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Chatty Member
The shite Lauryn reposted that Megan Fox said:

“When you’re in a relationship with somebody, who you see so much potential in them and so much you connect with their soul and you know who they could be, who they should be.

And because of their own childhood traumas and unhealed issues they’re not able to be who they’re meant to be or who they can be.

And they operate at a lower frequency than where they should be and they wear a mask of someone who is not really, you know that can beat you and you know they could treat you better and that the love could be so much stronger and could be special and this relationship could be so much more.

But because they’re not willing to get the help, they’ll never be their best selves and so you can stay and forever be in love with who they could possibly become one day or you know you could move on.

And it’s a gamble because you don’t want to waste your life and your time waiting for somebody waiting for them to grow into themselves because that may never happen.

But I feel like a lot of us do that we are in love with the potential not the reality.”
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Especially unprotected when she revels in having one to you absolute no way he can talk himself out of that one he's revolting
Just think Kyle if you hadn’t cheated on your lovely wife you’d be living a nice peaceful life right now. 0 illegitimate strawberries running round, a wife who can trust you and more £ in the bank because the prostitute you knocked up isn’t rinsing you every month and making you buy a huge house for her. Absolute idiot
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Yes Annie needs to leave this time
but her staying gives me the giggles 😂😂 you just know Annie sticking around is driving lauryn insane 😂😂
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The final chapter or as Kyle put it ‘The second child had been born and the deadline was set. It scared me.”

Nov 13th
Long ramble about private stuff going on, will be sharing more in the future, learning what to leave where it is and what to fight for.

Nov 16th
Just realise my bio needs updating at some point for little princess, she will also need her own instagram.

Nov 21st
LG When games have an expiration date… that’s today
2nd This Christmas will be a memorable one for everyone.
3rd pic of DM someone claiming to have friend slept with Kyle then had a ‘vile’ message Annie. Lauren say ‘obviously she knows but chooses to stay shock horror.
4th Posts 20k abortion story with laugh crying emojis.

Nov 22nd
LG ‘statement of truth without any truth, does that make it lies?’

Nov 23rd
People who have overcome darkness in life typically have a great fire that can’t be put out

Nov 27th
LG choose your kids, in every situation. Anytime over anyone. Choose your kids.

Nov 28th
LG another dm screenshot bitching about Annie.

Dec 1st
LG ‘I’ll match your respect but I’ll top your disrespect. Don’t play with me’

Dec 7th
Annie ‘Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve’

Dec 8th
LG ‘The blessed don’t beef with the miserable’

Dec 10th
New story in Sun confirming A+K still together after recent gossip (coming from the enemy next door their neighbour said he hadn't been seen at home)
LG 9am countdown set for 5h
2nd countdown post ‘I am a Lion’ sticker + some waffle about trying her best for the ki
3rd story quote on narcissist being terrible people obsessed with looking good.

Dec 15th
LG ‘stop rewarding lies with loyalty’

Dec 17th
Liking ‘I’m a lion’ So is 5 now the magic number? With Kelis trick me playing

Dec 22nd
MC win Club world cup. Tattle announces Annie’s pregnancy for Lauren.
2:18pm LG ‘It’s the last straw the Breaks the camels back’
5:30pm baby girl pic with lion face emoji + 4 other lion emoji
8:30pm replying in the comment kids don’t get their curly hair from her
Minutes later Lauren changed her bio to include girls initials KW
8:40pm Liking ‘cut from the same cloth’ comment

***From here to over Xmas eve Lauren likes numerous posts insinuating Kyle is the father and it starts spreading throughout SM.***

Dec 25th
9:20am Pic of baby girl as elf saying important to have non-toxic people around.
1pm pic of place names both kids named as Walker

