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Ugh. Our small town is holding its first ever pride event next weekend. We're nestled between several larger towns that all run pride events and our nearest city is only a 30 minutes drive away - but apparently we need our own as people don't feel safe in our sleepy town and this event will help that.

I don't want to downplay the prejudice that LGB groups still face, of course, and if it was an LGB event I'd probably go and show support. But my spidey senses were tingling and I set off to investigate the group that was organising it.

Surprise surprise it's a local group run by a TIF. And on the Facebook Page a TIM has posted saying he'd like to attend. In his profile picture he has AGP vibes, a very badly fitted wig and nothing remotely female about him.

The Facebook Page posts mostly about trans, with almost nothing about LGB. The following examples are shared from other groups.

View attachment 3000697

But what I find sinister is the message "if your family doesn't support you, you are part of my family now".

View attachment 3000698

The group runs local meetings, and in the list of people it's aimed at is included "if you have no family support".

So move over LGB, the T is taking over everywhere.
I’m sure it’s been discussed already and I’m sure you’re all sick of me repeating things but stonewall was NOT STARTED BY TRANS PEOPLE.

It is homophobic bullshit made up by the trans lot. Marsha P Johnson, the trans woman who apparently threw the first brick at stonewall, was a MAN. A man who liked to dress in feminine clothes. Marsha used she/her pronouns in the way drag queens do - this was the 1960 ffs. It was when he was in character, when dolled up as his alter ego. Pronouns weren’t even used in the way they are today so it’s applying modern language and politics on a time where it was gays, lesbians and bi’s doing the heavy lifting, joined by cross dressers, drag queens and maybe one or two people who genuinely believed they were trans, but it was “60s trans” so to speak, so they weren’t forcing it on anyone else - they were just doing their thing in silence minding their own business.

Marsha’s friend have said THEMSELVES in a documentary about him that he was a man who liked to experiment with feminine clothing and make up. But still, even when the friends of Marsha - who I’m sure still miss and love him this day - say HE was a MAN, the tras take the truth and twist it to fit their “movement”. It’s genuinely disgusting. It’s homophobic, it’s erasing the truth, it’s screwing LGB history (the little that we do have out there) and it does everything they claim to hate.

When you tell them this truth they cry transphobia - obviously, what else would they do. But poor fucking Masha rolling in his fucking grave. And also MASHA DIDNT THROW THE FIRST BRICK, he arrived after that part of the riot! His friends have said this too!

They also use the fact Marsha was black for points, as if they aren’t erasing him being a gay black man (who’s been an icon to the LGB community). They are using his colour for clout and as a scapegoat. They aren’t honouring him! It isn’t about Marsha at all, it’s all about THEM but they are using him to say “see,we aren’t self obsessed “folx” with an ulterior motive!
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My 3 year old is being put on the autism assessment pathway.
Front page of the NHS form I’m asked what her gender identity is and which pronouns she uses.

She’s 3 and non-verbal. This is a form for children of preschool age. It’s absurd!
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Sorry if this has already been posted but....remember the freak who goes to restaurants and kicks off at being misgendered despite being quite obviously a man in a dress? Just saw this on twitter 😡😡😡😡😡😡

Also, further to Boomtown festival's statement about creating a blacklist. For years I worked at a major UK festival. Every year there was a small marquee with portaloos in it signed "ladies toilets". It was - and I hate this expression - a safe space for women. There would be mirrors and sparkly decor, couple of sofas, containers of free tampons and pads.

When wandering about late at night off their nut on drugs it was a place where women could come to chill out or avoid weirdo men who were bothering them. Two years ago they changed their policy and said it could no longer be just for women and had to be 'inclusive' for everyone. I resigned on the spot, after stating my objections. They weren't surprised as I had previously kicked up a stink about drag acts during the day at what is billed as a family festival.

