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For a woman who is all for being their for girls that need it and all the shite she chats out her mouth take your tablets oh your safe here to talk your not alone bla bla bla, it really is all bullshit and for her to look like she is actually helping girls who are vulnerable but in reality she’s not, I watched a live of hers a couple of weeks ago and I saw a youngish girl come into her live and comment something along the lines of if she never had her kid she wouldn’t be here right now. Said she has a partner but works all the time so is alone no one to talk to and was in a really dark place. So as usual julie coming out with her usual shit il follow you back and message you after the live and you’ve got all of us in here your not alone don’t say things like that etc. now for a start the girl was clearly crying out for help or a bit of support someone to talk to I don’t know but I took it upon myself to message the girl and make sure she was okay and she told me she wasn’t really but didn’t know who to turn to or what to do and she wanted to end her life, now imagine feeling like that and been in a state of panic of not knowing where to go and she’s went into that fat cows live and said that and just wanted to talk to someone and she couldn’t even be bothered to message the girl to see if she was okay and all the other girls on her live her mods saying to this girl your not alone you’ve got all of us anytime to talk to we are your support bla bla. Not fucking one of them in that live stream reached out to the girl to make sure she was okay!!! How fucking shameful 🥺🥺 I mean I know that they don’t have to but if I was on live and someone came into my live saying that I’d of made sure the person was okay. When I spoke to the girl she told me when she went into the live and tried to reach out for help they were all nice while on the live but not one person checked on the girl after saying we are all here for you and we know how much courage it took to come and reach out. She told me herself none of them bothered which is sad really because she had no where to turn and thought she could reach out to them and she felt embarrassed even trying to reach out to a stranger especially on a live stream and not julie or any of her fucking smelly minions could even check the girl was okay. That’s when you actually realise that her and all her mods her “girls” are full of absolute SHIT an I know you’ll read this julie cos your always on here reading, so you want to be ashamed of yourself fucking pretending to be there for all these vulnerable young girls that are trying to come for you for help for you to not bother your arse. Well I fucking hope that never ever happens to you or any of your mods where you feel so alone and you reach out to someone and they don’t bother. For someone who preaches this mental health and being there and supporting girls no you fucking don’t. Who are you kidding on🤯😂 the only thing you support you fat fucking cow is yourself your drug habit and food. Now do me a favour and go clean yourself your house and fucking feed your dogs some decent food for once instead of yourself. You’ve spent nearly £50 on a takeaway today as a treat for you and specky John so pull the money out to fucking treat your dogs to some proper food. Them dogs are neglected by you fat fucking disgrace!!!!! I think it’s about time someone reports you for neglecting them poor innocent dogs! They deserve better than you ya fishy cunt 🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠
I knew she wouldn't reply to these girls that reach out to her, she's too self absorbed and thinks she's the only one with problems. I get you can't help and reply to everyone but don't act like you're some kind of saint saving lives everyday! I hope the girls ok
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Chatty Member
Oh so you are allowed to follow her “enemies” now, she’s not gonna block you anymore 😂 see how long this lasts haha.

She has realised that her account is never gonna “grow” if she blocks everyone that follows Katie b 😂

literally just said that and now asking for the name of someone in Katie’s live who was just in hers so she can block her again. I can’t keep up lol
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Morning girls 💕💕💕💕 Wow I am completely shocked 😱 more people just keep joining us I love it 😍 she’s not going to have anyone left soon lol 😂

People will keep coming to more it gets mentioned on tt people love the drama and when they know they cant delete this all come out the wood work 🤔 im off out today keep me updated....
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See I think its vile how she calls Katie him 😐 how can people laugh at that? Disgusting in my eyes
Yes and yesterday when someone mentioned they were thinking of trainsitioning she was all over them like a rash saying she would be there for them every step of the way with mental health support...yet just calls katie a him. Diabolical
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I can’t believe she has the confidence to back onto live wearing the same make up she was doing on live yesterday.. and then had the audacity to say she can’t believe how well it’s lasted 😂😱
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Shes moaning her gifters are just watching now so they are only getting an hour of her time now until start gifting again 😐😐😐

Is she for real!!!!
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Chatty Member
Another company I will be avoiding then. Shame as I love my nails but am a hell giving my money to someone who fund's her habits 🤮

Big influencer with no WiFi 🤣🤣

Shes a disgrace always has been always will be.

Wow wow someone's offered to sort her WiFi... mind is blown
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Well considering kylie doesn’t do that kit or if she did you definitely can’t buy it now from
Her website I would definitely say it’s fake

ive Just reviewed a Mars Bar and I’ll be doing a video about it later and my next review will be a Rampant Rabbit.
Was the mars bar nice you will have to let me know I was thinking about splashing out and buying one 🤣🤣
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Chatty Member
She’s live, let the days entertainment begin

She’s mentioned tattle within 10 minutes of going live 😂 loser.

talking about how she will make money on OF with her stinky unwashed flaps
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Chatty Member
Yeah I’ve had to close the live, how on Earth she somehow made it about her is a disgrace. Why on Earth she thought it necessary to mention her haters and her biopsy, blah blah whilst talking to someone actually trying to help a little boy is disgusting
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