor being a homophobe I imagine Grace is too) I would click off immediately if she vlogged a church group meeting where they discuss the bible lol. Religious influencers defo have a following of their own but I don’t think her audience are devout christians who’d be happy to listen to her talking about religion in baking vlogs
Exactly this, most people are watching her prattle on about brownies and crossaints, not talk about homosexual people burning in hellfire :oops: 😅
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She’s going to get such a fucking reality shock once she’s wifed off. She can’t seriously think things will just be the same as usual? Pissing about at Christmas like always, fannying around with advent calendars and taste tests. Girl please. I somehow doubt hubby is going to tolerate an adult teenager like your parents have all these years.
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Do we think it could have something to do with their faith? I had a friend in school who was a part of the seventh day Adventist church and they were very big on healthy eating
That’s specific to seventh day adventism and they typically eat a plant based diet and whole foods, not really a thing in christianity in general. If anything I would say Grace’s constant food buying and wastage is un-Christian and very consumerist. I would never say she’s big on healthy eating, she’s obsessed with tiktok fad foods and always seems to know about any new fast food or snack foods that are released. The way she get so excited about spending loads of money in supermarkets on snacks she always ends up hating is so weird to me. i definitely think she has a food and shopping obsession and unhealthy behaviours.
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