For some time after I still got crew emails and updates. I was horrified to see an email which instructed all crew that if they overheard any punter making 'transphobic' remarks, even in private conversations, that they were to use their walkie talkie to summon security and the 'offending' punters would be ejected from the festival. I'm glad I got out of that clown show when I did. Straight out of George Orwell's 1984, thought police.

Edited to add - Fuck it, I'll name the festival in case anyone was thinking of attending. It's Nozstock in Herefordshire.
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Straight man corrects middle-aged lesbian on an obviously female actor’s, also known as an actress’s, choice of meaningless pronouns. Modern era in a nutshell.
The woke misogynists will be eating this up. Watching a straight ‘cis’ man correct a BUTCH lesbian woman. They’ll be on their/they/thems knees for him.
He's blocked Martina

I don’t mind books for kids about same sex couples as they are just as normal and should be just as accepted and regular as straight couples (The heteronormative married mum and dad with kids is in every other childs book 🤷‍♀️) I knew in pre-school that I had an interest in girls just as I did in boys (obviously didn’t have the language to express that) so being able to read an (appropriate non-sexual) book about say, a girl fond of another girl romantically would have helped greatly and perhaps I and many others wouldn’t have grown up with so much shame. A child being able to say “Hey! there’s me!” blocking any kind of shame or doubt - as it starts VERY early.

However… the trans bullshit is just straight up grooming. There’s NO reason for trans ideology to be in schools at ANY age. There is nothing innate about being trans - unlike being gay or straight etc - it’s all environmental and is bred from a perfect blend of misogyny and homophobia. It’s literally promoting the oppression of LGB and women! Grooming (mostly female) children into being adult misogynistic homophobes who HATE themselves. I despair.
Have I got this right: a woman is offered acting roles in which she must pretend to be a different woman, and she thinks it’s comment-worthy that she’s ‘quite good’ at convincing people that she is a woman?

The world gets dumber by the minute. 🙄
Majority of women who identify as non-binary have a smugness about them. Like us ‘cis’ women are just too stupid to figure out you can simply identify out of oppression! Just like that Janelle Monae quote where she said (paraphrasing) “I’m more than a woman, I’m a person”…it’s just like, and there you have it. Female They/Thems think they are superior and smarter than us dumb airheaded women.
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I feel absolutely sick, found out a family member (not close that’s why I didn’t know) flew to Europe this week and has had “top surgery”. My cousin mentioned it to me a few years ago and I gave my strong opinions on it then. She’s 19.
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Non-binary is ridiculous attention seeking. Who has the time to sit around thinking about whether they feel male / female / other today / this hour / this second etc. Jesus Christ, get a hobby.
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Maybe I’m missing something but why do you actually need a reason to get a divorce in this day and age? It seems a totally outdated concept to me. Adultery, unreasonable behaviour etc… why not just “I don’t want to be married to them anymore”? It’s 2024 ffs.
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A rad fem Insta account shared this tweet


Insane that people actually think this is a logical thought process. One of the comments on the Insta post was saying “So by that logic I am a biological horse, since all horses are biological?” which made me snort 🤣
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Clickity click thread 66!
Two fat assigned females at birth, 88! Hmm doesn't have the same ring to it... 🤔

Carry on posting fellow gender realists.
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Little update on Emily Brothers the blind trans who’s running for labour MP on the isle of wight.
Posted on our local fb page about an upcoming Q&A they’re doing. Responses were:
I’d rather stick wasps up my arse
I’d rather shit and clap
I’d rather sit on a pineapple
I’d rather guide my dad into mum! Then admin turned comments off as there was not a single handmaiden comment.
tide is definitely turning! 🥳
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Doesn't non-binary just mean that you don't conform to gender stereotypes?

This one confuses me - I don't see an issue with non-binary at all. I see that as the teenage rebellion equivalent to emo/goth. You don't see many old blokes going non-binary, they all want to wear silk stockings.

