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Her writing is so fucking hard to read! I have to read each sentence a few times before I actually understand what she's waffling on about.

As @cookiemunchmunch said, why is she speaking for a whole generation? I'm 27 and I'm certainly not suffering from an identity crisis or burn out, and I doubt any of Grease's teen fanbase are either. Who is the target market for this book, I'm genuinely confused
I've been confused about this as well (as in who her target audience is). I feel like all her advice about productivity is based on the assumption that people have a lot of flexibility in their working hours and can choose how intensely they want to work. I suppose that kind of work dynamic might apply to university students, where you are given a lot of independence in how/when you work, and I imagine a big proportion of her pre-orders will be uni students based on her fanbase. But I think she is trying to market the book towards young working professionals, which is where I'm confused. Most working professionals have pretty set working hours and our deadlines are usually set other people (at lot of her advice so far seems to focus self-imposed deadlines, which is rare unless you're self-employed/more senior). At least for me and from what I can see from other people around me, I'm not agonising over setting work/life boundaries and productivity. My workplace has structures in place to create that balance. I'm not sure she is really that aware of what the average young professional's life is like, because her only experience in a 'normal' office environment is as an intern at IBM which is a very specific kind of culture.

I almost think that content like this which claims to be against hustle culture is actually contributing to the issue. I think it's causing people who were otherwise pretty happy with their working pattern to suddenly start hand-wringing about whether they're a victim of this culture and suddenly need to start itemising and 'blocking off' chunks of their day.
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Good point, she was talking quite specifically about the issue with school meals in the UK and made it seem like the food box would’ve been given to a UK food bank.

Donating to food charities elsewhere is obviously great and should be done, but feels quite a bit different to what she has implied in those stories (that they’ve sent one their boxes to a UK food bank somewhere).

edit: she’s still going - must be a long lunch break today
Also howling that grubby obviously sent my message over to grace for her to use in that story. She wasn’t in the convo

hope companies start thinking fucking hell, not worth the drama with her. The actual ad gifted promotion has been lost in grace going off talking about herself and how good she is again
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she is so stingey, no wonder she has been able to make so much money if she spends so little as she is gifted everything. How you can complain you are left wing when you are really rich and taking money from businesses who may be struggling atm
Didn’t you know? Grease is actually a budgeting kween and only spends £42 per week in central London 😍😍😍
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Well is just factually wrong, without external investors? Even she has admitted that she had a ‘business partner’ who did the investments and only got it through licensing deals which is a form of external investment. Also, if this was a real Wikipedia page it would have links to her parents and grandparents
Also says “former social media influencer” sorry I forgot she stopped influencing, taking brand deals, gifted items, shelling shitty ads, hanging out with a listers and thrusting her swipe up links on followers
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God, so many of her die-hard supporters seem like such total moronic asskissing drips. "They're just posting a gossip website LOL" OK, be gullible sacks of crap, then. Keep buying this bullshitter's substandard merch. Also, this girl who replied to the tweet posted on the previous page looks- based on her Twitter pictures- so much like Grace you'd think she was her cousin or something :rolleyes:
So you won’t believe something that is backed up with evidence because its linked from a gossip site, but you will believe everything a millionaire whos only goal is to make money tells you. Makes sense
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I haven’t read her book, but based on what I’ve seen, I genuinely think Florence Given is partly responsible for this new thing I’ve seen emerge of ‘don’t drag other women down’ or ‘invest your energy in uplifting other women not dragging them down’. People don’t seem to be able to differentiate between (valid and constructive) criticism of a public figure and bashing on someone for no reason.
Yes I totally agree. I can't remember if it was Grace's thread I said this on before or someone else's but I hate this new type of feminism which suggests that any kind of criticism of women is anti-feminist and we should all be lifting each other up, if you're talking bullshit I don't care if you're male, female or other, someone should be calling you out! It has nothing to do with her being female and it's another contradiction, while she's saying she does recognise her privilege she's then telling us off because we're criticising her as a woman? Make it make sense!

I really agree with whoever above said about her shallow understanding of privilege, as awful as it is if she has gone through abuse and has PTSD that doesn't detract from or lessen her privilege in anyway. This is exactly like people who cannot grasp that white privilege doesn't mean you haven't had hardship in your life, it means you haven't had it because you are white. Equally you can suffer abuse and PTSD and still be hugely privileged, which she is. While Grace is female and I don't deny that means she is less privileged than men, she is much closer to the male level of privilege as a white, rich, privately educated woman than she is to say, women of colour living in poverty. As much as she likes to bang on about ~ nuance ~ she sure as shit can't apply it when it comes to herself.
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Okay I read her post whilst waiting for a meeting to start. After reading this part in the beginning though I almost felt like NOT reading it because what is the point in reading your reviews if this is how you read books:

"I almost never read non-fiction books cover to cover (apart from memoirs) and I don’t necessarily think it’s important to (apart from my book, of course). Unless I’m particularly gripped by it, I find it a lot more digestible to read the introduction and first chapter or so to grasp the concept then pick up sections I’m particularly interested in. I find this allows for maximum learning whilst not burning out by forcing myself to read every single word for the sake of it. Everyone will read differently and have a different appetite, so I thinking finding what works for you (especially if you’re not a book worm but want to benefit from them anyway) is super important!"

