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Piff paff puff

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I was listening to talk radio last night and Maya Forstater was there and she said that the people at tavistock changed the NHS numbers of the children they treated which are supposed to be lifelong so as they couldn't be traced in the system. She also said many other things which I can't remember 😣
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I was listening to Helen Joyce interview yesterday, and she said something that never occurred to me that shows the government DO actually understand this is all a farce.

If a woman decides she is a man, the gender self ID/trans rule does not apply for inheritance purposes. Women can't trans themselves into rightful heirs. What a telling rule that is.

So basically, they'll play along with the peasants, but keep it out of their playground.
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Threads sends me a lot of trans positive stuff - don’t know how to block.

one man is bitching about his deadname being used at work and educating his peers.

woman responds with a transitioned child, the name is the same but she struggles with pronouns but her child gives her the grace to be forgiving and give her time.

this man responds to her saying ‘I’m going to say with love that trans people mask and you are killing your child every time you use the wrong pronoun’

fucking arsehole. They are so self centred self righteous and condescending.
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Baby Giraffe

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I’ve just seen a sponsored ad on Facebook from Superdrug for HRT. It’s clearly aimed at peri and meno women. There has been some discussion about how it should be more easily available on the NHS, some about dangers (many stating out of date studies) but also a massive section about it being purely gender affirming care, even for cis women as apparently we’re traumatised by getting more facial hair, changing body shape, loss of our child bearing years etc and there that’s why women take HRT, to make us feel more feminine. Nothing to do with all the debilitating symptoms that many women suffer, it’s just to make us feel more womanly. Lots of women have disagreed with the TIMs but are being talked down as apparently we don’t know what we’re taking about.
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Clearly Kirstie has not taken note of the multitude of court cases involving Women who have lost their jobs for speaking out.
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I remember a while ago there being some talk along with the lines of formalising attacks on women as terror attacks. I can’t recall where this originated now, if it was an MP or campaigner.

It’s come to mind when thinking about the recent Sydney knife attacks.

The Westfield attack police quickly ruled out terrorism but said it was too early to tell if he specifically targeted women. I know they have now said they believe he was, but took two days to say this? We know 5 women died (and a male security guard) and a baby girl seriously injured. I don’t think it’s been reported how many of the injured but survived were female.

Then yesterday’s knife attack at a church was very quickly announced as a terror incident. Fortunately no life threatening injuries and I don’t want to undermine the nature of the attack.

How can they quickly rule in or out terrorism but take two days to admit the 40 year old man was targeting women? I can’t quite articulate what I’m trying to say but it feels like acts of terrorism are taken more seriously and defined more quickly?
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Le Cochon Roux

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I was interested to see this on BBC, and that she has now revealed what she is suing for. The PL and NUFC have allegedly been spying on and doxxed her. (Tbh I stop following her as she was retweeting some borderline stuff around St. George’s Day but) I feel this case could be important and I’m still disgusted at what has happened so far.
It's not just larger businesses that do this to people who complain.

I know personally a lass who likes her cake. Specifically, "Bruce" from Get Baked in Wakefield. It's a big multi-layered slice of chocolate on chocolate cake and it went viral or something and was limited to one per customer. Well. Her old man is wheelchair bound and when she wasn't allowed to buy one for her and one for him because he couldn't get his wheelchair into the shop because narrow doors, she complained. And rightly so. Disability discrimination and all that, and then also posted on Reddit about it.

This allowed Get Baked, because they're the sort of people who interminably google themselves, to go through all her previous Reddit posts and found stuff that they deemed "transphobic" because she doesn't believe the TWAW shibboleths and "racist" because she doesn't agree with uncontrolled mass migration. Their response was to:

1. Ban her from the store forever.

2. Report her Reddit posts to West Yorkshire Police (home of the Lesbian Nana).

3. Make a donation allegedly in her name to a charity "to assist you in repenting for your atrocious behaviour." Their words not mine.

4. Threaten to sue for harassment if she continued to contact them.

Now how fucking petty is that. Had a valid complaint, but because she was morally unfit, it wasn't made out. Going through complainants' social media just to smear them. That's low. That's lower than Himdia's nutsack in 10 years' time, in fact. If I did that to disgruntled clients in my line of work I would be struck off and I would bloody deserve it.

