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I noticed someone on the Popsy thread saying she wouldn't worry if Timara was in the women's toilets. He's very obviously a man, just because he seems harmless that doesn't mean he's not going to freak someone out.
I know it's an old trope but Ted Bundy also seemed harmless and in some cases that's all the more reason to be wary.
Any man who has no respect for women’s boundaries for single sex spaces is exactly the kind of man we don’t want in there
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Infuriating. Confusing stupid performative bullshit. Painting a rainbow crossing (that is dangerous to blind people) is easier than providing accessible entrances to the tube or old public buildings. Repainting the vans is easier than actually providing a service for rural areas or older people who can’t do things online and need a local office.

Pride lanyards / BLM instagram black squares / Gaza protests are all performative, easy point scoring exercises that don’t do anything substantive to help the issues they are about.
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Chatty Member
Surely any human trans or not would understand that a 14 year old girl doesn’t want to share a changing room with anyone other than female. This goes beyond transphobia. This is sick. Trans dude should respect her, end of.
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With surrogacy and ever more invasive procedures for infertility (as well as trans surgeries) I am always reminded of Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park
‘Your scientists were so concerned with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should’

although in the case of trans surgeries I don’t think they can
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Mismatched Pegs

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That picture makes me so fucking mad. I hate beauty pageants with a passion but look at all those beautiful young women overthrown by an ugly hefty bloke. No woman who ever looked like that would get within 50 fucking metres of being in that pageant.
All those poor women having to stand there and smile while he might as well just whip out his dick and piss on them 😡
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Any advice?

My 16yo is being made to feel highly uncomfortable by a trans identified male - I'm not sure if he's a boy or a man. This male keeps sitting next to her in their shared class and she keeps switching to a different table, and he follows. He's now following her when she goes to the loo, literally running after her when she leaves the classroom.

She's come a long way from being a typical brainwashed TRA to gender critical, but she's scared to say anything as her college is sold out 100% to trans. She's tried to talk to her college-based mental health support but he's gay, from the highly pro trans side of the rainbow. I really feel like I need to step in but I'm not sure how best to tackle it.

She's uncomfortable having a male behaving like this and being all giggly and "isn't it typical of us girls having to go to the loo together" etc but I'm thinking it might be best to treat it as though he's another girl harassing her and not bring gender politics into it.
It is harassment. Its also a safety issue.
Write to both the College Board and the Police.
Ensure you mention the failing of the Colleges mental heath support person as well in assisting a genuine concern.
Ask for action to be taken & that you will require written copies of said action that has been taken to stop it , and the actions both the College and the Police parties are going to do moving forward to ensure that it does not happen again.
They are paid plenty of fucking money to DO THEIR JOBS.

Let us know on here how it goes xxx
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The NHS has predicted there will be more than 3,000 referrals per year.
Society is sick. The NHS is already on its knees and will now need to find resources to deal with 3000 referrals for a problem that barely existed 10 years ago. We need to get the ideology out of classrooms, out of organisations and institutions, and the social contagion needs to stop. This problem is entirely MAN made!
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Chatty Member
No, looks like they've had 'the' op while their wife has given birth...
Had a look and yes that's what it is.

Their wife gave birth to a premature baby and a few weeks later, "Sophie" swans off to have their penis cut off. The spotlight always has to be on the TiM. It's all about him and what he needs (from women) to be validated. The wife's recovery and premature baby come second to all of this.

I also noticed "Sophie" is in their 40s. Voluntarily removing a body part in your 40s, now tell me this isn't mental illness.