Reading every word for the sake of it? Girl. That is the literal point of reading a book. Right?? You read it cover to cover, start to finish. I just... so why should people read your book in its entirety then? How can we know that you actually read books properly????????? Last summer I was sometimes able to read 2 books a week but that depends on the book I am reading. It took me a month to go through A Little Life and that's reading at least 30 pages 5 times a week, it's a dense book especially the first 200 pages or so. Not to mention the serious themes in it. On the other hand it took me 2 days to finish the Andromeda Strain. Just fuck off Grace why did I read her bullshit I know this is what ends up happening 😑

Don't get me wrong, I know that there are real practical uses for speed reading especially in an academic setting, I also speed read at work sometimes. But I feel that it completely defeats the purpose of reading fiction like that, you could be missing details important to the story, character development etc....? Grace if you don't enjoy reading fiction, don't force yourself to do it
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It's so sickening that people who can afford to buy their own food get gifted it??? People are really struggling in this pandemic :(

And besides that, didn't she make recipes for Shreddy.....🙃
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It doesn't take a genius to work out that she suddenly started telling us about her reading around the time she announced her book. If I was a sceptical person I'd say it was to drive home to her followers that they too can be like her by reading. What would grace recommend you read to get like her? Well I'm glad you asked...heres a book put out by kween grace.
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Sooooo i watched this yesterday and Trevor points out if anyone emphasizes it is legal, ehhhhh still means something dodgey going on 🤣 bloody wishy they wouldn't greenwashy. How do you quantify their wages if you've only given one piece of information? X × 1.5 = ?????????? Mfs...

There are other fallen soldiers amongst us, I can't see other comments like when it says 5 and you see only 2...
View attachment 419595
TALAs argument is ridiculous anyway. The only reason they’re in China is to SAVE MONEY.

The fact that it’s cheaper for them to pay workers’ wages AND ship it from Asia rather than paying workers in the UK tells you everything you need to know 😂

I know for a fact minimum wage in Shanghai (where they have factories) is 22¥ an hour= between £2/£3. It’s cheap for them to manufacture there, end of!
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Some of them went to Bryanston for a bit, which is one of the most expensive private schools in the country at around £40k a year per pupil. So probably even more than that. 🤯

but but her parents worked really hard guys, maybe if your parents worked harder you could've gone to a 40k a year school too xx
god i really wish my mum had worked full time when i was a kid so i could have also had this opportunity 😔
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what the fuck is she saying in her stories, it's literally just waffle
Thought it was just me being stupid, but totally agree, like wtaf???
she spent 20 minutes trying to say she agrees with the 'rhetoric' of the meme in an attempt to remain ~relatable~ and ~left wing~ when in reality she's a money grabbing capitalist
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View attachment 406869

I rewatched the empty house tour video and this is how she responded to someone simply stating that she's had a privileged upbringing, like someone said all she says is "I'm lucky" and that's it, if anything she's so defensive and makes it sound like she was borderline homeless and that this house is such a huge turnaround lmao. If she comes out with this to established book critics who are curious about her background whew it's gonna be a disaster.

I watch another youtuber who's been going for way longer than Grace and has more subs, and she says the reason she is still renting and can't buy despite having enough for a big deposit is because lenders are reluctant to loan to youtuber's/influencers unless they're huge as they don't see it as secure. There's no way Grace managed to get a mortgage for over a million AND get a loan/managed to start two businesses with huge upfront costs within the same year (starting from a HQ in central London mind, not like Gymshark from their garage), with the revenue from some elastic bands. Either the trust fund cashed out or she had help from parents as to me it sounds impossible.
I keep going on about the scholarship thing but this lie is so audacious, particularly here. She knows full well that people reading that would assume all of them had full-ride scholarships, which is just hilarious when you consider that a) full-ride scholarships for private schools are exceedingly rare in the UK, and b) where they do exist, they are awarded to low-income families, not to the daughters of millionaires. It's frankly disgusting that she has tried to swing the few hundred quid award they all got for being trained as choral singers since they could walk as proof that her private school education was 'earned'.
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Kind of off topic but has anyone here actually applied for Oxford? I got 2 A’s and A* in my A Levels and applied for Oxford for Archaeology and Anthropology. My parents think they saw ‘Lives/From Liverpool and threw my application away’ 🤣 back in 2015
I went to Oxford from a state school (from a solidly middle class background). Ngl all of us state schoolers MASSIVELY looked down on those who came from private schools (wrongly or rightly lol). Honestly admissions are such a joke. I really feel for you. It is by no means fair, nor in the slightest bit a level playing field.

