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Wales has learned nothing from the last 2 weeks. Who are they poling to think this is a good idea LGBTQ: Plan to make it easier to change gender in Wales - BBC News

And in other news heterosexual couple are having a baby Kerala: The transgender couple whose pregnancy photos went viral - BBC News
Very little infuriates me more in this shitshow than someone claiming they are Trans, having a baby. How fucking dysphoric can you be if you are willing to carry a baby, it's literally what women are designed for
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I feel like half of non-binary people are just low self esteem people who aren't conventionally attractive and thus construct an entire persona and image around their unattractiveness to feel important.

Just be a fucking goth or a mosher like the rest of us were for fuck's sake.
Exactly this. It’s like who can be the most repulsive. With their weird undercuts or small boy from the early 90s haircuts 😅

Also the women who say they are nb or ’gender nonconforming’ (major eye roll) where they all dress in plain colour T-shirts- white, black, grey or brown, must be boxy so as not to show any smidgen of a chest, mens trousers or chinos, the more shapeless the better, and clunky big horrible flat shoes. They think they are so individual but they all look the same. Trying to make themselves look as uninteresting and drab as possible. I wouldn’t judge anyone dressing like this (or dressing in any way), but it’s the nb and GNC label they give themselves, thinking they are so special and different. Be a woman and wear whatever the hell you like but don’t tell me a plain white tshirt means you’re not really a woman Jenny.
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I just want the tide to turn on this issue and for more people to see it for what it is and speak up more. I want more people with a public platform to speak up, to embolden ‘regular’ people to do the same and make the majority heard. It saddens me that JKR is one of the only well-known women speaking out about this. And she can afford to, because if they try to cancel her she has enough money that they can’t ruin her livelihood.
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Nicola Sturgeon trying to throw everyone else under the bus.

Take some responsibility for once Nicola, this is on you
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Anyone who would put a rapist in amongst vulnerable women like this because “they’re no angels” is a fucking monster.
“They’re no angels” is the crux of the issue.

I genuinely believe that some people - maybe more than we think - believe it’s OK to put a male sex offender into a female prison because they think female prisoners deserve to live in the worst conditions imaginable. They’re in prison right? They’re supposed to be punished! Fuck ‘em.

It’s also why I think policy makers believed they might get away with it with minimal uproar.
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This is why it’s important to move away from “trans women” - “trans women don’t belong in women’s sport” sounds, to an untrained ear, unfair. “Male people don’t belong in women’s sport” isn’t just more convincing, it’s also more accurate.

the reason to exclude trans women from women’s sport isn’t transness, it’s because they are male - so they’re excluded for exactly the same reason I am, and that’s fine.
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The sports thing is why i went terf. when i was younger I was a decent athlete in one of the sports that had a lot of high profile trans stuff recently (cycling), and it made me look into it all. I only coach and ride for fun (and do a bit of cx for a laugh) these days, but don't want my athletes to have to deal with men on the track. Luckily, there have been a number of high profile female cyclists who are unafraid to be public about their views, but there are many more with terfy opinions who just keep quiet so as to not rock the boat with sponsors etc.

I also have a STEM PhD. I have found no reputable studies so far that show trans athletes have no advantage. Happy to read anything anyone supplies and critique or explain anything people need clarity on.
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Trans masc? What the hell is that? Narcissistic…

I don’t care

I truly don’t.

Social media has warped people’s perception of their importance to everyone else. Main character energy… is being a coked up arsehole as far as I can make out
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Scotch Mist

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I’m slowly getting to this point as well. We had a guy join our team recently and, although he didn’t explicitly say he’s a TRA, he immediately included his pronouns in his email signature and deliberately starts conversations to trip people up if they “misgender” someone or say something that’s not perfectly aligned with his narrow views. He makes constant thinly veiled jokes about reporting people to HR. He’s the only man in our team and it’s so obvious he knows he holds a degree of power over us, especially in this current climate, and he particularly targets older women. Bit by bit we’re all becoming more vocal but there’s always the underlying threat of potentially losing your job. It’s incredibly sinister.
That's awful and many younger men appear to be captured by this crap. If I was you I would keep a little diary of all his attempts to punish you or trip you up. If he's targeting older women then he's sexist and ageist. Keep your little diary as potential ammunition in case you need it.

I have a male work colleague in his 30s who is similarly woke as fuck but I've learned that it's best only to engage with him about work and not to express my views about politics, gender etc or anything not related to work. When I'm in a position to retire I might start being a bit more vocal.

People who add those silly pronouns are making themselves look ridiculous without any help from us.
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What I wanna know is why aren’t these trans charities setting up refuges for TiMs if they supposedly care so much about them??
JK Rowling literally set one up for females recently, and she’s not even a charity lmao
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Beth Ditto constantly got told to put it away.

So does Madonna - they just had an exhibition of all the pictures from her SEX book for the 30th anniversary.

