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She thought she was clever sending giro to Spanish nursery now he can barely speak English or Spanish. Private schools have said fck no on that basis, without even reviewing her list of demands and now she’s trying to save face by blaming K&A 😂
Shit mum
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Not the how does your partner cope with your fame LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
Partner - no
Fame - bigger no

She’s an escort that’s it!
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She goes on about management and legal team which is all bullshit, she probably gets Heidi to proof read it in between eating her weight in pedigree chum

She is making herself look terrible, then again she's mastered the art of looking a cunt, as she blames everything on Kyle, nothing about how she's a lazy, minging, filthy, jobless, benefit cheating beggy bastard.

No one is advising her, that blog looks like giro wrote it.

See if she would just take some responsibility for her own actions

She really is thick
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Lizzy 93

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She really writes the blogs for us 😂
It’s so embarrassing
Address the rumours she put out
Like the way she writes is not natural
Randomly says he will have loads of ‘friends’ there ?
Like it didn’t flow at all

What about his family ?
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Is it from the children’s department? 👀
Kairo letting his mummy borrow his clothes that he bought?

In 30 years you will see King Kairo selling puppies, playing in a amateur football team trying to get scouted at the ripe age of 34, smoking weed with some status about Lauryn being both his mum & dad (IYKYK) 🤣
✨ Same story 🫶
✨ Cheese 🧀
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I know we have a giggle about it buts it's a wee shame for that wee boy. And obv down to earth lauryn thinks he's advanced which is equally concerning that he really can't string a sentence together in any language. That wee lad has no hope and pushing football on him? What if he's rubbish? She's setting him up to fail.

Wasn't allowed to go to his cousins birthday but he's having a party where one of his 'pals' will be easy cheesy leesy andrews. She never does anything in his best interests.
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Chatty Member
I'm still not getting my head round wtf she is actually playing at re the schools.

Did she think if she left it late enough she would get a bargain????

I'm no a parent but my siblings put so much planning into my niblings education, enrolling them in the nursery side of the school well in advance and now have all have a place at the most wanted school in their area. It took years to make sure that would happen and its not a private school. One of my brothers friends has an older child at the school and they didn't enrol the younger one in nursery early enough and now they have to send the youngest one to a different school. They aren't that far apart but still. So even as a non parent this is basics for your child so don't be stamping feet cos you've left it 2 mins before enrolment and then acting like you're being picky.

You've failed again lauryn and you don't even work AND you have help from your lazy work shy mum.

Beggars belief
Then to say ‘they’ as if 8 month pregnant Annie who knows you slept with her husband behind her back should be bending herself backwards to wire your ‘chosen school’ 1k to reserve his place.

Like are you crazy.

It must be amazing to live in a world of such delusion where no-one tells you to ‘wake the fuck up Lauryn’.
Makes you LOL people on mail comments saying money talks that's why annies staying. She would be absolutely loaded if she divorces him. What a lot of pish!!! I think Annie will leave him but not right now with the new baby. Play happy families annoy the life out of proz pmsl.
She would end up with more £ than Kyle from the settlement. They’d take all of their assets and give her more than 50% because of his earn ability going forwards, the fact she’s given up so much to support his career and she has their 4 children. Then she’d have the spousal support and child maintenance on top.

Annie could literally stay in their house, keep all her possessions, have a HOT, 10/10 boyfriend who doesn’t cheat and adores her if she wanted it. She’s choosing Kyle and their shared history.

Money doesn’t factor into it. These people are SO naive.
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Does anyone think the kids could actually end up been taken from her?
Surely someone needs to intervene she’s mental
Charlotte Dawson regularly puts her children in dangerous or over sexualised situations. She allowed and laughed at a friend of her twat fiance bending over and flashing his naked anus at underage children including her own small child. Social services don't deem that to be anything wrong. They won't do anything about Lauryn Goodman being a shit parent.
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Chatty Member
Definitely LaurEn, he ‘came back’ instead of he went back! You’re thick as 2 short planks proz! 🤣🤣🤣 J
I was reading the daily fail comments and had a feeling that commenter was proz from other things they’d posted, honestly her illiteracy gives her away every time 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

ETA - these are the comments 💯 loz posting these 😂 such a sad act she should be mortified with herself.


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‘Met with difficulty if i decide this’


Stfu I’m sure he’ll happily splash the cash on a private jet, massive villa to keep and a farewaell fuck off never to be seen again party thrown in 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Oh lauryn Kyle doesn’t give a fuck about you or your children 😭
Right now he’s having a lovely Easter morning with his boys alongside his either heavily pregnant wife or new born. Why would he want you? You were a paid for service. You wanted the pay check baby and kerchinggggg you got two of them now take the money and move the fuck on please!
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