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Looks like micromanager detail-oriented Grace hasn’t noticed the double space on this automatic message!!!

Btw I realise this is a petty thing to point out, I’m just referring to the time when Grace said she was very picky with the way things are typed out on the socials (only lower case, only certain emojis approved etc), and said she was super detail oriented 😂
the spacing on the postcode / order number is off too. Either put a space there or don’t
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She is beyond embarrassing. What CEO has time out of their day to be writing long essays to random people on the internet. She is literally a kid playing dress up in her mum's clothes and pretending she's a boss babe CEO. She should honestly just embrace being an influencer and milk it for all it's worth, it's not like her businesses are particularly groundbreaking.
exasctly, so busy but has time to do this, she cares way too much what people think of her, most successful people would just ignore this
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I'm not saying it's not allowed. I'm just saying it's pretty weird to talk about that. How old are we? 10?
It wouldn't surprise me if she does have problems down there. The shorts she wears are waay too tight for her. It probably never gets a chance to breath down there. Plus she always looks so dirty and greasy so this information doesn't surprise me 😂
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Yeah I unsubscribed and not subbed to the new one!
Yeah same for me. I wonder though, if she has just reactivated her old account, which appears to be the case, how many of those subscribers that are still there from back then are inactive accounts or people who simply don’t watch or visit YouTube much anymore. I’d be interested to see how her follower count and viewership tally up going forward.
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Chatty Member
I’d bet they do but maybe less than market rate. Couldn’t imagine her letting an opportunity to make money get away
She'd be stupid not to charge them rent tbf. It's a £2-3m house with a mortgage in an extremely desirable location. Based on the fact she wasn't even friends with them before they moved in it wouldn't surprise me if they were paying very close to market rate.
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Mate her forehead and eyebrows DO NOT move throughout that video. I am convinced she has had botox. The content itself was a load of tripe
The latest ig story of her talking is bizarre, you can tell she’s trying to move them but it is impossible for her
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Brooke Davis

VIP Member
Yeah she used to talk about it a lot in her uni vlogs - specifically remember her saying she is hypoglycaemic.

...As to whether that's true or not, I think there's enough precedent for us to be skeptical. Didn't she claim she was doing intermittent fasting only recently? Fasting for a hypoglycaemic person is dangerous - happy to be corrected but I was under the impression you're meant to the opposite, eating consistently (including small snacks in between meals) to keep blood sugar levels constant. Skipping breakfast and eating ginormous bowls of pasta for dinner doesn't exactly seem like the diet of someone with a blood sugar problem.
Me and my dad have this but very mild. I suffered so badly when in the midst of my ED because of starving and now I’m now “recovered”, I don’t suffer that much because I have 3 daily meals and snacks.
I honestly don’t think I could do intermittent fasting as the symptoms of hypoglycaemia are not worth it and I literally can’t do anything that day until I’ve recovered overnight - so she’s lying about having it or intermittent fasting.
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It's so embarrassing on her behalf. The TALA social media team makes a typo nearly every time they post and I know itis not the end of the world, but it does look so unprofessional.
it's not even a typo either, this is a big grammatical mistake!
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Chatty Member
Ive just seen she’s come back to YouTube.. she seems somehow deflated in this vlog, is it just because she’s out of practice? I wonder if tala is in trouble if they’re not getting more offices
Cutting costs before she sells up?
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Well-known member
I don’t get this new szn launch
- grace bangs on about them being something completely different, never been done before, blah blah, and it’s a puffer jacket…
- she says they’re unisex. And honestly nothing would give me the ick more than seeing a guy rock up in that longline pale tala puffer
- they’re going on preorder today. Preorder!!! When are people actually going to get these “amazing” winter coats considering it’s already end of October and tala’s shipping is known for being outrageous
- the irony of her saying they’re made sustainably to last year in year out because otherwise they wouldn’t be sustainable 🤣
- grace says in her qvc she’d wear it skiing it’s so good. Tala says coats aren’t waterproof…
- why can’t they have a single bead of originality. New coats have a circle tala logo on the arm. A circle tala logo I’ve never seen used before. But just so happens that a lot of big name coats have circle logos on the arm 🙄

also semi off topic but grace deletes a lot of photos from her grid. I went on because I know she’s uploaded in the past in a longline puffer so wanted to see how much she’d copied but couldn’t find a single one. Then scrolling I realised there’s a lot missing I can’t put my finger on. Busy boss babe must spend half her time scrolling through insta to delete posts where she’s gonna be a hypocrite or try steal ideas without accountability
There is (or was) a website where you could see someone's deleted Instagram photos but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called, does anyone remember? It was recommended in one of the Grace threads but it was over a year ago :/ would be interesting to see this as I'm now curious!
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She’s gearing up for a sale/to take on investment/to list - she’s got a to-do about running through warranties which will likely be in a share purchase, listing or investment agreement
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Chatty Member
Did her housemates have a halloween party at the house without her? Looked like Violet's bf was there without her too?
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VIP Member
Grace spent the whole time talking about sustainability - meanwhile she’s wearing Balenciaga and fast-fashion designer garms... Also was she trolling us with the clip where her friend says the Shreddy supplements taste shit. Odd.
Remember, the Shreddy protein powder is pea based which DOES taste horrible.
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Oh yeah of course, the 1million followers she had sat there prepped and waiting to buy whatever poor quality stuff she churned out had absolutely nothing to do with the success of Tala whatsoever.
This is when you know she is fully deluded!! She is right about one thing though, that paragraph does sound very insufferable indeed 🤣
Not to mention that EVERY launch has had SO many issues

what a fucking joke lmao

she became an influencer through her parent’s money, connections, and her blessed genetics, then used that following to sell shitty green-washed clothing. she’s so delusional.

her belief that she got all this through hard work is also a shitty example to spit to her followers. spoiler alert: you cannot have her level of success without her parents wealth and many other factors. it’s ok if you’re not an insta girl boss.
I wonder if she actually believes this or she is just playing her fans for fools
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