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This! And not to mention, I swear some of the stuff she wears is new season which would surely mean it wouldn't be that readily available to buy secondhand?

Couldn't agree more about the lying - the fact she feels the need to be so defensive and passive aggressive suggests to me as well that she knows there is some truth to their factories being unethical. Being so far removed from them, never seeing them and having them outsourced, there's no way she can guarantee that they're absolutely watertight in being compliant with human rights laws and that they're ethical. The same way people do with fast fashion brands, they have every right to discussion that they're made in China.

I also noticed the other day that Grace referred to TALA as a fashion brand rather than just an activewear one. I guess this is a sure sign that TALA will be branching out into all types of clothing now.
And do people who can afford designer clothes generally want to sell them cheaply online? I am nowhere near rich enough to afford designer clothes, but I donate any clothes/stuff generally I don;t want to charity shops. I know grace seems to be cheap as to sell everything but do most people do this?
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Chatty Member
What happened with the seams? Did someone finally bring up the camel toe?
Nah she just got caught out again by saying that there’s half the waste with leggings with a front seam so you should question any company that makes seamless leggings as the waste is “likely going to landfill” and that Tala are busy trying to find a solution to this impact but don’t make seamless skinluxe bc of this… Forgetting that Zinnias literally don’t have a front seam. The post is here.
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Knowing her she’s probably taken a picture of her laptop open at the airport, uploaded it to look like a girl boss, closed the laptop and cracked on with her holiday.
Everything she does is a facade!
exactly, the coffee cup is probably empty and she is having a pre holiday prosecco in wetherspoons 😂
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Replies like Grace's are so harmful to people ?

but the counter argument is, the success of the tech and non tech millionaires and billionaires, people that created companies in their university dorm rooms, bedrooms and garages, shows that Grace's success is possible, they all had investors and partner companies , alot didn't share business secrets, why would they, and create competition?

she is not a role model, she is a business woman, she has no moral duty to discuss her business secrets, alot of start ups are shrouded in secret, it adds to the mystique , apparently

Do i like her as a person? i dont know her as a person,
i only know of her goods and services, some are crap, (n)some are average, some are good.

What is dangerous, is attempting to put anybody, most especially , entrepreneurs on a pedestal or assigning our morals or standards on them .Most successful entrepreneurs are rule benders and they do lie, exaggerate, cheat etc.

Grace and all other entrepreneurs will always flourish because of their supporters, and bootlickers
and anyone that goes into any business without doing their homework , deserves to fail, its rough

if you think Grace is bad, ( she can be annoying and hypocritical),
what about Elizabeth Holmes ,the founder and chief executive of Theranos?:confused:

View attachment 803612
"Theranos soared in valuation after the company claimed to have revolutionized blood testing by developing testing methods that could use surprisingly small volumes of blood, such as from a fingerprick. By 2015, Forbes had named Holmes the youngest and wealthiest self-made female billionaire in America on the basis of a $9-billion valuation of her company.
The next year, following revelations of potential fraud about Theranos's claims, Forbes had revised its published estimate of Holmes's net worth to zero, and Fortune had named her one of the "World's Most Disappointing Leaders"

In June 2018, a federal grand jury indicted Holmes and former Theranos Chief Operating Officer (COO) Ramesh Balwani on nine counts of wire fraud and two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud for distributing blood tests with falsified results to consumers.
The case, U.S. v. Holmes, et al. began on August 31, 2021, and is expected to last 13 weeks or longer. If convicted, Holmes faces up to 20 years in federal prison, plus potentially millions in restitution and fines"

Thankfully Grez is only flogging Tala wear and the Shreddy app
They are cut from the same cloth IMO.
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Active member
I ventured onto the Lauren Tickner thread last night and that woman truly makes Grace seem like Jez Corbyn. It’s jokes how they’re both from such similar backgrounds (wealthy family, privately educated, fitness instagrammers) and have ended up in such similar roles
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VIP Member
Grace: Off on my 8th WORK trip of the year!! Thank god it's not to a small business town in England with nothing to do, my WORK trips can only be to Paris, Dubai, Barcelona and other famous vacation spots. Once I land, I'll do a quick WORK sh*t, answering emails in the toilet, I'll then be whisked away to a little WORK bottomless brunch and cocktails, where I'll be working, I'll then do a quick CEO/Business siesta and power down for 5 hours, while dream strategising, I'll awake fully refreshed and off to a BIZ MEETING in the hottest night club in the town. After drink-scaping the next few months of TaLa, I'll land back to the 5 star conference suite to write a few notes that will be fundamental to shreddys business model. I'll wake at 1pm to a gifted WORK lunch in a fancy restaurant in the centre of town. After so much WORK, I'll probably take the day off and plan my next Vacation (god I need it) but all day I'll be taking calls on the beach, in my business bikini and drinking on the clocktails, so while it looks like I'm tanning on the beach to the outside eye, it's really a deep rested business mindset reset. I'll probably need a day off tomorrow as well, actually, I'll WORK clear my calendar until I need to take my WORK flight back to WORK. *ad/gifted*
This is actually spot on 🤣
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Ive just seen she’s come back to YouTube.. she seems somehow deflated in this vlog, is it just because she’s out of practice? I wonder if tala is in trouble if they’re not getting more offices
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View attachment 737297

Stop, I’m cringing so hard. You’re not funny or charming omfg

Going to stop looking at her stories for now I’m just annoyed at 110% of everything she’s doing at the moment 🙄😑
She is literally the annoying show off kid who used to spend all their time trying to impress the adults because no one wanted to play with them 😩

No but actually why are they trying to pretend like they’re on love island? Ik Montana fell off and the rest of them were never even on, but this is just sad.
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Have you guys seen all of the latest one star reviews on Shreddy’s App Store? Can’t believe the app has been live so long but it’s still as glitchy and useable as when I first tried it years ago 😭😂
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waiting for the do we have to comment on her appearance brigade to tun up
Well there's talking about how ugly someone is and there's talking about people not cutting their toe nails 🤣

I hate feet so I tried not to look at it past the shoes tbh lol
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No she’s never done any sort of fitness qualification. She got big following the Kayla itsines bikini body guide because Kayla reposted her transformation

the setting up an account in itself I don’t find too bad.- lot of people share journeys. The narcissism came in when she started selling overpriced, copy and paste, pdf workout guides without any qualifications.
(Btw, sometimes when grace tries to be relatable and “not privileged”, she’s talks about working in customer service. This isn’t a job at new look, no, her customer service job was replying to emails about these guides)
yeah that is what I mean, like launching various things without any study of designing clothes/PT training, hence when people ask about the seams the other day she had no idea what she was talking about. Cringe
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Grace Beverley: How To Build A Multi-Million Pound Empire At 24
grace bev 1.jpg
Who has watched this, in it entirety ? not snippets, the whole thing, despite some negative stuff about her and Tala etc, its easy to see why her base love her, its almost seductive. this is why she is going back to YouTube. she is like a snake charmer 😁, reminds me of an ex, he was attractive , and a good talker, totally wrong for me
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