It's his wife I feel for. Tied to him for life now they have a baby together and putting up with his delusions for the rest of their time together.
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Sick of women IRL pretending they are feminists or pro womens rights (and very vocal about it) but pander to the trans ideology and to the erasure of language for women.
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Me too. I was fastest runner in my school (sorry if it sounds like a brag) and then I hit puberty fast. I remember one sports day seeing a boy nudging his mate and saying ‘islawight’s running next’ and gesturing wobbly breasts. I backed out of the race and never did anymore again. I was 12 😩
I was in the school cross-country team when I was about twelve. I was at an all girls' school, but we had a race at a mixed school. There were boys standing along the course, pointing and calling names at the girls whose breasts they could see jiggling. There were so many upset girls at the finish line. I wonder how many of them never took part in another race.
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Scotch Mist

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I absolute hate the way historical figures have been transed or non-binaried. What arrogance must it take for a museum or art gallery to label someone according to a fabricated ideology just because they didn’t conform to societal stereotypes of the time.
That's a pet peeve of mine too. I hate 'presentism' as well. Applying today's standards on anyone who lived in another century. Most people generally conform to the rules and attitudes of their time. Artists are generally known for pushing the boundaries a bit more than the average person but dressing flamboyantly or in a non conforming way doesn't really prove anything.

I remember having an argument with a young woman who said that Jane Austen was pathetic and not a feminist because all she wrote about were women searching for a husband. I said that writing for a living and not getting married herself was probably as feminist as it got in those days for women like her.
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Yet another time the majority of what is shown is pandering to the trans population (apparently a very small %). This poster was up in a health centre alongside one the same size saying how to 'check your chest'View attachment 2684954
Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women between the ages of 35 and 54. Biological women. This ad is dangerous and unhelpful and will result in the unessary death of young women.

I have breast cancer. I'm 34. This campaign is absolutely fucked.
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I'm recently realising the "truth" and the fact I'm more gender critical than I'd ever thought I would be. It's been slowly building, me reading articles and tweets and thinking, 'hang on, I don't agree with that' and 'well that's wrong'. And as the weeks have gone on, I've gone from 'well I have a few gender criticisms' to full on gender critical, questioning everything put in front of me.

Can anyone recommend any good books to read on this subject to help me get my thoughts in check? It's a hell of journey going from very pro trans rights, twaw, trahr etc, to where I'm at now. I'm proud of my journey but I'm still on it and sadly there is guilt involved because I always try to come from a place of kindness- but why do women always have to be the kind ones?? So anything that can help me would be much appreciated!
I really relate to this. Confronting a lot of home truths, considering a lot of points I haven't previously thought about and others I probably avoided thinking about. There are questions that I thought were difficult to answer that are actually very simple in reality. Struggling with guilt but also feeling lighter in a lot of ways. It's not easy but it's important and I'm so eager to learn more! Solidarity!
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No men in women's spaces - regardless of how they dress, identify or appear. They could be the nicest, most 'genuine' man in a dress in the world but stay in your own lane. Easy. No hand wringing, no discussing if a man who's had his balls cut off can come in, just keep them all out.
The problem is, most of them haven’t had their testosterone producing balls cut off. They are claiming to be women and the ‘general public’ are falling for it. They are just a male body in a dress. Some have breast implants, but most just have fake boobs and a wig.
It boggles my mind that some women want to share spaces with them. When I was a teen, if a man in a dress had entered our toilets, we would be calling the police.
I worry that my daughter will have a baby girl who has to put up with this crap 😞
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Janice Turner in the Times on the Rachel Meade case. The person who reported RM to Social Work England has gone on to be a diversity champsion at Sports England.

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Been reading a lot of posts on perimenopause and came across one woman who describes herself as non binary and is going through peri and absolutely cannot say the word woman or female for the life of her. ‘For those of us AFAB’ and ‘Us womb Havers’ - yep womb havers. She’s so nearly there. Wo-man. Let’s try again…wo-man. When called out in the comments she said yes I could say it but I don’t want to BECAUSE ITS NOT JUST WOMEN WHO GO THROUGH PERI.

Internalised misogyny is absolutely hard wired into these women. It’s got to be a mental illness. It’s just so depressing I honestly despair.
I cannot stand all of this AFAB nonsense. No one is “assigned” FFS, it’s clearly obvious whether a baby is male or female. As for all this “womb havers”, ”people who menstruate” and other dehumanising terms. I frankly find them grossly insulting and have no desire to be described by body parts or biological functions. Interesting that prostate cancer posters use the term ”men” while we’re reduced to body parts.
I honestly despair too. I cannot believe what would have been laughable a few years ago is now mainstream thought, and people are vilified for believing biological fact.
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