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I caught this last week (although I don't usually watch). The father is being supportive and understanding and the mother is being vilified for saying things like 'I miss my little girl'. Its quite sickening indoctrination with the mother being coerced by the arsehole right on father.
Anything other than full acceptance is totally wrong 🙄
Given that we are told less than 1% of the population identifies as ‘trans’, maybe they need to introduce a character who identifies as an anthropologist to investigate this unusually high spike in trans people in the suburb.
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There is so much dishonesty in transactivism, it’s difficult to know where to start. From the advice to lie to doctors about your feelings to get hormones, to declaring yourself wanting to live as a man then getting pregnant not long after, to asserting that you “always knew you were a woman” but marrying a woman and fathering children. In the old days we had, “even a gynaecologist wouldn’t be able to tell my v*gina wasn’t real” and we now have “even other women never clock that I am trans” (since bottom surgery is now very rare).

We’ve had “no kids are being transitioned” to “kids are being transitioned and it’s a good thing” to “if you stop kids transitioning you’re a bigot” in record time.

It is a deceitful house of cards and must fall. This isn’t an argument with any individual trans adults who genuinely want quiet lives but with a harmful ideology pushed on children and not based on truth (even individual truth) or scientific evidence. Being trans is extremely unusual and not something that needs to customarily be discussed with under-18s.
I know I keep saying it, and I apologise for that, but the people who are supposedly trans these days are nothing like the ones I've known during my life. Or "real trans people" as I think of them. Those people wanted nothing more than to slide under the radar, to live their lives as women (in most cases) without drawing any attention to themselves. They dressed like everyday women and certainly didn't behave like the current lot do. It may sound like I'm saying trans people should "know their place" or something similar but that's not the case. The modern "trans" behaves like a caricature of a woman and seeks attention at every point. They do no favours to my "real trans people".
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This is an excellent analysis - thank you!

I know so many people who rave about GP and I’ve never understood it. He always made me feel rather queasy. And now I know I was not wrong. Dressed as a little girl and wearing a fucking dildo at a kids’ cancer charity event? And look how pleased with himself he is. Revolting.
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Chatty Member

I agree, the government must introduce legislation to stop what Susie Green has been doing and plans to do. There is no other option at this point.
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Visiting my mum and she presented me with this from today’s paper (you might have to zoom in 🔍!). The article discusses Starmer’s spinelessness and failure to defend Rosie Duffield and calls for Rosie to be made shadow secretary for women. It ends with a quote from Dodds when asked to define the word ‘woman:

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Being dyslexic (yay I've got a label now where's my flag 🙃) it sometimes helps me to understand the origins of words. I thought woman was a play on womb-man but I was wrong & found this below -

Old English had three words: man ('human being'), werman ('male human', i.e., man), and wifman ('female human, i.e., woman). Over time, man came to be used for males, and the old wer suffix stopped being used - it's still present in a few words like werewolf ("man-wolf"). The old word wifman became woman.

Maybe all the stunning & brave trans women could revert to the old English for man with a slight deviation (they are deviants after all) & become weremen? As in they were men 😁 (and of course still are).
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Satisfying Click

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As mentioned upthread, I've think Grayson Perry is a wrong'un in plain sight who needs his hard drive checking. He skinwalks his wife and I think he has a humiliation fetish, so all of the people on Twitter/X expressing disgust at that awful photo resurfacing are no doubt giving his fetish the supply and arousal it needs.

I really loathe how members of the public are expected to be non-consenting participants to men's fetishes. And our spaces have been invaded and decimated in order to make room for these perverts. (I know Perry doesn't claim to be a woman, but queer theory, 'blurring/pushing boundaries' as a good thing, etc - they are all part of the same women-hating tapestry.)

From the Guardian in 2015.

Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 08.37.03.png

I need some Shiela Jeffreys as an antidote.
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Satisfying Click

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I think handmaidens have been socialised to the extent to centre men and set the bar so low (women are of course held to higher standards), that when they see a man who is a common garden creep, they revert to fawning, because they know he's a man. "If I'm nice, he won't hurt me."

(I agree though, I don't think many of them realise that as part of the paraphilia and fetish, the men get off on it).

Plus internal misogyny is so strong, "Wow, he wants to be a woman?! He must be amazing to do such a thing!" A real-life example of this are the men who shoot up the ranks in traditional female dominated roles, like midwifery or teaching. The men fly out of the shop floor into management, trampling on women as they climb.
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Chatty Member
Someone I worked with has moved to a special education school. I asked what kind of pupils she taught and she said, ‘ADHD, Autism, trauma, a lot of gender issues.’ SHOCK. It’s a school for children with SEMH (social, emotional, or mental health difficulties). I replied and said I wouldn’t be interested in working there as I don’t agree with child transitioning aka girls with autism thinking they should be boys. Haven’t heard from her since. A Venn diagram of children with mental health issues and those who think they’re the opposite sex is probably a full circle.
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A Y5 child at my youngest son's school decided they were transgender. The schools response was astonishing.
We all got an email advising that an outside company was coming in to chat to the children about transgender issues, God knows what that cost. Also they were discussing toilet situations and how best to accommodate for ONE child.

