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I had a conversation with my manager the other day (she has two daughters) and she said, ‘I kind of get what you’re saying but what about if someone REEEEEEAAAALLLY believes they’re a woman?’ I asked if she would be happy with her girls going to guides and having a ‘woman’ aka a man in a dress sleeping over in the dorms. She said they usually have two members of staff so she wouldn’t mind. I asked what happens if both are actually men?
I find it so hard to remain calm in these situations. It was also two of them against me. Both said they agreed no men in women’s sports. I said, ‘how can you know there is enough of a difference in men and women to not want men in women’s sports, but not worried about men in women’s spaces??’ I even asked her how these men ‘really’ think they’re women when they have no idea what being a woman is like, and never will. I said I would start identifying as Chinese and just use all the old stereotypes. Would people love me or think I’m a racist twat like they did Rachel Dolezal?? Maybe it just gave her something to consider 🤞
I feel the same any time I mention the subject irl, and also as though others feel that they are indulging me. 'There she goes on her soapbox' type of thing. And probably 'oh I am so much more open-minded than Chastity' 🙄

I think a lot of people just haven't considered the implications, and as I have said here before, it's not until it comes right to their own door, will they realise what it means in reality.

BIB - That just makes me angry, imagine how parents would have reacted some years ago, if their daughters were going away, in the care of adults, and a man was sleeping in the same dorm as them. Why are they complacent about it, just because John now wears a dress, some bad makeup and calls himself Jane! 😡

How often does it have to be the case that 'that thing that almost never happens, just happened' before people wake up to reality!
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You’re all correct. What they think “non-binary” is, is just an obnoxious, self-centered, attention-seeking version of gender non-conforming. The real progressive move would be to exist unapologetically as a woman who’s hairy and has short hair or exist as a man who’s into dresses and idk baking, not “changing sex” or identifying as some made up “third gender”.

It really pisses me off because it’s just so stupid and illogical. You claim to hate gender then make up an ENTIRELY new gender for people who don’t fit into either gendered man or gendered woman (which is EVERYONE btw, as everyone is born a blank slate before the conditioning starts) It’s simply reinforcing the concept of gender and thus gender roles. It’s so backwards. The move would be to dismantle gender roles entirely and allow people (WOMEN) to exist freely without conditioning, rules or punishment.

That’s how you know it’s not about being progressive (not just because it’s illogical) but because of how self-obsessed they are, they can’t look past their own noses. Being progressive requires analysis, awareness and accountability. Identifying as non-binary isn’t brave or courageous. It’s fucking embarrassing and cowardly. Especially for people who are in their fucking THIRTIES. At your big age? Really Emma? Cringe!

And that’s without mentioning how they use non-binary to “identify” out of oppression.

I’m preaching to the choir here but I just needed to preach to the choir who gets it!
Totally agree about smart phones. It encourages isolation and insulates people. If you view a particular type of content, more of that content will be pushed on you. You're in an echo chamber; dissenting views are not tolerated, you must drink the Kool aid. It's easy to see how vulnerable or confused people end up being brainwashed into the cult. It's very scary.
I was in secondary school when instagram came out. It was just photos of people’s dinners and sunsets. Facebook was about but it was just people making dumb statuses.

I can’t imagine being say, a 9 year old girl today with an iphone. Scrolling for hours a day absorbing the rampant misogyny (and the trans bullshit) thats on tik tok and instagram. Makes me feel sick.
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Here we go again. Let’s try and destroy another woman’s legacy by retrospectively claiming she was trans. Fucksake
Bloody nonsense
I was literally typing about this when your post came up! The Brontë Society and Brontë Museum exploring ‘gender identity and the Brontës . Just why? Will no woman in history be celebrated for just being, you know, a woman who achieved something? It’s full-on erasure.
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What struck me as they were walking through Brighton, was where were the ‘normal’ people who would usually be aghast at the level of harassment against women? No one thought to question the intimidation. Where were the run-of-the-mill men who profess to stand up for women? People were just walking by. And the TRAs shouting and using profanities in the street when lots of little kids were around. No one cares any more; we’ve reached a point in society where a group of louts harassing women is perceived as acceptable by the public and the police.
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Scotch Mist

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I am genuinely terrified of Labour getting in. And I say this as someone who has historically voted Labour :cry:
Same. I'm resigned to the fact that my old age is going to have to be full on activism against insanity. I'm thinking of starting a movement called 'Just Stop Arseholes' 😄
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Following on from the Lia Thomas judgement.

