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Chatty Member
Same girl same. I've seen people say "well gay was used as an insult too, why is that okay but queer isn't?" and for me it's the fact nobody I care about has ever used gay as an insult, whereas I've had queer used about me and to me. I don't like it and I don't like that people just assume they can use it about me. Use bi, use gay if you must I'm not arsed, but I hate that ~the community~ has just decided we all use queer now.

On the subject of non binary romances, I'm actually fuming that my favourite character on Grey's Anatomy has just snogged a non binary character. She's been hinted at as being bi going back years but rather than give her a female love interest, they've given her the PC attention-seeking, headline-grabbing kiss with a non-woman.
I've spent a lot of lockdown (re)watching Greys + Private Practice + Station 19, and I think there's a fascinating timeline there of liberal ideas about trans (including an excruciating Private Practice episode which uses the 'born in the wrong body' argument which there's been so much backpedalling about and you can really see why people would want to disown it). I think there are a lot of problems with the Season 18 of Grey's and it makes me sad, but one of the biggest is that the actor playing Kai has marginally less animation and magnetism than the Giant Robot Hand, and that their habit of mumbling pronouns as part of introducing anyone to anyone else is both profoundly irritating and profoundly WTF. It's horrible seeing lovely Amelia having to overact INSTANT! ATTRACTION! to such a grey blur, but I'm comforting myself with the belief that with the best of intentions the show is demonstrating how rubbish this cult is. (Apologies for the essay!)
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Both articles from the DM

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Holy fuck!
Allowed to go on the internet to buy clothes and wigs but other prisoners couldn’t.
Blatantly stopped taking medication in order to get erections
Didn’t tell the prisoners that a man was going into a womens prison
Multiple sexual assaults

theres a facebookgroup called "this never happens" which posts stories like this, it is a closed group so you have to request to join, it is just awful
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That looks such a lovely book!

This is an excellent cartoon because when it comes to unpaid female labour everyone knows what a woman is.
Note "woman only" too

She's on her own with those posts and pans and all that kitchen stuff

This HAS to be parody. But I honestly fear that it isn't.

View attachment 929627
I've got a question, apologies, I'm not sure how to use the spoiler tag, it always goes wrong

If a MTF is raped (so oral or anal rape, not vaginal as there is no vagina), is it recorded as a woman being raped?

If a FTM rapes someone (oral, digital, or with object), is it recorded as being commited by a male assailant?

And vice versa

It's hard to express these questions
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Under English law, no. It falls under Section 2 which also carries the maximum penalty of a life sentence. Of course women can also be sexual offenders but under English law they do not commit rape as it is a male crime as it requires a penis.

We know that the vast, vast majority of sexual offences are committed by men, predominantly against women (and also other men and children). Women do not commit sexual offences on the same scale as men do, nothing close to it.

I am sorry that the legal definition may mean men or women who are victims of female sexual offenders to feel invalidated. I wouldn’t say to someone’s face “that isn’t rape” if that is how they think of it and process it.

I still feel however the current legal definition of rape is sufficient as it records a specific crime, committed by a specific group (men.)

Should the legal definition of rape be changed? Do we do away with rape being specifically committed by a male individual with a penis? If women committed sexual offences on the same scale as men, maybe I would agree but they don’t and the law offers the same penalties for penetration without a penis as it does for rape.