Dec 27th
Kyle playing away game.
Annie deleting many Kyle is the daddy comments off her Instagram when she usually ignores.
Lauren liking blatant comments stating Kyle is the father. She then makes her call to Annie.
Reading this in order has made me think there is ALOT of stuff that has gone on “
Behind the scenes” on both sides. I think there will be so much more to all of this than has been done/said/let on/ made public. Maybe one day we will read about it in kyles autobiography when he’s a bald fat nobody 😂
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I’ve seen the tweets everyone just throwing Walker foden and trippier around as they are known dirt bags. I don’t think it’s Walker no way then again I truly believed he wasn’t the dad so BRB

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You can’t convince me he only went there twice and just happened to get her pregnant each time . Surely the odds are better winning something on the lottery 🫣
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Active member
This is sooo dark really when you realise how sick she is. Them poor children she is purely delusional.
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The ultimate revenge is Annie actually leaving Kyle for good
he won’t ever get over that and it’s nothing more than what the horrible prick deserves
annie Will find somebody nice she is beautiful he will go from skank to skank …
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Imagine always supporting a man that refers to you and your kids as an episode and mistakes . Honestly ive got second hand embarssment for her. Get some self respect Lauryn you ugly dwarf
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All of this is a consequence of his own actions. I bet he didn’t have a clue how much of a nutcase Lauryn is when he hired her for Hong Kong though. Bad luck on his part. It’s his fault that this has been an absolute shit show because now his wanted kids and Annie have been dragged into it. Lauryn is a psycho and will never stop trying to ruin his and Annie’s life.
100% agree
1st time could have been forgiven as a mistake but to sleep with her a second time knowing exactly the type of person she is after the torment she put not only your wife but your CHILDREN through?? He did that because he wanted to 🤮🤮
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After reading all this thread I’ve gone back to NOT feeling sorry for kyle! She is fucking off her head and a conniving bitch! Why would he allow someone like that into his family!!! AGAIN!!
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She was moaning about being kyles “puppet on a string” whilst using her own child as a puppet on a string! He’s like her little performing monkey she uses to push her narrative 🤮🤮 Kyle/Annie won’t even see her stories so the poor kid is being tormented for nothing
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Any normal decent mother would protect their child . If dad doesn’t want to know which is clearly the case then you would F him right off starting with ripping that shite chain from round her neck . Binning anything city related in the rental and never mentioning city again. Occupy the kid with other things to take his mind off it that’s for starters. She clearly can’t move on. God knows what it’s going to take .
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June is an interesting month she isn't as prolific but on the days she's feral she is FERAL. 😬 And she is very Angry especially with Annie.
There isn't much revealed we know these details but I will post for continuities sake. And mostly because her dreadful behaviour towards Annie deserves to be noted.

June 10th
MC win the trebel. Pictures of K+RRR+Ronnie Foden posted on pitch
LG posts blue dress bump pic + Kairo in Dad 2.
Around Midnight Annie’s 3 is the magic number photo

June 11th
Midnight: Soon after ‘The best is yet to come’ from LG
LG: she likes to troll @kairowalker but K isn’t going anywhere she should probably get use To that’
9am Annie reposts the walker+boys + Ronnie pic with we got you 3 boy.
10:30am LG you have nothing to prove little man we know the truth.
LG spends the entire day online taking shots at Annie
5:30pm Kyle reposts Annie’s story 3 is the magic number
8pm In retaliation she reveals he’s on the birth certificate
Continues to spend hours trolling Annie

June 12th
Before 9am! She claims in an insta reply that Annie begged Kyle to re-tweet the photo.
LG goes back and tags Kyle in the pictures of KW1 in MC kit with Dad 2. Revealing she isn’t Blocked by Kyle. Hence she can communicate via DMS.

June 13th
There was a countdown but delayed then abandoned.

June 17th
Story at 6pm ‘should I post tonight or tomorrow morning?’
Sun story for next day hit ‘wag war’ Lauren sold story on Annie. It’s a dreadfully nasty article that accuses Annie of hating Kairo.
Lauren then posts gender party pic shows it was done on Kyle’s birthday
2nd Sun article ‘baby's dad will be known when the time is right’
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