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Ugh. Our small town is holding its first ever pride event next weekend. We're nestled between several larger towns that all run pride events and our nearest city is only a 30 minutes drive away - but apparently we need our own as people don't feel safe in our sleepy town and this event will help that.

I don't want to downplay the prejudice that LGB groups still face, of course, and if it was an LGB event I'd probably go and show support. But my spidey senses were tingling and I set off to investigate the group that was organising it.

Surprise surprise it's a local group run by a TIF. And on the Facebook Page a TIM has posted saying he'd like to attend. In his profile picture he has AGP vibes, a very badly fitted wig and nothing remotely female about him.

The Facebook Page posts mostly about trans, with almost nothing about LGB. The following examples are shared from other groups.

View attachment 3000697

But what I find sinister is the message "if your family doesn't support you, you are part of my family now".

View attachment 3000698

The group runs local meetings, and in the list of people it's aimed at is included "if you have no family support".

So move over LGB, the T is taking over everywhere.
Are they going to clean my kids puke at 3 am when they have a stomach bug, console them when they fail an exam, spend years of their life driving them to friends/ parties/ school? Are they going to watch them while they sleep and wonder how they got to be so wonderful and how lucky they are a to be a mum or dad? That's a family. That's what I do. The idea that some twat behind a keyboard can blithely offer to be a confused child's family makes my blood boil.
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I still feel the large majority of people in the UK do know very well the difference between a man and a woman, and a silly vocal media campaign isnt actually going to fundamentally change this. A calm slow and steady campaign by women like JK Rowling, clearly setting out the issues I hope will work eventually.
This is what is so infuriating, and dangerous about it. Yes, the majority don’t believe it but because it’s not directly affecting them they don’t care. Meanwhile the madness creeps and progresses while language changes, speech becomes compelled and these things get enshrined in law (or will when Labour get in). Then one day these people will find themselves in a situation- their daughter is exposed to male genitalia in the changing room, their elderly mother complains a man in a dress has performed intimate care on her, they get injured by a man during contact sport, they have to visit a refuge/rape crisis centre and are forced to share with a man. And when they wish to complain or refuse they will be vilified, punished by law, turned away. They will care then but it will be too late!
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Cashman being hoisted by his own petard is delicious. He is one evil misogynistic cunt, him and Owen Jones probably wank off together every time a man is imprisoned for rape but referred to in the media as a woman. The tide is turning my friends, I am sure of it. We're not out of the woods yet but we're getting there.
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Chatty Member
I stumbled across this thread and I'm so glad I did! It's very refreshing to feel less alone in this crazy world. Sometimes I feel like the majority are in agreement with all this trans indoctrination, but it's good to see so many people feel the same way I do. The icing on the cake for me was when they tried to suggest that not only 'women' suffer from cervical cancer. I can't believe this is out there being promoted. I have a 3 year old daughter and it breaks my heart thinking of this messed up world she is going to grow up in.
Reminds me of the saying “empty vessels make the most noise”. We are the silent majority. I also have a 3 year old daughter and I feel it’s a duty to her and all girls to fight for what is our right. (Single sex spaces) don’t mess with mama bear!
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I just posted this elsewhere.
Most people got it, but a few were all, "well they weren't forced to change there, they could have gone elsewhere"
Ah yes women should have to go elsewhere, and even if they did, they'd be called transphobic for doing so.
It's indecent exposure and voyeurism, unless you pretend to be a woman.
Lia Thomas disgusts me.


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I honestly think this would help a lot. If some people had less time on their hands for pondering and pontificating, and were doing something useful with their time, maybe some of this bullshit might actually go away.
I think most of them would also benefit from getting a job tbh.
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Sometimes my morbid curiosity gets the better of me and I check up on our old friend Gabbie Richards (the one who got a thrill posting himself in the dull women’s club). I’ve screenshotted just some of the oddbods who have reacted to his posts (they’re all public profiles so I haven’t cropped the names out). TW- don’t look if you’re easily offended or have recently eaten.