Rape is a weapon of men.
I agree with this , obviously it is mianly men who do this, but it also leaves the door open for men who use something else to penetrate a woman being allowed to get off with a much lesser charge
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Chatty Member
I think he’s had implants for a few years now. No idea how the wardrobe department dresses him when he’s benefitting from “boy mode” and acting as a man, because I avoid following his career - he gives me the ick.
That’s what chest binding is for, allll about the fluidity.
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I have never heard of WPATH as an organisation but I’ll hazard a guess that the board are all white AGP males. Y’know, the ones that wield all the power when it comes to declassifying gender dysphoria as a mental illness and always pushing hard for complete capitulation from the medical profession when it comes to hormones and surgeries at any age.
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No it is the “doctor” (in Canada iirc.) who internally posted a selfie with a patient who had just had their boobs removed (the one who seemed to have used a kitchen knife to do so I think?
was it This one?
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I took one for the team and had a look through her gallery of patients. Most of the "neo-vaginas" look like a ham hock after a pack of dogs has been at it. No photos of her phalloplasties. I wonder why that might be...
Appreciate you taking one for the team. I couldn’t stomach that. I’ve just sat and told my husband about the 13 year old girl in Canada and he thinks I’m making it up. I don’t want to show him the picture though 😑
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I have never heard of WPATH as an organisation but I’ll hazard a guess that the board are all white AGP males. Y’know, the ones that wield all the power when it comes to declassifying gender dysphoria as a mental illness and always pushing hard for complete capitulation from the medical profession when it comes to hormones and surgeries at any age.
WPATH was originally named the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, after Harry Benjamin, MD (1885-1986). Dr. Benjamin was one of the first physicians to work with gender dysphoric persons. Their board is primarily made up of people in the clinical/scientific field who have a lot of publications to their names. There are a mixture of male and females with the only trans person being Tamara Adrian a politician in Venezuela who in the past had been a human rights lawyer. However they also have Prof. Richards who is Lead Consultant Psychologist/Head of Psychology at the London Gender Identity Clinic (Charing Cross) within the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. So I would imagine the story has been driven by herself rather than possible the whole organisation.
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I have a copy of The Whole Woman, don't think I've read it for at least 18 years. If I can find that part in the book I'll report back.

I think there is an argument that FGM is a cultural practice that is desired by/motivated by women, much like women in the West will undergo cosmetic surgery, even labiaplasty etc. and it's hypocritical to think breast implants are an acceptable "choice" because they're a cultural norm for us but forms of female body modification in other cultures are mutilation.

Obviously this doesn't apply to children being operated on. I also don't necessarily share the above view, but I can see how it might fit in the context of the quote.
If its a quote from 18 years ago, Times have changed !

I vaguely knew about FGM 18 years ago, but not until the past few years have I realised how prevalent it is amongst certain communities and how young the girls are who are 'operated' on.
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If "they" had been more boyish growing up then it wouldn't seem so strange, I have a few relatives and friends who I wouldn't hesitate in thinking were non-binary. It's only recently become more common to use these terms. Are fetishes included in the trans world? It's not just the gender that has changed with my "eldest child" (not a bloody child anyway, an adult) it's sexuality too!
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I'm in IT and the men to women ratio is 4:1, a number of years back the men had a spreadsheet ranking all the women. Management did find out but was a case of telling not to be at it and delete, no warnings and no training - most of the management is male too.

The looking at SM profiles is very common, def best to keep to a minimum of whats publically seen

It's the lefty men too that are all sex work is work and don't want to know about any of the trafficking or the minors, and any former sex workers that speak out are attacked and accused of just being salty as they're older. This along with detrans and females is shocking how they don't see the censorship they're after while complaining of the right trying to censorship.

The other forum I follow for music many are TRAs, most of them seem keen on solo poly relationships and call mono relationships couple privilege and the relationship escalator, rather salty terms. It makes me laugh as most are single and struggling to maintain a single relationship, a few are pan too to widen their disappointment :ROFLMAO: (I have to find humour as not to crack) If any are happy poly and works for you it's grand it's just the bitching i'm laughing at.

My partner I vbelieve is one of the good ones, been together a long time and doesn't care for porn, but I very much have my guard up with every other man I and am now careful with what I tell them as I'm not sure if they are TRA or will turn TRA. Same actually goes for women too - trying to work out if they've been captured. Thankfully no pronouns in meetings yet
What’s a relationship escalator?
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Without knowing if there's any further context or story to this, it's stupid as fuck. When I had long hair with a side shave, I had no problem going into a barbers to get them to touch it up for me every so often - short hair is short hair!
A girl I was at school with used to go to the barbers for her haircut. This was the late 1980s, I may add.
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Chatty Member
I came across a dating profile the other day, had all the tick marks of Twitter bully - pansexual, agender, polyamorous, sex positive etc etc. Then at the end had no TERFS, no SWERFs. Having no clue what a SWERF was I had to Google it, apparently it's a bad thing to disagree with an industry that exploits and degrades women, who knew!
Sex worker exclusive radical feminist maybe?
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Chatty Member
Could anyone help me find the tweet (posted here) where a trans woman posted a photo of them in a hospital bed with a laptop?
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