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And you get people going ‘it’s empowering!’ ‘They are just feeling themselves!’
Don’t even get me started.

The exploitation of women and erosion of our rights are directly linked to the over sexualisation of our society fuelled by mainstream media “pushing boundaries”, and easy access to ever more extreme porn. The belief that women should be able to sleep with whoever we want without judgement (valid) was co-opted and quickly evolved to submitting to your partners porn induced fantasies or be derided as frigid or vanilla. Wear the least amount of clothes possible for YOURSELF, not for men. What man would want to see that? Onlyfans? Get that money! Having sweaty perverts wank to a £5 pic if your fanny is soooo empowering. If you disagree you hate women and are anti feminist. If you’re not hyper feminine or sexual you must be nb or a man. Men are women and should be allowed access to you in the spaces where you’re at your most vulnerable. Only transphobes and bigots would object. Rapists should be housed in women’s prisons because even dangerous male sex offenders have more rights than you. All dressed up as “progress”.

If you got to the end of that you deserve a medal 😂
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I have been reading and watching, horrified, over the rapist being housed in a female prison. I really hope this awful situation will help peak lots of others.

I have said before that sometimes I feel like this nonsense is all in my head and it can't possibly be this bad in real life but it is beginning to pervade everything. I just registered for a webinar for work via eventbrite , and the little graphic that I got to show my order confirmation is blatantly a man in a dress, with boobs and pink hair. Like, why? What? What does that even have to do with booking webinar tickets about something completely unrelated.
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"Just like the children who are being transitioned, female prisoners are live experiments" - Graham Linehan

What no one mentions, and I mean no one, is that these women in the prison with him are completely powerless and silenced. He is free to do whatever he wants to these women and they cannot complain because they will be punished with being written up and given extra time. It is true oppression
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i believe the average, decent man wouldn’t want to share facilities with women and young girls. It’s the ponces and TiMs that want to.
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But what do rainbow crossings do other than annoy people? Scarlett I’m sorry you feel let down by stonewall and your community. I found your comments interesting because I’m straight and I have gay friends and even if I didn’t I would support gay rights and will not let a homophonic comment go unchecked (and sadly there is still so much homophobia about so even just last week I had to pull my brother up for an ignorant comment he made about 2 gay teenagers he saw holding hands ffs). But I’m getting so sick of rainbows and pride 🙈to me it’s doing nothing for the cause of unity and equality. It’s pushing us further apart. It’s ‘othering’ gay people even more. It doesn’t make me judge gay people for it, I actually put the blame firmly with corporations and media execs who are ticking diversity boxes for the sake of it. We are supppsed to ‘celebrate’ people for being gay, but why? A close friend of mine who is a lesbian agrees and we have a running joke where she demands a rainbow fanfare on a night out as she is the only gay one in our group. To be showered in glitter 😁 Gay people just want to live their lives like everyone else! I don’t know exactly where I’m going with this but the constant lgbt messages we as a society as subjected to is OTT imo and possibly doing more harm than good.
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More about their time at college. Was asked to leave because they made others fell uncomfortable, and of course they immediately played the “transphobic” card whenever anyone raised any issues. Possesiveness, clingy behaviour, belittling her and being nasty if ever she even talked to someone else, then playing the victim.

Y‘know it sounds awfully like they were grooming her….
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My son knows a lot of furry/brony types from his gaming groups. He calls it the ‘pipeline’. They start off liking My Little Pony, then eventually it progresses to being a furry, changing to a kind of unisex name, then eventually they end up being called something ridiculous like ‘Luna’ and identifying as a ‘trans girl’. It’s a real shame in some cases, one of the lads currently in the pipeline is someone he’s been friends with since he was 5 who used to be a really outgoing, friendly boy, but now he just sits in his room all day watching anime and drawing ‘original furry characters’. My son doubts he’ll be friends with this group much longer because they constantly take the piss out of him because he likes girls, is very tall and takes pride in his appearance - apparently that means he’s a ‘fuckboy’.
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I’m getting a bit bolder these days and have liked one or two GC things on SM. I’ve always avoided doing that. But if it’s noticed by my employer and mentioned (can’t see that happening but who knows), it’s a hill in prepared to die on.
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It won't work because of this - the metal ball is the size of a baby's head

Sadly the article said C sections would be used.

