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As much as I would love Annie to bring prozza down a notch or too I hope her and Kyle just keep silent. It’ll wind her up even more.
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Lizzy 93

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That’s why she’s rotting with the carpet as Kyle had said give me time to leave Annie I’m petrified of her
I married her because she put a gun to my head🤥
She says the truth will come out 🤣
You said that 3 years ago when you birthed 👶🏼
Is Kyle coming to his party x
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The rats only come out when Annie’s being knocked down. Annie is clearly very strong and resilient (we’ve seen how she’s handled everything so far) but something tells me Annie will get the rats. Annie will have the last laugh.
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Honestky can’t with that delusional freak 🤯

two baby emojis when her son is white drowned in curly hair products that don’t work 😂😂

and what journey have her followers been on …. The one when she sleeps with a ma tied man making herself a single mother to an unwanted child whilst the child’s father stays with his long term wife and three kids he very much does want !,

And now another “ journey “ of a kid dragged into that mess to still be a single mum but now with two unwanted kids with no dads !!

She has a nerve to call Annie …. She’s happy to take kyles money though she would have fuck all if it wasn’t for Kyle and Annie .. get back in your rock you ugly slag !!,
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maybe kyles slag of a cousin is prozzas new baby daddy
You know something they would be a perfect match for each other. They would be each other karma I swear 🤣 hey then she could still use #walker 🤣🤣

I actually dread the day to ever see lozza the prozza in Sheffield because I honestly wouldn’t be able to hold my temper. All the upset and chaos she causes, the damage to innocent people and children!! And I’ve since read on here that she’s lied about the infertility, I actually do have PCOS and was told it was highly unlikely I would conceive, well after many years of trying I got my miracle but how someone could ever lie about that is sickening. 😡😡
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I’m not defending Kyle because he’s a idiot BUT him and Annie have been together since high school Kyle is all Annie has ever known 14 years together three beautiful children built a home together a life together she no doubt loves him so much and the thought of leaving him is probably to much for her . If she stays I hope they work it out and get Kyle help because I do feel he either can’t keep it in his pants or he cant handle his drink and I’m not making excuses for him but some men can’t .

Either way I see happiness with them both her birthday video they look so loved up . Pictures taken at matches you can see how much Kyle loves them boys and my god them boys adore Kyle . Lauryn is obsessed with the walkers that is obvious. In her mind she really did think her being pregnant would make Kyle leave his wife and be with her she is delusional . Lauryn was aware from the first scan he wanted nothing to do with her or her child but she has done nothing but force kiaro into cloning kyles other kids and it’s creepy . The curly hair that she’s absolutely obsessed with making sure he has curly hair just because kyles child has curly hair it’s actually borderline wierd !!

When you look back at things lauryn has done it’s creepy like the number 2 T-shirt on kiaro with Walker …. Why would you do that when you know his dad wants nothing to do with him and again copying Annie …. Annie dressed her boys in number 2 T-shirt’s with Walker …. Then the whole puma gate .

why lauryn is getting involved is beyond me she is just trying to carry on the obsessive stalking of Annie and kyle …. In her delusional mind she probably think it bothers kyle that she’s pregnant again and somebody else is around kiaro but we all know kyke couldn’t give a shit 😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️ ( some photos to show that this is the life lauryn wanted ) she wants to be Annie and she is desperate to be with Kyle


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Lauryn is like that Josie Cunningham sket, doesn't care who likes her or not as long as she gets in the shite rag papers.

Amelia must be fuming at her, muriel you're embarrassing us again 🤣🤣🤣
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Kyle needs to man up and speak up. He should say how much he offered the skiprat and her sprog but it dragged on and on because she wanted more & more even wanted a new vag 🤮 show how much of a lying thieving bully bitch she really is. She is one person who needs exposed. She’s that bad you don’t even have to make up lies to make her look bad the truth shows how evil she is
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Haven't been on here for a couple of months now (life got in the way) but the last few days have pulled me back in again......couldn't help myself and messaged her from my burner account and she actually replied!! Bad news is I'm now blocked but confirms to me 100% that she reads this thread........ btw I'm not buying that it's Kyle's baby, despite his latest embarassing debacle I still don't think she's stupid enough to go back there bit I'll happily eat my words (after I've recovered from the shock) if I'm wrong
She's implying that he's the dad so it gets back on here. Whether he is or isn't she's so disgusting. If he is, that isn't her getting one up on Annie. Sleeping with a married man with a family and someone who didn't acknowledge your kid, She is going to look so fuckin stupid. All the lies she told before about not knowing of Annie 🤥
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Give her a chance 🤣🤣🤣she’s loving this 8k likes
I’m actually fukin dreading it
I wasn’t around the beginning of her last pregnancy
But from the 400 highlights she has it’s gonna be exhausting.
I prefer the silence, her post to Annie was unsettling for me.

