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I've actually met Zoe a few times. She fits the usual profile for green activists - extremely privileged, well educated, totally indoctrinated with imagined oppression. She herself has earned a very high salary in her job as a commissioner, so believe me she's not poor.

Why should trans people get some sort of special access to housing? How is sexuality important here? What fucking nonsense she's spouting. She knows that council accommodation is not doled out based on sexuality. It's based on need and how many kids you've got etc.
Exactly. It seems 'trans' think they should jump the queue on everything. Very 'Verucca Salt' of them.

I will try to add quote marks for 'trans' from now on because noone is actually 'trans'. It's imagination, a state of mind, not reality.
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Chatty Member
No there wasn't. I remember the odd bloke who dressed as a woman, nobody cared and nobody bothered them but by the same token those men didn't insist on being called women, using our toilets etc etc etc.
We were all assured at the time of the GRA that there would be very low takeup of GRCs and it was ridiculous to think males would be in women’s prisons. A key reason for passing the GRA was no equal marriage. Now we are left with a bad law with bad principles and a push to recognise trans identities even without GRCs in every field of life has of course followed.
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I watched a documentary tonight (killer at the crime scene) wasn't great but I do love a serial killer documentary.
Quite upsetting episode, a mum and her 4 children killed by her 2nd husband (he killed them to punish the first husband, his 2 biological children were not harmed)
The 2 eldest children were teenage girls. The description of them finding the remains was harrowing but very interesting. Apparently pathologists knew it was a 17yo and 15yo girl because the bone structure of the bodies.
Without doing DNA or other tests, just by looking at the way the bones were it was apparent these were the bodies of teenage girls.
Just makes me think that pathological evidence in the future will think our generation were insane.
I often think about this when you hear in the news that human remains have been found. There were two very recent ones where only torsos or body parts were found. One of the first things they always do to start the identification process is find out the sex of the body. Not the ‘gender identity’ funnily enough!
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Cass has given people power to openly criticise the NHS and other bodies for adopting trans ideology and has added legitimacy to their arguments when it must have felt they were shouting in the wind before. Surely this is like peeling an onion and, layer by layer, the whole house of cards will collapse? Demonstrating the harm being done to children was probably the most urgent action so the next step looks to be the capture of organisations such as the NHS. Surely the logical step in due course is to acknowledge that the very existence of the GRA puts the rights of women and children under threat?
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Makes me want to bang their head against a wall but you are nicer than me.

*don’t condone real violence obvs*
Even worse, someone I know, but hasn't been on my FB for long, said of me going to LWS in Edinburgh, that, "when do men get to speak?".
She's a nurse, has two young daughters, one non verbal autistic.
I'd also told her of a woman getting punched at Women Won't Wheesht in Aberdeen last July and the police did nothing.
She said they'd do nothing if it was a man either.
I'm getting cross just typing this.
How can someone be so bloody stupid?
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TRAs: Trans children don’t have mental health problems
Also TRAs: Trans children should be able to go to a special school for children with emotional/mental difficulties, just on the basis of being trans
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Im a lesbian and a retired teacher and haven’t posted in a while so hello Terven!

When I used to teach Year 5 primary one of the things on the curriculum was formal letter writing. I bet this is a case of an activist teacher suggesting the kids write letters to MP/MSPs requesting mixed sex loos. So they’ve been inundated with scores of letters on this subject.
Well it’s made the papers and looks like it’s spectacularly backfired!
We have reached a tipping point where I hear everywhere how sick people are of this indoctrination!
Two women were chatting in the charity shop last week as I browsed, moaning about trans issues and how it’s all ridiculous.
We have to get Stonewall out of every institution as soon as possible.
I think here in Scotland, the new hate crime law is bringing it to attention too, and not the way they hoped. I’ve had quite a few people saying to me how ridiculous the law is and then commenting along the lines of, “ And don’t get me started with all this trans stuff”.
I can honestly say, I have never heard anyone in real life say anything pro trans.
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Trans women are women, but those of us born with XX chromosomes are -havers etc.
Very true of all this nonsense.Yet the TRA’s go on about literal genocide, people not using their chosen gender as denying their existence, yet they deny the existence of women day in day out and reduce us to body parts
No sane person is going to look at that and think it’s acceptable for the NHS to have such banners up. They’re supposed to be science-led and evidence-based FFS. I wish all these fucking made up identities would fuck off.
It would give me zero confidence that anyone in the hospital has any understanding of human biology if they display all these ridiculous flags. In fact it makes me really angry that they are pushing a medically harmful cult.
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I also had the same thought! I even went on to X and TikTok to see if anything was circulating but not seen anything (there is a video but it’s not clear which I’m glad about)

Whether it was a female or not, it just proves we can no longer trust the press or police to report facts.
Exactly. The fact that a bunch of us immediately questioned whether what was being reported was the truth shows what damage this dangerous ideology and its infiltration of large areas of the media has already done.
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I don’t get why TRAs are obsessed with children’s clothing choices (or children at all TBH). I’m out in a countryside park today and nearly every boy and girl are wearing joggers/jeans and jumpers and trainers.

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I know no man can ever be a woman and being a woman isn't about your appearance anyway but I find the ones that make absolutely zero effort to appear feminine even more bizarre than the others.
He made a bit more effort for his tv appearance today.

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Satisfying Click

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I wonder which of the 'both sides 🥴' has sent Hiliary Cass abusive messages and led her to being advised not to travel on public transport 🤔
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