After the horrors of the Nazis it is an awful shock to realise that Dr Mengele would no longer be seen as a monster but as a trail blazing hero by sections of society.
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Just watching Vera on tv and there was a TiM in it. The character was saying they had been turned out of a Women's hostel as the women felt uncomfortable. Vera stressed how wrong that was as 'she' (the character) was a woman. FFS even Sunday night tv is pushing the trans agenda.
This is so manipulative to have this story line. Of course the women felt uncomfortable, have we just to ignore vulnerable women now? They don’t matter? Ffs. Also, I have read that IRL even women’s refuges that don’t accept TIMs still have a duty to find a safe place for them to go, of which I’m sure there are many. They don’t turf anyone in need on the street or slam doors in faces. It’s misrepresenting facts for an agenda. These tv execs must think we are all buttoned up the back.
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Susie Dent on Twitter - I wonder if she had any people in mind when choosing this word ;)

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Our Cilla

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Just watching Vera on tv and there was a TiM in it. The character was saying they had been turned out of a Women's hostel as the women felt uncomfortable. Vera stressed how wrong that was as 'she' (the character) was a woman. FFS even Sunday night tv is pushing the trans agenda.
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Isla Bryson has made the Scottish news again tonight. Apparently they joined a local college beauty course. Of course under their new name not their real name!!!

And the college wasn't aware they were waiting a trial for rape.

This case is mental. This 'person' is an absolute pervert and needs to be kept away from vulnerable women.

No doubt they'll get a hard time in a men's jail so sometime in the near future will be quietly moved to a female facility.
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Chatty Member
The issue is they are brainwashed into believing all trans people are genuine and anyone who opposes their demands are terfs, scum and far right wing Nazi's and they won't change their minds on that.

In my opinion the only way out of this reasonably is for TRA's to accept that there must be some regulations around trans gender and that public opinion is going to turn faster and faster against them all the time they are showing up as they did today at a women's talk.

  • Without a doubt the GRA must be repealed, it conflicts with the Equality Act.
  • All GRC's must be repealed or or amended no longer give men the automatic right to be "all up in women's spaces"
  • All birth certificates that have been changed, must be returned to their original details. They are a statement of fact and being able to lie makes a mockery of them existing.
  • All passports and driving licences must now be returned to state your sex as fact and offer a gender marker if people wish to use it.
  • Online abuse of women must be added to the Hate Crimes list, this can include dick pics
  • It must stop being acceptable for men to be in women's spaces unquestioned. We need to start challenging every man we see in our spaces or be able to call the police if they are there
  • All LGB -T+ shit show organisations must be reviewed and firm, enforceable guidelines put in place to safeguard women and children
  • All safeguarding must be returned and strictly enforced
  • Complete re-education of government bodies, NHS, Education, Police, Local government - all of it.
If the government still wants to pander to TRA's then they grow a pair and state clearly that people either live however they want, but use the facilities for their sex or it's time for these vile TRA orgs to cough up for some spaces of their own.

Yes absolutely. I don't think these people have any issues at all with their intellect (@Piff paff puff completely see why you've suggested this though)

KJK is entitled to say what she thinks. There was absolutely no need for TRAs to turn up as a "counter protest". Against what, exactly? A woman saying she doesn't believe that you can change sex?? They turned up because they can't stand to see a woman speaking out. They're free to hold their own events in support of trans issues any time they like but they deliberately chose today to start shit with KJK and the people who were there to listen to her.

What I keep noticing is that TRAs claim to be against "fascism" (they keep saying this and I don't think they know what it actually means) and that they're supporting trans people, when actually it's a convenient cover up for their misogyny and hatred of women.
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Weebles Wobble

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Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said his party had "warned for months" during the debate over the gender reforms that "violent criminals just like the sex offender, the absolute beast we are discussing today, would try to exploit loopholes in the law and attack and traumatise women."

He added: "It should not have taken public disgust and a slew of negative headlines about a double rapist being sent to a women's prison for Nicola Sturgeon to realise this was completely unacceptable and wrong.

"She and her justice secretary have the power to impose a blanket ban on all rapists being sent to women's prisons, so why is she refusing to exercise it?

"It suggests Nicola Sturgeon's screeching U-turn in the Bryson case was down to fears over the political risk to herself rather than the safety risk to women prisoners."

Leading article on BBC News right now!
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Salted Caramel

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If you didn't just catch the start of the BBC News at 10, Huw Edwards' tone of voice reading the headline about Adam Graham was just pitch perfect.

ETA the reporter just stated that Police Scotland would NOT be including his rapes on the list of offenses perpetrated by men. WTAF. I feel so sorry for the poor women he assaulted, they don't deserve any of this.
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