Her current cockiness makes me think Kyle I honestly don’t think any man would go back to that desperate sket

Harley was sniffing around now she’s unfollowed him
Only thing makes me doubt that his sister in law commented congrats

@TheLadyTea for what bit the pregnancy or that he’s the dad ?

also we know she’s balls deep in this thread she’s not posting because of us 🤣
Her content is shit
I hate a pregnant insta hun
Hand on the bump every 30 seconds asking the shittest questions
“ anyone else have heartburn”
Look at her cockiness about the ten year friendship
The relationship
The name previously being agreed
The paid scan with both names
Going on national tv lying about being infertile and only finding out at 5months due to a kidney scan 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥

we know these are all lies, she knew rightly that it was a tattler who messaged her replying like that. That’s how she gets into peoples heads and creates doubt. I argued with many on here early on about the name not being agreed and of course it was plausible that he told her what she wanted to hear but we know he didn’t.

she hid giros dob because we would work out she was part of an escort group flown to Hong Kong which we know is correct now.

she still says now the name was agreed😂😂 all the baby stuff with Walker on it🥴 after he told her to abort. She’s a cocky entitled criminal hoe
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Becky Vardy always the victim 🙄 You were up Annie’s arsehole not that long ago lady, you were just bitter she took Coleen’s side.
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Kairo in 10 years time ‘mami, I love reading all these posts about me growing up, but why are they accompanied by pictures of your arse that you paid for out of my money?’

The last thing she is concerned about is his well-being. Poor kid.
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You can sniff loz a mile off ( prob in real life too)
No facts annie even did this just a proven liars word
Hysterical Lauryn wants to act like a protective mother when it suits her but really she's set her sprog up for an almighty fall bringing him into the world for all the wrong reasons. She's thick as shit!!
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Mr B has taken me away for the weekend, and when I say my jaw dropped when I saw the stories while in the middle of lunch 🤯
She is such a cunt, and the stories are still there. Poor Annie. Whether she stays or goes, it’s NOT her fault at all. I had to see the girl my ex knocked up everyday on the school run (although she ‘miscarried’ his child) and even though I had moved on with Mr B and had a child together, seeing her face everyday, I wanted to kill her. And this was years later. You may forgive, but you definitely won’t forget.

Can’t believe I was cheering for Kyle

And yes. Loz the Proz is a well known LIAR.
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I find it sooooo funny people are calling her a Prostitute on the daily mail 😩😅😅😅😅😅😅 comments she CANT delete 😅😅 I'm so here for this🍿 Every article about Lauryn there is such negative comments on every one. I've looked on the Annie articals there's barely any comments. How funny 😅😅😅😅
This is what confuses me the so called supports in her dms? Who u kidding no one likes u no one supports u and I duno y anyone would now knowing she’s hinting like fuck this baby is kyles and everyone knows he’s a married man with kids
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Djhannabb I looked on his insta and he doesn’t tag her or their daughters accounts on his posts but someone tagged his daughters insta on a post he’s tagged in so that’s how I found her. Looks like he’s quite private and baby’s mum is the opposite and posts everything
I usually leave the detective stuff to you guys, can you tell I’m bored today?
I was told by multiple people she fucked my long term ex when she knew we were together. Not a footballer but was well known on the London scene early 00’s she’s a dirty slag and will chase anyone with money 🤮 she’s quite a bit older than Jamal as well.
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I hope Annie keeps it classy and don’t bite. The papers need to print this and show her for the nasty little cunt she is. Even though 99% of people don’t even know who she is.
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