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I think Kirsty Alsopps mother had breast cancer for 17 years, eventually dying of maybe....... Kirstie does have a slightly different view....especially if her sisters have had their breasts removed to eliminate the chance of Breast cancer, as did Angelina Jolie!

Im not particularly trying to defend Kirstie or her attitude, but in a way it might be useful if someone like Kirstie could be persuaded to openly discuss gender issues? She is a successful C4 presenter, who could bring an awful lot to a debate about trans issues, because of her visibility but also because she is generally pretty good at presenting things on TV in a positive light. ( some of the people she has found houses for, or suggestions for houses cannot have been easy to take, and she always has a positive to say about the most dreadful of craft creations she is presented with.)

It would be great to get her interviewing India or whatever his name is, and others, and then happily interviewing JKR or Sharron Davies.... She could even do a session with women preparing home made TERF t shirts or similar.
I don't think she'd be neutral enough to present a show like the one you've described. She's gone too far to back down now.

I feel sorry for her family for what they've been through with cancer but that's no excuse for telling a mother who's upset that her daughter is having her breasts removed because she wants to be a man to find some dark humour in the situation. Electing to have your breasts removed it's very different from having to have it done or having it done as a preventative measure.

I used to enjoy Kirstie on TV but I've gone right off her now. She doesn't even seem to have a position or a point in what she's saying apart from "be kind" and "stop picking on little old me". She hasn't engaged in good faith with any point that's been made to her - just changes the subject.
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I wonder what Kirstie would say if Phil decided to become become Phyllis and she was going to be sacked as it needs to be a male/female presenting duo therefore she is now surplus to requirements.
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Love to know what's so different about Trans housing needs that any normal housing fails to deliver.
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Gosh, so that student had a private phone conversation in the privacy of his own room and gets punished? 1984, people ready to report anyone these days. Sinister. If I was the student I'd be withdrawing from the university, refusing to give them any more of my £ 9250 a year.
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Chatty Member
Probably should’ve seen the red flags with him when Queer as Folk had a 15 year old boy sleeping with a 30 year old man multiple times…
As a teenager who suspected she was gay, I thought I was cool for watching this show. As an adult it’s quite disturbing to watch it back. Nathan looks young — Charlie Hunnam was 18 and looked no older — and not far into the show, Stuart knows for sure Nathan is 15, and has sex with him anyway. Probably some of the outcry about this show at the time was justified.
Emma Watson has spent the past 5yrs largely unemployed as she can’t bloody act.
Emma Watson is from a wealthy family, her father made millions at one of the UK’s very top law firms — so donating $1 million out of her no doubt millions of HP salary she wouldn’t have without JKR doesn’t impress.

She was suitably precocious at a young age and was taken to an audition so as to say the lines JKR had created for Hermione. Thousands of girls could have probably done the same job, some who didn’t have the connections to know about such auditions probably would do it better. As she has got older it’s become clear that indeed she cannot act for toffee. She said a few of the right things that her publicists told her to say at the time when they were fashionable. It’s so basic what celebrities are revered for these days.
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Maybe only 2 of the studies had any kind of decent medical testing behind them!

I did see your was heartbreaking, have you heard anything else from them after the publication of the Cass report?

There is a disconnect between how gender critical people have been portrayed and the negativity from the Trans brigade. The word TERF has been used as an abusive term, to discount any discussion, when I dont think that many TERFs have actually been abusive to trans people! I wonder how many people will be sending JKRs tweet about vile abuse to TERFS to the Scottish police or to their local police constabulary? Someone should be investigating that much abuse, and how it was allowed to be posted or remain online.
That’s exactly what Cass said - that the quality of the studies was so poor, she and her team had to discount them. The fact that TRAs are using that as some kind of gotcha really proves how stupid they are.

There’s an excellent article by Kathleen Stock about how dumbed down the report is in an attempt to convince the true believers but cult members are not easily persuaded.

I also find it really sad that they don’t feel children who are gender questioning deserve the same level of robust evidence based care as all children. We have parents who won’t give their children childhood vaccines despite excellent evidence they are effective and adverse outcomes are rare but others are pumping their kids full of drugs that will kill their sexual development and fertility. How can that not be child abuse?
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Just seen,goes into detail about waiting list times etc
The article points out what most people are thinking:

“The strategy which is supposed to promote inclusion is having precisely the opposite effect, much like directives from the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel 1984.

