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My birth dad is a nasty bastard and my mum was always honest with me about him and advised me not to try find him. Well anyone who has been in a similar position, you can’t help but be curious and want to know who created you. It’s natural. I met my dad, took him years for him to admit I was his and he’s just an awful person, I made the decision that I didn’t want anything to do with him and I definitely didn’t want him in my life. But it was like I found a missing jigsaw piece. I didn’t need to find him but felt compelled too.
Kairo will be the exact same. Fortunately for him, his dad has a very good career, he’s successful and very talented. Some probably born like it, some from years and years of passion and training. My dad is an author, a terrible one at that lol 😆 but thankfully my adopted dad was at the top of his job, something to be proud of! 🥰 No one had taken my choice and decision away from me, although I was warned about how nasty he is, no one stopped me making my own decision. Kairo will be the same, even if Lauryn spends all his life telling him his dad is shit and doesn’t love him. He will still grow up and use his own brain and mind to decide what’s right. Lauryn has literally paved that path for him. Like I said previously he will see how successful his dad and brothers are etc, and because he’s literally been born into this world to do everything Kyle, he will be more likely to want to know more about his Dad. He is not going to be embarrassed by his fathers actions, only his mums. My mum was right about my dad, I didn’t not believe her I needed to find out and see for myself, Kyle is a much better man than my birth dad so Kairo is so lucky to have that opportunity. Sad though, Lauryn is the reason Kairo doesn’t see his Dad. It’s her behaviour, it’s her everything her and both Kairo and Kyle are missing out. Just wish Kyle would just take full custody and be like ‘I’m worried about his well-being etc. I’m worried about her ability to go so nasty and manipulating it’s distracting me at football. She’s giving my wife and boys anxiety…’ I’d love to see Kairo living the life he deserves with his dad, step mum and half brothers. He deserves everything and his mum Lauryn can’t give him that, no stability at all, no future plans, just living life for free because sex to her is a daily thing so she just had to open her legs and hope for the best and it worked! She’s doing everything to come across as this hard done by single mum, but actually she doesn’t care whatsoever about her son, she’s all me me me and I need money asap because I’m in debt. BITCH
The only problem with this is Annie doesn't want a relationship with Kairo and isn't obligated to have one.

Taking him into their home would destroy their family and destabilise RRR so then four innocent children would suffer. This way is cruel to Kairo but its for the best for everyone else involved.

The only person to blame for this mess is Lauryn especially as she's very happily shouting she knew she'd be doing it all on her own (whilst being shocked in her insta comments/stories) and allegedly only keeping the pregnancy out of sheer spite.

I genuinely feel awful for Kairo but I also feel that way for Annie and her lions. I even feel sorry for Kyle now.
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Chatty Member
Just listening to the pod cast

So in one breath she's saying her and kyle was speaking and deciding about surnames and scans then in the next breath shes saying kyle is the one to answer all the questions and that she didn't want him knowing when the baby was born... but I thought she said they was talking 🙄 and saying she's needs her PRIVACY 😅😅 she's far from private the girl has absolutely lost it
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‘If you’re ever asking yourself whether you’re a good mum or not, then you don’t need to worry. Bad mums don’t worry about things like that.

