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VIP Member
we are living in 1984, language means nothing. Can we just invent a new term for ourselves (that is not cis women) and campaign as a minority group for our own new spaces, then trans women will want to use those and we can move back to being women?
what is VRR?
Oh sorry - Vancouver Rape Relief
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I cannot say that I would find trans men attractive (I am a straight female) because I see trans men falling under a category of “other”. I don’t see them as men, or transwomen as women. I see them as human beings but not the same as a biological man or woman. They are a category of people who can do their own thing, and leave me to mine. You are attracted to who you are attracted to, you cannot be forced to fancy someone in case you are seen as transphobic. I suspect the majority of people think the same. Be who you want to be, if you are not trampling on other people, but don’t demand that people find you attractive.

Yes, the wide group of people who they thought would readily accept this is astonishing. I think the police have it in their code of conduct to speak out about another officer’s wrong doing. If the 42 did not do this, they need to be investigated too. What else have they shared.
exactly, it terrifies me. At this point a male police officer would not be someone I felt safe with/reporting anything to at all

Suspended on full pay I bet.
Any office who received those photos and didn’t report them should be fired.
I hope they get prison time and their pensions taken away.
although if Sarah's murderer is in prison and still (IIRC) gets a pension, is there any hope of this?
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The BBC may have used her as a source (possibly because many other women are afraid to speak up) but that doesn't negate the many problems with gender ideology. You can be an awful person and still make valid points about trans identified males coercing lesbians into sleeping with them
Very this. Also, if I'm not mistaken, isn't she like 'ground zero' for the cotton ceiling? Wasn't it her saying No to working with a trans woman porn star that led that same trans women porn star to coin the term 'cotton ceiling' in the first place?
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VIP Member
Why are transgender people obsessed with this idea of trans people being murdered? It's like they need to prove they are the most marginalized group! Data is hard to come by for the UK the only figures I could find were 9 trans people between 2008 and 2017, so about one a year, which is one too many but hardly indicates a mass genocide! As far as I can see, other than in Puerto Rico, trans people aren't getting murdered in their hundreds? Compared to 1425 women murdered in the last decade in the UK?
In the same timeframe ( and I assume this is from a European LGBT group) it was either 10 or 11 trans people who where convicted or charged with murder in the UK
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Chatty Member
OMG, I don't even know who this twunt really is, but when I clicked on his Twitter bio from the link above, I am blocked!! I have never had any interaction with him at all. He must be able to smell TERF. Absolute LOLz.
You may be on a Twitter list - worth checking and blocking the list owner esp if you used an email account that's used elsewhere, just in case they manage to get hold of email addresses (I may be slightly paranoid though there does seem to be many in these big tech places)

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VIP Member
Jesus Christ this little shite is so so pompous. And if its rude to use any other pronouns than "you" when the person is in earshot then why all the bloody fuss about pronouns in the first place?! Make it make sense.

lol Gad can be savage with people on twitter sometimes....hopefully he decides to with this twat
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VIP Member
The Independent realises that this is not okay when a man 'identifies' as a man, but if he said he was NB or trans, they'd be calling anyone who objected bigots.

Compare this old article when they are complaining about hurdles for trans people

They mention Fallon Fox who broke a womans skull in a fight

This is not the fight where the skull is fractured but at 15.00 mins there is clearly heard from the crowd a cry of "kick him in the nuts"
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VIP Member
That doesn’t mean the other sources are lying or have anything questionable about their character though? I’m sorry but implying you can’t or shouldn’t believe the other women or that their stories are undermined by one dodgy source that shouldn’t be there smacks of misogyny to me
I'm implying nothing of the sort. This is how journalism works. You quote one dodgy source and the rest of your article may as well be binned, especially as Cade is one of the few who was actually OK with being *named* when a cursory glance at the internet will show you exactly who she is. It's a problem.
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VIP Member
I wish I could have leave for my cats :ROFLMAO:I like the jeremy vine show, it is the only mainstream show I have seen that talked any sense about the whole trans issue, owen jones aside obviously
What day was this!? Any time I’ve seen it mentioned on JV, he is utterly rude and dismissive of anybody that doesn’t agree with him that TWAW and to be kind, and interrupts and cuts off their calls even if they are in the middle of speaking! And I know it’s not exactly the same but that’s the whole reason Matthew Wright lost the show!
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