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Its a really tricky one. I was genuinely torn at the last election. I don’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water and I fear that is what is happening. Other posters have made the same or similar points, I know. I fundamentally believe in the social and economic principals of left wing politics, however I am acutely aware of the painful gender policies which are railroading things at the moment and are in direct conflict with my core beliefs. The right’s policy making seems to be more aligned with with my gender politics to a point (but scratch the surface and it isn’t really though their policy making remaining “conservative with a small ‘c’” means that it appears to be) but their economic, foreign and social policies are pretty much in direct odds with everything I believe in.

There isn’t a party that effectively represents me. There isn’t a good quality political alternative for GC women (or men). I know there are a few parties tinkering at the edges but they are too small and single issue to be viable, sadly.
True it's really complicated.. However I do believe in "the devil you know". I remember how this started and how progressively they asked for more and more and also changed their narrative over time, so it's scary to not know what else they're planning. Whereas with the right I think there might not be that unknown factor as much.

I actually am starting to like Piers more and more.
He doesn't take crap from them and calls them out on their stupidity. Unfortunately since no one cares what we have to say we're gonna need men on our side.
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It’s getting silly now. Women literally can’t have anything, we can’t call anything our own, how much of the population do trans people make up? Something like 1%? And yet here they are trying to dominate a discussion about how women use language to describe ourselves. And it’s not in the name of inclusivity, because no one trying to police men’s language to the same extent. I’ve not once seen any sort of charity or organisation refer to men as ‘prostate havers’ or ‘people who ejaculate’ yet plenty seem to think the word woman is a dirty word (people who menstruate, pregnant people etc) The PCOS sub on Reddit and now the Period sub has been subject to TRA’s trying to police their language as well. I just did a quick search and PCOS is no longer private but is preaching about lgbtqiabcd inclusivity in their description which they’ve added in probably because of pressure from Reddit mods. r/periods has been targeted because they have in their rules that they do not accept women being called things like ‘menstruators’ which is apparently ‘terfy’. The bar for being a ‘terf’ seems to be getting lower and lower, anything that even remotely resembles women setting boundaries is ‘terfy’ so it seems.

Just leave us the fuck alone???It is exhausting. There is literally no need to be on a period or pcos sub if you’re a male. If you’re a female who is a trans man then you should have the intelligence to understand the difference between ‘sex and gender’ like you lot have been telling us over and over and realise you have a female body and always will regardless of what you identify as. I just don’t understand what is wrong with the words: woman, trans woman, man, trans man. Why are women having to be the accommodating ones all the time.
Oh the PCOS mods have been replaced with TRAs because the old ones weren't bowing down to pressure

ALSO if you look closer you'll see that most of this TRA brigading in female sub reddits comes from TWs

Remember that they don't care about men especially straight men as much because "we already know men are trash"
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Just found this interesting article/review regarding new cbbc mini series ‘First Day’, written by a transwoman called Debbie Hayton. Really sums it up well and raised valid concerns.

I also read over on the mumsnet feminism boards that bbc responded to someone’s complaint saying they’ve had a higher amount of complaints than usual and it’s taking them a while to reply to them. Hmm, I wonder why. May file a complaint myself.
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Everyone is like “oh how amazing, she’s finally true to herself!” While ignoring the fact all you have to apparently do to be a transgender woman now is put on a dress, wear make up and grow your hair #definitelyNotMisogynisticStereotyping

I actually can’t bear this.
An inspiring story?! AGP is so inspiring isn’t it?
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Surrogacy is illegal where they're from (Sweden) and I believe Denmark (where the egg is from), unless the woman uses her own egg and gives the baby up for adoption without a fee (effectively like helping out a friend).

I think their options were Eastern Europe and India and for whatever reason, they decided India was a better option. They also seriously considered the U.S. but it's very expensive with lots of legal restrictions so it would've taken longer and been more difficult/expensive.
Interesting that it is illegal there, I wonder if there is a chnace they could be prosecuted? It's also so sad when there are so many children who need to be adopted
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According to the YEP Project in Australia, women's genitals now include penises. NSFW, albeit the genitals are all modeled in plastecine...
What the actual f**k
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It’s not uncommon; because most women do not want to be with MSM, some of them who seek a girlfriend simply pretend to be fully straight.

Just like with trans strong arming their way into womanhood, women’s boundaries are an obstacle to be overcome. The man wanting something sexually and not getting it (the MSM who wants a woman) is the victim.
like the guys who justify leading women on by saying "how else am I supposed to get laid since most women don't want something casual"
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I’m deaf so I can’t listen to the podcast 😬 hence my asking for a transcription. No worries though.

Drag queens reading to kids? Lol random. I really dislike the whole Toddlers and Tiaras thing, I feel it sexualises children, just like how drag queens are an adult thing, also sexualised.

Maybe drag queens were asked to be involved because they’re very expressive and can be funny so they’d be good storytellers, maybe??
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Bloody brilliantly stated @Zenchick101! There is so much pseudo-science out there based on absolute nonsense. And the TRAs and their handmaidens think they’re desperately clever when they post links to this so-called ‘science’ that fits their delusions. It’s never peer-reviewed or stated in any credible medical journals, but they seem to believe it, as it fits their bonkers agenda. They still can’t tell us where and what this imaginary third gamete is though; I wonder why that is? 😂

Thank goodness for sensible, rational scientists like you and Dr Debra Soh.
Oh this was on saidit ! and I thought this person explained it pretty well so thought I'd share. Not quite at that level just yet, although it's scary when you think about it that any and all doctors, (psychologists, physicians etc.) are being at times afraid to tell the truth cause they could risk losing their jobs because of a sensitive little so and so.

Bloody brilliantly stated @Zenchick101! There is so much pseudo-science out there based on absolute nonsense. And the TRAs and their handmaidens think they’re desperately clever when they post links to this so-called ‘science’ that fits their delusions. It’s never peer-reviewed or stated in any credible medical journals, but they seem to believe it, as it fits their bonkers agenda. They still can’t tell us where and what this imaginary third gamete is though; I wonder why that is? 😂

Thank goodness for sensible, rational scientists like you and Dr Debra Soh.
I can tell you that none of my PHD accredited professors have every mentioned a third gamete, a third reproductive system, and when you ask TRAs to provide proof the best they can come up with is "invest into research if it's that interesting to you" right after stating that it's real. Makes no sense what's so ever.
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I couldn't bring myself to read that. I know men hate us. I'll only upset myself if I learn more about it.
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Seems the tide might be turning with the more mainstream subs...

Also another thread that is fantastic for seeing these people turn on each other 😂 Some of them want furries/catgender/pupgender to be included in trans ideology and the others think it's making a mockery of trans people... now they know what we feel like 🙃

I robbed both of these from, thank you to the person here who shared that great site! 😁
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I’m not on Twitter because I absolutely hate it for its woke agenda and fake account shit stirring, but does anyone know the proportion of men to women “correcting” JKR on her tweet? I’ve only head of Daniel Ratcliffe and Stephen King who are both obviously men.
I do believe Emma Watson too but she’ll jump on any bandwagon.
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