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Recently I attended an event in a building in my local city. The event was open to everyone, but aimed at those with health problems and held during the day, so the majority were older people. The building was a medium size, not sure if it was a former church. There were maybe 50 of us there, a mix of men and women.

When it finished I headed to the toilets. The sign on the first door was similar to this.
View attachment 2991498

It opened into a short corridor that had just two further doors - a disabled loo and one that was open, because a woman was entering and - as it was (unsurprisingly) fairly busy - she was waiting to move forward. It wasn't long before I was able to go in and for a few seconds I was very confused.

The sign on this door was the same as the previous one. And at first glance, as I went in, the area looked to be separated into two halves. Something like this:

View attachment 2991584

So my initial thought was that we were divided into male and female. But I quickly realised that it was simply one large area, and that there were women on both sides. It was unisex.

The cubicles were very similar to the above photo. The doors and sides went down to the floor and I doubt that a phone could have been slid under either of them (to take photos). There was a gap at the top, so not completely private, but they were much higher than the ones usually found in ladies toilets. There were no urinals.

The gap between the cubical doors and the washbasins was not very wide. We were squeezing past each other to wash and dry our hands and then leave.

Because the event was health-related some of those using the toilets weren't very mobile or had a companion outside the door making sure they were okay. A lot needed assistance of some sort. In this situation it's not unusual for someone to leave the cubical a little dishevelled and for their companion to straighten their clothing at the washbasin. Or need someone to open the door and go in to assist, where a bystander might inadvertently see more than they wanted to.

My thoughts were that if a decent man was to walk in they would feel very uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure most would leave and use the disabled toilet instead. And what if several men had needed the same level of assistance? Men deserve their own privacy and dignity too.

My only positive thought was that I'd rather share a unisex public toilet with all men, than share the ladies with an AGP. But I'd prefer no men in my space at all.
I wouldn't like that either.

The other toilet thing that I realised recently is that women don't speak up.
A few weeks ago I was in Victoria coach station, waiting for my bus home and as I came out of the toilets, a clear AGP was going in.
I said and did nothing, how could I, at best, but v highly unlikely he'd have immediately left, at worst I could have been assaulted, or banned from the station/Megabus for, "transphobia".
That fetishy man probably claims that women are fine with him in their toilets, but silence is not consent.
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The Autism Show is an annual event that has been running for a number of years aimed at those with autism and parents/experts/stakeholders which used to be a good place to go for resources and information.

I’ve increasingly noticed the infiltration of trans ideology into this sector, where trans is embraced by professional bodies supporting those with autism and they have an attitude of ‘many people on the spectrum are also trans’ instead of questioning why a lot of autistic teens feel the need to try and opt out of their sex.

Last year (which I posted about on here), one of the professional speakers was a (non-autistic) trans identified male who was strutting around with his hair in pink bows carrying a teddy bear wearing AGP garb. I vowed to never attend again, however I still get sent promo materials and received details of this year’s event recently. One of the main speakers is voice coach and evangelical Carrie Grant whose three daughters are all trans identified (at least one has had surgery). Another one is this person

who when I googled is a TIF psychologist and governor at the Tavistock.

I find the capture of autism organisations very sinister.
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Too late Michael. We all know what you really think. Can’t even say who you’re apologising to :mad:
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I just posted this elsewhere.
Most people got it, but a few were all, "well they weren't forced to change there, they could have gone elsewhere"
Ah yes women should have to go elsewhere, and even if they did, they'd be called transphobic for doing so.
It's indecent exposure and voyeurism, unless you pretend to be a woman.
Lia Thomas disgusts me.
Why should the female majority have to change somewhere else to accommodate one pervert who pretends to be a woman?
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BIB - Exactly this.
After that first email from him that made clear he wasn't going to be ignored (hello Alex Forrest) he went full psycho within 24 hours. We exchanged messages for a few weeks; me telling him - politely - to start with to leave me alone and him being abusive and persistent. After that I just completely ignored him and he carried on for two and a half years.

I think by completely blanking him it sent him doolally and triggered some massive rejection response because he got dumped for 10 years in a shitty care home as a little kid by his mother. That's my retrospective armchair psychologist take on it anyway.

I cannot overstate that this was the most placid person I knew. The person who stopped fights in pubs, acted as mediator in disputes within friendship groups, incredibly popular gentle soul. We even shared houses over the years, he was close as family to me, always platonic.

Sorry to everyone for these long posts, I'll not derail the thread any further. Although it's been surprisingly cathartic to write it all down. Thank you for the reactions. You bunch of legends.

You arent derailing.

I have a similar story (minus the harassment).

My lovely, straight, wacky, eccentric friend. The one who was always trying to stick up for women and say the right thing, incredibly left wing (sometimes a bit too much for me) and fully blokey friend said they were emigrating. Bit sad, I was but a big adventure for them,.

He was there a week and I had a message 'can I call you, I have the BEST news' His call was 'I am a woman called Luna'. I think he expected flowers or applause or something from me, but I was already semi gender critical. Anyway, within weeks, his profile had went from being about himself, music, food, travelling, to sex, fetish, 'being girly'. It was sick. He was (on his main profile, where his Mam and Dad were) asing for 'fet life' connections and posting sickening pictures of himself in lingerie.

He then started commenting on feminist memes saying 'when you are a woman you are sexualised and ignored' and stuff like that. It was grim.

