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Anyone seen that Kaelie on tiktok? Says he's uncomfortable using men's bathrooms as he identifies as female (he has a beard and uses the 'some women grow beards' as an excuse for his manly appearance). Yet, he gives 0 fucks to the women he's making uncomfortable by forcing himself into our spaces.

Why is their discomfort more important than women's rightful discomfort of having some smelly fat man in their bathroom? His 100 videos dedicated to invalidating women's feelings and rights for his own selfish desires is sickening.

And that it was never about hatred of trans people, and only about the rights of women.
This is the point everyone has been missing. It's shameful, women deserve private and safe spaces.
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What would we all do without OJ telling us what to think and say and do? What would we do without his misogynistic comments? I just can’t imagine.

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Thank goodness the girl is safe & sound xxx
A huge relief. I live in the Borders and people were frantic.

Sturgeon will never escape this appalling attempt at legislation, it has emboldened all the lunatics who think this is a get out of jail free card. I doubt she'll still be SNP leader by the year's end. There will be more stories like this, sadly.
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I am noticing more AGPs striding around in public in my city centre now. Those I have seen locally seem to be middleaged.
Same. Saw one in Queen Margaret Drive (Glasgow) in a denim mini, frilly ankle socks, hair in bunches, 6ft tall and as masculine looking as you can get. They’ve been emboldened.
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KJK's stream is lagging terribly, so listening to it 😁
What amazing scenes - well done Glasgow and all who've travelled there

Footage of the turnout:

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“SPS have a duty of care and will take steps. A trans person should not have any contact or be in the same location at any time with a person who has been charged or sentenced to a transphobic crime.”

This part jumped out.
it’s the same type of impact study that was carried out in schools…..both forgot to ask the people it would impact most in this case woman and girls….they also ignored run of the mill prison guards

it was basically so you are trans… can we bend over backwards for you!!!!
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Bet the TRAs turn on Sturgeon now. Good, let's hope other males are not sent to women's prisons either. Apologies for multiple posts today, I am thoroughly pissed off by society at the moment 🫣
Sturgeon has seen the backlash and shit herself. Anything she does is self serving, although I'm delighted he's going to the men's prison where he belongs.
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I think what KJK does is beautifully simple - allowing women to speak. She stands for all women whatever their political persuasion. She is a one-cause pressure group.
However, being politically “blind” on purpose and saying that she is not a feminist and going on shows like Tucker Carlson and being a Jordan Peterson fan means she is open to criticism from the left. Fair enough - I think a lot of the people she associates with are terrible too. But she also associates with left wing feminists, black feminists, radical lesbians - she will associate with anyone who will amplify the message that a woman is an adult human female and men cannot be women.
I agree. We really need KJK as she generates a huge output and seems to have great energy to fight the cause. Some of the other women, whilst doing an absolutely sterling job could be seen by some (and therefore not listened to) as being too lefty or too cerebral whereas KJK goes for plain talking.
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This reminds me of when I was in hospital last year and I had a male nurse tend to me. He did an ECG on me and was subtly fondling my breasts while doing it. I had no energy to kick up a fuss, no one was around and I was too scared. Was in hospital for an overdose as well. So grim.
That's horrific, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I had three weeks in hospital at the start of this year, including five days in the high dependency unit, which was mixed sex patients and a fairly equal split of male and female nurses, but I wasn't really in a state to worry about it too much. When I went up to a normal ward it was all women in the other beds (2 rooms with 6 beds each for women, same for men, plus a few individual rooms), but we did have one male nurse rota'd on our room for a few days. He was absolutely professional the whole way through, was fine about it if any of the ladies said they would prefer a female nurse for something intimate, like being helped with the commode, and he was never involved with helping us shower or wash, he would go and help out on the men's side at that point in the day and one of their rota'd female nurses would come over to us.
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How did it go? Hopefully mostly peaceful. I couldn’t go as planned unfortunately. Great to see it was such a good turnout.
Really well! The TRAs were kept well away from us, they’re actually a pitiful sight with the walkers and sticks. They’ll be lucky to see 50.

Totally deluded whoever/whatever you are in your Halloween costume.
Another thing...
The brave women AND men who were out supporting Kellie Jay and the other speakers today didn't need to hide their faces!
Was heartening to see a lot of men there today, we need their support too.
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Urgh this guy tries to be all 'Dylan' cutesy but is just creepy

Ahh this is @jamesissmiling on tiktok. He is horrendous tbh, he made a video a few months ago where he was basically laughing about the fact that women get scared when he walks up behind them at night in the street, but it’s ok coz he’s a trans woman not a man 💀 like what?
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The male doctor is fully qualified, but that isn’t the point. You should be comfortable with whoever is going to perform whatever procedure. Male nurses and doctors and carers should be prepared to be asked to defer to female staff when requested by women. In general would men prefer other men to deal with their personal issues or are they not bothered? Most nurses and carers are women after all and they do get sexually harassed by male patients.
Even giving birth I didn’t want a male doctor when things got bit scary. Thankfully I was able to choose a female doctor and I’m glad I did as she was amazing. Obviously in emergency situations that would go out the window. But I have luckily always had the option to choose. I would be interested to know if women of faith are treated to eye rolls if they request a female.

On that note, Muslim women and women of other faiths have really been completely ignored and disregarded in all this. Just completely treated like they don’t matter ☹
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Good to see he and him used throughout this article. Confirming that it’s distressing to victims to have to play along with these arsehole’s mind games. What also upsets me is that, for victims to go through the process of a trial and all that comes with that, one motivator can be to know that they are keeping others safe from their attacker. “What about the ladies?” It breaks my fucking heart actually.
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Homophobia again and again…

It seems that most lesbians are gender critical but a minority of gays are.

This rhetoric is so dangerous. Young people, especially girls, are being taught that they’re a bigot if they won’t allow their boundaries to be violated.

No one is entitled to sex or romantic relationships. A person can refuse to have sex with anyone for any reason.
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The thing is, if we're being harsh (which I am), most overtly sexualised videos are by attractive artists who can carry off the look - Christina, Britney etc. That doesn't make it any more acceptable but I don't understand why Sam Smith has done this? He does have a nice voice, he doesn't need all this show and pomp and he looks absolutely fucking terrible, it's all a complete mess. If he thinks he's showing what it's like to non-binary - he's way off the mark. He honestly deserves the shit ripped out of him, the actual state.
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Made me sick to my stomach reading that this morning 🤢
The one thing that gives me hope reading this article is that despite it referring to him as ‘her’, the witnesses are quoted as referring to him as him. The witnesses calling it as it is, a male pervert doing perverted things. I wonder if the person writing it fights with their conscience to call an obvious man a woman.

ETA: does anyone else feel like more cross dressing perverts are coming out into the open? Every other day there’s an article or something. Where are all the perverted TiFs…? It’s almost as if it’s a predominately male problem.
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