Oxford is not all that it’s hyped up to be. Full of stuck up pricks who don’t understand that not everyone can waltz through life doing the bare minimum.
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She is EXHAUSTING. I wonder if she has an hour blocked out in her calendar every day so that she can bash out these teeny tiny font paragraphs on her stories. Must take her a decent chunk of time.

“I stick to my promises” - says the same girl who promised her followers she was taking every precaution on her very essential Dubai trip and apparently called for clarification on everything, but went out partying anyway.
So what I’m seeing is she still received free food. She paid for a box to go to someone else but she’s still got freebies from, as they’ve just said a new small start up. And from this deal she’s getting some free shreddy marketing in the boxes?? The expenses of influencers are a joke**
** oh but of course she’s not an influencer guys, just happy to accept the freebies, but please don’t call her one x x x
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She is such a walking contradiction it’s actually hilarious 🤣 also funny she’s posting about moles and skin cancer again when she also toasts herself all summer and brags about how her tan is real?? Make up your mind luv
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Btw I suffered through the podcast she did that came out today (Secret Leaders) - nothing really new, just the usual stuff we've come to expect from her.
  • Makes her favourite claim that Oxford were watching her every move and had a vendetta against boss babe CEOs: "any suspicion that I wasn’t doing anything up to standard would have resulted in some sort of action which I wouldn’t have liked." She's so dramatic, can promise you they were aware and did not care.
  • The hosts ask her about her biggest tip for productivity. They also ask her to be succinct (presumably because of her rambling before), and of course she rambles on anyway for 5 minutes about her number one productivity tip: getting an Executive Assistant! She then says later that she isn't saying everyone should get an EA because that's obviously ridiculous and not possible for everyone. But still says that she only started balancing her time/setting boundaries as soon as she got the EA. So somehow she is writing a book detailing her personal tips on how to be productive in a healthy way, meanwhile admitting these habits only started when her EA started holding her hand. I'm starting to think the EA should be writing this book, not Grace.
  • Finds it hard to distinguish between trolling and critique, to no one's surprise.
  • Talks about when she posted a recap of her amazing life since university and took it down after people said it was insensitive. She agrees it was insensitive, but then goes on to say how she thinks business owners are critiqued more for going on holidays when they are women. No Grace, people critiqued you for your holidays because you went during a pandemic and behaved like an anti-masker covidiot.
  • References the white feminist book Lean In. Says she doesn't agree with everything in the book but uses it to back up her point about rich women being treated differently to rich men. So many women of colour have written thorough critiques about how harmful that book is and she needs to stop promoting it.
Really late to the party, but I listened to it yesterday and had so much second hand embarassment for her, I almost had to stop a few times. She came off as SO narcissistic, which I guess shouldnt be surprising lol. Literally the podcast is 40mins long and I swear the host got in what, like 5 questions? She would ramble on so much in her answers, and end up talking about things totally unrelated to the question, and would talk so fast, it left zero chance for the host to get a word in or to turn it into more of a conversation. He even asked her twice to answer succinctly because he had many other questions lmao, like c'mon Grace how did you not get the hint?

Also she kept repeating that she had a million followers on IG, and that she was CEO of two companies, which is suuuper unusual (she even said something like "Tala and Shreddy are separate companies, but they're essentially subsidiaries of the same thing... The thing being me *laughs*" which came off super cringe ??). Also plugged the "writing 10,000 words per week at Oxford" thing🙄. Lol. I was a little surprised, because I do find she normally presents herself pretty well in external interviews... whereas this was the barely-coherent ramblings of a privileged narcissist lol
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First time poster here but ‘massive respect’ ???? The only reason she ‘immediately’ wanted this is because of everyone in her dms calling her out for being so tone deaf in the first place - not a unique idea of hers by any means. I so cba with people like her being held on a pedestal for doing the bare minimum, she still didn’t offer to pay this start up for their service?

Also it honestly baffles me why she wouldn’t just mention the donating to charity in the original adgifted story ? I feel like she does these things to bait people into calling her out, so she can just post all the dms to her stories to feed the narrative of having all these ‘haters’ that are just so out of line for trying to hold her accountable 😫😫
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