I suck at making cakes. But were I in her shoes I would have learned to just so I could have put up a stall with my own superior version of Bruce right outside their front door at a lower price for sale in green white and purple boxes, and defied them to sue.

Needless to say, there's another business to put on the shit list.
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Kirsty is engaging in denial and minimisation, two of the narcissist's lines of defence. Tells you all you need to know about her. I am, however, enjoying how woefully out of her depth she is against JKR.

KA is being truly pathetic in all of this. I know twee girliness is her USP, but her wobbly-chinned 'why is big, powerful, mega-famous JKR, with all of her millions in money and millions of followers, picking on poor ickle me when I'm just trying to find a way for everybody to be fwends again?' is shamefully manipulative. Passive agressive arsehole.
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The green candidate for London mayor
Oh do fxxk off, making trans" rights at the heart of everything'. Just fxxk of about people choosing their want to dress up and play the opposite sex. Make human rights for ALL at the heart of everything - make health, education, housing, killing poverty at the heart of everything for everyone.
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I think a lot of women cannot fathom the depths of some men’s depravity. The idea that eating your own shit or having your testes removed is erotic is just beyond imagination.
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The Guardian don't seem to have enabled comments on this article, I wonder why? The tide must really be turning
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Just saw this bizarre rant from Russell T Davis about the importance of embracing the whole alphabet. I used to really like the guy and love some of his previous writing, but he’s really gone off on one here (listen from 1:40).
Oh my god. Did he do a line before this?? before even getting to what he's saying, the way he's saying this borderline shouting is so strange - imagine if a woman did this when she got up to do a speech LOL. people would throw her in the back of a van lol.

He's trying to be a smart arse when it comes to the letters but it doesn't even make sense. "so we can only have words that are 3 letters long?" This isn't scrabble you muppet - though it might as well be for you plebs. He's embarrassed himself truly.

As a member of the LGB, we are so embarrassed by all this fuss and all these letters.


It's ironic because he's saying it's a bad thing that lgb want out from them but ultimately the community were lumped with us as LGB are already othered. They've decided it's straight vs other. If they really wanted to get anywhere they would make their own movement away from same sex attraction. Because gender bullshit has nothing to do with it as much as they spout that "they are interlinked" errrm yeah if it's a costume that you can put on and take off and are doing it for attention.
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As a woman I only know how my female brain and body works. I have no idea what it feels like to think or have a male body. That works both ways. These pornsick men only have a weird fucked up idea of what it is to be a woman. No one can experience what it's like to be someone else let alone the difference between being male or female. You can't change dna by wearing lipstick or a dress. I am too old for this shit. The world's gone bonkers.
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Maybe comedians will get a bit more brave and start ridiculing the ideology. Because for the past 5 years it's been very one sided...
I’d like to think so, but I won’t hold my breath. Ricky Gervais has been able to speak up because he’s (almost) ‘too big to be cancelled’, and I think Dave Chapelle has done some stuff, but comedy overall (especially the ‘boys club’ aspect) is very captured and rather sneering towards those who disagree that TWAW: Stewart Lee, Robin Ince, Nish Kumar, Adam Buxton, as a few examples off the top of my head.

And, of course, we’ve all seen what happened to Glinner.

Comedy is a fucking cesspit. I’m holding out for #MeToo moment; I hoped the doors might have opened with the Russell Brand stuff, but sadly not yet.

Edit: yep, Dave Chapelle is openly ‘Team Terf’:
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She really is just being wilfully obtuse at this point. I despise her silly little act of trying to be sweet and kind when really she is just empowering a bunch of lying, manipulative bullies.
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“Vitriolic nature of the debate on both sides” used as an excuse for not addressing this properly before. Chris Whitty trying to brush the scandal under the carpet.
It has not been ‘vitriolic’ on both sides. Where are the examples of gender critical people threatening to decapitate TRAs?

This is a disingenuous, mealy-mouthed attempt to pretend that ‘ooooh, it got messy on both sides so how was anyone to know what to do for the best?’ because people are uncomfortable at being confronted with the idiocy, damage and arrogance of their ignorant choices and they can no longer threaten others into silence or acquiescence.
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