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Lizzy 93

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So is she slagging off the extension company or not 🙊
Shit week for chlo- job
Annie has dealt with worse babe because of your sister so get to fuck slag x
Who’s Olivia ?
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That Timeline is fucking INSANE !!!
If someone did a movie re this it would get shit reviews for being too far fetched !!!
She is a fucking disgrace to all women everywhere !!!
I can't imagine treating enough woman like this no matter how much I hated her !!!
Mind you, I hate Prozza enough to treat her like this but she would fucking deserve it :mad::mad::mad:
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Kyle needs a lobotomy if he contacts her again directly. If he wants to see the mistakes, it should be done via his solicitors and the proper channels. I think she’s fuming and her head has fallen off that she doesn’t have any clue what’s going on in his life right now and about the new baby that she’s trying to cause shit.
See I think she does this because she is absolutely besotted with Kyle and obsessed she wants him and she wants Annie completely out the picture !! she wants her children on the pitch she wants the wag lifestyle and her Kids on the pitch with kyle
she knows he wants nothing to do with them but instead of changing the kids surname and moving on she is reminding him daily that they are his kids and she won’t be silent !!

his legal team seriously need to sort this out and if she isn’t listening then they need to take serious action against her
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With no love lost between the WAGs, we’re now told, “Lauryn has made it clear she wants her kids to play a part in their dad’s life, and wants them to be able to support him at big footballing events. But with all the drama that’s gone on, Annie doesn’t want Lauryn anywhere near her and her family.”

Well I want to win the lottery but you don’t always get what you want Lauryn.
I HATE when they refer to lozza as a WAG 🤮🤮 she fucking wishes
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I missed diesel gate can someone please enlighten me x
If I remember rightly she was off “house hunting” which we now know means stalking up in alderly edge 🤣 so obviously needed a full tank for 5 hours driving
The worker came over and told her there was no diesel left but the person infront of her was getting diesel (probably getting the last of it)
And she started filming this poor innocent woman who was just doing her job shouting at her 🤦🏼‍♀️ Nasty little dwarf
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I also don’t feel sorry for Kyle. Absolutely no excuse at all for him to sleep with her again. He knew what kind of person she was so I genuinely think he did it because he wanted to and is now trying to backtrack🤮🤮 do I believe she tried to blackmail him once pregnant again? Yes but he could of gone to police/lawyers with evidence instead of rolling over to her demands knowing Annie was gonna find out eventually either way. Having to deal with that psychopath is a consequence of your stupid decisions Kyle!
Although I fully understand why she stays, I strongly believe Annie needs to leave him as he absolutely does not deserve her! Lauryn is kyles problem not Annie’s and if she stays again it’s gonna be detrimental to her mental health because he will cheat again eventually. If he wants to stick his cock in slags like lauryn then that’s the kind of person he deserves in my opinion she would rinse him dry in 5 years. Annie if I were you I’d take my share of the ££ and leave him and his nose and infected cock

I can’t feel sorry for him knowing he was able to perform/orgasm with that beast.

I have an overactive imagination and I can’t help but think:
- he was turned on by her enough to get hard
- he physically performed
- he orgasmed
- she done her weird voice/laugh because in her mind she won the war with Annie, she was going to ‘destroy them’

Doing it with a random is unforgivable, doing it with her knowing what she did to Annie, saying Kairo needed ‘protected from her’, calling her a ‘wicked stepmother’, making Annie live a private life than she should have to because she literally doesn’t want to put content out for Lauryn to see.

It’s the ultimate betrayal. Blackmail or not….. he doesn’t deserve anyone’s sympathy.

When he said ‘Annie only just started telling me she loves me again’ I literally felt it in my stomach.
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Found this on one of kyles posts from 4 days ago. We’ve said before this account is 💯 one of proz’s burner accounts.
think she’d been on the booze when she posted this rant the spelling is worse than usual 😂😂😂

ETAhates Annie but follows her public insta 😂 loz we know it’s you you crazy bitch 😂


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She’s absolutely going to loose her mind during the Euros when Annie shows up with the new baby!!!
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Do you know what is so cold about her is the fact she shows off the house via that blyth woman, cold unwelcoming large house for the 3 stooges.

Yet she doesn't seem to care about all the baby bits. Like mobiles above the cot, soft toys. Little touches for the room.

She just doesn't care about those kids.

Everything is all about her and what she can spend her kids maintenance on.

It's fucking sad like
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She really thought she had trapped kyle this time with a 2nd baby and whatever shite he was whispering up her piles.

She's incensed that her and Kyle have made fools of themselves again and she has been left looking like the world's biggest wally.

She's one of them narcissistic mothers who don't like their daughters
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Thank you @OtherMoon when you see it laid out like that it’s actually really scary.

I know most of you have said you think Annie knew before the 27th. Broadly when do we think Annie found out?

Reading these timelines I can’t help but feel sick to the pit of my stomach for Annie. I bet Kyle totally gaslit her when she confronted him about KW2 early on.