Open category. All welcome. NO-ONE entered. Trans men don’t “just want to compete”. They want to compete against, and dominate, women.
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Princess She-Ra

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It’s never a TIF is it?

In better news, The Women Who Wouldn’t Wheesht is no3 in the Sunday times bestsellers charts this week 🥰

I wonder how the stock issue at Amazon affected it, Whether the sale is counted at point it’s purchased or only once they fulfil any back orders.

View attachment 2984323
I bought mine today from Waterstones. I wouldn’t normally buy from them but I took great pleasure in asking for a copy from the man at the till (which happened to be draped with a certain stripy flag). I had my 10 year old son with me who was wearing a Harry Potter hoodie 😂
I’m surprised I wasn’t chased out of the shop by pitchforks.
I’m going to have to read it in small doses as I know it will just make me so angry.
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Oh for goodness' sake....has any gay person ever felt "unwelcome" on a river commuter boat because there was no visible rainbow flag flying anywhere on board?
I don't mean to speak for gay people, any more than I speak for all women. I do speak on behalf of folk with more than one brain cell though! 🤣
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It's not quite like that - as Hannah Barnes explains in A Time to Think, what's been happening for families using NHS services in England, if the child is seen as having gender issues, the treatment path is referral to the specialist gender service (that was the Tavistock) with very long waiting lists, even if there are other known issues (like autism) the gender identity issues trump them. There was a high possibility that eventually the child would be referred for puberty blockers - but it wouldn't happen quickly, as the numbers of referrals were growing so quickly. This is where services like Gender GP would come in to sell puberty blockers to families frustrated by the long delays - but they're operating outside the NHS.
Yes, the waiting lists are very, very long. I used to work in a job adjacent to dealing with complaints about the NHS, some about delays in referrals to gender services, and the outcome of complaints was generally, "it's not great but the NHS can't refer you to specialists that don't exist".

TRAs will have you believe it's transphobia or under-funding, but you can't magic specialist doctors who want to do this sort of work out of thin air. There just aren't that many of them. It's a niche area, as it should be, and the fact services are cluttered up with confused teenagers who have had their social contagion mindlessly affirmed by useful idiots isn't the fault of the NHS.

The fact that any autistic children (or those with other co-morbidities with gender/identity questioning) have been funnelled away from proper diagnosed and treatment and into services that affirm the idea they're the opposite sex should be a medical scandal.
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Master McCloud, the soon to be retired judge (possibly already retired but dunno cause don’t care enough to check) has gone completely off piste and now identifies himself as a pink kitten 😳

I don’t think this will have nearly the impact he thinks it will. First up, for animal people, “rainbow animals” are your beloved pets who are dead, and have sadly crossed the rainbow bridge. I think he wants to summon up a winsome cuteness, but that’s a swing and a miss to most animal lovers. Secondly, when he’s talking about pink kittens and making the link to gender confused children, most sane people will then ask “well, who dyed that kitten pink?”, which is a very pertinent question to ask about the genesis and treatment of purported trans children, but I really don’t think it’s a question he’d want people chewing over for too long. I’m sure the kitten dying brigade will lap it up, though! For some reason he seems to be seen as some sort of credible voice, pink kittens and all 🤣
Jesus wept!

I went onto Roll On Friday to see if there was anything about this, and look at this! :sick:

As one of the comments says - how the HELL did he avoid jail? 😡
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Miss Begotten

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Here we go again. Let’s try and destroy another woman’s legacy by retrospectively claiming she was trans. Fucksake
Bloody nonsense
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Coming back to Cashman, I notice that the replies to his flag rant aren‘t quite going as he hoped. I’ve noticed far more Pride flags than ever this year and I feel a lot of people are getting fed up with it.
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I've been homeless, I developed a chronic illness/disability, I had to give up work forever because of it, and I was a single Mum right through.
I managed not to be a complete self absorbed dick.
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