My son was in reception at that stage and was 5. I spoke to his teacher and advised my son wouldn't be given permission to be in that talk what with him being 5!!
Many other parents also did so they made it older kids only. So many parents though also made me feel like a terf for not wanting my son to be involved.
That is ludicrous. I wouldn't have my child in that talk either, God knows what they'd be told and it could very well just be confusing. We've had our own chats about it as one of the people (young adult) at a club my child goes to uses a girls name. Mine's in primary and I made clear be respectful, use the girls name he likes to use but nothing can change you from a boy or a girl or vice versa even if someone prefers to dress etc as if they are the other sex. They're too young to have to figure out this stuff and I wouldn't have them in a talk with woke nonsense telling them you can change sex and all 'women' are women, etc.
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Saw this in the Argus, hope the link works. So very sad and I can’t help but think, this is what happens when “gender affirming care 🤢” is held up as the ultimate and only option for fixing a child’s severe mental distress. So many red flags in this poor child’s short life 😢
Going back to the anorexia analogy, when teens end their lives due to MH issues presenting as anorexia, that’s not a reason to immediately start giving them liposuction and helping them to be thinner. So why do people think it should be different for trans?
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How can a baby or very very young child show it's displeasure at being treated as a girl? Kids that age have no clue about these ridiculous gender is not the child pushing this it is the father. And where is the mother?
20+ years ago I worked in a nursery and there was a 3 year old boy who absolutely loved pink and glitter! He chose pink flashing trainers to wear, he used to want sparkly lip gloss on etc. chose the dresses in the dress up corner. he was an absolute delight and his family and all the staff just embraced it, let him play and choose whatever clothes he wanted, and of course there was no question he was still a boy! I loved how his parents just bought him the pink flashing trainers because it was what he liked. Who would have thought the late 90s/early 00s were more accepting of what children wanted to play with than what we see today. He’s the exact child who today, with the wrong parents, would be transed into being a girl. I wish I knew what he was up to now although I hope he doesn’t think because he liked those things as a 3 year old it must mean he was always meant to be a girl.
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Sobering article in the Times; Hilary Cass discusses the abuse she’s been receiving and the spread of disinformation since the publication of her report.

“If you deliberately try to undermine a report that has looked at the evidence of children’s healthcare, then that’s unforgivable. You are putting children at risk by doing that.”

Cass responded yesterday by saying that there could plainly be ideological capture about “almost anything and certainly about this”.
In regards to Tavistock, she told The Times she had concluded “there were certainly one or two individuals … who I would describe as activists among the staff.” :mad:

She also expresses concern about the number of private clinics set up to treat children with gender dysphoria.

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I hope this is the end of her career. I don’t care about her politics or about the fact that she’s rich and landed gentry.

I do care that she laughed in the face of a distraught mother whose child was getting her healthy breasts amputated. That’s monstrous.
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She's utterly amazing.
My horrible ex bf made a ridiculous post about her over the hate speech law, it was clearly aimed at me on FB.
I bet he's squirming right about now, and I'm feeling smug.
I can be petty like that.
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It’s infuriating, isn’t it. If a new student started with a known history of violence and was threatening Muslim kids, Christian kids, Jewish kids, gay kids, kids with learning difficulties etc then there would be an outcry (and rightly so!). But because he’s targeting girls, nobody bothered to step in. The state of American education is astounding right now. Home schooling isn’t something I’d ever considered before but I believe if I was living in the States, I would be thinking about it very seriously right now.

Oh my god, those poor girls. How could the staff just shrug off their concerns about this violent individual? They keep telling us that misgendering etc is "literal violence". No, literal violence is a male severely beating a female around the head with a metal cup, causing extensive injury and blood loss.
Ffs, how many women and girls are going to be maimed or killed before we're allowed to kick men out of women's spaces? 😡😡😡
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Chatty Member
An interesting take on the Cass Report. They really have a way of warping reality and facts.

Ugh, that account makes me angry.

I understand that life is difficult enough for autistic people and for teenagers in general so I don't see how people don't see that when they feel uncomfortable in their bodies that it is societal expectations of what being a woman means, and accepting and helping people's during puberty that is the main thing we can do to help.

Dare I say that puberty is already a transitioning time for all of us, and it's uncomfortable and weird and scary and the hormones are going wild, let's support people to go through that first, doing something which is (for the vast majority of people) a totally natural process.

People seem to rally against the idea of social contagion but it really is a thing. Just look at something flippant like how bottles of Prime became like gold dust to see how people want to be like others. But also I remember as a teen in the 90s that self harming was epidemic amongst my friends. Teens are vulnerable, and if we think they aren't old enough to decide to vote or drive or enlist in the army, younger kids aren't old enough to buy energy drinks because of the damage they can do to their young brains, they certainly aren't old enough to 'change gender'.
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