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Chatty Member
Maybe coloured taxi signs and bins DO have an effect on how people are treated in a town/city 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe we could try a city with some green, white and purple bins. It would make women feel so much safer and make all the creepy/violent men stop and think twice before harassing us.

I kind of get the sentiment of, ‘you’re welcome here’ but you will ALWAYS have homophobic twats in every town/city. They won’t give a shit if a bin has a rainbow on it when they see two men walking down the street holding hands. Gay men and lesbians still get assaulted verbally and physically in every part of the UK, regardless of rainbow bins- surely put the money into some evidence based training for people who could have some sway with the homophobes, instead of painting rainbows on every still surface.
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Thursday morning laugh :ROFLMAO:
What a self obsessed load of bollocks. I don’t understand all these “genders” at all, sounds like weird personality quirks or some other made up nonsense.

That is ludicrous. I wouldn't have my child in that talk either, God knows what they'd be told and it could very well just be confusing. We've had our own chats about it as one of the people (young adult) at a club my child goes to uses a girls name. Mine's in primary and I made clear be respectful, use the girls name he likes to use but nothing can change you from a boy or a girl or vice versa even if someone prefers to dress etc as if they are the other sex. They're too young to have to figure out this stuff and I wouldn't have them in a talk with woke nonsense telling them you can change sex and all 'women' are women, etc.
Why are primary schools so obsessed with gender identity and sexual orientation FFS. They’re only children, and childhood should not be sexual at all in my opinion. In fact, I find it really really sinister that all this is being pushed on young minds who are too young to have even started figuring things out for themselves. Brainwashing? Grooming? Whatever it is, it’s disturbing and any decent school should want nothing to do with it.
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JKR holding Kirstie Allsop to account

Kirstie Allsop not happy about it. There’s quite a few back and forth replies between them but it’s a bit too disjointed to post here.

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Nelly's mum

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Horrible tweet aside, I think “penis women” might actually be a better name for them than “trans women”. It makes it clear what’s going on and won’t confuse anyone into thinking we’re talking about a woman who wants to be a man. “Penis women are women” sounds a lot less convincing. Not sure I like the “woman” part though…maybe we could compromise with “penis person” so as not to misgender anyone 😂 like who’s that shouting over there, oh just some penis people having one of their penis person protests again
I just call them men 🤪
I quite like vagina women though, wonderfully passive aggressive 💅
Another professional sportswoman accused of ‘transphobia’ and bullied into making an apology for sharing a JKR tweet about allowing TIMs in women’s sport :mad:

View attachment 2887530

I die a little inside every time a woman with the privilege of a platform backs down, which is exactly what Eni Aluko appears to be doing here 😔
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There’s a TikTok of Susie Green’s child, Jackie (now early 30s) on YouTube. Jackie comes across as a very lost person, but the most disturbing thing said is at the end of the video where Jackie is almost in tears saying, “I am now questioning my sexual identity.” Not orientation, but identity. If Jackie indeed means that (rather than orientation), then I don’t know how Susie Green can live with herself. She took any ability for her son to have a fulfilling sexual relationship away from him when he was 16.
It’s eminently possible that Susie had a gender non-conforming bisexual or even straight child. There are lots of boys who don’t want to play football, hang out with the girls, play with girls’ toys and heck, enjoy musical theatre, and after putting up with all the jokes and mickey-taking about how they “must” be gay, grow up to have a lot of girlfriends. I knew a few guys like this at university.

Jazz Jennings has been going through similar sexuality-questioning and similar unhappiness, but cannot enjoy a full adult relationship either. The fact is such choices were taken away when Jackie and Jazz were children. How adults can continue to cheerlead for this is beyond me. Susie Green cannot step out of the horror show she’s created now and say she might have been wrong, Jazz’s parents the same.
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Did anyone listen to More or Less? What did it say? Just I know the guy who presents it is a big Jack Monroe fan (he wrote a kids' book about statistics with a chapter about the non existent Vimes Boots Index in it) so I think he doesn't have the world's best critical thinking skills however sensible he comes across as.
It was very very balanced. Basically said ‘fuck off with the criticism, we’ve been incredibly diligent in accepting evidence, and lots of the ‘studies’ done on GNC kids aren’t robust enough’

It’s only 11m long, so have a listen.
In a woman’s group on Facebook. Of course the blokes are edging in and trying to dominate things. This cracker says they are ‘claiming asylum’ in Finland from America. Always claiming victimhood.
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This wanker is so far out of order now. I hope the Scots give him what for at the next election:
View attachment 2881389
I’m fed up with men telling women how we should feel. Also, surely protection from misogyny is exclusively ”for those who are born women” because if you are not born a woman, you’re a man. That’s it, no other options. Can’t stand Yousaf, he’s doing nothing for Scotland.
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He’s spineless full stop. A spineless leader is a dangerous one.