I once had an ex who gaslit me and it was hands down the worst time of my entire life. He was privately educated, a director for a national company and he love-bombed me, took me on 5* holidays, bought me constant gifts and had flowers and cards delivered to my work regularly. Then after 9 months of this over the top behaviour became really distant, changed the pic of us on his WhatsApp pic to one of just him and said it was for corporate contacts, was constantly on WhatsApp, changed his phone password, took his phone in the shower with him, to the toilet. All day when I was at work he’d be ‘online’ on WhatsApp as if he was constantly going back and forward with someone, he’d go to the toilet and I’d check and he’d be ‘online’ on WhatsApp and I confronted him more than once and he’d make me feel awful. He told me I was insecure, didn’t trust him, he’d make me apologise, he’d make me cry. This went on for a 3 month period, I then told him things ‘felt different’ before getting my makeup done for a wedding we were going to together and he literally left me in town and went to the wedding himself and said my behaviour wasn’t acceptable. A week or so later I hacked into his LinkedIn account and sure enough there was another girl he was seeing that he had met on there.

I get that some people will feel that this is just run of the mill stuff but I had a proper breakdown. I lost 3 stone in 3 months, I could barely concentrate on work, I was tearful all the time and I honestly felt like I was slowly going crazy…… I confided in friends who all told me he was clearly at it but he was so adamant it was all in my head.

If Kyle has done the same to Annie then I really feel for her, the betrayal is awful as we all know but if he made her believe things were okay, that he’d never do that and that Lauryn was just being a fanny and then months later her worlds collapsed then the truths came out then that really is unforgivable.
I'm honestly not sure I suspect Annie was suspicious but I don't think it was confirmed for her until Lauren called.
I just don't think Annie would have agreed to a video call at home whilst her kids were on their school holidays unless she was desperate to know.
I mentioned the other day about Kyle running away and not being able to face Annie when he fucks up so she knew he wasn't going to give her the truth.

This is major speculation on my part... I think even post wedding things were very strained between Kyle and Annie, I think there is a kernel of truth in that Lauren implied Kyle told things were rocky between them and in Lauren's mind meant they really weren't together it was all for the show and the kids.
She has never had a loving long term relationship so she probably has no idea of the nuances of love over a life time.

Personally I think there was so much pain on Annie's part and shame on Kyle's part they found it hard to really talk with one another and be honest about what had gone on and how they felt.
They stayed together and got married simply because that was always the plan and they still loved each other.

I think when Kyle got the call about Mistake 2 he woke the fuck up and quick. He said himself he just wanted to get home to Annie and the boys it sounds like he felt there would be no forgiveness this time so maybe he was truly present to savour those moments. He put more effort into their relationship and enjoyed family life. So much so Baby No.4 is conceived and Annie starts saying ILY again.

I hope no matter what Annie decides about their relationship they have had some really long honest talks about all that has gone on so they at very least have closure and peace.
If they do decide to stay together I really hope they do counselling so they can find some way to communicate together.
When Kyle said the blackmail was bad the demands got worst like Annie not being allowed to get pregnant or move house shows how deranged she fucking is !!
I hope he is having her done for blackmail
This is where her unhinged controlling nature is most exposing who on earth would ever think it's ok to demand this and if you have to demand it, it's clear that he's still married, he is intimate with his wife and they see a future together.

I don't even believe a legitimate mistress would make such demands which highlights that it was blackmail out of spite.
She really wanted to be able to say I have Kyle Walkers two youngest kids, in her mind that made it look much better on paper like she was his real relationship, Annie was just for PR.
Annie being pregnant ruins that plan and yet again exposes her BS.
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Rita , Mahrez’s ex just posted this
Charge on ladies show yourself for who you really are. Complete and utter shameless desperados. These slags have zero self awareness or thought for their kids in their bitterness

Begman literally doing anything to act like an ex and not a cum dump, comedy gold hun the gift that keeps on giving!!!

Rota just a selfish cunt when they all seem to get on OK so why rock the boat. Pathetic, give your kids something money can't buy in life, Humility!! Is she that desperate for attention. Social work need to have a look at women that seek out attention, and it negatively impacts their kids.
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Imagine thinking your life is going well when your content is porridge and recycling posts about harvesting colostrum from four fucking years ago. :sleep:
And posting replies to her 'followers' showing their messages slagging off another woman, all the while you are shagging their husband

She really is a category A cunt
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I'm still puzzled at how he managed to shag Proz with a groin injury that was so bad he needed surgery. Wouldn't that be really painful? I know blokes are sex mad but fucking hell how desperate for a shag must you be to a) stick your dick in Lauren 'Panface & Piles' Goodman (again) and b) to cause yourself pain whilst doing so?
I'm going to assume she was on top and he just lay there whilst she bounced about. I also assume viagra was involved or Kyle was off his tits on pain meds and couldn't comprehend what the fuck was on top of him.
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Can we all back the fuck off the pilates? I got Mr Fox to join in and he's broken. Fairly badly. Quite sad really.

In other news, my mum didn't need a DNA test to confirm who my dad was; bit of a piss take really. The man is useless.

My mum let me eat chocolate and watch TV.
My mum doesn't think she's Gordon fucking Ramsay for making vegetable chilli con carne (minus the carne).
My mum didn't pretend to be starring in a WAG documentary.
My mum has never written a blog of bullshit.
My mum owns her own shoes, face, tits and teeth.
My mum loves me.

A DNA test for BOTH children, despite being in a loving intimate relationship 🤣.

Embarrassing 🙈
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