It’s like a directory of AGPs. I even found our favourite Green Party member and Proud Lesbian Melissa Poulton amongst the melange!
For a palate cleanser, these also reacted 😅
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Nelly's mum

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I have never understood the need for Pride acceptance propaganda to be everywhere - why does your local cafe, high street or M&S need to support LGBTQ++? Surely they support everyone?
I don't see 'Older people welcome here' or 'We support our disabled customers' signage everywhere - but I see Pride propaganda - so does that mean they don't support other marginalised people?
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We’ve just gained one too or pretty sure we have. Early 20s and autistic. Seems very nice and has already mentioned a female partner so suspect they were an out of place young gay woman who now thinks they fit in better as a man.
It’s sad how society has conditioned people to think rather they be trans than gay. I know I’m like a broken record about this but I truly believe in a few years they’ll come to the realisation that they weren’t in the wrong bodies they’re gay.
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Even if it was only about toilets... So bloody what?! I don't want a man in the cubicle next to me. I don't want a man in there if my daughter wants to go in on her own. I don't want a fucking man in the women's toilets, so men, kindly fuck off.
Yes! I don’t want them in there. When my boys were little I would make them go in the ladies because you hear too many stories of bad things happening to little boys in the men’s toilets. I know it’s “not all men” but still too many men. Now they’re in the ladies as well, and children are being told to be kind and not mention if someone looks out of place in there. No, I’m not having it!
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Absolutely grim, I find them sickening. As if actual women would use an image of themselves with their arse up in the air, wearing their nylon neglige, as a FB profile image. And I don't usually like to criticise appearance as I'm no oil painting myself but they're all ugly cretins.
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I’ve been thinking and it’s no wonder trans folx are so highly strung, the world is so dangerous for them. Victims of fictional genocide (misgendering), only a handful of visibility days a year apart from pride Month, at risk of not getting extra rights during elections, even the fire brigade recognises they are prone to spontaneous self combustion. It’s a wonder they are brave enough to go out there and invade our spaces! We cis-ters should embrace them and be grateful for the minor nature of the inconveniences we suffer; being murdered by our partners, being leered at or SA’d, having our health concerns brushed off as hysteria, having our babies and bodies damaged by substandard maternity care. It’s selfish and phobic to stop them claiming IWD, they feel like women so we should take their word for it. We should celebrate them, they make better women than we do- in employment, sports, beauty pageants…we don’t even get euphoric when we see our boobs in the mirror ffs. It might say female on our passports and birth certificates but are we authentic enough to deserve that title 🤔
Sarcasm may be a low form of wit but sometimes I go there!
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The whole point of the Rainbow is ' all the colours under the Sun". It is all-inclusive.

Like everything else, it's been hijacked by some cunts.
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Weebles Wobble

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When I worked in schools (admittedly many years ago) adults never used the same toilets as the children did. It was a line that just wasn't crossed. We also didn't go into the facilities without a really good reason, sending for another member of staff to assist etc. And - none of us actually wanted to set foot inside!

Not only is this man going into a female-only space, but he's also going into a children-only space. So many red flags and completely unacceptable.
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I had a conversation with my manager the other day (she has two daughters) and she said, ‘I kind of get what you’re saying but what about if someone REEEEEEAAAALLLY believes they’re a woman?’ I asked if she would be happy with her girls going to guides and having a ‘woman’ aka a man in a dress sleeping over in the dorms. She said they usually have two members of staff so she wouldn’t mind. I asked what happens if both are actually men?
I find it so hard to remain calm in these situations. It was also two of them against me. Both said they agreed no men in women’s sports. I said, ‘how can you know there is enough of a difference in men and women to not want men in women’s sports, but not worried about men in women’s spaces??’ I even asked her how these men ‘really’ think they’re women when they have no idea what being a woman is like, and never will. I said I would start identifying as Chinese and just use all the old stereotypes. Would people love me or think I’m a racist twat like they did Rachel Dolezal?? Maybe it just gave her something to consider 🤞
I feel the same any time I mention the subject irl, and also as though others feel that they are indulging me. 'There she goes on her soapbox' type of thing. And probably 'oh I am so much more open-minded than Chastity' 🙄

I think a lot of people just haven't considered the implications, and as I have said here before, it's not until it comes right to their own door, will they realise what it means in reality.

BIB - That just makes me angry, imagine how parents would have reacted some years ago, if their daughters were going away, in the care of adults, and a man was sleeping in the same dorm as them. Why are they complacent about it, just because John now wears a dress, some bad makeup and calls himself Jane! 😡

How often does it have to be the case that 'that thing that almost never happens, just happened' before people wake up to reality!
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