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I just want the tide to turn on this issue and for more people to see it for what it is and speak up more. I want more people with a public platform to speak up, to embolden ‘regular’ people to do the same and make the majority heard. It saddens me that JKR is one of the only well-known women speaking out about this. And she can afford to, because if they try to cancel her she has enough money that they can’t ruin her livelihood.
I think the tide is starting to turn. This week has been quite a dramatic shift in bringing this issue to the forefront of public media
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Trans masc? What the hell is that? Narcissistic…

Reading the comments and it seems that everyone is just as confused, but trying to be polite about it. It's all attention seeking. Who cares.

Watching it shaking but so glad for Ella Whelan is there! India did indeed make a tit of himself, especially when he used himself as an example of someone who gets raped and would he expect to be put in a men’s prison, looking as he does?? What?? Why would the VICTIM be put in prison? He’s off his head. I’m annoyed no one picked him up on that idiotic statement. But shows he always thinks of himself first and foremost. And again saying he’s a biological woman, just to wind all us women up (and he succeeded!!). Such an insult for a MAN to claim to be a biological woman. What a delusional nut case.

India also tried to go down the road that Cornton vale is a tough prison with no angels in there - so what, does that mean they are fair game to be raped by Adam Graham?
The "women in prison are no angels" comment tells you everything you need to know about how TiMs such as India view women. That women in prison are fair game and deserve to be attacked.

India came out with the usual bollocks about how trans people are 20x more likely to be attacked. I'm sure India is well aware that women are murdered daily because they're women. As someone who claims to be a biological woman (!), you'd think India would be fighting our corner. But their hatred for woman was so clear last night.
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What about the people already in the female prison estate? Will this be applied retroactively I wonder?
You'd hope that this is a house of cards and all male sex offenders are removed followed by all men. Women also need reassurance that it won't creep back in when the spotlight fall off the subject. Then they can hopefully move onto getting men out of hospital wards and so on.

Get the foxes out of the henhouse. A fox in a dress is still a predator.
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Satisfying Click

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Mary Whitehouse is often ridiculed, but she was on the money about the eventual pornification of our culture (I disagree with her views on homosexuality). I haven't listened to this yet, but Samira Ahmed is very thorough and thoughtful in her work.

The BBC news article on celebrity surrogacy is absolutely grim. I really hope the lid has been lifted on this barbaric practice, despite all the propaganda that is being churned out.
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Discussion regarding "Isla" in the office there (my office is approx 98% female) general consensus is he's a rapist, should be nowhere near Cornton Vale and how ridiculous he looks in the wig and leggings.
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Amnesty, clearly unable to grasp the basics of how human beings reproduce as "there is no such thing as a biologically female/male body"


Also on twitter
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A few more comments from the Glasgow subreddit post from todays protests.



What the fuck are they even talking about. Someone asked if they thought that Adam the rapist was part of a "maligned group of people" and the reply is complete waffle about how we need to stop thinking of gender as a binary.

Thick as shit.

Totally acceptable and normal to say TERFs are "fucking scum" though.
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Struggling to remember “the one where… Ross and Chandler simulate pissing into each other’s mouths whilst wearing lingerie” 🤣
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I know there's been a lot of posts about Sam Smith but his stunning and brave show has now made it to LINKEDIN 😂 you just have to fucking laugh, don't you. So inspiring! He's a role model to kids out there who look like him! He's owning it! An icon!

All the comparisons to Prince, George Michael, Madonna, Boy George, Freddie Mercury. But all of those people knew who they were without all the BS and gimmicks. They just had a presence about them. Sam Smith wants a pat on the back for stuffing himself into clothes that don't fucking fit. It's hilarious. People really love to applaud mediocrity.
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Wow, fantastic turnout Glasgow, really heartening to see that more and more people are putting themselves out to go along. It's snowballing now and won't be stopped.
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I really hope the coverage of this male rapist is the tipping point for this dangerous nonsense but I won’t hold my breath.

The picture of him in pink leggings with an obvious and deliberate bulge is so repulsive but it’s a perfect insight into the mindset of deviants like this. He’s mocking his victims and continuing to assert his power and control over them, and women in general, with the backing of the state. He’s now potentially going to be placed permanently in cortonvale where he can re-traumatise vulnerable women with impunity. This is a living hell.
This. I think a lot of people - even some GC people on Twitter and here - don’t quite recognise the extent of the fetishism. Every time somebody comments on a photo like that, ridiculing him even, they are indulging his fetish. His fetish isn’t simply “dressing as a woman” - it’s “conducting himself in a way that causes self humiliation” - he’s aiming his behaviour at the people who ridicule him, and to ridicule him is to comply with his demands to be humiliated. If wearing a suit and tie got him ridiculed, that’d give him a hard on too.
What trans activism does is removes the decision making process and consequences - he doesn’t have to weigh his fetish against a social cost, because there’s a social activism that will laud him for “smashing gender norms”. It’s pathetic
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Chatty Member
What a display from India last night on Question Time. I imagine he thought he was being very clever with his "bad apples" comment. But it totally dilutes the seriousness of what the likes of Adam Graham, Andrew Burns (the bloke who called himself Tiffany Scott), and Stephen Wood (AKA Karen White) have been found guilty of.

To me, a bad apple is someone who is deliberately disruptive, dishonest, unpleasant. That sort of thing. Rapists and violent men are more than fucking BAD APPLES. They are criminals who should be locked up in a MEN'S prison.

I will never let anyone minimise those crimes and brush them off as someone being a bad apple. This is something I've noticed time and time again with TiMs, the manipulation is so obvious once you see it.
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Miss Begotten

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When India said “ looking like I do” unfortunately for him, he looks like a man still, he thinks like a man still, he reacts and asserts like a man and it’s like the old analogy of it if looks like a duck. And even 2 years ago I would have used the feminine pronoun for him.
I wonder if that’s why he’s such an angry little fucker. All that surgery, hair transplants, the pain and the money and after all that it’s still as plain as the nose on his face that he’s a bloke.
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Spotted while picking up the shopping, haven’t read the full article but how awful for prison staff. It’s just satisfying his AGP and humiliating and awful for the staff. What happens to trans men inmates? (Not that I imagine there’s many, as women aren’t violent offenders typically)

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Chatty Member
They are all very hysterical, i clicked link and some twat is "viscerally disgusted that he’s in my city right now" about Graham Linehan. Oh fuck off you egotistocal prick.
I hope Keir takes account of all this, until he recants the way GC witches are expected to i can not vote Labour
Yes they are unhinged. Why wouldn't Glinner be there? Its a free country, is it not? They seem to think he should never leave his home. Mind you the TRA mob don't get out much.

The comments on that post are incredibly ageist and misogynistic.
That was the first thing i noticed. Once you realise how rampant the misogyny is, you can't escape it.

Older women are wise to this shit. TRAs know that they won't accept blokes dressing as women, and that's why they despise us. But by all means carry on calling us hags, that's the best you've got.
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For some reason your link didn't work. Here's the URL

Brenda O'Neil is absolutely brilliant and has been GC from the start he is "one of us ". The male athletes only now speaking out did not support Sharon Davies or the handful of women and men who have been so brave. I messaged Gary Linekar on basis he always hilighting some issue about 18 months ago but he ignored it.
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ugh someone on my sm who I would consider a friend has posted that there’s an anti trans protest in George Sq. So women speaking about their rights is automatically anti trans now? Wow.
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