I havent spoken to him in years. Hes gone full TRA.
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My device being weird so I can’t quote but in response to the post upthread about the unisex toilets with no urinals you just know the seats will be covered in stale, stinking, sprayed-on man pee. Public toilets are gross enough but it’s predictable where women might wet the seat and can be wiped/covered, not everyone is fit enough to hover. (My germ phobia is showing 😅) Most men I know, especially older generations, are very squeamish about periods and would be horrified to witness a woman washing blood from her hands as sometimes has to be done. Unisex toilets should be avoided wherever possible for dignity as well as safety. It’s like the feelings and experiences of “normal” men and women are less important than those of trans people.
It’s so true what someone else was saying- when TRAs scream “trans rights are human rights” (of course they bloody are, we’re all human) they are really saying “we demand special privileges” because they are not satisfied with being like everyone else. So what exactly do you want- acceptance or singled-out?
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That’s actually bloody horrific, what right have a shoe company to tell people what to think and try and enforce compelled speech and push an ideology on people. They can fuck right off. I really hope all this constant pushing this at people really backfires, and the public get sick of this constant being told how to think.
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Chatty Member
On a purely practical level, the vagina (and cervix) aren't the front hole, they would be the 'middle hole', but most men have no clue about female biology, we don't pee out of our vaginas 🙈🙈🙈
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“Front hole” and “bonus hole” are absolutely disgusting terms. It’s so dehumanising and medically inaccurate. TIF who haven’t had surgery have female body parts and giving them disgusting sounding names doesn’t change anything.
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I just posted this on the M&S thread, I’m not sure what reception I’ll get there but I really has annoyed me! I’m not homophobic in the least but even by gay BFF thinks this is all getting too much. The cynic in me thinks it’s all PR doubling down but when M&S are kind of asking you to change your chosen charity on the app then I start to feel there is definitely an agenda going on.

“I’m not too keen on being coerced into changing my chosen charity to Pride as M&S are doubling donations to them. Why is pride so extra special that they get double donations? I’ve not seen M&S do this for other charities. I’ll stick to Macmillan thanks.”


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I was complaining about “be kind” yesterday but I’m also fed up with the way “transphobic” is used to shut down ANY conversation or thoughts that they don’t like. If they’re not treated as special or fawned over, it’s transphobic, if you have concerns about surgical mutilation of young adults, it’s transphobic, if you want women only spaces, and NO men in women only spaces, it’s transphobic. It’s another weapon that they used to shut down any rational debate.
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View attachment 2979823
the actual gall of it.
This transitioning bloke has been taking hormones for 18 months and he comes on to a women’s group and mansplains shaving your legs to them.
Absolutely mental.
Plus razors are all the same are they not? I buy men’s cos they’re cheaper. Pink ‘girly’ colours are more expensive 🙄

Copied from last thread as couldn’t reply. I saw a really good tik tok post from a gay man about using cis. (There’s quite a few on there who haven’t swallowed the trans kool aid). He made a coffee analogy saying we ask for a coffee or a decaf coffee, we don’t ask for a caffeinated coffee so use trans woman or woman, no need for cis to be used as it’s unecessary.

@Phil Anne Throw Pee comment ‘Hey, Jonathan, aka 'India', real women with real vaginas and not smelly open wounds that need daily dilation, do not need to pronounce ourselves as 'cis' because it's meaningless terminology. We are ADULT HUMAN FEMALES.’
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Now that people are unable to view other people’s likes on Twitter, I wonder if we’ll see an increase in people liking GC posts. Have to admit I feel more comfortable about liking these terfy posts now, especially as my Twitter account isn’t anonymous
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Just seen
This is a MENS movement.

Side note: I never tell my daughter to be kind, I think the very idea of 'kindness' has become toxic
It’s just a branch off making girls and teen girls obsess over coming across as nice and not a “mean, whiney bitch” or KAREN, which they then carry into adults. I see it more women than not. I see it all the time. (Notice how there isn’t a male version of “Karen”, even though men have always been the ones more likely to be rude, out of control and aggressive in public spaces (and in private). “Karen” is the new bitch. “Karen” is the new ‘silence woman’. I’ve never used the term. I think it’s pathetic and cringe and misogynistic).

“Be Kind” is just different words for

remember, don’t have needs or boundaries or a voice because then men can’t do what they want to/with you, and that’s mean :(

Because the Be Kind shtick (shock) has never targeted men. It’s another way to silence women and prime girls to be silent. As is the “why do you care where people pee?” thing. It’s gaslighting. It’s dismissive. It’s the oldest rule in the misogyny book. When women care about something, minimise it and make them look and feel silly so they’ll never speak on it again.
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They have absolutely no right to dictate the reason that someone wants to divorce their partner. It's none of their fucking business.
The spousal veto in fact is a veto on a person in a heterosexual marriage being able to get a GRC if their husband or wife does not agree. That’s because that person will then effectively be in a gay marriage to which they did not consent. The idea that a person can’t divorce someone in this situation is even more ridiculous than that.

Compelling someone to be in a marriage that in a legal sense possibly does not reflect their sexuality, ah yes the “trans rights” truly worth fighting for and a hot button topic for modern Britain. As so often, what’s framed as an oppression against a trans person is simply the maintenance of a very reasonable right belonging to someone else.
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