So does Cardi, Nikki, Mega, Miley.

the Mail gets into a clutching pearl frenzy about all of those women, why should Sam be exempt? He wants special treatment, again.
Madonna had videos banned. There was uproar over WAP when males in their genre have been being explicitly sexual for decades. Christina A dirty video I can remember the uproars. Miley and wrecking ball. Britney and slave 4 U. Women take a battering for using religious imagery in pop culture. They take batterings for their body size constantly so why the fuck should I care about this fella in womanface getting a raw deal when it’s obviously exactly what he’s encouraging to stay relevant.
Sex sells is a tale as old as time isn’t it and women are vilified for it and applauded for it and make money from it. The problem and difference with Sam is he is fetishising and reducing women to sexual objectification when he is not one. He has no lived experience as a woman. He can take off his corset (should do soon before he loses circulation) put on normal clothes and opt out whenever he wants in a way women can’t fully. And quite frankly, he looks absolutely dog shite in women’s underwear. As all men generally would as it’s cut for women’s bodies.
Like I’ve said before, there’s a complex argument around women being overtly sexual, taking power in it, making huge amounts of money from it. Many female pop stars and actors have spoken of the negative effects on their mental health and career for feeling pressured to be overtly sexual, most of them when too young, lots of them unable to shake it off or viewed in any other way once they go down that route. I’m sure in his later years Smith will revert back to mediocre crooner because he can. Men that want to be objectified like women, have the power to step away from it at any point because they’re playing dress up and pretending to have a woman’s body.
I also think it’s hilarious that this crowd think they invented gender nonconformity when you had artists like Annie Lennox, KD Lang, Tracy Chapman, Prince, Boy George who were much better at it imo.
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I saw this on Twitter this morning and put it on the JKR thread but not here - it really is a purity spiral and the snake is starting to eat its own tail.

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LMAO the state of this. He’s annoyed because lesbians aren’t into penis? It’s a fucking sexuality, and men and their penis have no place in it. We aren’t attracted to what he sees himself as, we’re attracted to reality. I feel so sad for young girls figuring out their sexuality and still being told by shits like this that because they see themselves as women means we have to.

This is the kind of shit I used to hear from guys in night club when I told them I was gay so not interested in them (“oh, but you haven’t tried my penis”). He can believe whatever he wants to believe about himself, but he shouldn’t expect everyone else to also believe it.

He can keep his mascara wand tucked in his pants, thank you very much.
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Middle aged bloke ice princess - this is an international skating event in Finland where centre stage was given to a bloke who wanted to be a princess for the day - watch the video :ROFLMAO:

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No debate is the only reason this has gone this far. Hopefully India makes a complete tit of themselves
Watching it shaking but so glad for Ella Whelan is there! India did indeed make a tit of himself, especially when he used himself as an example of someone who gets raped and would he expect to be put in a men’s prison, looking as he does?? What?? Why would the VICTIM be put in prison? He’s off his head. I’m annoyed no one picked him up on that idiotic statement. But shows he always thinks of himself first and foremost. And again saying he’s a biological woman, just to wind all us women up (and he succeeded!!). Such an insult for a MAN to claim to be a biological woman. What a delusional nut case.

India also tried to go down the road that Cornton vale is a tough prison with no angels in there - so what, does that mean they are fair game to be raped by Adam Graham?
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Most women in prison are non violent offenders, but yes let’s call rapists ‘she’ and put them in prison with vulnerable women who can’t escape or seek safety 🙄

A member of staff at my sons nursery is non binary, they’re very clearly female, and my 2y/o calls her she when he speaks about her. I don’t really know how I can explain this to my child as I’ve been told ‘they’ don’t like being misgendered. He’s 2!
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I really do think there has been a noticeable shift in the general dialogue over the last few days. It's no longer about letting people identify as they wish. Motives are being rightly questioned and it's finally out there in the open that yes really, some men are cosplaying as women to access female spaces. I can see TRAs lashing out because they know they aren't going to keep getting their way.

We speak about Scotland a fair bit on here and I noticed a post in the Glasgow subreddit about a "counter protest" against KJK/Standing for Women this weekend. What was interesting is that there were actually a lot of comments pointing out that KJK is simply speaking up and she has the right to do so. They all got down voted but there wasn't much being offered in way of a counter argument, other than... "TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN"

And actually, none of this is about being nasty or deliberately spiteful towards transsexuals. It's about our rights as a sex class. But unfortunately a lot of people have been led to believe that TiMs are kind and gentle Hayley from Corrie types. What has been uncovered with Adam the rapist and that other Scottish bloke in a woman's jail (can't remember the name) has finally exposed this sham.
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Ruby’s mum

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My six year old has just told me yesterday he did a PSHE lesson where they had to “guess B’s gender” based on what they played with and choose B three toys 🙃🙃 I’m raging. So do I speak to the school and find out wth it was about or not?!

I’ve found the lesson.
Speak to the school without a doubt. What the fuck does a child’s choice of toys have to do with their gender? Have we actually gone back to the 1940’s where only boys play with trucks and cars and construction sets and girls play with dolls and prams and tea sets? 😡
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