NBs, I assume, use the bathroom that aligns with their sex? True NBs aren't trans, are they? They're just rebelling against what's expected of them?

disclaimer: if NBs start having surgeries/taking hormones to be NB, then that defeats the object and then I would assume they were mentally ill.
I'd say non-binary was just attention seeking. You don't have to conform to gender stereotypes, just don't do it and live your life. You don't have to give it a label and expect a clap.
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I watched bits of this while I was busy and really enjoyed it. The standout for me was Glad To Be Gay but it made me angry because it just reminded me how LGB, and what Pride used to stand for, has been hijacked and warped by the TQ+++
Slightly related there was an advert for Anthony Nolan Trust bone marrow donors saying “LGBTQ we need you” and some commenters obviously missed the point that gay men were excluded from donating anything until very recently and they were just ranting about “Pride taking over everything” and “why do you only want gay donors” etc I think it’s evidence that the TQ nonsense has set back gay rights and people’s “tolerance” is wearing thin in the worst ways.
it’s evidence that the TQ nonsense has set back gay rights and people’s “tolerance” is wearing thin in the worst ways.

It certainly is.

We were at the stage in society where no-one (or almost no-one) batted an eye at anyone's sexuality. There were no side eyes at effeminate men and butch women; if a man introduced his husband or a woman, her wife, nobody thought anything of it. The only time anyone might speculate on another person's sexuality was if they were attracted to them and wondered if they were single/ straight/ gay (delete as applicable) - not because they were being scandalised or disapproving.

Gay people of both sexes had become just as ordinary and boring as the straight population - and that is just how it should be: Gay = normal. Nothing to see here folks.

Since the rise of this perverted cult, which grabbed the coat-talis of gay equality and twisted it out of recognition to cover their own nasty fetishes, many people are now being pushed back to the previous stance which was gay=pervert. Homophobia is rising again because of this - and frankly the most homophobic group of all are the TRAs.

They are intentionally destroying the rights of gay people (now that they no longer need to climb on their shoulders) and equally intentionally destroying the rights of women (so that they are easier to control and prey upon).

People are frightened for the safety of their children - and with cause - but unfortunately it is gay people who will face the backlash when it comes - not AGPs.
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I’ve noticed that too, for some reason there’s more traditional rainbow flags than the newer versions, or sometimes both are on display.
Without giving too much away, a lot of the public sector has been told the only flags allowed for pride month are the original rainbow ones. I'm presuming it was because some places went overboard and put up every stripey flag in an effort to look as inclusive as possible, but the 'progressive' one isn't allowed and the only official one is the original. We were sent emails showing what was allowed amd what wasn't.
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I was just told a story by someone I know who agrees with my views on this. This person works for an insurer in customer service and had a TIM call up today, the conversation (names changed obv):

My friend: Thank you for calling XXX, you're speaking with Traazer's Friend, how can I help today?
TIM: (Clear male voice) Hello, I have some queries about my travel insurance policy
MF (Automatically): Of course sir I'd be happy to assist
TIM: It's madam
MF: Oh OK my apologies, I'll just need to confirm the details I have for you, can you confirm your first name for me
TIM: Timelda Jones
MF: (panicking as the screen said Timothy Jones) OK, can I confirm your date of birth please as I have some conflicting information?
TIM:This is bloody ridiculous you should have this information already, it's changed
*blah blah blah they get to the purpose of the call*
TIM: "So my question is, I'm intending on going to Turkey for gender reassignment surgery, does my travel insurance cover me for this?

My friend then had to explain that obviously fucking not, your policy is voided as soon as you step foot in another country for the purpose of discussing anything surgery related. This went as well as you can expect.

My friend (whilst nothing but professional) didn't refer to this person by Madam once during the call which pleases me greatly. The idiot still demanded to be put through to complaints though :rolleyes:
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The more I think about it, the more I'm actually suspicious of pretty much all kinks, fetishes or things like that really. We are not supposed to find feet, pain, degradation, shit, pee, children and babies attractive - we're really not.
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