‘The role of the NHS is to deliver care to all who need it, not to promote fashionable political ideologies,’ said Bev Jackson of the LGB Alliance, founded five years ago in opposition to the policies of the Stonewall campaign group on transgender issues.

‘These silly flags only serve to alienate those of us who are same-sex attracted. If the NHS wants to be more welcoming to LGB, it should stop associating us with made-up genders and meaningless neosexualities, and spend the money on improving care.’

Today most staff in this brave new world are too scared to even voice disagreement.

Take the booklet, issued by the South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust, containing instructions to managers not to make ‘supportive comments such as “I understand your concerns” to staff who, for example, complain about trans or non-binary colleagues having access to gendered spaces’.

That could include female staff, say, worried about having to share the toilets with transgender women — biological men, in other words.

So much for inclusion.”

So many organisations like the NHS now signal ‘inclusion’ by displaying flags pertaining to gender ideology, but make precious few, if any, adjustments for people whose circumstances require thought and actions to show true inclusion: those with learning disabilities, vulnerable women, people for whom English is not their first language. A number of demographics may not actually be able to access adequate healthcare unless appropriate adjustments are made, but ‘diversity’ is all about which flag you want to pin your made up identity to.
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Tatchell has surpassed himself. He posted this tweet celebrating lesbian visibility week and someone did a reverse image search and noted it had come from a porn site :sick: . That’s before you even get to the fact that he’s willing to include men in his celebration of the achievements of lesbians.

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This one really stood out to me. His poor wife having to put up with that; to him, she simply exists to validate his fetish :(:sick:.
They always have to say “panties” too. Even typing that word, yuck. I cannot think about it without it conjuring up an image of some creepy incel type.
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I can imagine how you feel - its easy for your friend to say regarding the house toilet being unisex- of course it is, everyone's house toilet is- because there's only ever 1 person in it using it at a time. ( Like a small Cafes one is , if there's only one loo.....)

With mixed toilets ( whatever their layout , with separate cubicles) men and women,boys and girls are all sharing common space together, and Women require private, hygiene- led space for a natural, biological thing over & above toileting ,with their bodies that men do not. The natural time of the Month. . That's what I have a problem with, like us all.....

Keep men out of Women's toilets, Private spaces and Specialist areas.
Yes and I wonder how she would feel about her unisex toilet if she left her front door open and let any random member of the public use it?
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Here’s the actual exchange. KA is very far from kind. She’s a nasty piece of work

View attachment 2881895
What a rude, patronising bitch she is. There's a huge difference between women who have their breasts removed due to potential breast cancer (and I'll bet they weren't finding it humourous at all, what a terrible decision to have to make) and women removing them under the mistaken illusion that it will turn them into a man. Can't say I've ever particularly watched her an anything but I would make a point of turning her off now if she came on.
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I'm so glad this thread exists.

It's genuinely like 'The Faculty' or 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' out there.....*wafts arm in general direction of the outside world*

Keep fighting the good fight sisters 🤘
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I follow a few very niche hobby subreddits and try to avoid the rest because it makes me too angry. The site allows the most violent disgusting misogyny and nobody bats an eye, and the actual trans related subreddits have people being openly groomed in plain sight, but if you say anything even remotely negative about trans ideology or even ask a polite question about it you get shouted down and downvoted to oblivion. all the little stock phrases they parrot at you are so cultlike it’s scary. It’s so annoying because even when I stick to my very specific subreddits there’s still trans stuff everywhere like “I knitted my trans friend this XXXXL trans flag mankini, what do you think?” “This character in this game must be trans because I’m trans and I can only see the world through my trans goggles now so everything’s about me me me” “what kind of plants should I get as a TrAnS pErSoN” etc etc :sick: Can’t get away from it!
Exactly most LGB people see themselves as a person who is LGB, James Dreyfus even says its the leaat interesting and most mundane thing about him. Many of the current trans people however see being trans as their whole identity, Ella from MAFS proved that.
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