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VIP Member
They will have something planned no way would Annie just happily carry on knowing she slept with her man and then forced him into buying her a mansion and everything else . Whilst having the nerve to call him a bad dad and stalk them .
If I was Annie id get the house Lauren lives in my name let her live happily for few years wait until he retires divorce him take half take the money the house and he would need to pay for RRR then quagmires money could possibly drop evict her from the house and fuck them both over in one swoop!! Ultimate revenge 😂😂


I mean she could always get back with him afterwards if she chooses but then she would hold all the power
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These are random ones that pissed me off although we touched on it yday for blocked to see

She did a lot icba to get them she’s a proper cunt
Annie will not allow her home to be made into a page. Sure beggerson woudnt want to write hashtag gifted on all the interiors. 😂😂 so funny her trying to shorten the sisters names so it looks like they are close haha. Can tell they 2 twats sat on tattle the whole time in Mexico Giro speaks Spanish to the level he kicks a ball 👀 😂😂😂. NOT
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Chatty Member
Oh their best friends how cute 🤮
Nothing from Lauren Goodyear esp when they were good enough pals for quagmire to tell the world all the girls business 🙈
Nothing from her sisters still ….
How far does it need to go before she takes a look and realises she’s the problem
Pumped and dumped club x

Also Chloe wishing Marnie a happy birthday yesterday but not her own sister. Says it all doesn’t it?
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When you get 8k a month and your confidence sky rockets🤣🤮 and apparently it wasn't for the money her poor sprog was brought into the world😂😂😂 What a revolting human being she is. Poor Cairo Goodman when he grows up knowing Kyle has zero interest because his tramp of a mother got up the duff on purpose. It's all fun and games just now when he's unaware but she can't protect him forever and it won't be Kyle he's disgusted with, it'll be her she should realise that.
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What do we think she is trying to allude to ‘the truth’ being?
I'd assume that Kyle was soooo in love with her and wanted to fuck RRR and his partner of 10 years off and just be a family of 3 with her and kerching but cos nasty annie was making his life hell he had no option but to go back :rolleyes: In true Lozza style she's since contradicted this on that podcast by admitting she knew they werent gonna be together lol
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She’s replied to the hooker but look at this pinned comment ?
Oh you been reading the thread 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
You ain’t fooling us lady
Oh pleaseeeee she's definitely written that or her scruffy fat friend she's with... I hope he grows up to fucking hate football
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Chatty Member
She said on the FB au pair advert that was needed from Feb as obviouslyyyy 50 hours of childcare that KW pays for clearly isn’t enough.

So v soon the vomit posts with #homedecor #walker #infinitypool are on the way huns, brace yourselves! She will break her fucking neck to boast about the new house when we all know Queen Annie owns it outright 😊 8k for all her bills will be swallowed up quicker than her stinking vag swallows up footballer cum. She struggled to manage living at Karen-joolies. She has previously spent it all on herself Botox, fillers, hoe’ing in London, holidays &’copying Annie’s clothes.

Question is will Chloe let lozza go on the Vegas hen do? Could actually see them all fighting like chavs outside a pizza shop. No one likes lozza. Will she be invited to the wedding ? Do we think Grunt and Chlo will get the teefs re done before wedding they must know they look absolutely fucking stupid and it’s ruining Chloe’s actually pretty face. Lauryn, well there’s no hope for her frozen quagg-chin pan face 👀 will lozza be a bridesmaid. Will Chlo want lozza on pics having to blur out Giro goodman’s face coz they are so fucking famous. Not something I’d want on my OK mag shoot, my fucking sisters brat spoiling the pics attempting to stealing the attention 😅😅😅 probs do a face reveal on clo’s wedding day she’s that spiteful.
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Yeah she was well and truly caught mocking a disabled child then caught lying like usual saying ppl took her phone. Kp goes to court trying to get petitions to stop disable ppl being bullied online meanwhile lozza petitions for biological father to take their unloved and unwanted children. We know she bullied her wee mealticket too. Horrible skank.
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Lizzy 93

VIP Member
Oh their best friends how cute 🤮
Nothing from Lauren Goodyear esp when they were good enough pals for quagmire to tell the world all the girls business 🙈
Nothing from her sisters still ….
How far does it need to go before she takes a look and realises she’s the problem
Oiii these green fukin heels she’s in make me fukin sick I couldn’t care less how much they cost. They look like ballet shoes with a heel wth

Katy love we don’t recognise ya
You look diff in every pic you big size lump
Two skets
Happy birthday slag
Still single
Still miserable
Still unemployed
Still can’t get a Hong Kong romp ever again in your life
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Thank you Lauren for having a wee read at what I wrote about the person who lives in your house who speaks Spanish, then sending urself the fake question however love if ur going to insist of telling lies you must have a good memory!!

clear it up then hun- in the same day u said he’s been learning it from day one along with English by whoever the Spanish person is at home now ur saying he goes to a Spanish nursery and had some extra lessons at home so which is it?
Funny how these “followers” are fixated on the Spanish since this is what we’ve been talking about on here u ain’t fooling anyone


And no u can’t take any credit u don’t speak it so ur no teaching him it nor are u paying for it kyle is


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Shes deplorable, remember when giron was 10 months or something and she was babbling on that he was reciting Shakespeare and she'd post videos of him babbling nonsense which you would expect at that age you could never decipher what he was waffling on about. Fast forward 2 years and she NEVER posts videos of him 'talking' cos she's mouthing utter bull shit herself. If that lad was speaking English, Spanish, mandarin, tesla engine or what not she would be on her stories all the time. He ll be an average speaker for his age probs doesn't know or understand what he's saying or listening to because bouncy arse is confusing him
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Why do we need not just one but FOUR photos of her prolapsed arse?! 🤢
I didn’t expect her to show anything else off in a post about her sons hair 🙄

I can just imagine the conversation she had with Kairo on the beach when she took those photos KAIRO WALKERRRR come and give mami a hug so we can do a photo for the gram…now get out of the shot so midsize Pete can take a photo of mami’s arse 🥴🤣
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Lizzy 93

VIP Member
That umpalumpa is on this thread more than all of us mate

overpaid hooker, You have a fan page for a man that has never met your child
I know who I’d rather be hunnayyyy

Brighton bike

never shagged again since Hong Kong 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a tragic life
No man would
Reminiscing on a man’s toes she thinks she’s insulting us 🤣 who the fukkkk remembers a one nighters toes mate
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No one has sent her a dm, she has obv been reading here to clarify….. Not even Mel wished her happy birthday, and to be fair beggy never wishes anyone happy birthday so she reaps what she sows… toxicity
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