A little quote I read which I think is beautiful. Lauryn is a bad mum. She doesn’t worry about whether she’s a good mum 😊 She worries about how she looks to other people, living a luxury life with her son’s maintenance money. She doesn’t care about her son, she cares about when her next free holiday will be, she only cares about K and A hurrying up so she’s gets her free house, so she can take pictures of it and feel like she’s achieved something, to show it to others who don’t even care or know her. She wants to look like she’s made it, she wants to impress other people with materialistic things that she didn’t even work to get herself. She doesn’t care whatsoever. She is a BAD mum. So anyone on here who thinks they are a shit mum, you’re not. Unless one of you is secretly Lauryn, well then you’re a bad mum 😂
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I see Cairos landlady Annie was out celebrating her friends birthday yesterday, wonder how long Beggy will take to post some aggressive comment
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I think she needs serious help by trained professionals these lies are ridiculous and it’s not just the wee one here and there it’s a whole over world she’s invented and living in
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Personally I believe she is delaying moving into a house.. as she is paying off personal debt..before moving that wasn’t covered.. I believe the time she had the fit and was in the car and called him slow snail 🐌 I reckon she possibly found somewhere but it was too late.. Let’s face it once she moves in she is liable for her bills not the father.. she atm it’s a slush fund but she will have bills to pay.. she was given leave to appeal for the nanny part.. but nothing else.. I am still laughing when the judge compared them.. I found the father clear and answered all questions.. I found the mother argumentative and unable to give a straight answer and not forgetting lack of insight….
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Fancy boasting to a bunch of single mamis about moving to a house that you have bullied someone for and when that lad turns 18 it's back to a pumpkin.

Scumbag Lauryn

Place Will end up a shit hole

High value insured removers, for manky flea jumping carpets and ugg slippers that are that hinging minging they should have made an escape for freedom years ago 🙄🙄🙄
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Ladies, I think you’re all amazing and I think the world of you but FFS any of you that would have sex with Kyle PLEASE, PLEASE seek help.
You’ve developed a form of Stockholm syndrome where she makes him look decent but he really isn’t.
He cheated on Annie when they had 3 children, he slept with Lauryn probably also behind Annie’s back, he then broke lockdown rules to shag sex workers (but didn’t go back to Lauryn)
Yes he seems funny and we all feel a little sympathy for him with the way Trapaman has behaved but he slept with Lauryn 🤢 if that doesn’t put you off you need help!
We'll disinfect him first.


Surely Annie already has? I pomise we'd dip him in Zoflora before giving him a go.
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How lovely is Sians insta stories. The walker boys def have made the best memories with their family all together 🦁🦁🦁
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You know the pic of Annie with the balloons for New Year? The pink colour and the way they were placed made me think they were from a gender reveal.

I hope it is so they have some happiness. You can bet all four of his kids names will be on his boots then.
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Fancy working really hard in life to pay for a decent home only for that dirty thieving slag to move in to your street, I can't wait til she gets chucked out back to boxroom towers for you ya manky cow
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Lizzy 93

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It’s all false as your honour clearly said it was a ‘ brief one’
A FRIEND of 10 years wouldn’t say to your mrs “ us girls should stick together” then SHAG THEIR MAN and have his baby !!
A FRIEND of 10 years would have met Annie many times.
Some girl Lairen is all she is
Don’t let her fool you.

Walker better do something great his son only his genes
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Her budget was 1.3 million for a house

Sooooo one day it’s free meals at Asda to help ur kids then we have pool maintaince🙈

Why can’t she just shut her mouth and move in surley everyone knows by now it’s Kyle who’s providing this no one surley believes she’s paying this herself 🙈

Makes me sick to my stomach 🤮
How would she feel if someone did this to her son in years down the line bcz he had a few Bob! I’m not saying he hasn’t to pay for his kid ofc he does but ffs this is ripping the fucking piss just bcz he’s a footballer he’s to provide this lifestyle for her!! One she’s never had and one she would never work for esp as she’s not providing one single penny towards the upbringing of her son
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I have just been told by an extremely reliable source(not outing myself) that lauryn said to Kyle when she was like 2/3 months pregnant I’m with child blah blah he wasn’t interested (i.e he didn’t offer her a big enough settlement) so she kept it and went public 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
She literally didn’t want Cairo but Kyle was offering too little to get rid so she kept it in retaliation 😭😭😭😭😭😭
This is appalling for that poor baby. She goes on that termination wasn't an option etc but in reality she bought a baby into the world out of pure spite - knowing Kyle wouldn't be involved - just to make their lives uncomfortable.

I really hope that's not true. Without outing yourself, how reliable? Which side of things Kyle's or Lauryn's?
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