on the healthcare issue,I just came across this on Twitter. This poor woman

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How can a baby or very very young child show it's displeasure at being treated as a girl? Kids that age have no clue about these ridiculous gender is not the child pushing this it is the father. And where is the mother?
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I said a while back that a colleague told me her friend has a ‘trans daughter’ aka a son who used to like dressing in bikinis when he was little 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Sadly I’ve since left the job so I can’t ask, but I remember looks of surprise as I ranted about stereotypes and how there’s no such thing as a trans child. I’ve been thinking about that poor boy since and I’m so happy that he won’t be put on a medical pathway. I think he was only 7/8. I’m so relieved and I don’t even know who he is.

Even better would be the Cass report making his parents realise they’re enabling it. I would argue the mum groomed him into it. My colleague said it had nearly caused a divorce as the dad didn’t agree with it so I bet he is feeling vindicated. Poor boy and poor dad.
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Please tell me that's a parody. Yes, women go through horrific pain just to take attention away from 'penis women.'

View attachment 2887299
What the actual fuck.

Unfortunately I think there's something about jealousy... I know of someone whose husband - many years ago, and yes, she did divorce him less than a year after the child was born, thankfully- became very very jealous and violent once she was pregnant and had given birth because her attention was no longer fully on the husband. Some men seem to be insanely envious of women for being able to do something that men can't. So they try to down play it, call us dramatic for the pain we go through. Just like how they trialled women as witches only a few centuries ago, for anything such as a family member dying of natural causes, or for being too alluring with curly red hair, etc etc. They either want to be us or hate us or both. Germaine Greer was right about that.
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This is the kind of shit young people today are up against. My son sent me this which his lesbian (proper same sex attracted lesbian) housemate pinned on her Instagram yesterday. He is surrounded by people parroting stuff without analysing the evidence.
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Just seen the only straight people mentioned are those who are LGBT+ allies.
Everyone is welcome here
View attachment 2876634
No sane person is going to look at that and think it’s acceptable for the NHS to have such banners up. They’re supposed to be science-led and evidence-based FFS. I wish all these fucking made up identities would fuck off.
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Hi guys. I haven't posted in these threads for quite some time but I recently watched this documentary called Dysconnected and wanted to share with you all.

Apologies if already talked about.

It is on amazon prime and the description reads "A transgender tsunami has swept the nation, overtaking the medical, educational, and couseling industries, and forever altering thousands of young girls' lives. What is going on? Filmmaker and father Don Johns traveled the country to find out."

Trailer below 🫶

I don't think it's well-known yet because the TRAs haven't flooded the reviews or youtube clips from what I've seen. So watch before it gets taken down for hate speech lol!
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Yes, the current one is a 12 year old girl deciding she is a “boy in the wrong body.” A TIM character supports her and demand her parents validate her trans identity, which her father is happy to do but mother is uncertain and feels she’s losing her daughter. Meanwhile another character who practices conversion therapy (which he has already tried on two gay men) is trying to convince her she’s not trans, but people are getting suspicious of him because he “misgenders” her

Also the mum character is very likely leaving soon - they’ve cut a huge amount of characters due to the show being reduced to 3 episodes a week, and the actress has now removed the show from her social media profiles. So likely outcome of this storyline is that she either leaves her husband/family or is thrown out for not being supportive enough, and that’s all good because we must validate the child and tell her she’s trans
the Scottish police probably extradite her and jail her for hate crimes 🙄

Funny (not) how they chose the woman/mother to be the ‘hateful’ one. Don’t listen to anything women have to say, they are just bigots!

So who high up at C4 / Hollyoaks has a trans child then?
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Regina Fellangi

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Just wondering if our favourite misogynist Himdia Willyboy and his cabal will have anything to say about the appalling incident in the Australian shopping mall, especially as today authorities have stated it’s clear the attacker only chose to attack women and that they consider it a gender specific crime. 5 women dead, a baby girl critically injured! Sounds a bit like the genocide he’s always bleating on about to me! 😡
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Honestly the entire Labour Party and all other parties on the left can just do one. Nobody has learned a thing from Brexit or Trump. The utter contempt they show anyone that doesn't believe in the same ideology as them suggests that there will be another 'Cass' because they'll continue to shut people down and try to humiliate them rather than debate.
The arrogance that led to this human tragedy is still in plain view.
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